English I: Introduction to Literature and Composition Literacy

English I: Introduction to Literature and Composition
Literacy Advantage Sem 2
Unit 1: Nonfiction: Historical Settings and Contexts
Lesson 1.1: Nonfiction
Activity 1.1.1: Study - Types of Nonfiction
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn about types of nonfiction as well as the difference between primary and secondary sources.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 1.1.2: Quiz - Types of Nonfiction
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.1.3: Study - Interpreting a Life
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Explore an overview of the history and types of biographies.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 1.1.4: Quiz - Interpreting a Life
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 1.2: Personal Essays and Letters
Activity 1.2.1: Study - Voices in Primary Sources
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn to recognize and evaluate different voices and points of view in primary sources.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 1.2.2: Quiz - Voices in Primary Sources
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.3: Read - Personal Essays and Letters
(Documents: Default)
Read an example of a personal essay and a personal letter.
Duration: 45 min
Activity 1.2.4: Quiz - Personal Essays and Letters
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.5: Discuss - Your Thoughts on the Reading
(Documents: Discussion)
Respond to the reading.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 15
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.6: Study - Writing Workshop: Biographies
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn the basics of researching someone''s life and writing a biography.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 1.2.7: Quiz - Writing Workshop: Biographies
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.2.8: Practice - Biography
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Conduct an interview and write a short biography.
Duration: 1 hr
Lesson 1.3: Skills Workshops
Activity 1.3.1: Journal - Respond to the Reading
(Documents: Journal)
Share your thoughts about the meaning style and effect of the readings.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.3.2: Study - Vocabulary Workshop: Building a Vocabulary
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn useful tips about how to grow the words you know.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 1.3.3: Quiz - Vocabulary Workshop: Building a Vocabulary
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.3.4: Study - Language Workshop: Citations
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn how to use citations and create a works-cited list.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 1.3.5: Quiz - Language Workshop: Citations
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.3.6: Study - Speaking Workshop: Oral Presentations
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn how to adapt a written assignment into an oral presentation.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 1.3.7: Quiz - Speaking Workshop: Oral Presentations
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 1.4: Nonfiction: Historical Settings and Contexts WrapUp
Activity 1.4.1: Review - Nonfiction: Historical Settings and Contexts
(Documents: Review)
Get ready for the unit test by reviewing important ideas and skills.
Duration: 1 hr 30 min
Activity 1.4.2: Test (CST) - Nonfiction: Historical Settings and Contexts
Take a computer-scored test to check what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 40
Points Earned: _____
Activity 1.4.3: Test (TST) - Nonfiction: Historical Settings and Contexts
Take a teacher-scored test to check what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 100
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 1.5: Diagnostic
Activity 1.5.1: Diag - Nonfiction: Historical Settings and Contexts
Take a diagnostic test that will create a study plan based on your answers.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____ (optional)
Unit 2: The Art of Persuasion
Lesson 2.1: Introduction to the Art of Persuasion
Activity 2.1.1: Study - Tools of Persuasion
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn about the art of rhetoric including persuasive speaking and writing.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 2.1.2: Quiz - Tools of Persuasion
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 2.2: Opinions and Speeches
Activity 2.2.1: Study - Voices of Leadership
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Study famous speeches to learn the tools of persuasive speaking.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 2.2.2: Quiz - Voices of Leadership
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 2.2.3: Study - Opinion and Editorial Essays
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Explore the ABCs of writing one''s opinions and learn to distinguish between fact and opinion.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 2.2.4: Quiz - Opinion and Editorial Essays
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 2.2.5: Read - When Believing Isn't Seeing
(Documents: Default)
Read an op-ed piece by a Pulitzer Prize–winning editorial writer.
Duration: 45 min
Activity 2.2.6: Quiz - When Believing Isn't Seeing
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 2.2.7: Discuss - Your Thoughts on the Reading
(Documents: Discussion)
Respond to the reading.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 15
Points Earned: _____
Activity 2.2.8: Study - Writing Workshop: Op-Ed and Speeches
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn the basics of writing an op-ed piece and a persuasive speech and learn the similarities between the
Duration: 40 min
Activity 2.2.9: Quiz - Writing Workshop: Op-Ed and Speeches
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 2.2.10: Practice - Stating Your Opinion
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Write an op-ed or a speech based on what you have learned.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 2.3: Skills Workshops
Activity 2.3.1: Journal - Respond to the Reading
(Documents: Journal)
Share your thoughts about the meaning style and effect of the readings.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 2.3.2: Study - Vocabulary Workshop: Greek and Latin Roots
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn about Latin and Greek word roots in English.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 2.3.3: Quiz - Vocabulary Workshop: Greek and Latin Roots
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 2.3.4: Study - Language Workshop: Subject-Verb Agreement
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn about subject-verb agreement when using compound subjects indefinite pronouns and collective
Duration: 40 min
Activity 2.3.5: Quiz - Language Workshop: Subject-Verb Agreement
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 2.3.6: Study - Media Workshop: Commercials
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn about persuasive tools used in television commercials.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 2.3.7: Quiz - Media Workshop: Commercials
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 2.4: The Art of Persuasion Wrap-Up
Activity 2.4.1: Review - The Art of Persuasion
(Documents: Review)
Get ready for the unit test by reviewing important ideas and skills.
