MSc International Management

School of Management
MSc in International Management
Postgraduate Student Handbook – Section 1
MSC INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT AT THE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT ................................................ 1
PROGRAMME DIRECTOR........................................................................................................................................................ 1
DIRECTOR OF GRADUATE STUDIES, SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................... 1
POSTGRADUATE ADMINISTRATOR ................................................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION ...................................................................................................................................... 2
CORE COURSES ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
ELECTIVE COURSES .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
CORE COURSE SUMMARIES ........................................................................................................................................... 5
SIX COURSES OF CORE MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS .......................................................................................................... 5
MN5111 International Accounting and Finance .............................................................................................................. 5
MN5113 International Marketing .................................................................................................................................... 5
MN5114 International Strategy........................................................................................................................................ 5
MN5118 Business Economics ......................................................................................................................................... 5
MN5121 Information Systems and Operations Management .......................................................................................... 5
MN5131 International Human Resources Management and Organisational Behaviour ................................................. 5
FOUR ADDITIONAL CORE COURSES ................................................................................................................................... 5
MN5117 Professional Business Skills ............................................................................................................................. 5
MN5241 Research Projects .............................................................................................................................................. 5
MN5270 Business Research Methods ............................................................................................................................. 5
MN5252 Independent Research Paper ............................................................................................................................. 6
ELECTIVE COURSE SUMMARIES .................................................................................................................................. 6
MN5104 ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONAL COMMUNICATION............................................................................................ 6
MN5105 INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATIVE STRATEGY .......................................................................................................... 6
MN5107 INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................... 6
MN5115 MARKETING RESEARCH ......................................................................................................................................... 6
MN5191 MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISE AND GLOBAL ECONOMY ........................................................................................ 6
MN5193 ENTREPRENEURSHIP .............................................................................................................................................. 7
MN5211 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAW ............................................................................................................................ 7
MN5215 INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ............................................................................ 7
MN5216 DIGITAL MEDIA MARKETING ................................................................................................................................. 7
MN5281 INTERNATIONAL SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................. 7
MSc International Management at the School of Management
Welcome to the MSc International Management offered by Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL). You
are studying on one of a small number of programmes in the UK accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA)
under its Masters in Business and Management (MBM) category. You will be studying on an academically
rigorous – and rewarding – postgraduate qualification in general management with an international orientation.
We have designed it as a ‘conversion’ programme, so we have accepted from a wide range of academic
disciplines from around the world. The ‘pre-experience’ orientation of the programme prepares all of you to
enter the globalized world of work on a competitive footing, which is about maximising your potential and
widening your choices. As for future careers, graduates of the MSc International Management may combine
the qualification with their first degree studies to indicate a market sector; likewise, interest in a functional
specialism, such as marketing or human resources management, may indicate a career route with a
multinational enterprise; important skills are gained for those entering fields such as finance with its CFA
qualification, or accountancy with its professional, regulatory bodies; we also recognize the role of family and
closely held business enterprises for some of you.
RHUL is widely recognised on the world stage as one of the UK’s leading teaching and research university
institutions. One of the larger colleges of the University of London, Royal Holloway’s character and location
attract scholars and students from across the world. At the School of Management, there is a full complement
of academic experts across the range of subjects forming the MSc International Management programme. We
also pride ourselves on providing a friendly, welcoming environment.
Academic Administration of MSc International Management:
Programme Director
Dr Alex Reppel
Director of Graduate Studies, School of Management
Dr Niran Subramaniam
Programme Administrator
Jane Chandar
Programme Specification
The MSc International Management Programme Specification can be found in the Programme Specification
Repository at the following link:
This document describes the Postgraduate Taught Degree programme and Postgraduate Diploma in
International Management. The 2015 Programme Specification is valid for new entrants from September 2015.
Core Courses
The table below outlines the core courses that you will study along with the assessment breakdown and
programme weighting:
 Six core management functions (MN5111, 5113, 5114, 5118, 5121 and 5131) include assessment by
 Personal Business Skills (MN5117) and Research Projects (MN5241) both span two terms
 Business Research Methods (MN5270) and Independent Research Paper (MN5252)
One ‘in class test’ (20%), one 2
hour unseen paper examination
One written assignment (20%),
one 2 hour unseen paper
examination (80%);
Accounting and Finance
International Marketing
International Strategy
Professional Business Skills
Business Economics
Information Systems and
Operations Management
International Human Resources
and Organisational Behaviour
One ‘in class test’ (20%), one 2
hour unseen paper examination
No summative assessment
One ‘in class test’ (20%), one 2
hour unseen paper examination
Two online tests (10% each), one 2
hour unseen paper examination
One 3,000 word written
assignment or group presentation
(20%), one 2 hour unseen paper
examination (80%)
Two Group presentations,
approximately 12 minutes (25%
each), Two Group team-based
reflective reports approximately
1,000 words (plus individual peerassessment reports), (12.5% each),
Two Individual project reports
approximately 2,000 words (12.5%
Research Projects
Business Research Methods
Independent Research Paper
No summative assessment
8-10,000 word written assignment
Weighting %
Elective Courses
The table below outlines the elective courses MSc International Management available along with the
assessment breakdown and programme weighting. Two electives are required.
