Hold - Surrey Schools

Math Potentials: Math Circles and Workshops, for all Grade 5 to 10 Students
To inspire and educate children to take delight and experience success and confidence in doing Mathematics.
Invitation to enrol your child into the Math Circles Program
Dear Parents,
You may have heard about the Math Circles Program at University Campuses in Greater Vancouver, but we, the
representatives of the Math Circles Program, would like to give you more information about the program.
Math Circles Program was initiated by the Pacific Institute of Mathematics Sciences (PIMS) at UBC twelve years
ago. They noticed that the level of math knowledge of their new students was not what they expected; it was not high
enough to meet the demands at University. As a result of poor preparation, students often cannot follow lectures, and
don’t succeed in their studies as planned.
Math Circles Program started at UBC campus with two levels of classes being offered, and now it operates at
three campuses, at UBC, SFU Burnaby, and SFU Surrey with five levels of classes. During these twelve years the
Program has shown great success in raising the level of math knowledge among elementary and high school students. The
students who complete our program are later the best among their peers at university. From the uncertainty at the
beginning of the classes, the students’ math knowledge is gradually raised, reaching full confidence by the end. This
program is designed for talented students, and those who are really interested in math. It is for those who want more in
math and can’t get it in the regular school setting. This summer we will offer two exciting summer math camps. These
camps will focus on the utility and beauty of mathematics, and activities will involve computing the height of tall towers
using trigonometry, computing the circumference of the earth, investigating Fibonacci numbers and much more. Classes
will be limited to 12 students.
Not all students advance at the same pace. Some of them are quicker to click in, and some need more time. But at
the end of the program all of them become fluent in math - they develop the so called mathematical way of thinking,
which is an excellent base for future studies. That’s exactly what is needed for their successful start at university. At Math
Circles students learn math better, and they learn better math. It is not just the material, it is also the way of teaching and
learning here that makes them so successful later.
Through our internationally recognised teachers, and by implementing the best math programs and textbooks
throughout the world, we have created an ideal environment for learning math. Textbooks from the Singapore math
curriculum, combined with Japanese and European teaching experiences, are what make our program strong and unique.
This brings the best practices from the world to your children, guiding them to succeed in math.
For more information you may go to our web site www.mathpotentials.com. There you will find our curriculum,
the addresses of the campuses, registration forms, and other information about the program. You may ask our students and
their parents about it. You can also ask members of our Team directly by email. Our email addresses are:
- for the general inquiry
- for Mr. Katic
- for Natasa Sirotic
- for Sachiko Noguchi
- for Diana Sirotic
When registering online at www.mathpotentials.com, please use the following code to obtain the discounted tuition
fee, available only to students that have been referred to the program. (valid until June 25 only)
Math Circles Team
SD 36 receives a fee to facilitate the distribution of advertising materials from some community organizations and businesses. SD 36
does not accept responsibility or liability for the contents of any advertising and does not endorse an advertiser’s services, goods or
Pricing and
For information and registration
contact Math Potentials Training,
visit www.mathpotentials.com,
email info@mathpotentials.com or
call 604-376-2706.
One-day Workshop:
 MathClick ($87)
One-week Camps:
 Math and Nature ($250)
 Math and Art ($250)
Full-year Program:
 Math Circles
(full year tuition $5301)
If one-time payment option is chosen;
otherwise, it is $650, spread over 8 equal
monthly payments.
Math Potentials
tel 604-376-2706
fax 604-943-9099.
Upcoming Events in
Education for all
Children going into
Grades 6, 7, and 8
Program sponsored by the
Pacific Institute for the
Mathematical Sciences
Math Potentials Training
Our Mission, “ To inspire and
educate children to take delight
and experience success and
confidence in doing
Summer Camps
Year Round Programs
This camp focuses primarily on the beauty of
mathematics. Students will create artwork using
mathematical ideas such as perspective drawings,
proportion and tessellations. They will investigate why
some shapes tile a plane and why some do not (angle
properties). They will create a scale drawing of an object,
such as bicycle, to reinforce their understanding of
proportion. Through game, they will investigate the “Four
Colour Theorem”, a surprising result in mathematics that
states that any map can be coloured using only 4 colours
so that no two countries sharing a borderline will have to
be coloured using the same colour.
