
Presented by:
Bloomfield High School
Guidance Department
Bloomfield High School
5 Huckleberry Lane
Bloomfield, CT 06002
Dear Students and Parents:
In an effort to assist you in locating scholarships, the School
Counseling Department at Bloomfield High School has compiled a
listing of scholarships organized by the month of their deadline.
Students should read this booklet carefully and pursue scholarships for which they are eligible. The scholarship entries have
been carefully checked, however the deadlines and availabilities of
the scholarships may change. Therefore it is the students responsibility to apply to appropriate scholarships and contact the appropriate scholarship committees.
This booklet is meant to only serve as a guide, and students should
familiarize themselves with the scholarship binder located in the
guidance officer for more information on each scholarship. As
soon as scholarships arrive, they are placed in the scholarship
binder in the guidance office. Scholarships may also be found in
the Greater Hartford Area College Scholarships Directory. If a
scholarship required a fee, please check with your counselor regarding the authenticity of this scholarship.
Again, it is the responsibility of the student to seek out scholarships and apply for them. The guidance counselor is there to direct and assist them, but students should be independently pursuing appropriate scholarships. Please contact your guidance counselor with additional questions or concerns regarding the scholarship process.
The Bloomfield High School Guidance Department
Table of Contents
Scholarship Searches and Scams ..................... 4
Scholarships with Deadlines of Dec./Jan. ........... 5
Scholarships with Deadlines of February ........... 6
Scholarships with Deadlines of March............... 9
Scholarships with Deadlines of April .............. 14
Scholarships with Deadlines of May ............... 20
Scholarships with Deadlines of June ............... 22
General Information on Scholarships
Page 4
Several sites on the Internet may make the Financial Aid process easier.
Below is a listing of Web Site scholarship searches:
FastWeb - a database of more than 180,000 private scholarships located at:
Collegeboard Scholarship Search - a scholarship search through a personal
profile located at:
Minority On-Line Information System - identifies scholarships for minorities located at:
Minority Scholarships:
FAFSA on the Web
**Beware of companies that charge fees or guarantee scholarships. Offers
that guarantee scholarships or ask for money to “hold” the scholarship may
be a scam. Check out the Federal Trade Commission Web Site located at: for more
information on scholarship scams.**
*Reprinted from the National Association of Secondary School Principals, April
1998 Newsletter*
**Do not fill out your FAFSA on –this site charges a fee.
Scholarship Deadline: Dec./Jan.
Page 5
AXA Achievement Scholarship
Criteria: students who set and reach ambitious goals, demonstrate drive, determination and ability to succeed in college and
who have respect for self, family and community
Soroptimist International of Greater Hartford’s Violet Richardson Award
Criteria: female, age 14-17, volunteer activity
Tom Joyner Foundation Full Ride Scholarship
Criteria: U.S. citizen, high school senior, minimum 3.5 GPA,
minimum SAT score of 1300(math and verbal only) or ACT score
of 28, accepted into an HBCU, demonstrate leadership abilities
through community service, extracurricular, or other activities.
Sam Walton Community Scholarship
Criteria: high school senior, not an associate or child of an associate of Wal-Mart or Sam’s Club
Applications Available:
Scholarship Deadline: February
Page 6
Boy Scouts of America General Scholarships
Criteria: high school senior, participating in Boy
Scout program, Eagle Scout, financial need
Occupational Therapy Scholarship
Criteria: US citizen, enrolled in an accredited school
of Occupational or Physical Therapy, letter of sponsorship required
Caroline Holt Nursing Scholarship
Criteria: plan to enroll in a Nursing Program, US citizen, letter of sponsorship required
Johnson and Wales Chancellor’s Scholarship
Criteria: plan to attend Johnson and Wales, high
academic achiever
Call Me Mister Scholarship
Criteria: plan to pursue teaching as a career, plan
to attend one of the scholarship’s participating colleges (Clemson University, Benedict College, South
Carolina State University, Claflin University, Morris
The Sage Colleges Scholarship in Math, Engineering, and
the Sciences
Criteria: plan to major in the sciences, must be accepted to and attend Russell Sage College or Sage
College of Albany
IMPAC–CSU Literary Awards for Young Writers
Criteria: submit a prose or poetry writing submission, be nominated by a teacher, open to students
aged 13-18
Scholarship Deadline: February
Page 7
Greater New England Alliance of Black School Educators Scholarship
Criteria: plan to go into the field of education
Mass Mutual Financial Group
Criteria: have at least a 3.0 GPA, be interested in pursuing a career in financial services (areas of Actuarial, Information Technology, Retirement Services, and Underwriting), reside in Hartford county, and show participation in other areas such as community service, work experience, and sports.