Note: Not all electives courses are offered each academic year. Elective courses will be offered subject to
minimum enrolment. In cases of an elective course being over-subscribed, the School allocates places based on
student’s statements of interest.
Weighting %
Advertising and
Promotional Communication
One group project (100%)
Co-operative Strategy
One in-class test (100%)
Investment Management
One in-class test (100%)
Marketing Research
One group project (100%)
Multinational Enterprise
and the Global Economy
One in-class test (100%)
One group project (100%)
Business Law
One in-class test (100%)
International Perspectives
on Corporate Governance
Digital Media Marketing
Sustainability Management
One individual essay (80%), one
individual presentation (10%) and
one group project presentation
One group project (100%)
One individual essay (50%), one
presentation (15%) and a one hour
in-class test (35%)
Core Course Summaries
There are ten core courses in total
Six Courses of Core Management Functions
(MN5111, 5113, 5114, 5118, 5121, and 5131), which include assessment by individual examination:
MN5111 International Accounting and Finance
You will discuss the role of accounting information in external and internal decision making and will learn
to understand the properties of profit and the main techniques for measuring it. You will discuss the
nature and role of the major financial statements, prepare basic financial statements, and become
familiar with different regional and national influences on financial reporting requirements and
MN5113 International Marketing
You will develop a working knowledge and a critical understanding of popular normative marketing
concepts through a series of lectures and application in practical cases delivered in workshops. You will
appreciate the appeal—but also engage critically—with Peter Drucker’s dictum that marketing is a
philosophy that emphasises an orientation towards customers.
MN5114 International Strategy
You will evaluate the factors that need to be considered in analysing a firm’s external environment. You
will explore the internal core competences of a firm, formulate strategy for a firm, understand the nature
of corporate strategy and understand the nature of international strategy.
MN5118 Business Economics
You will develop an understanding of economic analysis and reasoning relevant within a business context
and gain an appreciation of the economic underpinnings of business strategy.
MN5121 Information Systems and Operations Management
You will explore strategic issues in information systems and ways in which organisations might strengthen
their competitive position through the use of well-designed and well-managed information systems. You
will analyse the development of manufacturing and service operations management as a subject and to
outline the strategic concerns involved in operations decisions.
MN5131 International Human Resources Management and Organisational Behaviour
You will critically analyse the relationships between personnel management, employee relations and
human resource management. You will evaluate the impact of internal and external labour markets on
the kinds of human resource strategies drawn up by organisations.
Four Additional Core Courses
(MN5117, 5241, 5260 and 5252):
MN5117 Professional Business Skills
You will improve your skills in the area of personal development, including career management, and
working in teams. You learn to communicate in a professional manner and will develop influential and
persuasive interpersonal communication skills.
MN5241 Research Projects
You will develop teamwork, presentation and analytical skills, by working in a group linking theory and
practice to produce a group presentation and written report.
MN5270 Business Research Methods
You will learn to understand and apply the basic principles underlying ‘good’ business research
methodologies, for instance relevant interviewing and questionnaire survey techniques to gather data.
You will be able to devise and critically assess various research designs, and explain, produce and display
descriptive statistics from various data sets.
MN5252 Independent Research Paper
You are presented with an opportunity to analyse a management or business issue in depth. By the end of
the IRP, you will be able to plan and manage a research paper, define the aims of the research paper,
identify the data sources and methods appropriate to conduct the research, identify the potential pitfalls
to conducting your research, execute the IRP plan, and construct an effective argument in writing the IRP.
Elective Course Summaries
Please note: that for all of the elective courses to run, a minimum number of students must have enrolled in
each (usually 10 students).
MN5104 Advertising and Promotional Communication
You will develop a working knowledge of the management processes and practices of international ad
agencies. You will understand processes and practices of international marketing communications and brand
planning; demonstrate awareness of the complimentarily and inter-dependence of discrete marketing
activities within a strategic perspective (by undertaking a strategic promotion project); and appreciate the
complexity and salience of ethical issues in marketing and advertising, especially with respect to the wider
social influence of marketing activity. You will also be able to deconstruct promotional communications in
terms of their likely intended segmentation and positioning rationale.
