6iiMii m Soobty-of Petrolem Engheere SPE 030793 Reservoir Performance History Matching Using Rate/Cumulative Type-Curves J.G. Canard’, SPE, Louisiana State U., and P.A. Schenewerk’”, Reservoir extent, continuity, and flow capacity are paramount characteristics that are considered when developing models. that predict reservoir performance while using alternative depletion strategies, such as during fluid-injection projects or enhanced recovery. Reservoir producing conditions to which this technique can be readily applied are those whose actual bottom-ho!e flowing pressure (BHFP) closely approximates a constant value. Most wells, however, produce with variable BHFP. The work presented here focuses on an alternative ratecumulative type-curve format whereby variable BHFP is . 1.,–– .- —L-:—:— —L-.L .Lincorporateci into &lmensioniess varlames comammg oum uw production rate and the cumulative production providing a unified approach that can be applied to any reasonable variability in the producing rate or flowing pressure history. The proposed method, with application to single phase and multiphase flow, provides the practicing engineer a better method for decline curve analysis and therefore propagates better reservoir characterization from production data. ‘Now at U. of Tulss ‘“Nw at U. of Mis.souri-Rolls LXpyright This psper 1S9S, society of Petroleum w prepared Enginsers for presentation in the SPE Exhibition held in Oalias, U. S.A., 22-25 October, This paper was selected for presentation information contained Annual by an SPE Program Committes in an abstract submitted by the author(s). The material, pos~ion of the Society of Petroleum by the author(s). SPE meetings Petroleum are subjact to publication Engineers. Permissmn ss presentsd, Engineers, Conference & 1SS5. presented, havs not besn reviewed by the Society of Petroleum correction Technical following review of Contents of the paper, ss Enginsers and are subject to doss not neceassrily its officers, or members. review by Eddorial Commitaas reflect any Pqxms presented at of the Society of to copy is restricted to an sbstrsct of not more than 200 words. Illustrations may not bs copied. The abstract should contsin conspicuous ac.knc+vhdg ment of where and by whom the paper is presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 2328SS, Richardson. TX 75083-3836, SPE, Louisiana State U. U. S.A.. fas 01-214-952-94S5 Abstract This paper presents an analysis technique for characterizing reservoirs from production performance. Unique to this technique is the incorporation of the instantaneous bottomhole flowing pressure (BHFP) to both the production rate and to the cumulative production for a well depleting a reservoir. This allows a single rate/cumulative analysis for wells producing with constant BHFP, constant rate, and wells with variable rate or variable BHFP (includlng wells with shutins). This solution provides a powerful diagnostic typecurve which can be generated with almost any wellbore/reservoir situation encountered. Extension of the method to gas reservoirs through use of pseudopressure and viscositycompressibility normalization allows these wells to be analyzed using the slightly-compressible fluid solution. Well performance during transient flow and depletion flow are examined. Simulation results are compared with the analytic solution. The use of spreadsheets to perform well test analysis is also demonstrated. Pressure Normalization One advancement in decline-curve analysis presented here inciudes pressure normalization of cumulative production. Like pressure normalization of production rate, variations in bottom-hole flowing pressure (BHFP) are accounted for by dividing cumulative production by the pressure difference between initial and bottom-hole flowing pressures. The technique of combining pressure-normalized production rate (PNR) and pressure-normalized cumulative production (PNC) is an improvement over rate normalization alone in the analysis of reservoirs based on production data. To apply this technique, determination of BHFP from surface-measured flowing-tubing pressure (FTP) is required along with determination of the original static reservoir pressure. Data can then be presented by plotting PNR versus PNC. This technique is then extended for use with gas reservoirs by further incorporating changes in viscosity and compressibility during reservoir depletion. This technique relies heavily on either measured BHFP or lTP. However, unlike with superposition techniques, it does h~~~~~~ f~~ ~ Weiij refit w~~II;r- the entire flndssu nreccnre .