Module Report English Composition 101 Subject-Verb Agreement By Michele Graham Course Composition 101 3 Semester Hours Prerequisite: English 100 Description In this module, students will go to the Internet site and take Ms. Graham’s quiz on subject-verb agreement. Transferability In composition, one of the main objectives is for students to develop critical and analytical skills in writing and reading of expository prose. Students must also develop a firm grasp of grammar to convey those ideas clearly and effectively. This is why I teach a seminar on subject-verb agreement in all of my English classes—English 98 (sentence development), 100 (paragraph and essay development), 101 (various types of essay writing), and 102 (research). Faculty Technology Skill • Basic computer skills • Ability to navigate the Internet Student Technology Skill Same as Faculty stated above Faculty Equipment • Internet access • Individual PC with Microsoft Word • Printer, black and white or color (optional) Improvement on Teaching and Learning This use of technology is individually engaging, efficient, simple, and easy to learn. The ability to access other grammar practice exercises exclusive of the textbook will only enhance student learning. It will also break up the monotony of the same stylistically flat and boring questions found in most textbooks. I tried to make my questions interesting by inserting humor, names of popular entertainers, and names of popular video games. With the quiz I developed on, I also can scramble the questions and change them periodically; therefore, the student can take the quiz as many times as possible without getting bored. Then, the results are automatically sent to my e-mail address: Knowing that the results are automatically sent to me encourages students to do their best and to take the quiz many times to ensure maximum results. 109 Another benefit of accessing grammar exercises this way is that it serves as an introduction to the Internet to many students who are otherwise unfamiliar with the Internet and are apprehensive about using it as an educational tool. Nontechnology Comparison Students can obviously access the fundamentals of subject-verb agreement through lecturing, handouts, and textbooks/workbooks; however, accessing practice exercises on the Internet is far more engaging, interactive, and fun. How to Use in the Classroom A primary feature of this module is flexibility. This exercise will take place in our English computer laboratory where students will have access to computers that are more updated, thus faster. Each computer has the common word processing program Microsoft Word, and the room is also equipped with a printer. A week prior to this activity, I will spend plenty of class time lecturing and assigning group activities based on the fundamentals of subject-verb agreement, and why it is necessary in expository writing. On “computer day,” I’ll do the following: 1. Have students sign on to Internet Explorer. 2. Next, I’ll give them the URL (web address) where they can access the site that provides the grammar exercise on subject-verb agreement. 3. Next, I’ll tell the students to click on Take Your Teacher’s Quiz. Once the students are in the Quiz Lab, they must login under Student Login. In the Secret Word box, enter the password I created (vernett). Then, the student will enter his or her name in the User ID box and then select GO. Once each student logs in his or her name and enters this password, he or she will automatically go to Ms. Graham’s instruction page. There each student will click on the link entitled Subject-Verb Agreement Quiz under the Language Arts category and then take the quiz. This is a 50-question, fill-in-the-blank quiz in which the student will have to select the appropriate verb from the given options. 4. After the student takes the quiz, he or she must go to the Send Ms. Graham a Message box located in the Quiz Lab and send me a message about the quiz. What questions did the student have difficulties with? Did the student enjoy the quiz? Why or why not? Links to Websites on Subject-Verb Agreement • Here you'll find the guidelines that govern subject-verb agreement as well as practice quizzes to assess your knowledge. 110 • The English Department at SGU presents this web page for further assistance with subject-verb agreement. • Once you get to this site, click on quiz lab, and enter "vernett" as your student password. Take the quiz I designed especially for you. • On this site, there are no rules of subject-verb agreement, just a quiz; therefore, select this site once you are comfortable with the rules and then take the quiz. • Harcourt School offers a site that deals with other aspects of English grammar as well as subject-verb agreement. • This site presents an excellent quiz on subject-verb agreement in Acrobat format. • The English Language Center offers an excellent quiz involving pronoun agreement also. • This website offers practice exams as well as a tutorial section. • The University of Houston Academic Center offers tutorials that include peer tutoring. A quiz is also attached to assess your knowledge of this subject. 111