BHARATHAMATHA FAMILY WELFARE FOUNDATION 18-B, South Rama Mada Street, Post Box No. 19, THIRUTHURAIPUNDI-614 713. Thiruvarur District, Tamil Nadu, S.India lit 04369-223084,295185. e-mail: website: . ANNUAL REPORT 2008 — 2009 INTRODUCTION Bharathamatha Family Welfare Foundation being a registered voluntary organization of secular and non- political, nature, registered under Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act 27 of 1975, with registration number 41 / 92 on 10.04.1992 is doing services to the poor and down trodden people of Thiruvarur, Nagapattinam and Thanjore District. Our NGO is Exempted under 12 (A) of Income Tax Act and also under 80 G of income Tax Act. Our organization has been registered under Foreign Registration Act Ministry of Home affairs Govt. of India (Registration No: 07607003, Dated: 14.03.2002) More over as we have been registered in NATIONAL Trust, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment , Govt. of India, we are doing our services to the person with disability especially including the person with mental retardation. Let us discuss the activities carried out by our organization during this year 2008 —2009 one by one. OUR MAIN AIM Our main aim of Bharathamatha Family Welfare Foundation is to make the people to aware the right to education and education for all. Also to liberate the suppressed and oppressed poor women communities and we are doing our activities for empowering the disabled deserted downtrodden destitute neglected and abandoned women and other persons roots. SPECIAL HOME FOR THE CHILDREN WITH MR, CP, AUTISM AND MULTIPLE DISABILITIES We are conducting a home —special home for children with Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy, Autism and Multiple Disabilities at Thiruthuraipundi. We are providing special care- special education. Nutritious meals, safe residence happy play and recreation Services for the Welfare of Children with mental retardation we have rendered home based therapeutic mobility, rehabilitation services. The services will be physical therapy, -2occupational therapy, Speech therapy, Special Education and Daily living skills training. 25 Children with Mental Retardation are benefited by these special home services during this year with the financial support and recognition of the State Commissioner for the Disabled, Government of Tamil Nadu. EARLY INTERVENTION CENTRE FOR CHILDREN WITH MENTAL RETARDATION We have established Early Intervention Centre for Mentally Retarded with the financial support and recognition of the State Commissioner for the Disabled Government of Tamil Nadu. We are providing Early Intervention service like Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Music Therapy and Play Therapy. HOME FOR THE AGED We are continuing our services for old age people at our old age home at Thirukuvalai. We are rendering safe and re-creative peaceful and homely atmosphere shelter. Good nice and nutritious and suitable food provision and needy medical care are also provided in our Old Age Home visitors, District officials and VIPs have visited our old age home and appreciate our services 25 older people have been benefited this year by our old age home under Aegis of Ministry Of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. Of India. SWADHAR SHELTER HOME We are Conducting Swadhar Shelter Home for this year continuously this year with the financial assistance of Ministry of women and child development, Government of India 50 Women in the category of widows, destitute, orphaned, HIV +V are benefiting we are providing them and rendering vocational training. WORKING WOMEN HOSTEL We established and we are conducting a Working Women Hostel with support of Central Social Welfare Board, Govt. Of India at Thiruvarur, Pallivasal Street. We are rendering safe and security and hygenic Residence with full water supply and latrine and bath room facilities. We also make all arrangements to have good hygienic and nutritious food for the inmates of the working women Hostel on a low cost especially on cost to cost effect. We ensured Emergency medical care tie up with Govt. H.Q Hospital and private -3TMC Hospital for 24 hours service. in case of any emergency occurrence for the inmates. So in this year nearly 25 women are by average had utilized per day our working Women Hostel. MAHALIR THITTAM (WOMEN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME) As recognized by Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development Women Limited, Chennai, Govt. Of Tamil Nadu, for Women Self Help Group formation under Women Development Project we have organized 600 Women Self-Help Group in Thiruthuraipundi and 1100 SHGs Muthupet Blocks of Thiruvarur District. Totally 1700 WSHGs with 34,000 members. We have guided the women SHG members for doing savings, we have achieved total savings of Rs.74817800 up to 31.03.09 and we have mobilized loan for SHG. Totally for Rs.8,57,95,300 on Credit Linkage Loan we have obtained Revolving Fund from DRDA Rs.3,18,35,000. to WSHGs. We have obtained Economical Activities from DRDA Rs.19,65,000 Thus entrepreneurship trade establishment such as Coir making, STD Xerox Shop, Malikai Shop and Agriculture cultivation land purchase as guided by our organization totally benefited 10,000 families. Their income generated and their living condition improved the empowerment for Women have been established in their families. We also conducted Key Activities and Training on Record maintenance and loan remittance in time. We have conducted periodical Co-ordination meeting in which the Awareness messages on small savings Entrepreneurship establishment general issues Women's problem AIDS Control Rain Water harvesting safe motherhood and child survival and environmental protection. We have conducted Entrepreneurship Training for women for SHG women we have arranged and guided for 7 SHGs in doing marketing under DRDA for Tiruvarur to have separate shops for doing marketing their products in the DRDA marketing their products in the DRDA marketing complex at Tiruturaipundi. They are doing the marketing satisfactorily and they have improved their income and their standard of Living also improved as along with their empowerment. -4IGNOU—RCI AWARENESS CUM TRAINING PACKAGES IN DISABILITY We have rendered Awareness Cum Packages in