Speaker Biographies - Orange County California Genealogical Society

Bash Speaker Biographies
Barbara Renick
Barbara is a nationally known genealogy lecturer who speaks frequently at
national and state conferences of such organizations as the National
Genealogical Society, the Federation of Genealogical Societies, the Utah
Genealogical Association, and Brigham Young University. She was co-author of
The Internet for Genealogists: A Beginner’s Guide in the 1990s and in 2003 wrote
her most recent book titled Genealogy 101: How to Trace You Family’s History
and Heritage which was sponsored by the National Genealogical Society for their
100th Anniversary. Three years ago she began creating and posting short training
videos on her Web site (www.zroots.com) for UpFront with NGS (the national
society’s digital newsletter). Her first webinar for Legacy Family Tree (in 2012) had
an audience of more than two thousand people from twelve countries.
Barbara has been active in a number of capacities with many genealogical
societies and associations: national advertising chair for the GENTECH 2000
Conference in San Diego; vice-president and newsletter editor for the Southern
California Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists; member of the
National Genealogical Society’s Computer Interest Group Committee; First and
Second Vice Regent for the Katuktu Chapter NSDAR; member of the Board of
Directors for the Association of Professional Genealogists and secretary for that organization; facilities chair for
the Federation of Genealogical Societies 2002 Conference in Ontario, California; on the program committee for
RootsTech 2012; and as a member of the Board of Directors for the National Genealogical Society where she
again served as secretary.
Barbara’s presentations:
 Session 3 – Theater – How Money Affected Our Ancestors
 Session 4 – Theater – Genealogy and Technology: State of the Union
Henry Z. (Hank) Jones, Jr.
Hank has been actively climbing the family tree since he was eight years old. After
his graduation from Stanford University, Hank had a twenty-year career first as a
recording artist on RCA Records, then as an actor, appearing in eight Walt Disney
films and many television shows that still come back to haunt him today via cable
tv. His years of work pursuing and documenting 18th century German "Palatine"
emigrants have resulted in several books, including The Palatine Families of New
York - 1710 (Jacobus Award winner as "Best Genealogical Book of the Year"), The
Palatine Familes of Ireland, More Palatine Families, Westerwald To America, the
three-volume Even More Palatine Families, and his best-selling Psychic Roots:
Serendipity & Intuition in Genealogy (featured on NBC-TV's "Unsolved Mysteries")
and its new sequel More Psychic Roots: Further Adventures in Serendipity &
Intuition in Genealogy. He has served both as a Director of the Genealogical
Speakers' Guild and as a Trustee of the Association of Professional Genealogists.
Hank recently received the Award of Merit from the National Genealogical Society
"in recognition of distinguished work in genealogy." In 1986 he was honored to have
been elected a Fellow of the American Society of Genealogists, of whom there are
only fifty in the world.
Hank’s presentations:
 Session 1 – Theater – When the Sources are Wrong!
 Session 2 – Theater – Tracing the Origins of Early 18th Century Palatine & Other Emigrants
Genealogy BASH and Book Faire – March 1, 2014
Bash Speaker Biographies
Geoff Rasmussen
Geoff is the father of four budding genealogists. He graduated with a degree
in Genealogy and Family History from Brigham Young University and has
served as director and vice-president of the Utah Genealogical Association.
He is a dynamic genealogy speaker on all forms of genealogy technology,
and as host of the Legacy Family Tree webinar series, has spoken virtually to
nearly 100 different countries. He recently received the Distinguished
Presenter Award at the prestigious RootsTech conference in Salt Lake City
(2011). He has authored books, videos, articles, and websites, and develops
the Legacy Family Tree software program. On a personal note, Geoff enjoys
playing the piano, organ, cello and basketball. His favorite places are
cemeteries, the ocean, and hanging out with other genealogists. He met and
proposed to his wife in a Family History Center. He is the author of the
recently-released, Legacy Family Tree, Unlocked! and the popular Digital
Imaging Essentials book.
