Acts, 1936. 22 — Chaps. 20, 21. If a majority of the votes in answer to said question are in the affirmative, then this act shall thereupon take effect, but not otherwise. Approved February 4, 1936. accepted?" ChaV. 20 ^^ ^^'^ FURTHER EXTENDING THE PERIOD OF OPERATION OF CERTAIN LAWS AUTHORIZING DOMESTIC CORPORATIONS TO CONTRIBUTE TO CERTAIN FUNDS FOR THE BETTERMENT OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. Emergency preamble. Whereus, The deferred operation of this act would tend ^^ defeat its purpose, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Chapter eight of the acts of nineteen hundred and thirtythree is hereby amended by striking out section three, as most recently amended by chapter four of the acts of nineteen hundred and thirty-five, and inserting in place thereof Section 3. This act shall become inoperathe following: tive at the expiration of six years from its effective date. Approved February 6, 1936. — ChaV. 21 ^^ ^^^ RELATIVE TO THE OPEN SEASON ON DEER IN BARN- STABLE COUNTY. Be G. L. (Ter. f 109,^ etc., amended. it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. Sectiou One hundred and nine of chapter one hundred and thirty-one of the General Laws, as most recently amended by section one of chapter five of the acts of nineteen hundred and thirty-five, is hereby further amended by striking out, in the fourth and fifth lines, the so as to read as follows: words "except Barnstable,", Subjcct to the restrictions and provisions hereScction 109. inafter contained, any person duly authorized to hunt in the commonwealth may hunt a deer, by the use of a shotgun or bow and arrow, in all counties between one half hornbefore sunrise and one half hour after sunset of each day beginning with the first Monday in December and ending with the following Saturday, and in any or all of the counties of Berkshire, Frankhn, Hampden and Hamp- — Open season — the additional hunting period hereinafter specified authorized in such county or counties by the director, as evidenced by an order filed in his office and advertised in a newspaper or newspapers published in such county or counties not less than ten days prior to the first Monday in December, between one half hour before sunrise and one half hour after sunset of each day, beginning with the second Monday in December and ending with the following Saturday. No person shall, except as provided in the preceding No deer shall be hunted section, kill more than one deer. shire, if is ' Acts, 1936. — Chap. 23 22. on land posted in accordance with section one hundred and twenty-three, or on land under control of the metropolitan commission, or in any state reservation subject to section one hundred and fourteen except as provided No person shall make, set or use any trap, torch therein. Ught or jack light, salt lick or other device for the purpose of No ensnaring, enticing, taking, injuring or killing a deer. person shall use or carry on his person an arrow adapted for hunting purposes unless it is plainly marked with his name and permanent address. Whoever wounds or kills a deer shall, within forty-eight hours thereafter, send to the director a written report, signed by him, of the facts relative Whoever violates any provito the wounding or killing. sion of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less district Penalty, than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars. Section 2. Section one hundred and twelve of said chap- g. l. (Xer. ter one hundred and thirty-one, as most recently amended f fi2,^etc., by section two of said chapter five, is hereby further amended. amended by striking out, in the second line, the words "ex- — — Section 112. Hunting with cept Barnstable", so as to read as follows: No person shall in any county between one half hour orb™id before sunrise on the first Monday in December and one °g y'lft;^ half hour after sunset on the following Saturday, or, in Berkshire, Franklin, Hampshire or Hampden county, between one half hour before sunrise on the second Monday in December and one half hour after sunset on the following Saturday, if such additional period for hunting deer is authorized in such county under section one hundred and nine, hunt a bird or mammal with a rifle, revolver or pistol or by the aid of a dog, or have in his possession, or under his control, in any wood or field, a rifle, revolver or pistol, or a dog adapted to the hunting or pursuing of birds or mammals, or, while in pursuit of birds or mammals, have in his possession, or under his control, on any highwa}^, any such firearm or dog. Section 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved February 6, 1936. An Act eliminating certain statements from NominaTION PAPERS OF CANDIDATES FOR STATE COMMITTEES. Be it enacted, etc., Qhn^ ^' 92 as follows: Section forty-five of chapter fifty-three of the General g. l. (Ter. Laws, as amended by section thirteen of chapter three hun- ^tc'.!'amendtd'. dred and ten of the acts of nineteen hundred and thirty-two, is hereby further amended by inserting after the word "for" in the sixth line the word: state, so that the first paragraph will read as follows Every nomination Nomination paper shall state, in addition to the name of the candidate, contents of. (1) his residence, with street and number thereof, if any, (2) the office for which he is nominated, (3) the political party whose nomination he seeks, and, except for candidates — — : —