"Math as you've never experienced it before"
“Math academy for the young"
Surveys have shown that young children are fascinated with
mathematics. However, for many children as they progress
through school the fascination gradually turns into frustration,
anxiety, incompetence, and boredom. Why? There is a specific
mindset needed to learn math. This mindset can be acquired,
but most people don't know about it. That’s why most people
never become mathematically competent.
We all have a math achievement "blueprint" already engrained
in our subconscious. It comes from past conditioning. The
question is what is your child's blueprint set for – ease and
success, or struggle, mediocrity, and failure? Unfortunately for
most students, their current blueprint will stay with them for
the rest of their life, unless they identify it and change it.
Fortunately, this 1-day workshop will do just that. In it,
children will learn how to completely recondition themselves
for success in math. For many, the change will be immediate
and permanent.
If you are not 100% satisfied with your child's math mark; if
you are not 100% satisfied with your child's understanding of
math; if your child is regularly discouraged by math anxiety; if
your child is working hard and not "getting it"; if your child is
not living up to her or his full potential; then maybe it is time
for some new strategies and different ways of thinking. This
program is transformational. Your child will not be the same
person going out as she or he was coming in. Join us at the
next MathClick Workshop!
There are only 2 elements to developing mathematical
competence, "learning new math" and "practicing the math
you've learned". The MathCircles Coaching Program will
ensure that your child will do both. MathCircles is an ongoing learning and coaching process that will gently
"force" your child to succeed. We use thematic seminars
and structured problem solving to illuminate various
topics of mathematics. There are 17 classes meeting on
Saturdays from October to June, approximately twice a
The object of the program is for your child to dramatically
improve her or his math mark, cut the study time in half,
eliminate the need for a math tutor in the years to come,
keep expanding the math knowledge, and to share the joy
of doing math with like-minded people.
If your child’s results are not matching your child’s
potential, sign up for the MathCircles today.
Jul 15th – 19th from 9:00-12:00
This workshop will focus both on utility and beauty of
mathematics. Activities will involve computing the
heights of trees and other tall objects, widths of fields,
rivers, or lakes as well as the circumference of the Earth
(preliminaries of trigonometry, using scale drawings and
graph paper). Students will also investigate the Fibonacci
numbers and other growth patterns in their many guises as
they appear in nature. This workshop will expose students
experientially to the ideas of trigonometry before its
formal introduction in school mathematics thus helping
them make a deeper sense of it later on.
Jul 15th - Jul 19th from 13:00-16:00
Saturday, Sep 7th from 9:00 to 16:00
Saturday, Sep 14th from 9:00 to 16:00
Coaching Program
October to May
Our Mission: “ To inspire and educate children to take delight and experience
success and confidence in doing Mathematics.”
Program sponsored by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences at UBC
Math Circles Coaching Program at
UBC, SFU Burnaby, and SFU Surrey
for all Grade 5 to 10 Students
Coaching Program
Math Circles Coaching Program is an ongoing
learning and coaching process that will enable
your child to succeed in mathematics. We use
thematic seminars and structured problem
solving to illuminate various topics of
The object of the program is for your child to
dramatically improve her or his math mark, cut
the study time in half, eliminate the need for a
math tutor in the years to come, keep
expanding the math knowledge, and to share
the joy of doing math with like-minded people.
If your child’s results are not matching your
child’s potential, sign up for the Math
Circles today.
The classes are for students who are interested in math, and have a desire to expand and
develop their math knowledge and understanding. We challenge them, and we provide
ample support for them to succeed. This does not mean they have to be especially
talented. We expose them to the content and a style that will help develop their talent. We
do not offer a remedial program, nor do we duplicate the school curriculum. Instead we
focus on problem solving and geometry, which we believe offer a way to develop a
lasting appreciation of mathematics and at the same time provide a number of tools for
thinking mathematically.
Class Structure, Time, and Location
The Math Circles program is structured to have a total of 17 classes, 1.5 hours in
duration, from October through May. The program is offered at three locations: UBC
Campus, SFU Burnaby, and SFU Surrey. Students are placed into classes according to
the level of their mathematical readiness, regardless of age. Prior to the start of the
program, students write the readiness assessment test by which the most suitable
placement into the five different levels is determined.