~= . WY-. v . ..-- . . ...” -------~. -w--- - Introduction Recently, decline-curve analysis has expanded to permit engineers to analyze a petroleum reservoir directly in regard to its fluid-flow characteristics and its volumetric extent using rate-time type-curves of the constant terminal pressure soiution of the ilffusivity equation. Tiiis anaiysis is of enormous value to reservoir managers whose goal is to maximize oil and gas production from a petroleum reservoir. 947 RESERVOIR PERFORMANCE 2 HISTORY MATCHING USING RATE/CUMULATIVE thus allowing for greater application to situations found in the industry. The incorporation of PNR and PNC into decline-curve analysis provides a single-performance curve which is applicable to wells producing at constant BHFP, to wells producing at constant rate, and to wells with both varying rate and varying flowing pressure. The benefit of a single-performance type-curve is its usefulness as a diagnostic tool. Identification of flow regimes, geological heterogeneities or boundaries, and interference from offset production or injection make it the ideal plot for advanced decline-curve analysis. Although radial flow in unbounded and bounded reservoirs are presented here, the same diagnostic type-curve can be used ti[ii type-curves generated for other common wellbore and reservoir conditions, such as hydraulically fractured wel~ naturally fractured reservoirs, dual-porosity systems, water-drive reservoirs, and other systems with pressure support at the outer boundary. .An advan[age of using Ci!hcr rate.!irn-e Qr ra[c-ctunu!afive decline-curve analysis is that reservoir size, formation capacity, and wellbore effectiveness can be determined without either closing in the well or running costly instruments down the wellbore. This capability is greatly extended by the use of rate-cumulative analysis because pressure normalization of cumulative production allows for variable BHFP in the producing well. re ~cD qD = 141.2qBp kh(Pi-Pwf) ““““ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(1) Where q is the production rate (STB/d), B is the formation volume factor (rb/STB), p is the fluid viscosity (cp), k is the permeability (red), his the formation height (ft), Pi and Pti are the initial reservoir pressure and the wellbore flowing pressure (psia) respectively. Dimensionless time, t~, is defined ax tD = .006328M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) Ovc?:a The additional terms used in this expression are t for time l..J-....\ (uays), @ fGi pilidy (fF~&d), ~ k tk kjd SySklii Compressibility (psi-l), and rm is the apparent wellbore radius (ft). The dimensionless external radlu~ re~ is defined ax _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) . ~ wa Where the external radius is re (ft) and the apparent wellbore radius is rw (ft). Apparent wellbore radius is a measure of effectiveness and is related to the actual wellbore radius, rW(ft) by r Mu = rw, exp (-s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4) Use of the apparent wellbore radius and the van Everd:__Sl :“ Gullrxam ..fi”cto”* p-#.ace,,*a —m,, ?-l,n.,ar;u-u, w t,ms Lyp,W–UU. . w . U. Sm~GII ..1,:..,rO,.,,.shm kautul, S, m ables was investigated by Uraite and Raghavan- to allow for near wellbore damage ( +s) or improvement (-s). Dimensionless flow rate, qD, and dimensionless cumulative production, QD, are related using ~ QD I . qDdtD ““””” . (5) ”----”””””””””””””””””” Where dimensionless cumulative production, QD, is defined by QD Definitions Dimensionless variables are used as they provide a general solution to any number of specific problems. Actual rate and time can be calculated from dimensionless rate and time for n“., .nn,.:c.. fir .a.,a*,m:. -0.