Comparison of Soxhlet and Accelerated Solvent Extraction for Packing Material Leachable and Extractable Studies Using LC-MS Kate Comstock,1 Hua Yang2 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA, 2Thermo Fisher Scientific, Sunnyvale, CA Overview Purpose: To compare Soxhlet and accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) techniques for leachable and extractable analysis. Methods: A transdermal patch pouch and a polypropylene pill bottle were extracted with 2-propanol and hexane using both the Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ASE™ 350 Accelerated Solvent Extractor system and Soxhlet. The samples were analyzed by an LC-MS system consisting of a Thermo Scientific™ UltiMate 3000 LC system and a Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer. Results: Compared to Soxhlet, the Dionex ASE 350 system produces equivalent or more efficient extraction results, but with less time (<0.5 vs. 24 h per sample) and reduced organic solvent use (<30 vs. 160 mL per sample), thereby saving money and time. Introduction . According to the regulations and guidelines of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) 1, the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and other regulatory agencies, extractable and leachable information must be included in each application: New Drug Application (NDA), Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) and Biologics License Application (BLA) for medical devices and container closure systems packaging human drugs and biologics. The main purposes of determining extractable are to obtain data for risk assessment and to provide a basis for leachable studies. Determining what extent compounds can be extracted establishes the maximum amount of material that could be leached. Therefore, sample extraction is an important first step for a successful extractable and leachable study. Methods Sample Preparation Two packaging material sam local pharmacy and a transd company, were extracted us apparatus (n = 1) with 2-pro cut into ~ 2 mm2 to increase efficiency. Accelerated solvent extracti Dionex ASE extraction cell t .extraction cell filled with sam new glass filter in each extra volume with clean Ottawa sa cell cap. Figure 3 shows an extraction cells were placed lower. Accelerated solvent e precision, weigh each collec extraction, divide the sample FIGURE 2. Filled Dionex A Extraction Cell Extraction Flow Extractions traditionally have been carried out using the Soxhlet or reflux techniques2 which require a lengthy extraction (>24 h/sample) and consume a large quantity of solvent (>150 mL/sample). Accelerated solvent extraction technique is an automated extraction technique which provides many advantages over traditional methods. One advantage of using a Dionex ASE 350 system is that up to 24 samples and three solvents can be processed unattended following a single setup. Figure 1 shows a schematic of the accelerated solvent extraction technique. O S S The accelerated solvent extraction technique employs pressure so that organic solvents can be used at temperatures above their boiling points to deliver extractions equivalent to or even better than traditional techniques, but at greatly reduced extraction time (<0.5 hr/sample) and solvent use (<30 mL/sample). ASE has been shown to be a powerful technique to reliably extract compounds from polymer materials.3 In this study, accelerated solvent extraction technique is compared to Soxhlet extraction for the analysis of extractable from packaging material. FIGURE 1. Schematic of the Accelerated Solvent Extraction Technique TABLE 1. Accelerated So Extraction solvent Extraction cell size (mL) Temperature (C) Static extraction time (min) Number of static cycles Rinsing volume (%) Purge time (Sec) Total solvent volume per sa Total extraction time per sa Soxhlet: Add 160 mL solven about 20 min. Weigh and re start extraction and extract f solution by weight after extra After extraction, transfer 1 m . 2 Comparison of Soxhlet and Accelerated Solvent Extraction for Packing Material Leachable and Extractable Studies Using LC-MS . ne pill bottle were extracted ntific™ Dionex™ ASE™ 350 samples were analyzed by an ate 3000 LC system and a Mass Spectrometer. tem produces equivalent or vs. 24 h per sample) and e), thereby saving money and ood and Drug Administration other regulatory agencies, n each application: New Drug NDA) and Biologics License ure systems packaging human ain data for risk assessment g what extent compounds can al that could be leached. a successful extractable and Sample Preparation Two packaging material samples, an amber polypropylene pill bottle purchased from a local pharmacy and a transdermal patch pouch obtained from a pharmaceutical company, were extracted using the Dionex ASE 350 system (n = 3) and Soxhlet