ARTSCIENCE: THE ESSENTIAL CONNECTION The Art and Science of Visualizing Simulated Blood-Flow Dynamics Dolores A. Hangan Steinman and David A. Steinman ABSTRACT Looking at images across disciplines can help us to think about the cross-fertilization that occurs among the different kinds of visual media. —Marita Sturken and Lisa Cartwright [1] Beginning with Vesalius in the 16th century and continuing through the 19th century, anatomists and physiologists relied on the skill of artists to represent the unseen body. With the advent of photography an important step was taken in terms of scientific visual recording. Toward the end of the 19th century came the rudimentary forerunner of the moving pictures used by Marey and Muybridge exclusively for scientific recordings [2]. Later, computer animation became an important tool used to visualize chemical structures (such as the DNA helix) and bonds, because it not only recorded but also modeled changes in conditions and the local environment. Currently, digital representations simulating real-life radiographs or angiograms are becoming commonplace. This is a result of the medical profession’s increasing interest in developing less invasive visualization techniques, as well as a growing familiarity with such images among the general public. Dolores A. Hangan Steinman (researcher), Imaging Research Laboratories, Robarts Research Institute, PO Box 5015, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5K8. E-mail: <>. David A. Steinman (researcher), Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, 5 King’s College Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3G8. E-mail: <>. T he increasing use of Over the centuries, efforts to recomputer enhancement and veal the unseen body have taken the simulation to reveal the unseen physician from direct visualization human body brings with it challenges, opportunities and (dissection/vivisection), to the reresponsibilities at the interface cording of both macroscopic and of art and science. Here they microscopic images through cineare presented and discussed matography, to the use of contrast/ in the context of efforts radioactive agents and, finally, to to understand the role of blood-flow dynamics in the notion of “computational imvascular disease. aging,” whereby computers are used to enhance or even simulate real-life conditions [3]. It is interesting to note that what initially advanced scientific visualization techniques was the clinician’s need to document any observed pathological change, along with the laboratory researcher’s need to register and catalog observations. Today the goal is to translate data obtained in the laboratory or through clinical techniques into information easily interpreted by the clinician. Thus the computer-generated images created by scientists working in this field function as a metalanguage comprehensible to researchers and clinicians alike (that is, to specialists who have, over the years, developed a separate vernacular). The phenomenon of interest to us is the relationship between blood-flow dynamics and vascular disease. Our task is to establish ways to convert this complex phenomenon into a mathematical model using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation techniques. With the simulation thus cre- Fig. 1. (a) A typical textbook presentation of blood-flow patterns in an aneurysm [27], in which blood is shown to enter the aneurysm at the distal neck (labeled “d”) and to exit through the proximal neck (labeled “p”). (Figure 6.11 from G. Hademenos and T. Massoud, The Physics of Cerebrovascular Diseases [Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 1998] p. 198. With kind permission of Springer Science and Business Media.) (b) A still frame from a visualization of a canine vein pouch aneurysm simulation, which demonstrates blood-flow dynamics broadly similar to that in (a). (© David Steinman) (c) A different perspective from the same visualization, now demonstrating very different 3D blood-flow dynamics. Note: Dark streaks emphasize the fast-moving blood “particles”; lighter streaks highlight increasingly slower flow. (© David Steinman) ©2007 ISAST LEONARDO, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 71–76, 2007 71 ARTSCIENCE: THE ESSENTIAL CONNECTION ated, we generate visual representations of the CFD data intended to be both accurate and aesthetically pleasing. In the process, we pay special attention to the means by which this process can be manipulated or is manipulating the viewer by altering his or her perception. So, imaging scientists face the task of taking an intricate, multifaceted reality and presenting images of it that ultimately may or may not alter the perception of that reality. PROGRESSION OF REPRESENTATION No serious aeronautical engineer today would consider advancing a new aircraft design without extensive computational testing and optimization. The potential of CFD to play a similar role in cardiovascular intervention is very high. —R.W. Metcalfe [4] The study of hemodynamics (blood flow) is important because of its existing relationship to vascular diseases such as aneurysms (the