Dear Friends, The gift of joy is one of the fruits of the

Parish Newsletter of St Barnabas A&M Anglican Church, Ottawa
Summer 2013: Rector’s Message, Parish News and Notes, 125th Anniversary plans, Psalm Study Programme
Dear Friends,
The gift of joy is one of the fruits of the Spirit that St. Paul highlights in his letter
to the Galatians as a quality that marks the life of a Christian and of the Church.
I understand Joy to be something that is unaffected by circumstance. It is a
state of mind and an orientation of the heart. Joy is deep. It is a settled state of
contentment, confidence and hope. Joy is rooted in our understanding of the
deep love and power of Christ in the life we are called to live in and to share.
In reflecting on this theme, I find there is much joy in my ministry here at
St. Barnabas. Some visitors to St. B’s have mentioned to me that they found a
sense of joy and hope expressed in our worship and in the atmosphere of the
place. Our parish has had its struggles and difficulties in its almost 125 years, but
by the grace of God and the faithfulness of its people, it has never faltered. The
sense of hope and joy in being the Body of Christ is needed by our souls and by
our world more than ever.
The experience of joy was very evident in the wonderful celebration of Corpus
Christi on May 30th, when we welcomed Bishop John Chapman and our
Diocesan family to share in the celebration of the gift of Jesus in the Mass. Joy
and laughter were also very much part of the recent Fashion Show organized by
Yvonne Johnson, despite all the hard work by so many to make it happen. The
recent Pig Roast supper, in which more than 75 people came together to share a
meal and a good time together as the brothers and sisters in Christ, was a time of
laughter, conversation and simply enjoying being together.
A different sense of joy is part of my experience of being able to celebrate Mass,
not only on Sundays but also in the quiet low Masses through the week. The
gathering of people during the week to share in the offering of the Holy Mass
and to lift up in prayer the needs of the world and those on our Parish prayer
list is often a profound experience for me. For it is in quiet moments that I sense
that contentment that comes from knowing the presence and love of God in the
midst of the ordinary and the everyday.
Corpus Christi procession on James
Street: singing ‘Crown Him with Many
Crowns’ and bringing the Presence of
Christ to the neighbourhood
My prayer for you during the Summer season is that you will know the deep joy
of the presence of God in your life in the quiet moments at home or by a lake, as
well as in the busy times of family and work. I pray that, as a member of this parish
and a part of the Kingdom of God, you will find your faith strengthened and be
filled with the joy and peace that God longs to share with you.
In His Joy and Peace,
Fr. Stewart Murray
Parish Register
Left: Ashley Tapia and Glenn
Below: Alice Mackenzie holds up
her first-communion certificate
presented by Fr. Stewart Murray
(with grandson Grady) as she
receives congratulations from
the congregation.
First Communion
Rowena Alice MacKeen Mackenzie
— 12 May 2013
u Glenn Hunter and Ashley Tapia
— 3 November 2012, in El Paso, Texas.
The couple now resides in Austin, Texas.
Ethel Joyce Jeroy — 7 May 2013
at Christ’s Church Cathedral in Hamilton, Ontario
Joyce Jeroy, one of the faithful people who have been part of this parish, died in Hamilton
where she had gone to live near her daughter Jenny Street. She was 101 years old. Her requiem
Mass was held at the cathedral in Hamilton on May 7th with her interment in Ottawa on
May 10th. Many people remember Joyce for her wonderful sense of fun and commitment to
the ministry of the parish. She was pictured in the last issue of Laudamus with others wearing
wonderful Easter bonnets! Her daughter Jenny gave the parish one of her mother’s albums,
with photos of people and events at St. Barnabas from the mid ’60s to the late ’70s.
Elizabeth Anne Davis — entered into rest on 23 December 2012
We learned of her death only recently and we commend her to your prayers.
May they rest in peace and rise in glory.
Rear Admiral Andrew Smith,
Chief of Military Personnel
presents a certificate in
recognition of Commander
Keith Keyes’ 39 years of
service, on the occasion of
his retirement from the Navy,
28 March 2013.
The Canadian fencing team won gold in the team event of
the PanAm Junior Fencing Championships in Aix-en-Provence
last February. Alastair Keyes also placed fifth in the individual
event, and is now ranked as the Number 2 Junior in Canada
and 49th in the world. The Canadian team is (l to r) Michael
Hastings-Gingas, Alastair Keyes, Marc-Antoine Brodeur and
François-Olivier David. Silver medalists (on the left) are from
Puerto Rico and the bronze medalists from Brazil.
As Captain of the King’s Rugby
Team, Tristan Keyes led his side
not only to the Nova Scotia
championship, but also to the
Atlantic Canada title, both firsts
for King’s College!
Left: Assisted by Fr. Stewart, Ruth Berry
cuts the Simnel cake on Mothering
Sunday, 19 March 2013.
Below: Another garden volunteer
St. Barnabas is ready for Doors Open Ottawa
Parish News and Notes
St. Barnabas
as of March 2013
Notes of Thanks
Five-year goal
A word of thanks to Kathryn Missen and Susan Howell for cleaning
up, pruning shrubs, and planting flowers in the flower beds around the
church. The gardens provide much-needed green space on Kent Street.
Thanks also to Valerie Keyes for planting flowers in the urn at the Kent
Street entrance.