Applications available:
Ronald McDonald American Scholarship Program
Criteria: be a high school senior, apply to a 2 or 4 year college,
personal statement and parents’ tax return required
Governor’s Coalition for Youth with Disabilities Scholarship
Criteria: have documented disability, plan to attend a postsecondary institution
Asthma and Allergy Foundation Scholarship
Criteria: plan to pursue higher education in fall, academic
achievement, essay on overcoming asthma or allergies
National Co-Op Scholarship
Criteria: apply and be accepted to one of the scholarship partner universities (examples include Drexel, Johnson & Wales,
Northeastern), have at least a 3.5 GPA, work part-time at least 15
hours per week, 40 weeks per year, involved in community service activities
Madeline Picket Halbert Cogswell Nursing Scholarship
Criteria: nursing student who is a member, eligible for membership, or descendant of members of NSDAR, U.S. citizen, attending accredited school, letter of sponsorship from local DAR
chapter required
Scholarship Deadline: February
Page 8
CT Capitol Scholarship Program
Criteria: high school senior, CT resident, entering CT, DC,
ME, MA, NH, PA, RI, VT college, class rank of top 20% or
SAT above 1800, financial need
DAR American History Scholarship
High school senior, US citizen, American History major, letter of sponsorship required
Burger King Scholarship
Criteria: have at least a 2.5 GPA, work part-time at least 15
hours per week, 40 weeks per year, involved in community
service activities
Apply Online:
Lillian and Arthur Dunn Scholarship
Criteria: high school senior, US citizen, plan to attend 4 year
college/university, son or daughter of NSDAR member, letter of sponsorship required
Connecticut Association of Educational Office Professionals
Criteria: high school senior, plan to pursue a business or
administrative assistant career
Enid Hall Griswold Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: US citizen, political science, history, government or
economics major, letter of sponsorship required
Big Y Scholarship
Criteria: have outstanding academic record, be a high
school senior, live in the Big Y Market Area
Long Island University – C.W. Post Campus Biomedical
Sciences Scholarship
Criteria: plan to attend Long Island University, have at least
a 3.0 GPA and 1500 SAT score, plan to study Medical Biology
Scholarship Deadline: March
Page 9
Delta Sigma Theta Scholarship
Criteria: African-American female senior in the top 25% of
class, essay and letters of recommendation required
Bro. Dr. Frank T. Scholarships
Criteria: high school senior, minimum 3.0 GPA, essay required
ARTC Glenn Moon Scholarships
Criteria: high school senior, CT resident, entering four-year
college/university, plan to pursue education major, financial
need, academic excellence
Gail Burns-Smith “Dare to Dream” Fund
Criteria: CT resident, commitment to women’s issues or sexual prevention/advocacy
Officer Brian A. Aselton Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: plan on enrolling at Manchester Community College, Criminal Justice major, CT resident, planning on a career in law enforcement
Malcolm Baldrige Scholarships
Criteria: CT resident, plan on attending CT college/
university, international trade and manufacturing related major, academic excellence
Professional Women in Construction
Criteria: plan to study a construction-related discipline in
The Portuguese Foundation Scholarship
Criteria: be of Portuguese Ancestry, demonstrate financial
need, be a US Citizen, plan to enroll in a degree program as
a full time student
Applications available:
Scholarship Deadline: March
Page 10
Hartford Tall Heights Club Scholarship
Criteria: plan to enroll in a college or university, meet height
requirements of 5’10” or taller for women/ 6’2” or taller for
ACE Mentor Program Scholarship
Criteria: plan to study a construction-related discipline in
CCSU University Singers Scholarship
Criteria: be accepted to CCSU, submit letter expressing interest in joining CCSU University Singers, an on-campus choral group and audition for group
Mayflower Descendents Society Scholarship
Criteria: academic achievement, extracurricular involvement
essay required
Business & Professional Women’s Club of Hartford Scholarship
Criteria: graduating senior in the Greater Hartford area, financial need, attend a 2- year accredited college in the fall
Labs are Vital Scholarship
Criteria: submit a video, advertisement, or T-Shirt design
that causes others to consider careers in clinical lab science
Apply Online:
Sammy 2008 Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year Scholarship
Criteria: involvement in athletics
Apply Online:
Connecticut Building Congress Scholarship Fund
Criteria: plan on majoring in construction field.