ballooning of blood vessels) and atherosclerotic plaques (buildup of fatty material in vessel walls), abnormalities that tend to develop at sites where hemodynamics are most complex. A veritable menagerie of hemodynamic factors (e.g. wall shear stress, wall shear stress gradients and blood particle residence times) has been implicated in the development and progression of these vascular diseases. Hemodynamic forces likely play a role in the rupture of a plaque or aneurysm, an event that usually precipitates a heart attack or stroke. It may be important for the clinician to consider hemodynamic information when deciding upon treatment, for it has been seen in clinical practice that judicious control of hemodynamic factors and positive “sculpting” of the hemodynamic environment can affect the outcome of minimally invasive procedures employing balloons, stents or coils, as well as surgeries such as aneurysm clipping, bypass grafting or plaque excision. Although the putative links between vascular disease and hemodynamic forces are almost universally accepted, they remain poorly understood. This may be attributed to a simple but unfortunate fact: The hemodynamic factors of interest are extremely difficult to measure in patients Fig. 2. Detailed portrayal of blood-flow patterns on three orthogonal planes through a patient-specific aneurysm simulation, shown at four different points during the cardiac cycle (a–d). (Image from D.A. Steinman et al., “Image-Based Computational Simulation of Flow Dynamics in a Giant Intracranial Aneurysm,” American Journal of Neuroradiology 24 [2003] pp. 559–566. © American Society of Neuroradiology [ASNR]) Grayscales indicate the speed of blood ( |V| , in cm/sec) through the planes; vectors indicate the magnitude and direction of blood flowing within the plane; and white circles identify the centers of flow vortices [28]. 72 Steinman and Steinman, Visualizing Blood-Flow Dynamics using clinical medical imaging techniques. Instead, much of what we understand has been elucidated over the past four decades by means of increasingly refined models. In art, visual representations of the human body have changed over the millennia. From the initial drawings and carvings on stone (e.g. the Altamira drawings and the Red Desert and Viking petroglyphs, essentially described today as “stick-people”), through the more “evolved” representations encountered on the walls of Mayan and Egyptian tombs and Pompeii villas, for example, to the “perfection” of Leonardo’s depictions, humans have faced a number of challenges owing to changes in their ability to process the information acquired, as well as in the skills required for representing this information. It is very important to understand that, despite the fact that the human body has not changed radically, both its perception and its portrayal are continuously changing [5]. Similarly, in the field of bloodflow simulation, mathematical models and their visual representations have evolved, paralleling the availability of increasingly sophisticated tools, skills and knowledge. Until about the 1950s, our understanding of blood-flow dynamics was limited to relatively simplistic mathematical models, which assumed that blood vessels were infinitely long, straight tubes and that the blood moved steadily rather than pulsating in response to heart contractions. Refinement of these mathematical models to include the effects of blood pulsatility led, in the 1960s, to the realization that the flow of blood in arterial circuits follows the same general rules that govern the flow of current through electrical circuits. This led to the use of real or simulated electrical circuits to predict, for example, how alterations to the vascular trees (by disease) might affect clinically measurable quantities such as blood pressure waveforms. Following the suggestion in the late 1960s that the complex forces exerted by flowing blood near arterial branches and bends might explain why atherosclerotic plaques are usually found near these sites, engineers began to translate their considerable skills in visualizing aerodynamic and industrial flows to the challenge of visualizing arterial blood flow. Often, however, the branching or curved tube models were necessarily idealized, sporting circular cross-sections and convenient planes of symmetry that facilitated the construction of the physical models. With the introduction of relatively in- THE ART OF IMAGE-BASED CFD SIMULATION Cubism undertook a completely two-dimensional transcription of the three-dimensional phenomena. —Clement Greenberg [8] The process of creating clear and visually pleasing representations is not a trivial one, since our images need to portray events that evolve in both time and space. Artists have the option of expressing these events in a manner that, for our scientific purposes, lacks pedagogic clarity. If we take the case of Duchamp’s series of Nude(s) Descending a Staircase (1913), the difficulties of imaging a body in motion in an accurate yet aesthetically acceptable way are made clear. Unfortunately, despite Duchamp’s reference to Marey’s scientific images, we