a.m. Date Glass painting. Magnetic shaped frames. Friday 17th July P.D Day p.m. Bat rounders. ‘Wink Murder’, ‘Keeper of the Keys’ & more! Around the World – Week 1 Create world maps & passports! I’m an ‘over 8’… ‘GET ME OUT OF HERE’!!! Monday 20th July AUSTRALIA French food tasting...yum!! Tour De France!! F abri c print a T-shirt ( please bring a T-shirt) Tuesday 21st July Make a Spanish orange ‘Mocktail’! ‘Flamenco’ dancing & ‘Castanet’ clicking! Wednesday 22nd July FRANCE SPAIN Chinese Blossom prints. **Martial Arts Demo. from Mr McGinley** Thursday 23rd July F r i e n d s h i p b r a c e l e t s : ‘ H a ma B e a d ’ f l a g s ! ‘Hall of Fame’ - cast your handprint! Friday 24th July CHINA AMERICA ‘G’day mate’… Design boomera ng keyrings! M a r s h m a l l o w & c h o c o l a t e l o l l ip o p m a k i n g . **Abo riginal Art** ‘Picasso’ portraits! Clay ‘gargoyles’. Barcelona-v-Real Madrid 5-a-side football! C o m e a n d l e a r n S p an i s h ! W r i t e y o u r n a m e i n C h i ne s e !! ‘Rice’ pictures!. ‘Federal Agent’ afternoon! **Crime investigation, Finger Printing & Badge making**. W e e k 2 – Fa i r y t a l e s & Le g e n d s We’re baking jam tarts! ‘Aladdin’s shimmering lamp’! Monday 27th July ‘WANTED’!!! Design a poster to catch a villain? ‘Golden Egg’ games! Tuesday 28th July Wednesday 29th July Make ‘Matilda’s’ chocolate cake! Wear the ‘BFG’s’ ears!! Book Day/Roald Dahl Day Design your family ‘Crest’!. Scroll making. Design a comic strip starring your ‘Superhero’! Name the ‘Superhero’ theme tune!! Make honey sandwiches for our ‘Mad Hatters’ tea pa rty! Wh e n t h e c l o c k s t r i k e s 1 2 … … . . ! ‘Origami’ dragon making. Wooden spoon characters! Design a machine to catch the witches! Hunt the ‘Golden Ticket’!! Thursday 30th July ‘King Arthur’ Friday 31st July Super Hero Day! Outside for balloon jousting! ‘Knights of the Round Table’. What is your ‘Superpower’? Design your shield motif! National Smile Week– Week 3 Stand up and tell us a ‘joke’! Make a crazy clown tie!! Sew a juggling ball! Promote your circus...Roll up, Roll up! M a g i c t r i c k s . . . w h a t ’ s u p y o ur s l e e v e ? Photo booth fun!! **A visit from our local Dentist!** Balloon bonanza! Monday 3rd August Tuesday 4th August Wednesday 5th August Thursday 6th August Fresh Breath Day! Friday 7th August ‘Funky’ foam glasses! ‘Smiley face’ badges! Decorate a ‘clown faced’ biscuit. LIMBO, LIMBO, LIMBO!! Can you juggle? Don’t laugh...its not funny!! Just for fun...make a joke book!! **Magic Kev the Magician is bringing his balloons to Earlyworld** ‘Earl yworl d’ Circus Show!!! S t i l t Wa l k i n g , 3 L e g g e d r a c e s , C o c o n u t S h y & Fancy D ress Races! Funny misfit faces!! Outside for Hide & Seek! Week 4 – Green Fingers Come in your ‘Onesies’ and chill out! Cake baking : Nail painting & face masks!! Cross stitching! Summer fruit kebabs!! Monday 10th August National Lazy Day! Tuesday 11th August Design some stylish sunglasses! Make a garden ‘sun catcher’! ‘Rainbow’ kaleidoscope. ‘Worm dancing’ on the field!!! We ’ l l b e b i r d s p o t t i n g o n a N a t u r e W a l k ! & collecting bits for a ‘Nature collage’! Wednesday 12th August Make a collage from our nature walk collection! Plant a herb garden! Make a natural sunflower! Pressed flower pictures! Thursday 13th August Chalk a garden scene. Make some colourful garden bunting!! Homemade lemonade making & tasting!! Pebble painting. Friday 14th August Flower Show Day! Flower wreath designs! Flower Show ‘fireworks’ pictures!!! C1 a.m. Date p.m. Sail the 7 Seas – Week 5 Paper plate ‘sunrise silhoutte’ pictures! Make a boat : will it sail? Monday 17th August Can you decode the message? Have you got enough puff to blow your boat to victory?! ‘Mod Roc’ the ‘Titanic’. Tasty ice lolly making!! Tuesday 18th August Make a clay ‘lighthouse’! Can you eat this treasure? Hidden treasure… what can you find inside the ice? Spy glass telescopes. Wednesday 19th August ‘Go Fish’, ‘Shark Attack’ and more games! Under t he sea mobiles. Treasure Hunt…who can find the most gold? **A visit from Blue Watch** Thursday 20th August A feely box full of ‘treasure’! Dare to take our ‘Wet ’n’ Wild’ obstacle course? Friday 21st August Finger paint seahorses! Water bottle fish!! Water play afternoon!! (Please bring a towel and a change of clothes) Week 6 – Crafting with Colours Felt ‘apple’ badges. Porcelain ‘dough’ making! Monday 24th August Candles in all sizes!! Rainbow wax crayon melting! Tuesday 25th August Playground chalking scenes. Coloured fabric dance routines! Wednesday 26th August Creative mug decorating. Learn to crochet! Thursday 27th August Tie Dye fun - (please bring in a t-shirt) Sew a ‘rainbow’. Friday 28th August Painting with unusual objects! Vibrant name plaques. ‘Tag rugby’ on the field! ‘Loom band’ coasters. Create a colourful ‘water shaker’! ‘Dream catchers’. String painting. Pom, Pom making!! Outside for the ‘colour’ game! Sand art. Recycling Week – Week 7 Monday 31st August Closed today-Bank Holiday! Puzzle piece photograph frames. Water bottle ‘lava lamps’!! Tuesday 1st September Coloured sand jars! Turn your jeans into??? Design a pencil pot! B o t t l e b a n g l e s a n d j u n k j e we l l e r y ! Wednesday 2nd September ‘CD’ ladybirds! BUTTON? BUTTON? Who’s got BUTTON? Thursday 3rd September Foil ‘Art Deco’ Test your knowledge with our quiz! Closed today-Bank Holiday! Can you save your pennies in your money box? Feed the birds. Weave a basket from newspaper! **Scrappies Workshop** Stained glass bugs! ‘Smoothie’ making!! Friday 4th September Monday 7th September P.D Day ‘Bottle top’ wall hangers! Wig Wam & Den building. Wii Challenge!!! Outside for ‘44...in’! * * P l ea s e n o t e : a c t i v i t i es m a y c h a n g e t o a s i m i l a r al t e r na t i v e , an d e n e r g et i c pl a y i s o n g oi n g d ur i n g ea c h d a y. C1