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Scholarship Program
Criteria: submit resume, brief description of career goals,
letter of recommendation, and Student Aid Report
Scholarship Deadline: March
Page 11
Arrive Alive Scholarship
Criteria: attending a four year college or university in the Fall
of 2008, must submit an essay in the form of a letter to read to
classmates about the dangers of drinking and driving
Apply Online:
CT State USBC Association
Criteria: be son, daughter, granddaughter, or grandson of a
current member of the CT State Bowling Association, be entering an institution of higher learning in the summer or fall
2008, must submit letter
Dunkin’ Donuts Scholarship Fund
Apply Online:
American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Award
Criteria: plan to enroll in a family and consumer science field
of study, must provide essay and recommendations
The Catholic Graduates Club of Greater Hartford
Criteria: Catholic student residing in Hartford County, financial need, must demonstrate academic achievement
The College Club of Hartford
Criteria: graduating senior, attending a 2-4 year college, top
10% of the class. financial need
Golub Foundation Scholarship
Criteria: attend college in one of the following states: NY,
MA, PA, VT, CT, or NH
Apply Online:
Hispanic College Fund Scholarship
Criteria: Hispanic descent, at least a 3.0 GPA
Applications Available:
Scholarship Deadline: March
Page 12
American Fire Sprinkler Association Scholarship
Criteria: enrolled in college in fall, essay required
Hartford County Retired Teacher Association Scholarship
Criteria: reside in Hartford County, plan to pursue a degree
in teaching, financial need
Disabled Worker Committee Scholarship
Criteria: academic excellence, be a child of a worker totally
disabled in the work place
Kohl’s Kids Who Care Scholarship Program
Criteria: volunteered in community in last 12 months
Greater Hartford Jaycees Foundation Scholarship
Criteria: Attending 2 or 4 year college or tech school, financial need, exhibit academic ability, participated in community service
Apply Online:
Sammy Davis Jr. Performing Arts Scholarship
Criteria: plan on majoring in fine arts
Apply Online:
Connecticut Nurserymen’s Foundation Scholarship
Criteria: be accepted in a course of study beneficial to the
horticultural industry, landscaping, nursery management,
submit a Student Aid Report
Humane Society Shaw-Worth Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: achievement in animal protection
NAHB Women’s Council/National Housing Endowment Scholarship
Criteria: plan to pursue building-related course of study –
construction management, construction technology, civil engineering, architecture
New England Institute of Technology Scholarship Contest
Criteria: must submit essay in technology, automotive, multimedia and web design, architectural building and engineer-
Scholarship Deadline: March
Page 13
UCONN 100 Years of Women Scholarship
Criteria: commitment to women’s issues through service to
their community or school, be planning to enroll at UCONN
for the Fall 2008 semester, need of financial assistance, high
academic performance, submit two letters of recommendation
The Doc Hurley Scholarship
Criteria: graduate in June 2008, plan to attend college in the
fall of 2008, academic excellence, financial need
Dave Nelsen Scholarship
Criteria: plan to attend a technical college to study the oil
heating industry
Legal Professionals of Connecticut Scholarship
Criteria: submit autobiographical letter & letter of recommendation, demonstrate academic excellence
The Associated General Contractors of Connecticut Scholarship
Criteria: be a senior, plan to attend a 2 or 4-year civil engineering or technical school with construction as a course of
SBM Charitable Foundation
Criteria: US Citizen, minimum GPA of 2.5, be applying to a 2
or 4 year college in CT, submit completed FAFSA
American Savings Foundation Scholarships
Criteria: 2.5 GPA minimum, submit a valid Student Aid Report, financial need attending a 2 or 4 year college in the fall
For more information:
Jackie Robinson Scholarship
Criteria: plan to attend a 2 or 4-year college in Fall 2008,
have at least a combined score of 1000 on the critical reading and math portions of SAT
Apply Online:
Scholarship Deadline: March/April
Page 14
Glenn Moon Scholarships
Criteria: plan to pursue a career in teaching, financial need
The Shakira Ke’Aysia Duncan Scholarship
Criteria: have Sickle Cell Disease, plan to major in the field of
medicine or social services, GPA equaling C average
Fourth Degree Pro Deo and Pro Patria Scholarships