cannot use such depiction of time and motion. In addressing the differences and similarities between science and art we walk a very fine line between scientific rigor (when defining and explaining concepts) and flexibility of interpretation (when applying them to individual patients) [9]. Pedagogical simplicity is inevitably achieved at some cost of verisimilitude. —F.C. Holmes [10] In our quest for clarity we strive to maintain the balance of making our data accessible without trivializing our efforts [11]. Correspondingly, we must avoid simplification to the detriment of accuracy. For example, in the classical repre- of symmetry implicit in idealized models, the choice of cut planes to render 3D flow dynamics in 2D becomes somewhat arbitrary and capricious. Furthermore, time as depicted here as a series of individual frames seemingly divorced from one another lacks continuity. This apparent wealth of information thus comes at the expense of communication and understanding. The problem of representing 3D motion in 2D print is of course not a new one. As we have already mentioned, artists have struggled with this problem for centuries. The need for clarity in this field limits our choices; therefore we strive to exploit representations of blood flow that are familiar to the clinician. For the case depicted in Color Plate G No. 1, our solution was to consciously mimic the experimental slipstream visualization techniques [12] promoted by Charles Kerber, an eminent neurosurgeon with a keen interest in the study of blood-flow Despite the fact that the human body has not changed radically, both its perception and its portrayal are continuously changing. sentation of an aneurysm shown in Fig. 1a, blood is shown to enter the aneurysm from the right (distal) end, swirl clockwise and exit through the left (proximal) end. In still frames from a visualization of one of our first patient-specific CFD simulations we can see blood-flow patterns superficially similar to the idealized case (Fig. 1b). However, when viewed from a different perspective (Fig. 1c), the blood is seen to enter the aneurysm through both the proximal and distal ends. Detailed knowledge of how blood moves in and out of the aneurysm is crucial in selecting a treatment, and, as our slightly more realistic representation shows, this movement is more complicated than the simple pedagogical representation suggests. Anatomic realism presents challenges for displaying information, as accuracy and rigor are not always guarantors of clarity. As Fig. 2 demonstrates, the traditional engineering representation of flow using flooded contour and vector field plots is clear to scientists and perhaps aesthetically appealing to the layperson, but not at all clear to medical students, physicians, technologists or the public at large. In the absence of the convenient planes dynamics. The 3D context now becomes much clearer, and, although we have lost the detailed depiction of the complex vortical flow structures identified in Fig. 2, the complexity of flow in the aneurysm is still evident in the mixing of the differently colored slipstreams. The temporal evolution of flow, depicted here in a manner that echoes spontaneously the classical Muybridgian approach, also becomes much clearer. The scientist and the artist, each at his own work, are in some real sense pursuing the same aim and by methods having more in common than is usually admitted. —Martin Johnson [13] When challenged by the tension between the novel concept and novel representation, we have chosen to promote the concept of a very complex patterned flow by adopting traditional conventions and adapting them to our needs. For example, when painters were hired to draw anatomical atlases, the convention they were supposed to obey was “red from the heart, blue to the heart.” As illustrated in Color Plate G No. 2a, we exploit this con- Steinman and Steinman, Visualizing Blood-Flow Dynamics 73 ARTSCIENCE: THE ESSENTIAL CONNECTION expensive desktop workstations in the 1980s, engineers and physicists began turning toward CFD [6]. Paralleling the evolution of physical models, early CFD simulations still typically exploited simple geometries and planes of symmetry, the former being easy to generate using computer-aided design tools and the latter allowing only half of the model to be simulated, with the other half merely represented as its mirror image. Advances in the 1990s in high-resolution three-dimensional medical imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound (US) made it possible non-invasively to study vascular structures with unprecedented accuracy and detail. Still, concomitant accuracy and detail in the measurement of bloodflow dynamics in vivo remained—and remains—elusive. Coupled with advances in medical imaging processing, this decade has seen an explosion in imagebased CFD simulations whereby vessel geometries derived from in vivo medical images are used to construct patientspecific CFD models for the purposes of more clearly understanding the role of blood-flow dynamics in the development of vascular disease, as well as for planning and