Total pledged to date
A special thank you to Luc Fréchette for coordinating the Doors Open
Ottawa event on the weekend of June 1st and 2nd, and to all the
volunteers who hosted our 75 visitors.
Total cash received
by parish to date
% of goal achieved
Diocese of Ottawa
as of March 2013
Five-year goal
Total pledged to date
% of goal achieved
To Yvonne Johnson and the many volunteers who worked to make the
May 22nd Fashion Show such a fun and successful event. To date almost $4,000 has been raised.
To Fr. Stewart Murray, Chef Adrian, Caterer Sharon Phillips, Chris Cullen and many other volunteers who worked at the
Pig Roast Supper, a parish community event that brought together 75 people for a festive dinner in the church hall on June 8th.
Gifts of Prayer Books and Hymn Books
Thanks to several for new copies of prayer and hymn books to replace worn ones in the pews.
21 copies of the Book of Common Prayer were given by the Ottawa Branch of the Prayer Book Society
21 copies of the Book of Common Prayer were given by Peter Scotchmer in memory of his first wife Sheila Scotchmer
20 blue hymn books were given by David Blackman in memory of loved ones.
Pennies for Outreach
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our penny/coin jug and to Margaret Pippy for rolling all the donated coins. Not
counting the Toronto subway token and assorted foreign coins, more than $100 has been raised — that’s a lot of penny rolling!
Please keep Marg busy and drop more change into the jug!
Models for the Judy Joannou fashions take a bow at the end of the evening show. From left: Allayne Evans, Susan Bridges, Jennifer Kennedy, Margaret Bell,
Priscilla Gladu, Barbara Des Brisay, Wendy Warren, LCol Stephen Murray, Fr. Stewart Murray, with fashion designer Judy Joannou.
125th Anniversary 2014
Plans are already taking shape for our 125th in 2014. Some events so far:
1) Visit by Bishop John Chapman on Sunday, January 26th, with the administration of the sacrament of Confirmation.
2) Lenten Quiet Day with Fr. James Koester from the Society of St. John the Evangelist (SSJE) Saturday, March 15th
3) Visit by the Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, Archbishop Fred Hiltz — to be confirmed for either St. Barnabas Day
in June or for the Feast of Dedication in October (date to be confirmed by the end of June 2013).
4) A parish anniversary dinner is planned, depending on the Primate’s visit, and the availability and cost of the venue.
Anniversary Project
The main anniversary project being considered is the replacement of the large wooden doors at the Kent Street entrance to the
church with full-length glass doors to allow people passing on the street to see the beautiful interior of our church. Replacing the
doors would also help to make our building a little more energy efficient.
Autumn Psalm-study programme
“Sing praises lustily, and with a good courage.” (Psalm 33:3)
The Book of Psalms, the “Hymn Book of the Old Testament,” is also
the first and most enduring Hymn Book of the Christian Church.
In most books of the Bible, the Word of the Lord comes to us; the
Psalms, however, allow us to offer our words — our hopes and fears — to God.
These 150 songs express our deepest emotions: joy, gratitude, praise, love —
anxiety, grief, anger, and even hatred. Like all great literature, the Psalms allow us
to enter into them, to make their world ours as well.
This world can be:
u beautiful — “He shall feed me in a green pasture, and lead me
forth beside the waters of comfort.” (Psalm 23:2)
u joyful — “O clap your hands together all ye people.” (Psalm 47:1)
Then and now: David Blackman
u angry — “Why standest thou so far off, Lord?” (Psalm 10:1)
under the arbour in Woodstock,
u repentant — “Have mercy upon me , O God, after thy great
Ontario, and as an acolyte
with Hope Clement in the Corpus
goodness.” (Psalm 51:1)
Christi procession on May 30th.
u triumphant — “God is our hope and strength, our very
present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)
Upcoming events
Led by Fr. Jim Beall, this fall we will have an opportunity to
Mark your calendars for important upcoming services and
discover the many and various forms of poetry in the Psalms,
events in our parish:
and to study more carefully those psalms that will form part of
u Wesley Warren Organ Recital — Sunday, July 7
our Sunday liturgy in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Three
at 7 pm. Donation at the door (suggested
sessions will convene at 7 pm on Wednesday evenings, the
minimum $5): proceeds to the St. Barnabas Choral
23rd and 30th of October, and the 6th of November.
foundation. Music by Buxtehude, Scheidemann,
JS Bach, Mendelssohn, SS Wesley, Franck, Widor,
and Mulet.
RCCO Orgelfest Evensong — Monday, August 12
at 2 pm, sung by the parish choir. Choral music by
Daley, Howells, Balfour Gardiner and Stanford; organ
music by Howells and Willan. More information about
the convention at
Please bring in bulletins from any churches you visit
over the summer. It will make an interesting display.
Male models at the Fashion show wearing Mark’s “clothing that works”
From left: Wesley Warren, LCol Stephen Murray, John Fallows,
Fr. Stewart Murray, and Dan Dobbs from Mark’s.
St. Barnabas A&M, Ottawa
70 James Street (at Kent), Ottawa, Ontario K1R 5M3
The Rev. Canon Stewart Murray, 613-668-6992
The parish office is open Tuesday and Thursday
mornings from 9 to noon.
Congratulations to Yvonne and Neville Moses, celebrating 45 years of marriage in
August: their wedding was at St. Barnabas on August 10, 1968. In this photo, with
Neville looking on, Yvonne signs the register under the watchful eye of Fr. Cornish.