-... -+,?... ,.,.-.m:maA In :.. *ha vuu pm CUUGLGI a wlmanl=u LIIG aJJy OPVUJWC.=* -w UI 1*OVS dimensionless variables. The single-phase dimensionless rate, q~, is defined (in field units) as SPE 030793 TYPE-CURVES 0.8936QB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (6) 4JK?;.(R%+ And Q is the cumulative production (STB). Tsarevich and Kuranovq (1966) are credited with being the fk.t ,s. 0. tn .“ nhcanw= that ““o”. . “ . ..-. ~~~ hnlmAaru.dnmin~td ““. . ..-. , ..” . . . ...-.”- ~~!~ ~~~ exponential in the rate decline, giving credence to the semilog decline-curve plot used by industry for decades. This discovery allowed a much simpler analytic expression for flow rate during the boundary-dominated flow period. The exponential decline equation using dimensionless variables normaliid by area and geometry is: qdD ‘exp(-tdD) . . ..-. o ----------- ‘--..0----(7) These variables have an additional lower case “d”for declinecurve and are more convenient for type-curve presentation during boundary-dominated flow. Decline-curve dimensionless time, rate, and cumulative become: tD =—. . . . . . . . .OOOoo. . ...””” ‘dD (a13) ““””””” “ . . (8) q~~ =J3qD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(9) QdD _ QD ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (lo) 3 J.G. CALLARD AND P.A. SCHENEWERK SPE 030793 Table 1- Area and Geometry Normalizing Factors for Type-Curves Normalizing Factors Circular Circular &&!Q Lw!M!! a (reD2 - 1)/2 reD2/2 A/(21rrw2) ln(reD)-+ +ln 2.24? B C*r,#@ Where the area and geometry normalizing circular reservoirs are defined by a=— factors for ‘eD2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . late the transition from infinite-actimz to boundary-dominated flow periods as a function of dimensionle& external radius and also state that for all dimensionless external radius the transition can be approximated by a dimensionless time based on drainage area of 0.1. Were this dimensionless time is defined ax (11) 2 J3=ln(reD)-* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12) ~ ‘DA =tD2jL” when reD >30 ””””””””””””””’””” . . ““””””””” (13) Bounded Reservoirs: Rate-Cumulative Type-CurveS The alternative constant pressure type-curve for flow rate data is the rate-cumulative type-curve shown in Fig. 2. Ratecumuiative type-curves tili be shown to offer a enormous advantage over rate-time type-curves because they are equally applicable for constant pressure performance as well as variable pressure performance. For non-circular reservoirs the Dietz Shape factor4, Ca, is included. Definitions in the general case and for circular reservoirs with r=n < 30 are given by Chen and Poston5 in Table 1. ‘Eqs. 11 and 12 can be obtained from the General column by substitution of appropriate definitions of area and value for Dietz Shape factor for circular reservoirs. I 3’, i ma i &ml .-J—<, I 0$01 al Onl QTIIl Fig. 1- Rate-Time Decline Type-Curve Ehlig-Economides and Ramey7) Fig. 2- (RTDTC) (after Fetkovich* and Rate-Cumulative Oaotine Type-Curve (RCDTC) For wells that are produced at constant back-pressure, rate versus cumulative data can be plotted and matched just as they would be using the rate versus time data. Wells that have variabie flowing pressure histories, including shut-in periods, can plotted using PNR and PNC. This data plotting technique greatly extends the use of type-curves for most of the conditions encountered in the field. Rate-time type-curves based on decline-curve dimensionless variables are shown in Fig. 1. Fetkovich6 and Ehlig_,__ ______ ._> _,_,,__ cf______ .