apparatus (n = 1) with 2-propanol and hexane. Prior to extraction, both samples were cut into ~ 2 mm2 to increase surface area of the sample and therefore the extraction efficiency. Accelerated solvent extraction: Pack ~ 0.5 g of sample into each Thermo Scientific Dionex ASE extraction cell to carry out extraction. Figure 2 illustrates an Dionex ASE .extraction cell filled with sample. To prepare an Dionex ASE extraction cell, place a new glass filter in each extraction cell cap, weigh sample into Dionex ASE cell, fill void volume with clean Ottawa sand (Fisher Scientific Cat # S23-3) and hand tighten the cell cap. Figure 3 shows an Dionex ASE 350 system, in which filled Dionex ASE extraction cells were placed into the upper carousel and the collection vials in the lower. Accelerated solvent extraction conditions are listed in Table 1. For the best precision, weigh each collection vial without the cap and septum before and after extraction, divide the sample weight by solvent density to determine the volume. FIGURE 3 Dionex ASE 350 System FIGURE 2. Filled Dionex ASE Extraction Cell Liquid Chromatography Column: Thermo Scientific 2.1 × 100mm, 2.6 Mobile phase: A: Water /0.1% F Gradient : 5% B( 0 – 3 min) Flow Rate: 0.4 mL/min Inj. Volume: 10 µL Column Temp.:30°C Detection: Q Exactive mass spe with a HESI-II probe (Sheath Ga was acquired at full scan (m/z 1 dependent MS/MS at 15,000 re Data Analysis Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ C software and Thermo Scientific™ Results and Disc Prior to running sample extracti Soxhlet system blanks were col the systems. Figure 4 shows the chromatograms of HPLC , 2-pro identical, with three major peaks both Dionex ASE 350 and Soxh FIGURE 4. Chromatograms of 2 Extraction Flow Soxhlet or reflux techniques2 onsume a large quantity of n technique is an automated ver traditional methods. One to 24 samples and three setup. Figure 1 shows a e. Ottawa Sand 2.0e9 Sample essure so that organic points to deliver extractions but at greatly reduced L/sample). ASE has been pounds from polymer Intensity (counts) extraction (ASE) techniques for Methods Glass Fiber Filter HPLC Blank 1.0e9 2-propanol Sol 2-propanol Sox 0.0e0 compared to Soxhlet material. TABLE 1. Accelerated Solvent Extraction Conditions 2-propanol Method Hexane Method 2-propanol Hexane Extraction cell size (mL) 10 10 Temperature (C) Extraction solvent 125 100 Static extraction time (min) 5 10 Number of static cycles 3 2 Rinsing volume (%) 100 100 Purge time (Sec) 120 120 Total solvent volume per sample (mL): ~28 ~25 Total extraction time per sample (min): 20 25 Soxhlet: Add 160 mL solvent to flask. Set up the Soxhlet apparatus with cycle time about 20 min. Weigh and record sample weight (0.5 to 1.0 g) into glass fiber thimble; start extraction and extract for 24 hours. Determine the final volume of the extract solution by weight after extraction is completed. After extraction, transfer 1 mL of the extract into an HPLC vial for HPLC/MS analysis. . 0 2 4 Figure 5 shows hexane blanks a chromatograms of hexane solve cleanness of the Dionex ASE 35 three independent Dionex ASE of the accelerated solvent extra FIGURE 5. Hexane Blanks and 3.0e9 Intensity (counts) traction Technique 2-propanol ASE ASE Extraction 2.0e9 ASE Extraction ASE Extraction 1.0e9 Hexane ASE S Hexane Solven 0.0e0 0 2 Thermo Scientific Poster Note • PN71137_2014_E_06/14S 3 4 IGURE 3 Dionex ASE 350 System Detection: Q Exactive mass spectrometer was operated in positive ionization mode with a HESI-II probe (Sheath Gas: 45, Aux Gas: 10, Porbe heater temp.400 °C). Data was acquired at full scan (m/z 150-2000, 70,000 resolution) followed by data dependent MS/MS at 15,000 resolution). Data Analysis Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ Chromeleon™ Chromatography Data System (CDS). software and Thermo Scientific™ Xcalibur™ software Results and Discussion Prior to running sample extractions, Dionex ASE 350 (with sand filled cells) and Soxhlet system blanks were collected to verify that there was no contamination from the systems. Figure 4 shows the chromatograms of 2-propanol blanks. The chromatograms of HPLC , 2-propanol, and blank ASE and Soxhlet extracts are identical, with three major peaks between 15 to 18 min. The blanks demonstrate that both Dionex ASE 350 and Soxhlet systems were clean prior to sample extractions. FIGURE 4. Chromatograms of 2-propanol blanks Intensity (counts) 2.0e9 HPLC Blank 1.0e9 2-propanol Solvent Blank 2-propanol Soxhlet Blank 0.0e0 Hexane Method 2-propanol Hexane 10 10 125 100 5 10 3 2 100 100 120 120 ~28 ~25 20 25 xhlet apparatus with cycle time to 1.0 g) into glass fiber thimble; the final volume of the extract 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 4.0e9 2.0e9 ASE Extraction Cell 3 ASE Extraction Cell 1 Hexane ASE System Blank 0 2 4 6 2 4 Figure 7 compares the c polypropylene pill bottle. solvent extraction and S compounds from the pill extraction, significant so on the sample weight an extraction technique sho was shown the extractio had a significantly highe solution. In conclusion, c of 82.5C, accelerated s extraction results in a sh (20 vs. 160 mL/sample). FIGURE 7. 