MN5105 International Co-operative Strategy
You will develop an understanding of the role of cooperative strategy, and its expression through strategic
alliances, in the modern business context. You will get to know perspectives from different disciplines that
contribute to an understanding of cooperative strategy and strategic alliances. You will also be able to
understand the considerations involved in establishing alliances, selecting partners and choosing an alliance
form; understand issues arising in the management of strategic alliances, with special reference to crossborder alliances; and provide an insight into factors impacting on the achievement of alliance objectives
(including learning) and on how you may evolve over time.
MN5107 International Investment Management
You will critically analyse the main valuation models for bonds and equities. You will understand the problems
of international investment strategy and the relative merits of different approaches. You will analyse the
current state of financial markets and devise a relevant portfolio strategy.
MN5115 Marketing Research
You will identify and obtain appropriate marketing information, and develop the analytical skills and critical
thinking to interpret the results of market research. Marketing research comprises one of the most important
and fascinating facets of marketing practices. Research plays a fundamental role in providing a modern
organisation’s decision makers with timely and objective information. The focus is on providing you with the
necessary skills that will enable them to carry out marketing research projects within the business
environment. You will conduct a primary market research project, analysing the data and writing a
comprehensive market research report.
MN5191 Multinational Enterprise and Global Economy
You will gain insights on the development and contemporary vicissitudes of the key players on the
international economic stage: multinational enterprises (MNEs). Attention is placed on the development of
MNEs and foreign direct investment (FDI), as well as on the underlying reasons for foreign investment and
globalization. From this basis, we will consider strategy, organizational forms, cultural differences, ethical
issues, and the relationship between MNEs and host governments. Therefore, the emphasis is on the political
economy of MNEs rather than about their strategic decision-making.
MN5193 Entrepreneurship
You will gain an understanding of key aspects of entrepreneurship: the entrepreneurship process; the key
differences between large companies and SMEs; and the financing options available to start-up and
developing companies. Furthermore, you will acquire an appreciation of the role of start-up and
entrepreneurial activity in the hi-tech and bio-pharma sectors.
MN5211 International Business Law
You will develop a sound knowledge of the main principles of international business law with reference to
English law and other jurisdictions, where relevant. You will develop an understanding of the practice of
international business law within a contemporary context. Moreover, you will develop an understanding of
contract law, commercial law, employment law, company law, international commercial arbitration law, and
international business law within a merging global environment. In addition, you will develop an
understanding of international business ethics within modern business environment.
MN5215 International Perspectives on Corporate Governance
You will gain an understanding of international and theoretical perspectives on corporate governance through
a critical analysis of agency theory, stakeholder approaches, and neo-liberal views on corporate governance
and stock market performance. You will also learn about prevailing debates on insider- versus outsidercontrolled corporate governance regimes, and the role of regulation in governance, in particular in UK and US
markets. In addition to the case studies based on western corporations, you will examine corporate
governance issues in a range of emerging economies and sectors; such as the Norilsk metal (Russia), ENRC
(Kazakhstan), the Tata Group (India), CNPC (China), Petrobras (Brazil) and the Koc Group (Turkey).
MN5216 Digital Media Marketing
You will gain an understanding of digital media within contemporary marketing practice and its impact on
marketing theory. The influence that digital media and the internet have had a significant impact on marketing
practice. This includes the ways consumers are able to communicate with others interactively, digital
technologies incorporated into products and new terms such as blogging, podcasting, Voice over IP (VOIP). You
will develop both the knowledge and practical experience of digital media and marketing concepts available
via these developing technologies. You will develop an understanding of the application of marketing tools to
engage consumers online and offline via digital media. Note: this is NOT a technical course; as such requires
no technical knowledge other than how to use a PC and the internet.
MN5281 International Sustainability Management
You will evaluate the factors that need to be considered by politicians in encouraging the adoption of
corporate social responsibility (CSR). You will evaluate the factors that need to be considered by corporate
strategists in developing a business and corporate strategy including CSR. You will also evaluate the economic
and cultural factors involved in the adoption of CSR by firms. Moreover, you will identify the implications for a
firm in terms of risk and competitiveness of the adoption of a CSR agenda when other firms in its markets may
not have done so. In addition, you will understand the implications of CSR for capital markets, and understand
the implications of implementing and embedding CSR in a corporation.
School of Management
Royal Holloway, University of London
Egham Hill, Egham
Surrey, TW20 0EX
Telephone +44 (01784) 276213