optimizing vascular interventions. The enormous amount of bloodvelocity data generated by even a single image-based CFD simulation (often on the order of gigabytes), the absence of convenient planes of symmetry and the need to present these simulations in a clinical setting raise important conceptual and practical issues in their display [7]. The resolution of these issues at the interface of art and science is presented and discussed below, using examples from our research into elucidating the role of hemodynamic forces in treatment and prevention of cerebrovascular disease. ARTSCIENCE: THE ESSENTIAL CONNECTION Fig. 3. (a) Sequential frames in which a patient-specific CFD simulation has undergone a “virtual angiogram,” whereby a dye or contrast agent has been virtually injected into the CFD model, which at the same time undergoes virtual X-ray imaging to highlight the blood vessel. (b) The corresponding frames from the clinical angiograms acquired for this patient [29]. (© IEEE) vention as a means of conveying to the viewer the presence of retrograde flow within the portion of the artery where plaques tend to occur. Another convention we have exploited is that of color Doppler ultrasound, a medical imaging technique that traditionally uses cool hues to depict reverse flow and warm hues to depict forward flow. The use of this color convention (Color Plate G No. 2b) provides a tentative link between the rich detail of the blood-flow dynamics simulated for this particular patient and the relatively crude, but still clinically relevant, depiction offered by the clinical ultrasound examination of the same patient. In Fig. 3 we go one step further in exploiting the links between computergenerated and routine clinical representations by “virtually” imaging a patient-specific CFD model in the same way that the patient was imaged clinically. An image of a radiograph is very clearly associated with the “idea” of a radiograph in the minds of the public and experts alike, and the use of “virtual imaging” is meant to create the same intuitive connection. This particular convention has the added bonus of allowing us to know whether we are telling the truth with CFD: Absent the ability to accurately 74 measure detailed blood-flow dynamics directly in vivo, indirect comparisons of the real and virtually imaged patient are currently the only means available to us to prove that our computer simulations reflect reality, at least as embodied in a clinical examination. Taken together, these examples serve to highlight the pursuit of aesthetic agreement in the depiction of these patient-specific CFD simulations, and the consistency with traditional medical imaging expected by the clinicians and lay people who ultimately “consume” these images. ADVANTAGES OF COMPUTER-GENERATED VISUAL REPRESENTATIONS Science reorganized its conception of the living body . . . to reflect the body’s new status as a mobile, living system. —Lisa Cartwright [14] As we have shown, the use of computergenerated images derived from CFD simulations obviously has its advantages and is definitely a step forward in the creation of optimal “windows” into the unseen human body. The principal advantage is Steinman and Steinman, Visualizing Blood-Flow Dynamics that they decipher the biological code and visualize the invisible, as opposed to merely mirroring reality. From strict observation of the physiological phenomenon (“noting everything normal and regular” [15]), the translation is made to the experiment (defined as the “variation or disturbance that an investigator brings into the conditions of natural phenomena” [16]). Another key advantage of these computer-generated images is the appearance of the organ as a whole (in the context of its interactions with the rest of the organism). A better understanding comes from both the visualization of the organ/tissue, as well as of the bodily context in which it is now placed. The blood, for instance, and its flow patterns can neither be recorded nor regarded independently from the surrounding tissues and organs. In addition, computer simulations allow us to anticipate changes within tissues or organs without the restrictions imposed by in vivo data collection, which is usually limited by anatomical constraints [17]. Also important is the fact that physiological processes can thus be simulated without harming either human beings or experimental animals. CHALLENGES FACED BY THE IMAGER Where cinematography enhanced or occasionally replaced sensory acuity, computer enhancement or simulation goes further by replacing the recorded image with its own creation. As alluded to above, in the desire to be understood by a wide audience and concomitantly make the information available for both training and diagnosis/treatment purposes, we are faced with challenges within two essential issues: (a) scientific truth and clarity; and (b) aesthetics and conventions. Paul Hartal has written, “The painted image has such an enormous power over the observer that it can fool humans and animals alike” [18]. In our society, where images are used ubiquitously for their ability to manipulate and alter