____ :A_- __A n-__..7 l_____ EwmJImum iinu Kdmcy niivc iusu prfsxxrwu slmnar ngurtss. In Fig. 1 the unbounded curves converge and at that inflection, boundary-dominated data becomes concave to the origin. Uraite and Raghavan2 provide expressions to calcu- 949 RESERVOIR PERFORMANCE 4 HISTORY MATCHING USING RATE/CUMULATIVE dimensionless rate or reciprocal dimensionless pressure over the dimensionless time period displayed. Secondly, while dimensionless rate and dimensionless reciprocal pressure diverge at the end of the infinite-acting period (inflection from convex to concave) on the RTDTC, they continue to track during the boundary-dominated portion on the RCDTC. To examine the abtlity to predict flow rates as function of dimensionless cumulative production, the exponential decline equation: sexp(-fdD) !?dD(fdD) iscomblned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (14) with the cumulative-time relationship: f&)(t~D) =1 which yields relationship: qdD(QdD)= 1 _ew(-fdD) the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(15) boundary-dominated 10 1 k rate-cumulative a t . _QdD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPE 030793 TYPE-CURVES ‘: Mi ‘1 ‘1 ;;:.%%0 reD = 1128 ,/ ‘ ~’., ‘. , reD = 1000 \ W) 10,000 ii 0., Eq. 16 infers that thedlmensionless rate during the boundary-dominated flow period is a function of dimensionless cumulative and is not dependent on the pressure and rate hktory. To illustrate this point with a variable BHFP case, the constant rate solution is presented on both the constant pressure rate-time decline type-curve (RTDTC) and the constant pressure rate-cumulative decline type-curve (RCDTC). In order to make this comparison, decline-curve dimensionless pressure is defined as: *dD= pfi T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘37, 0.01, Mm 0,s 0.08 am1 ,-. ,!!7: 10 W Fig. 4- RCDTC: Constant Rate/Constant Pressure Comparison Type-Curve Matching Techniques Reservoir parameters such as permeability, apparent wellbore radks, and drainage area are determined conventionally, using rate-time type-curves and the graphkal technique of plotting rate-time field data on tracing paper with a log-log scale equivalent to the scale used for the typecurve. The field data are aligned keeping the grids parallel to the type-curve and a match point is seiected. ‘The match hnth mnnhc and rnntaks -_:-. --- L.-...-., . ..-...*.-*-,-9tn L“,,,,,.”,. .“ ““... &..=... . . ..---------pulm call UC Cllly p“,,lt (17) (1!) Dimensionless tabular data from Earlougher et al.8 for a well in the center of a closed square with an equivalent dlmen~ion!e~~e~-~rnal radhls of IIM is shown in F@. 3 and 4. ordinate and abscissa for both curves. This method is outlined by Earlougher 4. For RCDTC matching field data are plotted as PNR vs PNC. The match point from the pressure normalized field data and the RCDTC are selected as above. Solving for the drainage area or external radius, freed by the shift in horizontal axes (using eqs. 6, 10, & 11): an A=— \i 00:. O.Cal O.vol 0,3 0.01 1 5.615B (Q/A~)M @~lc, (QdD)M 10 >fl z ................”..(18) WI This can be rearranged to solve for the pore volume> Vp: -- Cmmnarisan =b. r my.n .J -- nTnTP. “ .“. ”. PAW.*-A . . .. . . .. .❑..-4a .. .lPAne**& . . .. . . .. Dra-nma . --------. --r------- ‘P F@. 3 and 4 reveal two very important properties. First, infinite-acting data lying on the dimensionless external radius of 1000 branch fits either type-curve equally well. This is due in part to the logarithmic approximation being valid for = ~ (Q/A~)M -, ., r Jmf...... (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~-., Cr (QdD) M Eq. 18 can also be used to determine the external drainage radlux 950 ‘e = a suitable match of the data and the type-curve are made. One specific advantage of this technique is the match between the field data and the analytic solution can be displayed on one graph. Dimensionless rate and cumulative production data during the infinite-acting period used in Fig. 2 obtained from Ehlig-Economides9 can alternative obtained by combining van Everdingen and Hurst J,: Sengulll. With infinite-acting dimensionless rate and cumulative tabular dat~ branches for specific dimensionless external radks can be generated using eqs. 8 through 12. The exponential solution, Eq. 7, can be used to generate boundary-dominated data after a tDA >0.1. J$fi ”””””””””’”””””””””””””””””””@’) To calculate permeability and skh, enough early time data must be available to determine a dimensionless external radius. Selecting a dimensionless external radius combined with the effective external radius calculated from the area (eq. 18) provides the apparent wellbore radius. Rearrangement of eq. 3 ‘e r wa =—. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (21) ‘eD Application to Gas Reservoirs Two major assumptions, constant fluid compressibility and constant fluid viscosity, inherent to the development of the liquid solution require additional handling for the prediction of flow rates and pressures for gas reservoirs. In 1%7 AlHussainy et al. 12 defined gas pseudopressure as Allows skb to be calculated using rearrangement of eq. 4. An assumption of reservoir geometry is not required to solve for reservoir size or skin effect because the reservoir shape factor is not involved. To determine permeabMy, an assumed geometry (usually radial) is used to calculate B (eq. 12 or Table 1- General). No signiihnt difference occurs selecting among other symmetrical drainage patterns such as a well in the center of a square. The vertical axes alignment along with a calculated or approximated value of fi is used to determine permeability ~ _ 5 J.G. CALIARD AND P.A. SCHENEWERK SPE 030793 14123UJ3 11 @?/Ap)M . p P* = Z &p ( pz Where the compressibility factor, z, and the viscosity, p (cp), are pressure dependent functions. Gas pseudopressure represents the potential difference or driving force of fluid flow in the reservoir. Substitution of pseudopressure in dimensionless rate results in the following definition for gas reservoirs ,md . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (22) . @dD)M Rate-Cunmlative data Dimensionless D h Ad u — Olatiw c 1422qOT n %)= F%mneter mock of Spread-sheet ueed for Type-Curve ‘a k#(pPi-pPwf) feA\ ““”” ”””” ”””” ”””” ”””” ”””” (L+) Where q is the gas production rate (MCF/d), T is temperature ~R ! and k is the permeabtity to gas (red). Declinecurve dlmenslo “1$ ess rate can be obtained by eq. 9. By replacing pressure with pseudopressure, drawdowns of gas reservoirs during the infinite-acting time period can be analyzed using semilog and type-curve matchktg techniques. During boundary-dominated flow, gas wells producing at constant pressure do not follow the exponential decline predicted by the liquid solution. This was demonstrated in 1985 by C~er13, who presented a family of type curves correlated by a parameter describing the severity of the t+mwthun ~h~ detiadra.+JdoW~;the geater tht= -“ .-. .....-., . . ..$ the ---- lar~e~ .- ~- L Fig. 5- Sohemetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (23) Matohing Another technique, promoted here, is to obtain performance history matches in a computer spread-sheet. Incorporating the elements of Fig. 2 with the field data and a parameter block, containing all reservoir parameters used in the dlmensiordess variables, can be utiliied to non-dimensionalize the field data and compare it to the dimensionless liquid solution. Fig. 5 shows the spread-sheet schematically. External radius, permeability and skin can be adjusted until tion from the liquid solution for gas reservoirs producing under the condition of constant BHFP. To account for the changes in viscosity and compressibility in dimensionless time, Fraim and Wattenbarger14 in 1987 introduced a normaliid time function that drew together the family of curves presented by Carter 13 into a single curve, the liquid solution. 951 RESERVOIR PERFORMANCE 6 HISTORY MATCHING USING RATE/CUMUb4TlVE SPE 030793 TYPE-CURVES Viscosity-Compressibility normtilzed time is defined as: fn(p -c) ‘OQdf . .. .. ... [ WI = — Q.(U -c) = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (25) = “~s~gfn(lf @(Pc~)i -c) 9.WQn(U.c)T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~toaan .(27) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — I Pcl A derivation for normalized cumulative paralleling that of normalized time by Fraim and Wattenbarger14 can be found in reference 15 and results in the definition of viscosity-compressibility normalized decline-curve cumulative: In eq. 25 viscosity and compressibility are evaluated at average reservoir pressure. Dimensionless normalized decline-curve dimensionless time becomes t~~ ‘@cf)idQ (26) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (28) Q@ = 2 (Ppl.