Criteria: high school senior, plan to attend a 4 year Catholic college, father must be member of Knights of Columbus, academic
James L. and Genevieve H. Goodwin Scholarships
Criteria: CT resident, plan to major in siviculture or forest
resource management
MassMutual Scholars Program
Criteria: high school senior, minimum 3.0 GPA, community service, financial need
Michaels Jewelers Foundation Scholarships for Athletics
Criteria: high school senior, plan on attending UCONN, Business
major, planning on participating in intercollegiate athletics, community service
T. Clark Hull Public Service Scholarship
Criteria: plan to attend Southern CT State University, minimum
3.0 GPA, demonstrate leadership and commitment to serve others
CT association of Women Police Scholarship
Criteria: plan on majoring in a criminal justice program,
letter of recommendation, essay, and copy of FAFSA
Jackie Robinson Scholarship
Criteria: plan to attend a 2 or 4-year college in Fall 2008, have at
least a combined score of 1000 on the critical reading and math
portions of SAT
Apply Online:
Scholarship Deadline: April
Page 15
Corporal Robert Bagnall USMC Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: submit essay, community involvement
Katherine Portnoy Mattleson Scholarship
Criteria: Jewish faith, plan to major in nursing
Alvin Kennedy Scholarships
Criteria: Jewish high school senior, financial need
Dr. Leizor and Barbara Kessel Scholarships
Criteria: Jewish high school senior or college student,
financial need
H.B. Paul Lowenberg Lions Scholarships
Criteria: high school senior, plan to attend 2 or 4 year
college, preference to those majoring in music and the
Nellie Love Butcher Scholarship
Criteria: music student studying piano or voice, minimum 3.0 GPA, preference given to those currently attending Duke Ellington School or Performing Arts in
Washington, DC
Hebrew Ladies Sheltering Home Scholarships
Criteria: Jewish descent, pursuing Jewish studies
Celia Hillman Scholarships
Criteria: high school senior, middle third of graduating
class, Jewish student
Priscilla Maxwell Endicott Scholarships
Criteria: female, CT resident, plan to attend 4 year college/university, active junior golfer with golf handicap
Ernest and Charlotte Hirst Family Scholarships
Criteria: high school senior, Jewish female, minimum 3.0
CT association of Women Police Scholarship
Criteria: plan on majoring in a criminal justice program,
letter of recommendation, essay, and copy of FAFSA
Scholarship Deadline: April
Page 16
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship
Criteria: high school senior, class rank top 2% and/or SAT
scores minimum 2100, CT resident
Rhea Sourifman Caplin Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: Greater Hartford resident (preference to Bloomfield), Jewish high school senior, minimum B average in sciences, pursuing nursing or healthcare profession
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Epsilon Omicron Omega Chapter
Annual Scholarship
Criteria: Hartford County resident, attend public high school,
plan on attending college in fall, financial need, community
1st Annual Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship
Criteria: high school or college student, designing greeting
card required
For more information:
Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Competition
Criteria: Bloomfield resident, minimum 2 years at Bloomfield
High or Metropolitan Learning Center, minimum 3.0 GPA
junior year, acceptance at an accredited post-secondary
school, letters of recommendation, essay, and interview required
The Rock Cats Foundation and Dunkin’ Donuts Student Athlete Scholarship
Criteria: high school senior in CT, attend college or university in the fall of the upcoming semester, minimum 1300 SAT
or 19 ACT, minimum 3.0 GPA, member of at least one sports
team, participation in extracurricular activities
Lynn Griffin Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: high school senior attending Bloomfield High
School, 2 scholarships: one scholarship for a special education student continuing education at any vocational or academic institution, one scholarship for a student planning to
major in the area of education. Letters of recommendation
Scholarship Deadline: April
Page 17
Delta Gamma Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon International Fraternity
Triangle Achievement Awards
Criteria: male high school senior, plan to attend the UCONNStorrs
Robert W. Tuller Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: academic excellence, plan to study agriculture or
natural resources
Springfield Chapter of The Girl Friends, Inc.
