Genealogy Society meeting 10-25-2015

Society of
October 25th 2015 at 3:30 PM
At Temple Israel
Topic – Resources for Engaging Young People in Genealogy
Many genealogists did not catch the genealogy “bug” until later in their lives
and have expressed regret that earlier they were not aware of the
importance of genealogy and of capturing and sharing family stories before
they were lost. They hope that someone in the next generation of their
families realizes the importance of maintaining the chain of family
information from generation to generation— l’dor v’dor. We will discuss
some of the many resources; books, workbooks, lesson plans, programs,
projects, hands-on experiences, and online resources available for engaging
young people in genealogy so that they will come to value being a custodian
of their family history.
Speaker: Marlis Glaser Humphrey, President of the International
Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS) and
President of the Florida State Genealogical Society (FSGS).
Marlis recently received the FSGS 2014 Distinguished Service
award. She has successfully discovered all her ancestral shtetls. Marlis is
founder of myAncestories, a company that helps genealogists create family
histories to treasure. Marlis holds a B.A. in Russian and an M.S. in
Management of Technology.
Please join us.