Gazzara/English 101 WH QUIZ 1

Gazzara/English 101 WH QUIZZES 4 & 5
Up to 2 points (one point each)
DIRECTIONS (please use your WH books, pages 391-96; 397-401):
1. (QUIZ 4) Using the definitions and examples of summaries and paraphrases
found in WH pages 392-96, please write ONE summary and ONE paraphrase of
the following paragraph, in the spaces provided on the opposite page.
2. (QUIZ 5) Pick either your summary OR paraphrase examples from QUIZ 4, and
rewrite, this time inserting three identifying tags (see the blue box at the bottom of
WH page 398, top of page 399), in the space provided on the opposite page.
Imagine the paragraph was taken from page 247, and that your author’s last name
is Jones.
o Hint 1 (refer to the BLENDING QUOTATIONS link on the class Website).
o Hint 2 (remember: an example of an identifying tag can be something as
simple as, “Open the door,” she says—because the “she said”
IDENTIFIES the speaker of the quotation).
o Hint 3 (VARY YOUR VERBS—refer to the blue box at the bottom of
WH page 397).
o Hint 4—remember: you can insert identifying tags at the beginning,
middle, or end of a sentence:
 Jones says, “[O]pen the door” (247);
 “Open,” Jones says, “the door” (247); and
 “Open the door” (247) Jones says.
3. These quizzes (only the second page) are due back to me at the end of the
session; you MUST copy AND paste and type your answers. E-mail your
quizzes (again, only the second page, as either an attachment or by copying and
pasting) in case the printer doesn’t work. E-mails must be received NO later
than 9:50A.
As an internal migration, the settling of the suburbs was phenomenal. In the twenty years
from 1950 to 1970, the population of the suburbs doubled from 36 million to 72 million.
No less than 83 percent of the total population growth in the United States during the
1950s was in the suburbs, which were growing fifteen times faster than any other
segment of the country. As people packed and moved, the national mobility rate leaped
by 50 percent. The only other comparable influx was the wave of European immigrants
to the United States around the turn of the century. But as Fortune pointed out, more
people moved to the suburbs every year than had ever lived in Ellis Island.
NAME (write here):____________________________