-PPWf)a ~]~(~cl) i ‘Wa Fu. 6 presents simulator generated production versus both dimensionless time and versus dimensionless normalized time for “Case 1 - Circular reservoir” from Fraim and Wattenbarger 14. This technique involves successive approximations of gas in place (GIP) using the gas material balance, to interrelate average pressure through cumulative production to time. The method of computation for normalized time requires a summation of time steps that is sensitive to step size. The additional subscript “(p-c)” in the variables defined in eqs. 25 and 27 indicate Viscosity-compressibility normalization. Handling viscosity and compressibility in the cumulative term also provides a simpler computation method for normalization since fractional recovery, Q/GIp and p/z are linearly related by the material balance equation: . . . . . (29) 0 The integration in Eq. 27 can then be evaluated at intervals of P/z as shown in Fig. 7. A..\\i\\\%.[z . — 0.01 j ‘. 1,. 1. 4. lquid sdutii : i OdOJ& , , ,i h , Ml 0.1 1 h .; ~ . ‘. I gr’atity = 0.601 Gas’ ‘ \. ~ n.k 0.5 104 . p 0.3 10 tdo ‘“’ 02 \\ .. .. 0.1 Fig. 6- RTDTC: Wattenbsrger’4) Gas Well with Constant j,, BHFP (after Fraim and ,,, o 0.1 o 0.2 \ ,,, 41 0.4 4.6 ;01 0,8 0? 08 .\, , +0 0.$ 1 Q/GIP or (1-(P/z)/(P/zh) , Normalized Cumulative. The constant rate/constant pressure identity revealed in Fig. 4 suggest that it would be desirable to handle pressure dependent viscosity and compressibility in the dimensionless cumulative term. Using this technique, gas wells with variable rate and variable flowing pressure could be plotted as pseudopressure normalized production rate (PPNR) and . . . ..Aa...,a.....-a ..a.-.. nA-nAcumumuvc “..-..1 -*:.... p---4.. -.:-- [r /DmNTm\ maul G IIUI UICIWXU UUUCUUII r INU~ y.=uuup, on the RCDTC. This was investigated and found to be effective. Viscosit y-compressibility normalization of cumula- 952 Fig. 7 - Viscosity-Compreasibiiity Raoovery Produet Rstio and Fn Versus Also shown in Fig 7 is the ratio of normalized cumulative production to actual cumulative production, or the viscosityctxnpressib]iity normalizing factor F-,.. ..: n~~-cj Qn(u -c) ‘n(fl -c) =— . Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (30) 7 J.G. CALLARD AND P.A. SCHENEWERK SPE 030793 limited amount of flowing pressure data available and because the drawdown is variable in pressure and variable in rate. Table 2 presents reservoir and production data. The numerically simulated data was generated for a well in the center of a square. The data plot for this is presented in Fig. 9 showing PPNR versus PPNC. The immediate observation is that all data is concave to the origin indicating boundary-dominated data and therefore the RCDTC can be used. The normalizing factor (upper curve) and the viscositycompressibdity product ratio (lower curve) are shown versus fractional recovery for the fluid properties associated with “Case 1 - Circular reservoir”. Also shown as solid triangles along the lower curve are viscosity-compressibility product ratio data from Fraim and Wattenbarger 14. Techniques for calculating viscosity and compressibility are developed in Reference 15. Normalized cumulative production of field data can then obtained by rearrangement of eq. 30: Qn(fl-c) =~,,(u-c) Q”””””””””-”””-”-” .“--””” (31) Table 2- Reservoir and Production “Case 1“ Therefore, cumulative production combined with a choice of GIP yields fraction recovery. And fractional recovery yields the viscosity-compressibility normalization factor by numerical integration of gas fluid properties. Rate data from Fig. 6 was used with cumulative production obtained by re-simulating Fraim and Wattenbarger14 “Case 1 - Circular reservoir” using a personal computer (PC) version of Boast II lb and is presented on the RCDTC show in Fig. 8. 