Duration: 1 hr 30 min
Activity 2.4.2: Test (CST) - The Art of Persuasion
Take a computer-scored test to check what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 40
Points Earned: _____
Activity 2.4.3: Test (TST) - The Art of Persuasion
Take a teacher-scored test to check what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 100
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 2.5: Diagnostic
Activity 2.5.1: Diag - The Art of Persuasion
Take a diagnostic test that will create a study plan based on your answers.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____ (optional)
Unit 3: Poetry
Lesson 3.1: Introduction to Poetry
Activity 3.1.1: Study - Forms and Purposes of Poetry
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn several definitions of poetry as well as what makes it different from prose.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 3.1.2: Quiz - Forms and Purposes of Poetry
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 3.2: Expressing Feelings and Telling Stories
Activity 3.2.1: Study - Lyrics and Sonnets
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn about the sonnet and how it functions as lyric poetry.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 3.2.2: Quiz - Lyrics and Sonnets
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.2.3: Study - Narratives and Ballads
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn about poems that tell stories.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 3.2.4: Quiz - Narratives and Ballads
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.2.5: Read - The Raven
(Documents: Default)
Read The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe.
Duration: 45 min
Activity 3.2.6: Quiz - The Raven
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.2.7: Discuss - Your Thoughts on the Reading
(Documents: Discussion)
Respond to the reading.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 15
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.2.8: Study - Writing Workshop: Descriptive Essay
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn the elements of a descriptive essay and how to write one.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 3.2.9: Quiz - Writing Workshop: Descriptive Essay
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.2.10: Practice - Descriptive Essay
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Write an essay that describes an important person place object or event.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Lesson 3.3: Skills Workshops
Activity 3.3.1: Journal - Respond to the Reading
(Documents: Journal)
Share your thoughts about the meaning style and effect of the readings.
Points Earned: _____
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.3.2: Study - Vocabulary Workshop: Word Parts
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn how to add prefixes and suffixes to root words to make word families.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 3.3.3: Quiz - Vocabulary Workshop: Word Parts
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.3.4: Study - Language Workshop: Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn about pronoun-antecedent agreement.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 3.3.5: Quiz - Language Workshop: Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.3.6: Study - Media Workshop: Found Poetry
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn about found poetry and how to write your own.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 3.3.7: Quiz - Media Workshop: Found Poetry
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 3.4: Poetry Wrap-Up
Activity 3.4.1: Review - Poetry
(Documents: Review)
Get ready for the unit test by reviewing important ideas and skills.
Duration: 1 hr 30 min
Activity 3.4.2: Test (CST) - Poetry
Take a computer-scored test to check what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 40
Points Earned: _____
Activity 3.4.3: Test (TST) - Poetry
Take a teacher-scored test to check what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 100
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 3.5: Diagnostic
Activity 3.5.1: Diag - Poetry
Take a diagnostic test that will create a study plan based on your answers.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____ (optional)
Unit 4: Epics and Myths
Lesson 4.1: The Epic Poem
Activity 4.1.1: Study - Elements of an Epic Poem
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn about the history of oral traditions and the elements of epic poems.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 4.1.2: Quiz - Elements of an Epic Poem
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.1.3: Study - Epics are Universal
Learn what makes epic stories universal and read a few examples of famous world myths.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 4.1.4: Quiz - Epics are Universal
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 4.2: The Odyssey
Activity 4.2.1: Study - Introduction to the Odyssey
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Get some background information and helpful hints before you begin to read the Odyssey.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 4.2.2: Quiz - Introduction to the Odyssey
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.2.3: Read - The Odyssey
(Documents: Annotated Reading, Annotated Reading, Annotated Reading, Annotated Reading, Default)
Read selected parts of the Odyssey.
Duration: 45 min
Activity 4.2.4: Quiz - The Odyssey
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.2.5: Discuss - Your Thoughts on the Reading
(Documents: Discussion)
Respond to the reading.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 15
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.2.6: Study - Writing Workshop: Problem-Solution Essay
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn about writing a problem-solution essay.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 4.2.7: Quiz - Writing Workshop: Problem-Solution Essay
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.2.8: Practice - A Problem-Solution Essay
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Write a persuasive essay that presents a problem and a solution.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 4.3: Skills Workshops
Activity 4.3.1: Journal - Respond to the Reading
(Documents: Journal)
Share your thoughts about the meaning style and effect of the readings.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.3.2: Study - Vocabulary Workshop: Being Descriptive
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Review connotation denotation and tone. Practice using descriptive words in your writing.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 4.3.3: Quiz - Vocabulary Workshop: Being Descriptive
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.3.4: Study - Language Workshop: Pronouns
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn more about using pronouns.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 4.3.5: Quiz - Language Workshop: Pronouns
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.3.6: Study - Media Workshop: Modern Myths
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn about modern myths and oral traditions.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 4.3.7: Quiz - Media Workshop: Modern Myths
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Lesson 4.4: Epics and Myths Wrap-Up
Activity 4.4.1: Review - Epics and Myths
(Documents: Review)
Get ready for the unit test by reviewing important ideas and skills.