perceptions, the generation of images for educational and diagnostic purposes bears great responsibility. Scientists, and by extension their representations of medical data, are in an exceptional position owing to the public’s implicit trust of their profession [19]. In our field, data may be used to make life-or-death decisions, and so there is a real danger if the numerical data underlying a compelling representation is false or incorrect. In connection to the actual data collected from the patient [25]. While they are occasionally intrinsic to the phenomenon studied, we need to avoid the spectacular and carefully balance the shock value that some images might carry. In the 1940s a popular scientific movie was the recording by Goodhart and Balser of the “woman-Oedipus,” an encephalitis patient who had, as a result of her ailment, pulled out her own teeth and eyes. This grim footage was acquired within a few decades of Edison’s Manufacturing Company’s popular 1903 recording of an elephant’s death through electrocution. The strong interest the public manifested In the biomedical sciences, it is becoming increasingly easy to create powerful images that can trick the observer into mistaking them for reality. Aware of this power, one needs to be very careful when dealing with these images and the concepts they represent. Science, whether its practitioners will it or not, is in this regard akin to religion. Like religious imagery, the scientific and medical images herewith promote a new set of theories, principles, ideas and values. In Marx’s terms, religion is “the opiate of the masses” who are “coerced to mindlessly buy into a belief system” that is not necessarily innate to them [21]. Over the centuries, religious art was used to convey religious myths and church doctrines, as well as to express abstract concepts while depicting seemingly accurate renditions of the world. Today mass media are used to “disseminate the same texts, images, and sounds to millions of citizens—thus assuring the same ideological beliefs” [22]. One can therefore ask, Is science a new type of religion, in that it addresses the masses and tries to “win them over”? Images thus become of vital importance in this process of accessing the imaginary/abstract realm. We therefore need to be extremely careful not to turn our representations into a mere propaganda of this new ideology [23]. Culture is a process, not a fixed set of practices or interpretations. —Sturken and Cartwright [24] Another major challenge is to avoid creating eye-catching images that have little in these cases (whether attributable to curiosity, indirect participation in an explicit ritual of death or simply the shock value of repulsion) is at one end of the scale. At the other extreme are the weaker responses elicited from the public to, say, images of tissue obtained through electron microscopy, or a fixed and stained tissue slide. The images we generate and present to the public are not repulsive or meant to incite morbid curiosity. They are meant to allow both the physician and the public to pierce through the body’s carapace into the unseen and untouched using aesthetically refined means. We do take into account the visual satisfaction of the public while using computer-generated images as substitutes for the human body (with the goal of replacing invasive in vivo experiments). It is difficult to generate images “acceptable” to an image-savvy audience. The public is fascinated with both the physiological process and the technology used to explore it. Bombarded with visual stimuli, the public also has the ability to discern between professional and amateur images. This sophistication results from exposure to science popularization programs, which provide a false sense of knowledge that deceptively seems to empower the public to decide upon the actual “reality” of the screened image. Additionally, cultural and aesthetic conventions, which influence the awareness and appreciation of the viewer, continually develop and change [26]. The process of “computational” imaging thus becomes a process of interpreting reality through the creation of easily accessible images following prevailing cultural trends and consistent with the traditional medical images that the public is used to seeing. One additional risk is the extensive democratization of images without consideration for the actual data and message that need to be transmitted. The images generated by the computer but controlled by the scientist/researcher are following cultural trends while stimulating both understanding and acceptance. Despite the perceived need for popular recognition, scientists do confront and educate the public and do not aim for the lowest common denominator. In summary, our computer-generated simulations and subsequent representations must be: (a) an accurate and clear reflection of the anatomical and physiological reality, as indicated by the raw data; (b) in accordance with established visual conventions in medical representation; and (c) in tune with both the style of the day and the aesthetic demands and visual background of the reader/viewer. Acknowledgments We thank Christine Sprengler (Department of Visual Arts, University of Western Ontario) for advice and encouragement, as well as the staff, students, collaborators and patients who have contributed to the examples presented here. This work was supported by a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (MOP-62934) and a Career Investigator Award from the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario. Finally, we thank Catherine Dhavernas and Agnès Conacher (Department of French Studies, Queen’s University) for getting us started. References and Notes 1. M. Sturken and L. Cartwright, Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture (Oxford, U.K.: Oxford Univ. Press, 2002) p. 3. 