Kim C. Halliday’s journey from semi-literate school-leaver to international Chief
Engineer is the inspiration behind his trailblazing m-education app Flip Flash Cards
(RRP US$4.99), designed to improve memory recall and empower people of all ages
to master topics and share knowledge.
Diagnosed with dyslexia, Kim found learning
a constant struggle and left school when he
was 15 years old. He eventually joined the
Merchant Navy but his learning difficulties began
hampering his career prospects.
After being introduced to flashcards, everything
changed. Kim made hundreds of question-andanswer packs of flashcards and kept them on him
24/7 around the ship as learning aids to help him
become a qualified Engineering Officer.
He didn’t stop there, going on to attain the
highest qualification in his field – that of Chief
Engineer, licensed to work on any commercial
vessel in the world.
With Flip Flash Cards, Kim reimagines his original
paper flashcards for a worldwide audience of
m-learners and digital natives who want to learn
any topic, anywhere at any time that suits.
People can personalise their packs with
images, videos, sounds and text plus access
a comprehensive range of mathematical and
scientific symbols to boost active recall on a
range of topics.
A quick flip or swipe of a mobile device reveals
answers on-screen. The handy audio auto play
reveals answers for self-testing on the go and it’s
easy to share packs with others.
“I know there are a lot of kids and adults out
there like me – struggling with study and feeling
down on themselves. That’s why I created this
Mobile-learning may be new, but Flip Flash Cards
is based on the exact results-driven techniques
that I used to follow my dreams,” says Kim.
Flip Flash Cards is designed for all ages – for
parents to help their children learn the alphabet,
through to high school and uni students’ study
for exams.
Businesses can use the app as a training tool for
new product launches or to enhance health and
safety awareness in their work place.
“The possibilities are limited only by people’s
imagination,” says Kim. People are encouraged
to share their Flip Flash Cards packs with other
students, colleagues, teachers and friends to
build a crowd-sourced library of resources.
Australian early learning educators will trial Flip Flash Cards in
classrooms during 2016.
The global m-education market is set for impressive 21% year-on-year
growth for the next five years according to the latest industry report.
Flip Flash Cards is well positioned to meet this demand.
Active learning. Anytime. Anywhere.
Global m-Education Market 2016-2020 released 30 December 2015 by Technavio
RRP US$4.99
Flip Flash Cards is an m-education app that
allows users to create, play and share packs of
flashcards on iOS (iPhone, iPad) and Android
devices. Incorporating visual, auditory, tactile
and rote learning techniques, the app will be
available in many languages and helps improve
literacy and memory recall across all ages.
For an interview with Kim Halliday, or more information please contact: Emma
Rusher, MD, House of Rusher T 0423 214 626 | E
Kim Halliday is the founder of Australian company Flip Flash Cards Pty Ltd, and
is the creator and designer of Flip Flash Cards app. Flip Flash Cards previously
published commercial diving flashcards and created a learning aid app for
recreational SCUBA diving. Kim is based in Brisbane and continues to work as an
International Chief Engineer.
“The dumbest kid in the room – that was my
claim to fame at school,” says Kim. “I have
dyslexia and learning was a constant struggle.
When I left school at 15, my future wasn’t looking
too bright. I drifted in and out of labouring jobs,
struggling to find my place in the world”.
Fortunately, Kim’s dad backed him and reminded
him that some of the highest achievers in the
world worked with their dyslexia.
“Wildly successful people like Richard Branson,
Albert Einstein and Agatha Christie … the list is
long,” notes Kim.
“To get there, I had to study. There was no
way around it. The stakes were high and I
was determined. I discovered flashcards and
everything clicked.
“I became that Engineering Officer, but didn’t
stop there. I kept up my studies, flashcards in
hand, and rose through the ranks to become an
international Chief Engineer,” says Kim.
“Without a doubt, if this technique worked for
me – someone who had completely given up on
academics – it can work for anyone.”
Kim eventually joined the Merchant Navy where
he felt very much at home. His colleagues
encouraged him to find a way to beat dyslexia
and with their support, his confidence grew and
he set his sights on becoming an Engineering
For an interview with Kim Halliday, or more information please contact: Emma
Rusher, MD, House of Rusher T 0423 214 626 | E