Duration: 1 hr 30 min
Activity 4.4.2: Test (CST) - Epics and Myths
Points Earned: _____
Take a computer-scored test to check what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 40
Points Earned: _____
Activity 4.4.3: Test (TST) - Epics and Myths
Take a teacher-scored test to check what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 100
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 4.5: Diagnostic
Activity 4.5.1: Diag - Epics and Myths
Take a diagnostic test that will create a study plan based on your answers.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____ (optional)
Unit 5: Drama: Shakespeare and Broadway
Lesson 5.1: Introduction to Drama and Tragedy
Activity 5.1.1: Study - What Is Tragedy?
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn how different people define tragedy.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 5.1.2: Quiz - What Is Tragedy?
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 5.1.3: Study - Broadway Drama
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn about different kinds and elements of drama especially as they relate to Broadway.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 5.1.4: Quiz - Broadway Drama
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 5.2: Romeo and Juliet Acts I and II
Activity 5.2.1: Study - The Capulets and the Montagues
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn about Romeo and Juliet before you begin reading.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 5.2.2: Quiz - The Capulets and the Montagues
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Activity 5.2.3: Read - Romeo and Juliet Acts I and II
(Documents: Default)
Read acts I and II of Romeo and Juliet.
Duration: 45 min
Points Earned: _____
Activity 5.2.4: Quiz - Romeo and Juliet Acts I and II
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 5.2.5: Discuss - Your Thoughts on the Reading
(Documents: Discussion)
Respond to the reading.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 15
Points Earned: _____
Activity 5.2.6: Study - Writing Workshop: Analyze and Critique
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn to analyze and critique a dramatic piece.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 5.2.7: Quiz - Writing Workshop: Analyze and Critique
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 5.2.8: Practice - Write a Critique
(Documents: Practice Assignment)
Apply analysis tools to your own critique of a piece of literature.
Duration: 1 hr
Scoring: 50
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 5.3: Skills Workshops
Activity 5.3.1: Journal - Respond to the Reading
(Documents: Journal)
Share your thoughts about the meaning style and effect of the readings.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 20
Points Earned: _____
Activity 5.3.2: Study - Vocabulary Workshop: New Words
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn about the many new words Shakespeare created that are still used in English.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 5.3.3: Quiz - Vocabulary Workshop: New Words
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 5.3.4: Study - Language Workshop: Misplaced Modifiers
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn to recognize and fix misplaced modifiers.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 5.3.5: Quiz - Language Workshop: Misplaced Modifiers
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Activity 5.3.6: Study - Media Workshop: Modern Drama
(Documents: Study Sheet)
Learn about modern dramas and where to find them in everyday life.
Duration: 40 min
Activity 5.3.7: Quiz - Media Workshop: Modern Drama
Take a quiz to check your understanding of what you have learned.
Duration: 10 min
Scoring: 10
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 5.4: Drama: Shakespeare and Broadway Wrap-Up
Activity 5.4.1: Review - Drama: Shakespeare and Broadway
(Documents: Review)
Get ready for the unit test by reviewing important ideas and skills.
Duration: 1 hr 30 min
Activity 5.4.2: Test (CST) - Drama: Shakespeare and Broadway
Take a computer-scored test to check what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 20 min
Scoring: 40
Points Earned: _____
Activity 5.4.3: Test (TST) - Drama: Shakespeare and Broadway
Take a teacher-scored test to check what you have learned in this unit.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 100
Points Earned: _____
Lesson 5.5: Diagnostic
Activity 5.5.1: Diag - Drama: Shakespeare and Broadway
Take a diagnostic test that will create a study plan based on your answers.
Duration: 30 min
Scoring: 30
Points Earned: _____ (optional)
Unit 6: Final Review and Exam
Lesson 6.1: Final Review and Exam
Activity 6.1.1: Review - Prepare for the Exam
(Documents: Review)
Get ready for the exam by reviewing important ideas and skills covered in this semester.
Duration: 2 hrs
Activity 6.1.2: Exam - Computer-Scored Exam
Take a computer-scored exam to show what you have learned in this semester.
Duration: 40 min
Scoring: 40
Points Earned: _____
Activity 6.1.3: Final Exam - Teacher-Scored Exam
Take a teacher-scored exam to show what you have learned in this semester.
Duration: 1 hr 30 min
Scoring: 100
Points Earned: _____
Appendix B: Additional Activities
B.1: Extra Credit
Scoring: 15
Points Earned: _____