2. The “moving pictures,” originally conceived by Marey and Muybridge as a scientific tool, were borrowed by entertainers, whereas today advances in visualization are often dictated by the amusement world of computer games and later used by scientists. Also notable, as suggested by Cartwright, is the competition between the interest in the apparatus and the interest in the image itself. L. Cartwright, Screening the Body: Tracing Medicine’s Visual Culture (Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1997) p. 81. 3. Computational imaging covers a broad spectrum, from enhancement of medical images themselves to computer simulations based on data derived from those images. Our work focuses on the latter; however, the broader issues discussed in this paper apply equally well to the former. 4. R.W. Metcalfe, “The Promise of Computational Fluid Dynamics as a Tool for Delineating Therapeutic Options in the Treatment of Aneurysms,” American Journal of Neuroradiology 24 (2003) pp. 553–554. 5. It is equally important to recognize that visual representations have continued to change over the last two centuries, owing in part to ever-evolving aesthetic grounds (e.g. compare body representations of Steinman and Steinman, Visualizing Blood-Flow Dynamics 75 ARTSCIENCE: THE ESSENTIAL CONNECTION the biomedical sciences, it is becoming increasingly easy to create powerful images that can trick the observer into mistaking them for reality. Such misrepresentations may happen inadvertently; however, as a facetious NASA technical report pointed out, it is not difficult to purposely divert public perception from the actual data [20]. Our images, thus, burden us with broader responsibility because they carry two levels of interpretation: (a) our interpretation of the raw data followed by the creation of a simulation; and (b) the “reader”’s interpretation of the resulting visual representation. ARTSCIENCE: THE ESSENTIAL CONNECTION Moore versus Rodin, Picasso versus Modigliani or Giacometti versus Botero). 6. Except for relatively trivial cases, equations governing fluid flow cannot be solved by hand. Computational fluid dynamics circumvents this by dividing a complex domain into thousands of smaller and simpler elemental shapes, each of which is then governed by a simpler equation. However, because these elements are connected to one another, thousands or even millions of equations must be solved together, a feat achievable in practice only by the use of computers. 7. “[It] is important to remember Linus Pauling’s admonition that ‘modelling is a form of thinking’ and Rudolf Arnheim’s equally important insight, that ‘artistic activity is a form of reasoning.’” R.S. Root-Bernstein, “The Sciences and Arts Share a Common Creative Aesthetic,” in Alfred Tauber, ed., The Elusive Synthesis: Aesthetics and Science (Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996) p. 74. 8. C. Greenberg, Art and Culture: Critical Essays (Boston: Beacon Press, 1961) p. 172. 9. “The interesting thing about art is that it doesn’t have to have a utilitarian value. . . . [Artists] can indulge those things that are not rigorous.” M. Bond, “The Art of Knowledge: An Interview with Keith Tyson, Winner of Last Year’s Turner Prize,” New Scientist (20 September 2003) pp. 44–47. 10. F.C. Holmes, “Beautiful Experiments in the Life Sciences,” in Tauber [7] pp. 83–102. 11. “Victor Weisskopf has described as a ‘destructive element’ within the community of science the low esteem in which clear and understandable presentation is held.” Root-Bernstein [7] p. 72. 12. In this in vitro approach, colored dyes having the same density as the fluid medium are injected into an optically transparent vascular model and filmed as their trajectories evolve. 13. M. Johnson, Art and Scientific Thought; Historical Studies Towards a Modern Revision of Their Antagonism (New York: AMS Press, 1970) p. 23. 14. Cartwright [2] p. 82. 15. Cartwright [2] p. 26. 16. Cartwright [2] p. 26. It is important to appreciate the difference between the perception of scientific cinematic recording as “documentary” (i.e. 76 involving no manipulation) versus scientific moving images created on the computer (i.e. realistic simulacra derived from real-life data having undergone two conversions: from data collected from the individual patient to numerical data [binary code]; and then from the numerical data into images). The concern we face is: Which one of the two is more accurate, reliable or closer to reality? The former is a recording of the organ (albeit through the angle of the “recorder”), while the latter involves the processing of objective data by a non-biased machine. Hence, we could say that the issues at stake are: (a) What is the message the “recorder” or “creator” of images is trying to convey? (b) Who is the target audience? and (c) What is the final use of these images? 