Criteria: African-American college bound senior, GPA of 3.0,
SAT score above 800 on a 1600 scale or ACT above 18
West Indian Social Club of Hartford, Inc. Annual Memorial Scholarhsip Program
Criteria: West Indian male, minimum 3.0 GPA
The Citadel Community Corporation Scholarship
Criteria: minimum 3.0 GPA, applying to a 2or4 year college/
university, demonstrate church, school or community-related
Civitan Scholarship
Criteria: demonstrate leadership, community service, academic achievement, be goal driven, essay required
Isidore Wise Scholarship
Criteria: been a patient of Newington Children’s Hospital,
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center and the CCMC
School, plan to attend college/university, academic excellence, faced physical and emotional challenged in life
Charles DuBose Scholarships
Criteria: plan to attend 5 year architectural college, financial
I.H. McLendon Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: high school senior with sickle cell disease, essay
and interview required
Scholarship Deadline: April
Page 18
Student Sage Scholarship
Criteria: be female, junior in high school, submit nomination
form, transcript, PSAT or SAT’s, recommendation
Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care
Criteria: plan to attend a Connecticut Respiratory Care Program in Sept. 2008, essay required
Juvenile Arthritis College Scholarships
Criteria: have juvenile arthritis or another rheumatic disease
Citizen’s Scholarship Foundation
Criteria: Bloomfield Resident, plan to attend a 2 or 4 year college or technical school, provide current income tax return
PFLAG and True Colors, Inc. Sexual Minority Youth and Family Services
Criteria: identify yourself as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex or ally, Submit application, 2-3 letters of
rec., and essay
Sallie Mae American Dream Scholarship
Criteria: 2.5 GPA, meet federal Pell Grant criteria
Apply Online:
ConnTESOL Scholarship
Criteria: presently or previously enrolled in ESOL or bilingual education classes, plan on attend a four year college or
community college, essay required
Jewish Community Foundation
Criteria: be of the Jewish faith, be accepted or currently enrolled at an accredited institution of higher learning, current
or former resident of CT, letter of recommendation essay and
Student Aid Report required
Chi Eta Phi Sororiety, Inc.
Criteria: plan to enroll in a nursing program, submit three
letters of recommendation and 3x5 photo
Scholarship Deadline: April
Page 19
Isidore Wise Scholarship
Criteria: Application, transcript, 4 letters of recommendation
Empowering Our Youth Scholarship from the Citadel of Love
Criteria: minimum 3.0 GPA ,demonstrate church, school, or
community-related involvement
Education is Freedom National Scholarship Program
Criteria: minimum 3.0 GPA, U.S. citizen of at least 1 year,
high school senior
For more information:
Dennis Malone Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: plan to attend 2 or 4 year college, plan to pursue a
career in park management, forestry, horticulture, agronomy, or a closely related field
The Triangle Community Center Scholarship Fund
Criteria: available to all gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender,
and questioning students, minimum C+ average
Hartford Gay and Lesbian Health Collective, Inc.
Criteria: identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or
be from an LGBT household/family, letters of reference and
essay required
Ted Martocchio (Building and Trade Union) Scholarship
Criteria: minimum 2.75 GPA, accepted to Central, Eastern,
Western, or Southern CT State University, be a child of a
Building and Trades Union Member
Pratt and Whitney Science and Technology Scholarship
Criteria: minimum 3.0 GPA, plan to attend Easter Connecticut
State University, excellence in science and technology
Emily Chaison Gold Award Scholarship
Criteria: high school senior, registered girl scout, CT resi
Scholarship Deadline: May
Page 20
Connecticut Education Foundation, Inc.