0.3 Permeability to gas -.. — UP Height Temperature Porosity 4.0s 80 636 10 Rate md BCF ft “R % 0.7 Gas gravity Gas Saturation Initial Pressure Year Data for Garb 75 2500 Cumulative Ww % psia BHFP * PP JwU!2E! 10~—–——-—–———- o 0 0 1 2 Im 10C4) 365 730 3 4 800 800 600 m 400 4002044 5 6 7 8 2500 1604 1361 1022 1352 1153 1216 1071 1197 1107 1314 1533 1752 1898 .4767 + E9 .2108+E9 .1538+E9 .1519+E9 .1116+E9 .1238+E9 .9762 + E8 .1200+E9 .1032+E9 .4 UJ{!W-, –---r-, ~~lTmJ--Y ,,lr, - W Fig. 8- RCDTC: Gas Well With Constant BHFP Two distinct advantages of using the RCDTC have now been demonstrated. Most importantly, constant pressure and constant rate solutions are identical, providing the basis for variable pressure variable rate analysis using PNR and PNC for single phase liquid flow and PPNR and PPNC for single phase gas flow. Secondly, for gas reservoirs, accounting for viscosity-compressibility normalization in the dimensionless cumulative term gives unique results without regard to stepsize of the field data and normalizes singie phase gas fiow to the liquid solution. Both of these advantages will be demonstrated in the following application. Id MOOl —T——r- y 0.001 Q/(m-m’n MrFhi--% Fig. 9- oats Plot for Garb ~.’7 Case 1. The cumulative normalization factor was determined as a function of gas fluid properties similar to Fig. 7 and a polynomial curve fit of the factor as a function of fractional Example Application: Gas Well Data for this example comes from Garb et al. 17, and also Rodgers et al. 18. This e~mple was selected because of the 953 Reservoir 8 PERFORMANCE HISTORY MATCHING USINGRATE/CUMUUTIVE / / SPE ‘- 030793 ty normalized cumulative using the rate-cumulative typecurve or semilog techniques. Boundary-dominated data, concave to the origin, can be analyzed with the RCDTC (Fig. 2) using viscosity-compressibility normalized cumulative. Fermeabdity and skin can be determined from a match of the infinite-acting data and Area (or GIP) can be determined from boundary-dominated data. A flow chart for this procedure is presented in Fig. 11. recovery was generated: Fn(ll-c) = a +’[%J+’[&+’[& WPE-CURVES F””’32’ With a = 0.990 b = -0.579 C = 0.358 d = -0.238 “ Known permeability, GIP, and apparent wellbore radius -----:--..4 :... - .LZ,-n . allluLU . . . .. . kl-,-~ crm=arl.chw=t .,,;* ;“ tk- o=. WG1 G Illpul 111LU L1lG pal u,uem w,. !’. . . . .Hw wau o..””. Compik hit.ml Completion Data G+mlate BtIfT’s Generate PM Pro@.v Tab!+ Poiymxniai resulting in the match shown in Fig. 10, ~ Cimwt \ Pklt Pm \ iltt Bate and + id rhiiti-t) Ma to PF?W and PPN( If Bxmdarv DOnun.9kl -> (- J Fp Fhsrum w PPNC Mennine : RR , Yes No MA from Garb’sMe 1 ‘:-----’’-~”” + c“ %“ i % . \, 0.1; J Detennme pe&eatility’ and dim L _——’ , Ftg. 11- . I 0.0 :r 01 Conclusions Use of the liquid solution constant pressure rate-cumulative decline type-curve (RCDTC) can be extended to singlephase flow of compressible gases via the use of the viscositycompressibility normalization factor and gas pseudopressure. Like gas pseudopressure, the viscosity-compressibility normalization factor can be determined from fluid properties alone. Because of the independence in step size of time intervals in the determination of the viscosity-compressibility normalization factor, use of the RCDTC is superior to use of the rate-time decline type-curve (RTDTC) even for wells producing at constant BHFP. 10 Gas Well with Variable Flow Chart for Gas Well Analysis I Qdn Fig. 10- RCDTC: i 5, b BHFP The data show excellent agreement with the liquid solution constant pressure RCDTC demonstrating the ability to handle the variable BHFP case for gas reservoirs. Type-Curve Matching Techniques: Gas Wells Two preparation steps are required to analyze field declinecurves for gas wells. First, calculation of BHFP from lTP must be performed for all data. This can be done most efficiently in a programming language and the results imported to a spread-sheet that contain the rate and cumulative data as described in Fig. 5. The second step is to, again, use a program to calculate compressibility factors, compressibility, and viscosity for the gas gravity and temperature of the reservoir. Integrations can be performed in the program to obtain gas pseudopressure and viscosity compressibility normalizing