27. From G.J. Hademenos and T.F. Massoud, The Physics of Cerebrovascular Diseases (New York: AIP Press, 1998). 28. From D.A. Steinman et al., “Image-Based Computational Simulation of Flow Dynamics in a Giant Intracranial Aneurysm,” American Journal of Neuroradiology 24 (2003) pp. 559–566. 29. From M.D. Ford et al., “Virtual Angiography for Visualization and Validation of Computational Fluid Dynamics Models of Aneurysm Hemodynamics,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 24 (2005) pp. 1586–1592. 30. From Steinman et al. [28]. 17. That is, collection of organs/body parts is limited to suit the practical needs of the microscopist: frog legs, rabbit ears, chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane, mouse mesentery, etc. 31. From D.A. Steinman et al., “Reconstruction of Carotid Bifurcation Hemodynamics and Wall Thickness Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and MRI,” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 47 (2002) pp. 149–159. 18. P. Hartal, The Brush and the Compass: The Interface Dynamics of Art and Science (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1998) p. 99. 32. From D.A. Vorp et al., “Computational Modeling of Arterial Biomechanics,” Computers in Science and Engineering 3 (2001) pp. 51–62. 19. Harris Poll #63, 27 November 2002. 20. A. Globus and E. Raible, “13 Ways to Say Nothing with Scientific Visualization,” NASA Ames Research Center Report RNR-92-006 (25 February 1992). 21. Sturken and Cartwright [1] p. 51. 22. L. Manovich, The Language of New Media (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002) p. 22. 23. Propaganda here refers to “false representations to lure people into holding beliefs that may compromise their own interest.” Sturken and Cartwright [1] p. 21. 24. Sturken and Cartwright [1] p. 4. 25. “There is a self-conscious limit to the artistic foray, however, for the images addressed to a scientific audience are, in a sense, conservative: whereas colour embellishes the dramatic effects used for popular audiences, journal articles and professional presentations largely eschew such bold images and less dramatic, monochromatic pictures are used.” Tauber [7] p. 4. 26. Following discussions with our colleagues, we noted a tension between two perceptions: For some, beauty in science is equated with simplicity, harmony and a certain quality of cleanness; others identify it in science’s complex, unpredictable and imperfect aspects. Steinman and Steinman, Visualizing Blood-Flow Dynamics Manuscript received 31 August 2005. Dolores Steinman was trained as a pediatrician and went on to doctoral and postdoctoral research in cancer cell biology. An accomplished photographer, she is particularly interested in the role of the arts in medicine and devotes her efforts to bringing together the local scientific and artistic communities. Dr. Steinman worked as a research associate at the Robarts Research Institute and is currently a Volunteer Art Docent at Museum London. David Steinman spent the last decade as a scientist at the Robarts Research Institute, working to integrate the fields of computational modeling and medical imaging. Necessity being the mother of invention, he spent much of this time thinking of ways to present complex data to colleagues, collaborators and the community at large. Dr. Steinman is currently an associate professor of mechanical and biomedical engineering at the University of Toronto. COLOR PLATE G No. 1. Selected frames from a “virtual slipstream” visualization of blood-flow dynamics from the aneurysm simulation depicted in Fig. 2. (Image from D.A. Steinman et al., “Image-Based Computational Simulation of Flow Dynamics in a Giant Intracranial Aneurysm,” American Journal of Neuroradiology 24 [2003] pp. 559–566. © American Society of Neuroradiology [ASNR].) The top and bottom rows show the aneurysm in lateral and anterior-posterior views, chosen to match the view typically acquired during clinical angiography (see Reference [30] in article by Dolores A. Hangan Steinman and David A. Steinman). No. 2. Two different conventions used to visualize blood-flow dynamics from anatomically realistic carotid bifurcation CFD simulations. (a) Virtual particles streaking through the computed velocity field, color-coded according to their speed (shown in units of cm/sec according to the legend at upper right) (see Reference [31] in article by Dolores A. Hangan Steinman and David A. Steinman). (© John Wiley and Sons) (b) Visualized axial velocity component on selected planes through another model, using a color scheme consciously meant to mimic that of color Doppler ultrasound (see Reference [32] in Steinman and Steinman). (© IEEE) 49