2-propano 4.0e9 3.0e9 2.0e9 ASE Ex 1.0e9 Soxhlet 2-propa 0 2 4 These results also demo extractable studies. As s different compounds ext Hexane Solvent Blank 0 2-propa Figure 8 shows the chro pill bottle. Here the acce should be similar (1.1x) volumes. Again the acce higher temperature, had h/sample) and less orga ASE Extraction Cell 2 1.0e9 Soxhlet 1.0e9 0.0e0 2.0e9 ASE Ex 3.0e9 0.0e0 20 3.0e9 0.0e0 HPLC vial for HPLC/MS analysis. 5.0e9 5.0e9 Figure 5 shows hexane blanks and ASE extractions of a transdermal patch pouch. The chromatograms of hexane solvent blank and ASE system blank again confirm the cleanness of the Dionex ASE 350 system. The chromatograms of extract solution from three independent Dionex ASE cells are almost identical, which shows the consistency of the accelerated solvent extraction technique. FIGURE 5. Hexane Blanks and ASE Extractions of Transdermal Patch Pouch Intensity (counts) 2-propanol Method FIGURE 6. 2-propanol Ex 2-propanol ASE System Blank Time (min) itions Figure 6 is results of 2-prop compounds were extracted Intensity (counts) ple into each Thermo Scientific igure 2 illustrates an Dionex ASE nex ASE extraction cell, place a mple into Dionex ASE cell, fill void at # S23-3) and hand tighten the m, in which filled Dionex ASE and the collection vials in the listed in Table 1. For the best and septum before and after sity to determine the volume. As the extracts from three included in the Figure 6 to Intensity (counts) pylene pill bottle purchased from a ained from a pharmaceutical 0 system (n = 3) and Soxhlet to extraction, both samples were mple and therefore the extraction Liquid Chromatography Column: Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ Accucore C18 column, 2.1 × 100mm, 2.6 µm Mobile phase: A: Water /0.1% Formic Acid; B: Acetonitrile/ 0.1% Formic Acid Gradient : 5% B( 0 – 3 min), 5% to 95% B (3 – 21 min), 5% B (21.1 – 25 min) Flow Rate: 0.4 mL/min Inj. Volume: 10 µL Column Temp.:30°C 8 10 12 Time (min) 14 16 18 20 4 Comparison of Soxhlet and Accelerated Solvent Extraction for Packing Material Leachable and Extractable Studies Using LC-MS ore C18 column, As the extracts from three Dionex ASE extraction cells have similar results, only one is included in the Figure 6 to Figure 8. onitrile/ 0.1% Formic Acid 21 min), 5% B (21.1 – 25 min) Figure 6 is results of 2-propanol extraction of transdermal patch pouch. Two compounds were extracted with retention time of 10.8 and 13.1 minutes. 0 (with sand filled cells) and here was no contamination from 2-propanol blanks. The SE and Soxhlet extracts are min. The blanks demonstrate that ean prior to sample extractions. Intensity (counts) Intensity (counts) 4.0e9 ASE Extraction 3.0e9 2.0e9 Soxhlet Extraction ASE Ext 6.0e9 4.0e9 Soxhlet E 2.0e9 0.0e0 1.0e9 Hexane 0 2 4 2-propanol Blank 0.0e0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time (min) 14 16 18 20 Figure 7 compares the chromatograms of 2-propanol extractions of an amber polypropylene pill bottle. Compared to blank, the extracts from both accelerated solvent extraction and Soxhlet show additional peaks indicating there are extractable compounds from the pill bottle. Despite the presence of the condenser in the Soxhlet extraction, significant solvent was evaporated after the 24 h Soxhlet extraction. Based on the sample weight and volume, the extraction solution from the accelerated solvent extraction technique should be 4x concentrated of the Soxhlet solution. However, it was shown the extraction solution from the accelerated solvent extraction technique had a significantly higher number of peaks at higher responses (>4x) than the Soxhlet solution. In conclusion, compared to Soxhlet extraction at the 2-propanol boiling point of 82.5C, accelerated solvent extraction at 125C had delivered more efficient extraction results in a shorter time (~0.5 vs. 24 h/sample) using less organic solvent (20 vs. 160 mL/sample). FIGURE 7. 2-propanol Extractions of an Amber Polypropylene Pill Bottle Note: The data was acqu resolution using Q Exactiv identify the unknown extra Mass Spectrometer and m Analysis” for more detail. Conclusion Accelerated solvent patch pouch and a 350. Accelerated solvent extractions than the and less solvent. Using different solve 5.0e9 16 18 of a transdermal patch pouch. The ystem blank again confirm the matograms of extract solution from ntical, which shows the consistency of Transdermal Patch Pouch References 4.0e9 20 Intensity (counts) 14 in) n) 8.0e9 5.0e9 matography Data System (CDS). re 12 10.0e9 FIGURE 6. 