Carotid MRI Executive Committee Conference Call December 6, 2006 Approved Minutes Present: Nena Aleksic, Christie Ballantyne, Eric Boerwinkle, Woody Chambless, Joe Coresh, Aaron Folsom, Gerardo Heiss, Hanyu Ni, Tom Mosley, Kelly Volcik, Marston Youngblood I. ANNOUCEMENTS/REVIEW OF AGENDA Boerwinkle announced that a special call to discuss renewal should be scheduled. Investigators decided on January 10, 2007. There were no initial changes made to the agenda. ACTION ITEM: Investigators should submit renewal ideas to Boerwinkle. A call will be on January 10, 2007 to discuss them. II. REVIEW OF MINUTES AND ACTION ITEMS The minutes from the November 28 meeting were approved. Action items were reviewed. III. MRI READING CENTER UPDATE Youngblood stated that the MRI variables working group had provided a written summary of the recommended MRI derived variables and their definitions. IV. FIELD CENTER UPDATE There were no updates to report. V. COORDINATING CENTER REPORT Chambless reported that a new statistician, Franklyn Gonzales, had joined the CSCC and he would be working on some of the manuscript proposals. Heiss wanted to know whether there was an overlap of CAR_MRI participants with other studies. ACTION ITEM: Heiss will write a computing request to see if there is an overlap of CAR_MRI participants with other ARIC studies VI. PUBLICATIONS Folsom reminded investigators that manuscript proposals should be submitted to the ARIC Publications Committee for approval. Chambless stated that a status list of Carotid MRI proposals would be compiled and included as part of the regular conference call materials. ACTION ITEM: Ooro will compile a status list of manuscript proposals, which will be included as part of the regular conference call materials. VII. ANCILLARY STUDIES Two ancillary studies submitted by Bruce Wasserman (Johns Hopkins) and David Steinman (U Toronto), titled Geometric Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis, and 2) Characterization of Normal Carotid Artery Flow Rate Waveforms were approved. ACTION ITEM: Folsom will send an approved notification letter to Wasserman for the two ancillary studies, Geometric Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis and Characterization of Normal Carotid Artery Flow Rate Waveforms Having no further business to conduct the call adjourned. Exec Agenda_03.01.07 Page 4 of 11