Geoff’s presentations:
 Session 1 – Room C – Genealogist's Guide to Working with Digital Images
 Session 2 – Room C – Organizing, Planning, and Sharing Using Legacy Family Tree
CeCe Moore
CeCe Moore is a professional genetic genealogist who is considered an innovator
in the use of autosomal DNA for genealogy. Currently, she is working as the firstever, full-time genetic genealogy consultant for television on "Finding Your Roots
with Henry Louis Gates, Jr." and recently completed work as the DNA consultant
for "Genealogy Roadshow". She is the author of the popular blog Your Genetic
Genealogist, which boasts tens of thousands of readers from 160 countries. In
2012, she was appointed by the CEO of 23andMe to serve as their lead “Ancestry
Ambassador,” advising the company on their genealogy product. CeCe is a popular
presenter and author, spending much of her time educating others about genetic
genealogy. She is frequently consulted by the press in regard to the emerging
personal genomics industry and has been quoted on the subject by the Wall Street
Journal, Washington Post, Discover Magazine’s Gene Expression, Science Blog’s
Genetic Future, Genomes Unzipped, Genomics Law Report, Fox Health, CNN's
Paging Dr. Gupta and Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter as well as being
listed in Newsweek as “Recommended Reading” for DNA. CeCe was the program organizer of the first
independently produced genetic genealogy conference, held in June 2013, featuring Spencer Wells, Henry Louis
Gates Jr., and many others that are among the most respected speakers in the field. She is a member of the
Association of Professional Genealogist and of Mensa.
CeCe’s presentations:
 Session 3 – Room C – Chromosome Mapping for Genealogists: Discovering Your Ancestors in You
 Session 4 – Room C – Real World Stories from the Desk of a Genealogy DNA Detective
Genealogy BASH and Book Faire – March 1, 2014
Bash Speaker Biographies
Linda Serna
Linda has been involved with genealogy in researching and writing family
stories for 30 years. In addition, she was privileged to work as a genealogist
for the PBS Genealogy Roadshow program. Currently, she is a member of the
Southern California Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists
(SCCAPG), the Genealogical Speakers Guild (GSG), the California State
Genealogical Alliance (CSGA), the Polish Genealogical Society (PGS-CA),
and the Genealogical Society of Hispanic America (GSHA-CA) as well as
being Vice President of Programs for the Orange County California
Genealogical Society (OCCGS). Over the last 5 years, She has written and
given several presentations on various topics for different groups in California
and New Mexico, as well as teaching the Intermediate/Advanced class at my
home group about twice a year. She is always in the process of writing new
presentations. Her loves, in addition to public speaking, include history,
writing, and traveling. She especially likes seeing how individual family
stories fit in and make up the fabric of history.
Linda’s presentations:
 Session 3 – Maddy Room – Using Online Sources to Expand Your Family Story
 Session 4 – Maddy Room – Foreign Research
Gena Philibert Ortega
Gena holds a Master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies (Psychology and Women’s
Studies) and a Master’s degree in Religion. Presenting on various subjects involving
genealogy, women’s studies and social history, Gena has spoken to groups throughout
the United States as well as virtually to audiences in the United States and Europe.
Gena is the author of hundreds of articles published in many genealogy newsletters
and magazines. She is the author of the Family Chronicle special issue Tracing Your
Female Ancestors (2013). Her books include, From The Family Kitchen (2012),
Cemeteries of the Eastern Sierra (2007) and Putting the Pieces Together. Her writings
can also be found on her blogs, Gena’s Genealogy and Food.Family.Ephemera. Gena
is the editor of the Utah Genealogical Association’s journal and an instructor for the
National Institute for Genealogical Studies. She serves as a board member of the Utah
Genealogical Association. Her current research interests include women’s social
history, community cookbooks, signature quilts and researching women’s lives using
material artifacts.
Gena’s presentations:
 Session 2 – Room B – Elusive Genealogy Sources
 Session 3 – Room B – The Secret Lives of Women: Research Female Ancestors Using the Sources They
Left Behind
 Session 4 – Room B – Enhancing Your Genealogy with American Memory
Genealogy BASH and Book Faire – March 1, 2014
Bash Speaker Biographies
Randy Seaver
Randy Seaver is a native San Diegan. His ancestry is mainly colonial New
England and Upper Atlantic, with some colonial German, French and Dutch
forebears, and several 19th-century English immigrants. He has been
pursuing his elusive ancestors since 1988, and has been online since 1992.
Randy is a former President of the Chula Vista Genealogical Society, and is
currently the Newsletter Editor and Research Chair. He speaks to Southern
California societies, libraries and groups, and teaches "Beginning Computer
Genealogy" adult classes at OASIS. He is a member of NGS, NEHGS,
SCGS, SDGS, CGSSD and CVGS. Randy blogs daily about genealogy
subjects at Genea-Musings (www.geneamusings.com) and the Chula Vista
Genealogy Cafe (http://CVGenCafe.blogspot.com).