2-propanol Extractions of a Transdermal Patch Pouch ated in positive ionization mode Porbe heater temp.400 °C). Data solution) followed by data 2 FIGURE 8. Hexane Ex 1. FDA, Guidance for Drugs and Biologics uidances/ucm07055 3.0e9 2. PQRI, Leachables a Practices for Extrac Products, 2006. [On Apr 17, 2014). 2.0e9 ASE Extraction 1.0e9 0.0e0 Soxhlet Extraction 2-propanol Blank 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 3. Dionex , now part o Solvent Extraction ( [Online] http://www. Polymers-14Apr201 20 Time (min) Figure 8 shows the chromatograms of hexane extractions of an amber polypropylene pill bottle. Here the accelerated solvent extraction technique and Soxhlet extractions should be similar (1.1x) based on the similar sample weights and extract solution volumes. Again the accelerated solvent extraction technique, which extracted at higher temperature, had more efficient extraction results with less time (25 min vs.24 h/sample) and less organic solvent (25 vs.160 mL/sample). These results also demonstrate the importance of using different solvents for extractable studies. As seen in this pill bottle example, different solvents can result in different compounds extracted (Figures 7 and 8). 14 16 18 20 All trademarks are the p This information is not in that might infringe the in . Thermo Scientific Poster Note • PN71137_2014_E_06/14S 5 . ls have similar results, only one is FIGURE 8. Hexane Extractions of an Amber Polypropylene Pill Bottle ermal patch pouch. Two 8 and 13.1 minutes. 10.0e9 mal Patch Pouch 12 8.0e9 Intensity (counts) 16 18 20 nol extractions of an amber xtracts from both accelerated aks indicating there are extractable ce of the condenser in the Soxhlet r the 24 h Soxhlet extraction. Based olution from the accelerated solvent the Soxhlet solution. However, it rated solvent extraction technique er responses (>4x) than the Soxhlet ction at the 2-propanol boiling point had delivered more efficient ample) using less organic solvent Soxhlet Extraction 2.0e9 Hexane Blank 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time (min) 14 16 18 20 Note: The data was acquired at full scan followed by data dependent MS/MS at 15,000 resolution using Q Exactive mass spectrometer. Better than 1ppm mass accuracy help identify the unknown extractable compounds. See related poster “High Resolution Mass Spectrometer and mzCloud Database Search for Extractable and Leachable Analysis” for more detail. Conclusion er Polypropylene Pill Bottle 12 4.0e9 0.0e0 14 ASE Extraction 6.0e9 Accelerated solvent extraction technique was demonstrated on a transdermal patch pouch and a polypropylene pill bottle using the automated Dionex ASE 350. Accelerated solvent extraction technique provides automated and more efficient extractions than the traditional Soxhlet extraction method and require less time and less solvent. Using different solvents can provide useful information on extractable. References 1. FDA, Guidance for Industry, Container Closure Systems for Packaging Human Drugs and Biologics, 1999. [Online] uidances/ucm070551.pdf (accessed Apr 17, 2014). 2. PQRI, Leachables and Extractables Working Group, Safety Thresholds and Best Practices for Extractables and Leachables in Orally Inhaled and Nasal Drug Products, 2006. [Online}] (accessed Apr 17, 2014). 14 16 18 3. Dionex , now part of Thermo Scientific, Application Note 331: Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) of Additives from Polymer Materials. Sunnyvale, CA. [Online] (accessed Apr 17, 2014). 20 actions of an amber polypropylene technique and Soxhlet extractions le weights and extract solution technique, which extracted at results with less time (25 min vs.24 /sample). using different solvents for ple, different solvents can result in All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries. This information is not intended to encourage use of these products in any manners that might infringe the intellectual property rights of others . . 6 Comparison of Soxhlet and Accelerated Solvent Extraction for Packing Material Leachable and Extractable Studies Using LC-MS ©2014 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. ISO is a trademark of the International Standards Organization. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. This information is presented as an example of the capabilities of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. products. It is not intended to encourage use of these products in any manners that might infringe the intellectual property rights of others. Specifications, terms and pricing are subject to change. Not all products are available in all countries. Please consult your local sales representative for details. 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