LEARNING SUPPORT DIVISION COURSE DATA SHEET COURSE DEPARTMENT AND NUMBER: ENGL 0989 TITLE: Foundations for English Composition CREDIT HOURS: 3 CONTACT HOURS: 3 COURSE DESCRIPTION: ENGL 0989, Foundations for English Composition, prepares students for college-level reading and writing. Using paired reading and writing assignments that help students work with concepts in context, students will build competency in recognizing, comprehending and using appropriate grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and structure in sentences, paragraphs, and essays. Given the varied needs of the students in this course, skill development will be individualized as much as possible through the use of diagnostic and development tools in conjunction with analysis of assigned readings and the composition and examination of students’ own writing. PREREQUISITE OR COREQUISITE: none FREQUENCY OF OFFERING: all semesters PLACEMENT: • A score of 32-50 on the COMPASS Writing Skills Test and/or a score of 62-69 on the COMPASS Reading Skills Test • Students who test into either one of these ranges will be required to take and pass the course PLACEMENT (EFFECTIVE FALL 2015): • A score of 32-49 on the COMPASS Writing Skills Test and/or a score of 62-67 on the COMPASS Reading Skills Test • Students who test into either one of these ranges will be required to take and pass the course In Fall 2016, Darton State College will begin using the English Placement Index (EPI) for learning support placement. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this course, students will be able to 1. Read and comprehend prose texts in a variety of non-fiction genres. 2. Apply effective reading processes for improved comprehension skills expected of students entering ENGL 1101. 3. Apply effective writing processes for improved composing skills expected of students entering ENGL 1101. 4. Identify the meaning of words by using context clues. 5. Recognize main ideas and supporting details in reading and writing. 6. Recognize implied conclusions, generalizations, summaries of ideas and relationships among ideas. 7. Recognize an author's beliefs and assumptions about a subject. 8. Identify common structural elements and patterns in sentences, paragraphs, and essays. 9. Generate short prose compositions using conventions of edited American English regarding grammar, usage, punctuation, capitalization and spelling. ASSESSMENT: • Writing assignments (3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) • Reading assignments (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7) • Quizzes (1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) • Discussion (1, 4, 5, 6, 7) • Exam (3, 8, 9) MINIMUM PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS: Writing Requirements: A. The student will compose a minimum of fifteen (15) paragraphs based on information from assigned reading selections. B. The student will write a minimum of five (5) essays based on information from assigned reading selections or essay prompts. • At least two of these essays must be written under timed, extemporaneous conditions. • At least two essays must be written outside of class and must follow a writing process, including pre-writing, drafting, and revision. C. The student will demonstrate competency of grammar and mechanics through writing assignments and quizzes. D. The student will complete and pass the Departmental Essay Competency Examination (DECE), a timed (50 minute), extemporaneous essay, in order to exit the course. Reading Requirements: A. The student will complete a minimum of fifteen (15) comprehension exercises or quizzes each semester. Some of these assignments may coincide with the writing paragraphs listed under the writing requirements. B. The student will complete a minimum of fifteen (15) vocabulary assignments. COURSE GRADING POLICIES: Components of the final grade: 5 Essays (including revisions) 15 Paragraphs 15 Grammar/Punctuation Assignments/Quizzes Personalized Online Assignments 15 Vocabulary assignments Daily Grade 25% 15% 15% 20% 15% 10% The Grade Scale: A 90-100 average on course work and a passing score on the DECE (must receive a passing grade from two out of three graders) B 80-89 average on course work and a passing score on the DECE (must receive a passing grade from two out of three graders) C 70-79 average on course work and a passing score on the DECE (must receive a passing grade from two out of three graders) IP 50-69 average on course work (not recommended to take the DECE) or 70-100 average on coursework and a failing score on the DECE (does not receive a passing grade from two out of three graders) F 0-49 average on coursework (not recommended to take the DECE) CRITERIA FOR GRADING ESSAYS A passing essay includes the following elements: 1. The central idea is stated and relates directly to the assigned topic. 2. The composition is organized into an introduction that states the central idea, at least two well-developed body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The minimum length requirement is 400 words. 3. The discussion is clear, well-developed, not repetitious, and relevant to the topic. 4. The essay should be written in Standard English and should include no more than 15 errors. Any first submission of an essay not meeting these standards must follow the revision procedures listed below before a grade will be given on the assignment: 1. A conference with the instructor to review the essay. From this conference, a new draft must be created. 2. A conference with the Writing Center to review the revised draft. 3. Submission of the original essay, a Writing Center draft, and a fully revised essay. Notes regarding revisions: • Students will maintain a grade of zero until the revision process has been completed. • Instructors may allow up to two revisions on any essay. • All revised essays should be submitted to the instructor within one week’s time. • The DECE is not eligible for revision. EXIT REQUIREMENTS: In order to successfully exit ENGL 0989, a student must make a grade of C or better and must receive at least two passing scores on the DECE. Students will not be allowed to early exit ENGL 0989. Those who fail to successfully exit the course with a grade of C or higher must repeat ENGL 0989 for a final attempt. DECE TESTING: The DECE will be administered under proctored conditions. Students may retest one time if one of the following conditions have been met: 1. The student missed the initial test date. In this case, the retest will be the only and final test. 2. The student received at least one passing grade from the review panel. FEDERAL FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION: A limited amount of remedial coursework in the student’s enrollment status may be counted for financial aid purposes. A student may receive federal aid for up to one academic year of remedial classes. One academic year means 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours of remedial course work.