factor. polynomial tits, such as the one presented in the example application for the normalizing factor, can also be made for gas pseudopressure as a function of BHFP. The coefficients for these two fits can then be incorporated into the spread-sheet. A data plot of PPNR versus PPNC is then made and flow periods present are determined. Infinite-acting data, convex to the origin, can be analyzed without viscosity-compressiblli- Nomenclature A= area (sq ft) BHFP= bottom-hole flowing pressure (psi) same as P~ B= formation volume factor (rb/STB) Bbl= barrel (5.615 ft3) CA= Dietz shape factor et= system total compressibility (psi-l) FTP= flowing tubing pressure (psia) F n(p-c) = viscosity-compressibility normalizing factor ‘n(m-c = mobility-compressibility normalizing factor Gd= gas in place (Mcf) h= formation thickness (ft) k= permeability (red) kg= permeability to gas (red) 954 SPE 030793 PNR = pressure normalized production rate (STB/d/psi) PNC= pressure normalized cumulative production (STB/psi) PPNR = pseudopressure normalized rate PPNC= pseudopressure normalized cumulative pD . dimensionless pressure pdt) = decline-curve dimensionless pressure gas pseudopressure (psiz/cp) }: initial pressure (psia) Pp;= initial pseudopressure (psi2/cp) P*= flowing bottom-hole pressure (psia) Ppd= flowing bottom-hole pseudopressure (psi2/cp) q= flow rate (STB/d) 9g= gas flow rate (MCF/d) qD . dimensionless flow rate qdD = decline-curve dimensionless flow rate Q= cumulative production (STB for oil, MCF for gas) Qn(u.c)= viscosity-compressibility normalized cumulative production (MCF) dimensionless cumulative production ~QD : =Ctil RCDTC= RTDTC= rw= rm = re= reD= s= STB = T= t= *n(u-c) = tD = fDA = tdD= Vp= z= ~~~!~~~-rllweAim --- . - ~A... en.innlec.c,,m,,l ”..”. ”... w,”uu ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -.=..nti.,~p~~~~~f~~fi . “ decline-curve normalizing factor factor 13= decline-curve normaltilng @= porosity (fraction) p. fluid viscosity (cp) Subscripts M= the Production Capacity of a Well,” Trans. 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D.: “Type Curves for Finite Radial and Linear Gas-Flow Systems Constant-Terminal-Pressure Case,” SPEI (Ott 1985) 719-28. 14 Fraim, M.L. and Wattenbarger, R.A.: “Gas Reservoir Decline-Curve Analysis Using Type Curves with Real Gas Pseudopressure and Normalized Time,” SPEFE (Dee 1987) 671-682. 15 Canard, J.G.: “Reservoir Performance History Matching Using Type-Curves,” PhD Dissertation, Louisiana State U., Baton Rouge, LA (1994). 16 Stapp, L.G. and Allison, E.C.: “Handbook for Personal Computer Version of Boast II: A Three-Dimensional, Three-Phase Black Oil Applied Simulation Tool,” U.S. Department of Energy Bartlesville Project Office, Bartlesville, Ok. (Jan. 1989). 17 Garb, F.A., Rodgers, J.S., and Prasad, R.K.: “13nd Gas In-Place from Shut-In or Flowing Pressures,” Oil& Gas J. (July 1973) 58-64. rate-cumulative decline type-curve rate-time decline type-curve wellbore radius (ft) apparent wellbore radius (ft) external radius (ft) dimensionless external radius dimensionless skin stock tank barrel (5.615 ft3) reservoir temperature ~R) time, days viscosity-compressibility normalized time (days) dimensionless time ciimensioniess time based on drainage area decline-curve dimensionless time pore volume (Bbl) gas compressibility factor (dimensionless) Greek a= 9 J.G. CALIARD AND P.A. SCHENEWERK match point in type-curve matching Acknowledgments The author recognizes the Department of Energy grant SBIR/DOE DE-FG05-90ER80976 and the Society of Petroleum Engineers for financial contributions. References 1 van Everdingen, A.F.:” The Skin Effect and Its Influence 955 . 10 RESERVOIR PERFORMANCE HISTORY MATCHING USING RATE/CUMULATIVE 18 Rodgers, J.S., Iloykin, R.S., and Cobie, L.E.: T?onstatic Pressure History Analyses for Gas Reservoirs,” SPEY (April 1983) 209-18. S1 Metric Conversion Factors E-01 = m3 bbl x 1.599873 Cpx 1.0 E-03 = Pas CU ft x 2.831685 E-02 = m3 E-01 =m ft x 3.048” E-04 = pmz md x 9.869233 EOO =kPa psi x 6.894757 ‘R X 5/9 = ‘K ‘G3nvaraion factor is exact, 956 TYPE-CURVES SPE 030793