For further information about class dates, program locations, course contents, and
registration, please go to our web site.
Our Mission: “ To inspire and educate children to take delight and experience
success and confidence in doing Mathematics.”
Program sponsored by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences at UBC
MATH CIRCLES 2013/2014 Registration Form
Special offer for REFFERALS registration: Valid only until June 25th, 2013.
Student Name: _____________(first)_______________________(last) Grade: ____
School: ______________________________________
Teacher: _______________
Parent Name: ________________________________
Discount Coupon Code:
E-mail: ______________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________
Fax: _________________________
Campus Location:
 Please choose your preferred class location:
 Math Circles at UBC Campus
 Math Circles at SFU Campus
 Math Circles at SFU Surrey Campus
If offered, would you be interested in Math Circles at home: Interactive on-line Course?
(still under development)?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe
 One time Math Circles materials fee (please add to the first cheque amount)
 Choose the tuition fee payment option:
One cheque
Three cheques
Eight cheques
Dated Sept/1
Dated Sept/1, Jan/1, Apr/1
Dated Sept/1 through to Apr/1
$ 68.75
Make your cheque(s) payable to Math Potentials Training (MPT). A single cheque may be used
to pay for the materials fee and September tuition fee.
Please read the Regulations at the back and sign below.
Parent Signature: _____________________________
Date: ____________
Our Mission: “ To inspire and educate children to take delight and experience
success and confidence in doing Mathematics.”
Program sponsored by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences at UBC
Math Potentials provides quality programs. Each program requires extensive preparation. We commit on
your behalf when you register. For these reasons our terms and conditions on joining the Math Circles
Coaching Program are as follows:
Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS-SFU, Room 8500, TASC2, 8888 University
Drive, Burnaby; PIMS-UBC, Rooms 110&240, 1933 West Mall, Vancouver; SFU-Surrey Campus
Rooms TBA). Class times are set according to the schedule provided.
2) AGE/GRADE LIMITS (in September)
10 to 15 years or Grades 5 to 10.
3) TUITION FEES for the Math Circles program are set for the complete season, September to early
June. Post-dated cheques for the full season are required at the time of registration, payable to the
MATH POTENTIALS TRAINING. Current full fee and the amounts required for each of the payment
options are stated on the registration form:
a) One cheque
Dated Sept/1
This will offer a significant discount on the full fee.
b) Three cheques
Dated Sept/1, Jan/1, Apr/1
This will divide the FULL fee proportionately.
c) Eight cheques
Dated Sept/1 to Apr/1
This will divide the FULL fee equally.
In the event of a student leaving due to illness or to their family moving away, WRITTEN NOTICE
must be given to this office. Fees will be due one month beyond that in which such notice is given or
that in which the child leaves – whichever is the later date. No refunds will be allowed after March/1.
4) COST OF MATERIALS is a one-time fee payable upon registration. Current amount required is
stated on the registration form, and can be included with the first tuition payment.
5) ABSENCE/PUNCTUALITY (Please see RULES). In addition, written requests are required for
leaves of absence more than one class.
6) “BRING A FRIEND” is a privilege offered to students twice in the school year. Due to space
considerations, make sure that you check with your instructors a week prior to planning on bringing a
Mathematics is by nature a disciplined pursuit. Any disruptive behaviour may result in suspension or
Regular attendance is essential. Unexcused absence may result in suspension or dismissal. In the event
of unavoidable absence a written note must be brought.
Punctuality is essential. Habitual lateness may result in suspension or dismissal from the class.
Students are reminded room facilities are the properties of University and must be treated with respect.
Behaviour before and after classes around the premises must be of the highest order.
In all classes the teachers, instructors, professors, and other adults will be addressed formally (Mr.,
Mrs., Ms., etc)
P.O. BOX 72001
SASAMAT, W 10th Ave
Vancouver, BC V6R 4P2
TEL: 604-376-2706
FAX: 604-943-9099
E-MAIL: mathcircles@mathpotentials.com
WEB PAGE: www.MathPotentials.com