Criteria: high school minority student, accepted at a CT college or university, intend on entering teaching profession
Dr. Caldwell McCoy, Jr. Memorial Scholarships
Criteria: high school senior, majoring in engineering, math,
or the sciences
Minority Scholarship Application
Criteria: plan to attend a CT college or university majoring in
Frank Roswell Fuller Scholarship
Criteria: high school senior, minimum GPA of 70, member of
UCC/Congregational Church, planning to attend four year
Promising Scholars Fund, Edward A. Bouchet’ Scholarship
Criteria: plan to attend a 2 or 4 year university, African
American high school senior, minimum 2.5 GPA, CT resident
and US citizen
Chubb Group of Insurance Companies Diversity Scholarship
Criteria: high school senior, minimum 3.0 GPA, essay, transcripts, letter of recommendation, FAFSA required
Jamaica Ex-Police Association of CT
Criteria: financial need, high academic achievement, essay
Association of Jewish Registered Nurses Scholarship,
Criteria: Must plan to pursue nursing, must be Jewish
Homer Ferguson Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: 2.5-3.0 GPA, member of Bloomfield High School athletic team, involved in school and the community, current
high school senior, accepted to a two or four year institution.
Scholarship Deadline: May
Page 21
Goodwin College
Criteria: plan to attend Goodwin College
Friendship Group of Hartford Scholarship
Criteria: letter of recommendation and essay required
Brandie Schieb Scholarship
Criteria: be a resident of CT
Robert A. Delaney Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: be a resident of CT
New England Counselors of Color Bridging Access to College
Criteria: plan to attend a 4-year NECBAC school, essay
Art Scholarship
Criteria: submit 3-4 pieces of art work
CT Power & Energy Society Scholarship Award
Criteria: plan on majoring in engineering or science, essay
Bright Horizons/CT Sun Scholarship
Criteria: plan to attend an accredited 4-year college or university in CT, minimum 1010 SAT or 21 ACT minimum 3.0
GPA, letters of recommendation and essay required
AFC Scholarship
Criteria: high school senior planning on enrolling in 2 or 4
year college/university
Delta Kappa Gamma Mu Chapter Scholarship
Criteria: female, high school senior, entering field of education, exhibits qualities of leadership, scholarship, community
service, financial need, and dedication and commitment to
children and/or peers. Essay required
Scholarship Deadline: June
Page 22
Connecticut Water Pollution Abatement Association Scholarship Program
Criteria: CT resident, high school senior, plan to pursue an environmental major, letter of recommendation and essay required
Marcus Garvey Scholarship
Criteria: high school senior, West Indian parentage, financial
need, essay required
Keith L. Carr, Sr. Technical & Vocational Scholarship
Criteria: high school senior, attending Technical or Vocational
Institution, West Indian heritage
West Indian Social Club of Hartford Scholarship Pageant
Criteria: female, West Indian or Caribbean descent, minimum 3.0
GPA, must display talent to be judged
Delta Gamma Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon International Fraternity Triangle Achievement Awards
Criteria: male high school senior, plan to attend the UCONNStorrs
National State Teachers of the Year Scholarship
Criteria: high school senior, plan to pursue teaching degree,
minimum of C average, be endorsed by a member of NSTOY,
letters of recommendation and essays required
John J. Kelly Memorial scholarships
Criteria: reside in public housing or in a household that participates in a Section 8 program
The Kline Family Community Service Scholarship
Criteria: high school senior, plan to attend UCONN, record of
community service, essay required
Milton Fisher Scholarship for Innovation and Creativity
Criteria: high school junior or senior, or anyone entering an undergraduate degree program or in the first year of an undergraduate degree program, CT or NYC resident, currently or
planning to attend a CT or NYC educational institution, letters of
recommendation required
Scholarship Deadline: June
Page 23
Lazarus Foundation Scholarships
Criteria: high school senior, minimum 2.33 GPA, community ser
O’Meara Foundation Scholarships
Criteria: high school senior, plan to attend 2 or 4 year college/
Fitzroy and Mildred Parkinson Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: high school senior, West Indian Heritage
West Indian Migrant Farm Workers Memorial Scholarship
Criteria: high school senior, West Indian heritage, academic
The scholarships listed in this book are based on
information received last year and does not
guarantee receipt for this year. Carefully
check deadlines and criteria.
Be sure to check lists of available scholarships
posted in the Guidance Office.
Bloomfield High School
Guidance Department
5 Huckleberry Lane
Bloomfield, CT 06002