Randy’s presentations:
 Session 3 – Talbert Room – Understanding the Genealogical Proof Standard
 Session 4 – Talbert Room – Crafting Source Citations the Easy Way
Colleen Fitzpatrick
Colleen Fitzpatrick, PhD, is a Forensic Genealogist who has been recognized in
the international press for her work with the Armed Forces DNA Identification
Laboratory on identifying the remains found in the Alaskan crash of Northwest
Flight 4422. She has consulted on many high profile DNA identification efforts
including the identification of the Unknown Child on the Titanic, the Amelia Earhart
Project. She is currently the genealogist on the Abraham Lincoln DNA project.
Retired from the optical industry in 2005, Colleen assists nonprofits, military
organizations, and the law enforcement with forensic identification. As a world
traveler and multi-lingual, Colleen specializes in international cases. Colleen's first
book Forensic Genealogy has become a classic, a must-have for professional and
casual genealogists alike. She is also the co-author of DNA & Genealogy and the
author of The Dead Horse Investigation: Forensic Photo Analysis for Everyone.
Although Colleen has a high tech background, she will show you that you don’t
have to be a rocket scientist to solve some of your most puzzling family mysteries.
You will arrive at Colleen’s talks a genealogist; you will leave a forensic genealogist.
Colleen’s presentations:
 Session 1 – Maddy Room – A Different Type of DNA Talk
 Session 2 – Maddy Room – How DNA Can Help You with Your Family History
Morris Thurston
Perhaps better known among family historians as Dawn’s husband, Morris received
his JD from Harvard Law School and is a retired partner of the global law firm of
Latham & Watkins. He and Dawn are co-authors of the best-selling how-to book,
Breathe Life into Your Life Story: How to Write a Story People Will Want to Read. An
avid family historian since he was a teenager, Morris has authored two family histories
and is working on a third. He has lectured throughout the country on various topics,
including how to write a compelling a family history, legal issues for family historians,
book design, and the use of Google Earth in family history. In addition to historical
research and writing, his interests include photography and photo restoration. He and
Dawn live in Villa Park and have four children and five grandchildren. They enjoy
travelling, particularly to the homelands of their ancestors
Morris’s Presentation:
 Session 1 – Room B – Tell Your Family Story Using Google Earth
Genealogy BASH and Book Faire – March 1, 2014
Bash Speaker Biographies
Our Beginners Class Instructors
Sessions 1 and 3 – Balboa Room
Chris Hansen
Chris, is an active participant in the Orange County Genealogical Society for the past 20 years, where he teaches
the Beginners at their monthly meeting. He is also a member of
Genealogy Society of North Orange County, Le Comite de Louisiane, and
the Cuban Genealogical Society of Miami. Chris is a retired member of the
Association of Professional Genealogists and has made numerous
presentations to many of the southern California genealogical societies
and Family History Fairs over the past 17 years and in the Spring Session
of 2008 taught a 8-week Basic Genealogy course at Cal State Long Beach
and in their Fall Session a 8-week Computer-Assisted Genealogy course.
Chris retired from a 31-year career at Beckman Instruments in Fullerton,
where he was a National Sales Manager. Chris is a graduate of Louisiana
State University (B.S., Chemistry) and the UCLA Executive Management
Program. He and his family have been residents of the City of Orange
since 1978 and has been married for 57 years to his wife, Jeanette, they
has two grown children.
Lloyd Budwig
Lloyd has been interested in Genealogy all his life. It started when he asked his paternal grandparents about their
ancestors. In early 1980 with the development of the computer, he started using a share ware program, “Family
Ties.” The program was on one of the five 1/4 floppies and the
data was on a second one. At this time he took some Classes for
Computer Programing at Orange Coast College. He became
active in the Orange County California Genealogical Society in
1984. At first he was interested in the computer-assisted SIG.
Then with Chris Hansen, they took turns at presenting one or the
other Software programs. At first he was with the Roots Series of
programs to the Ultimate Family Tree until it sold to Family Tree
Maker. That was Chris’s program. Legacy then became Lloyds.
He continued to become a beta tester for Legacy. In 1990 he
was elected to the Board of Directors for Orange County
California Genealogical Society. In 1994 he was elected to the
office of Treasurer where and has served since. He continued to
make different presentations to the Society for the following
subjects, Data Entry, Documentation of Data, Gedcom transfer
of data, Other types of Storage for Data, Updates of the software
programs, Brick Walls and now genealogical DNA research.
Genealogy BASH and Book Faire – March 1, 2014