Coal Quality Control Training course - bti

2-Day Technical Training
for ………………
Monitoring Your Quality Control
Coal Quality Control
Training course
Unit 1 : Opening session
Unit 2 : Coal classification and rank
Unit 3 : Standardised procedures for manual and mechanical sampling
Unit 4 : Practices for manual and mechanical sampling
Unit 5 : Coal stockpile management
Units 6/7 : Testing methods used in the laboratory
Unit 8 : Concluding session
Training course N°………………..
2-Day Technical Training
for ………………
Monitoring Your Quality Control
Unit 1
Opening session
day 1 = 2 hours
Location : Antwerp APS / BTI lab & prep room
Welcoming address
Presentation of BULK TESTING Int. and its technical activities
Introduction to major standards and terminology used in coal quality control
Description of practices used in solid fuel sampling
Coal sampling conditions required for commercial and technical purposes
Equipment and tools used by samplers and assayers in the field and/or the
preparation rooms
Training course N°………………..
2-Day Technical Training
for ………………
Monitoring Your Quality Control
Unit 2
Coal classification and rank
day 1 = 2 hours
Location : Antwerp APS / PTI lab & prep room
Description of coal : examination in the field and microscopically in the lab
Chemical constitution, formation of coals, differences in coal grades,
From organic matters to the highest coal rank,
Classification of solid fuels by rank - degrees of metamorphism,
Maceral analysis and vitrinite reflectance - coal petrography
A light meal, fresh drinks, tea & coffee are served during table works.
Training course N°………………..
2-Day Technical Training
for ………………
Monitoring Your Quality Control
Unit 3
day 1 = 1 hour
Standardized procedures for manual and mechanical sampling
Location : Antwerp – on quay side and prep room
Presentation of a coal preparation room
Standards used for sampling : manual sampling - ISO 181283 and ASTM D-2234
Mechanical sampling - ISO 13909-1/8 standard
Guide for sampling coal “ taking into account that coal is one of the most difficult
materials to sample, varying in composition from non-combustible particles to those
which can be burned completely, with all gradations in between”.
Training course N°………………..
2-Day Technical Training
for ………………
Monitoring Your Quality Control
Unit 4
day 1 = 2 ½ hours
Practices for manual and mechanical sampling
Location : Antwerp – on quay side and prep room
Procedure for implementing a sampling plan,
Description of a mechanical sampling station,
Practical work at ABT 750’ APS/BTI premises, collection of gross samples, division,
preparation, moisture and physical tests.
Training course N°………………..
2-Day Technical Training
for ………………
Monitoring Your Quality Control
Unit 5
day 1 = 1 ½ hours
Coal stockpile management
Location : Antwerp – on quay side and prep room
Theoretical explanation of coal stockpile management techniques: stockpile tonnage evaluation
(volume, density) - self combustion related problems – oxydation, coal quality and tonnage
conservation - visual inspection - contamination - temperature monitoring - compaction of piles meteorological factors – blending techniques, etc..
Elemental on-line coal analyzer (X-Ray coal analyzer - specific techniques and quality
management required when using the analyzer).
Departure from Antwerp – Arrival in Lille (F) diner and night in town.
Training course N°………………..
2-Day Technical Training
for ………………
Monitoring Your Quality Control
Unit 6
day 2 = 3 ½ hours
Test methods used in the laboratory
Location : Douai - SOCOR laboratory, BULK TESTING Int. shareholder
Arrival at SOCOR around 09:30 - morning tea & coffee, lab’s presentation
Introduction to coal analysis, history and purposes,
Methodology behind different testing methods for coal quality assessment,
Tests and analysis : proximate, ash content, volatile matters, fixed carbon
Different forms of sulfur,
sulfur, ultimate analysis including carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen
contents, chlorine, fluorine,
Energy content : calorific value determination
Ash chemical components, major and trace elements, heavy metals, EPA.
Training course N°………………..
2-Day Technical Training
for ………………
Monitoring Your Quality Control
Unit 7
day 2 = 2 hours
Test methods used in the laboratory
Location : Douai - SOCOR laboratory, BULK TESTING Int. shareholder
Light meal at noon time
Methods behind physical coal tests,
Hardgrove, ash fusibility, swelling index, coking and caking properties
Work and calculations to express results on different bases,
Other fuels investigation : liquid fuels, biomass. – Ash characterisation for valorisation
in cement and public works sectors,
Differences between standards ASTM vs. ISO
Training course N°………………..
2-Day Technical Training
for ………………
Monitoring Your Quality Control
Unit 8
day 1 = 1 hour
Concluding session
Location : Douai - SOCOR laboratory, BULK TESTING Int. shareholder
Coal utilisation : the right quality is crucial !
Quality assurance in the coal industry (I.e certification, accreditation)
Conclusions & questions , end of works around 4:30 PM lt.
Our books Technical Coal Training and Coal Utilisation are offered to each trainer
Training course N°………………..
2-Day Technical Training
for ………………
Monitoring Your Quality Control
Sampling (-/-)
Treatment of samples (-/-)
Total moisture (-/-)
Sieve analysis (-/-)
Quality assurance (-/-)
Name and signature of the technical manager:
Training course N°………………..
2-Day Technical Training
for ………………
Monitoring Your Quality Control
Sampling plan:
Cargo :
Sizing (max. nominal size) :
Method of sampling :
Unloading capacity :
Number of primary increments :
Mass of each primary increment :
Total weight of the gross sample :
Time between each primary increment :
Standard used :
Technician’s name & signature:
Trainer’s name & signature:
Training course N°………………..
2-Day Technical Training
for ………………
Monitoring Your Quality Control
Sample preparation:
Mass of gross sample :
Weight after division :
Weight and sizing after reduction:
Weight after quartering :
Method of crushing :
Final sizing after pulverization :
Weight of the analysis sample :
Number of analysis samples (including referees) :
Standard used :
Technician’s name & signature:
Trainer’s name & signature:
Training course N°………………..
2-Day Technical Training
for ………………
Monitoring Your Quality Control
Total moisture:
Mass of the sample collected :
Top size of the sample :
Number of tests (on the same sample):
Oven’s internal temperature :
Time of drying - weighing :
Results of calculation :
Standard used :
Technician’s name & signature:
Trainer’s name & signature:
Training course N°………………..
2-Day Technical Training
for ………………
Monitoring Your Quality Control
Sieve analysis or screen test:
Mass of the sample collected for sizing :
Sample dry or wet :
Drying time - weighing:
Oven’s internal temperature :
Type of sieves used :
Results of calculation :
see following page
Mass of the sample collected for sizing
Maximum weight lost
Standard used :
Technician’s name & signature:
Trainer’s name & signature:
Training course N°………………..
2-Day Technical Training
for ………………
Monitoring Your Quality Control
Quality assurance
Internal procedure
Referee samples (number and period)
Verification of scales (periodicity)
Verification of ovens (periodicity)
Technician’s name & signature:
Trainer’s name & signature:
Training course N°………………..