Disability Training Programmes for parents of all children with Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy, Vision Impairment and Multiple Disability we have conducted Training sessions by RCI (Rehabilitation Council of India) as sponsored by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) we have covered 20 parents in this programme. NEWBORN SCREENING PROGRAMME With the co-operation of Health Department at District level and the PH Centre Medical Officers and trained teachers and VHNs and our special staffs as a team are conducting new born screening of children born in Govt and private medical / Hospitals / Maternity homes. We have identified early disabilities in the neonatal period the neurological deficit and also we have reduced the high risk babies by early screening. This year by average 10 — 15 children in Tiruvarur District we have identified children with disabilities out of 22000 births at average. We render special services of early intervention programme as a pilot and model service in our area. SPECIAL SELF HELP FOR DISABLED PERSONS During this year also we are continuing our efforts for the welfare of the poor people with disability in our area in helping them and mobilizing the Govt. benefit bus pass relief measures and Tricycle, Wheel Chair. First up all we are guiding them to get identify cards and certificates for their respective disability we have formed SHG of person with disabilities and making all efforts to get loan for trade establishment by them and to have income generation through the co operation of DDRO of concerned district we have distributed Tricycle to 40 person during this year through SSA — IED SCHEME. FAMILY COUNSELLING CENTRE We had established family counseling centre at Thiruhturaipundi. We have rendered Counselling to 437 couples in this year and solved various social, ethical, ego-based misunderstanding, based on Sexual problem, financial problem by our special Ami cable solution by our trained counseller. In certain unsolved difficult problem we have helped the poor women on dowry harasser and right of wealth etc, by getting legal aids for them -5through our organization. We also rendered help line services to the affected women with the coordination of women police station at Thiruthuraipundi. HELP LINE FOR OLDER PERSON In this year we had implemented Help line project for olden persons at Thiruthuraipundi. We had provided tariff free telephone for any help needed call for the immediate service fro old age persons depressed and abandoned by the relatives. We had rendered prelim Mary counseling and referral services to them based on their need and ensured folloW up. During this year we had served 500 old age persons in this Help Line programme. DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME We had implemented the Disaster Risk management programme in this year 200809 and covered the area of two block Kottur and Muthupettai of Thiruvarur District with the co operation of District administration and local panchayat president. As the above programme is sponsored by UNDP Govt. of India Govt. of TamilNadu and Sanctioned by the District collector of our Thiruvarur District. We had success fully carry out the following activities. We had conducted village level survey hamlet survey and formed panchayat level separate committees NGO Separate team as noted below to render disaster risk management with multi sector co ordination and immediate response for early action. Early warning team. Search and rescue team. Shelter management team. Water and sanitation team. First AID and medical services team Relief and Rehabilitation team. Coordination team for rescue and disposal operation. Trauma care counseling team. 9. Damage assessment team -6We also constituted a Block level Disaster Risk Management Committee for the two blocks with 20 important members in duding Medical Police Revenue. CBOs Agriculture, youth Development, Department, Special Training on Disaster risk management first Aid, minor ailment treatment rescue operation in fire accident and other natural calamity. We had also rendered Mock drill sensitization PRI members training and covered 78 Panchayats in 2 blocks including 161 hamlets. The People response in these training is more appreciate. AIDS AWARENESS SEMINAR On 01.12.2008 we have observed world AIDS Day at Thiruthuraipundi as AIDS Awareness seminar for women SHG representatives. Our secretary had presided over the seminar and inaugurated the function. Dr.P.S.Mani,M.B.B.S., Dr.T.Raja. M.B.B.S., DCH., M.Antonyraj, U.Anbarasan and Dharshni had participated and explained the ways of prevention of STD / HIV / AIDS and TB. The messages on the evil effects of STD Syndronic detection of STD spouse concurrent treatment. ART Treatment availability for HIV Positive AIDS effected persons all such messages were discussed in the meeting. Totally 75 women had attended the meeting Selvi.Kavitha delivered the vote of Thanks to all participants hand bills on STD / HIV prevention and control were distributed. DE-ADDICTION SERVICES We had established a 15 Bedded hospital for Alcoholic and Drug depended person at Thiruthuraipundi. We had rendered counseling services. Medical treatment, relief measures family meet and counseling rehabilitation services for the addicts of our area with our special staff. During this year had given counseling for de-addiction to 105 persons. We had admitted 32 persons treated all and recovered for 27 persons. DAY CARE CENTRE FOR OLD AGED PERSONS We are rendering special service for old aged persons in our day care centre for old aged persons established at Thiruthuraipundi. We have provided food medical checkup and treatment with supportive counseling in this centre during this year Total 52 persons are benefited. -7ECG / EEG - YOUTH SKILL TRAINING PROGRAMME This year we had conducted skill development training for women under the sanction support and guidance of the District Collector Thiruvarur and the project officer women development Thiruvarur for a special training on ECG / EEG for 6 month period. Stipends for the trainees are provided for the women trainees at Rs.500/- per month totally 15 women are trained in this year. We are doing follow up activities for seeking employment for the trainers. DISTRICT LEAD PARTNER NGO (DLP-NGO) - SETHU SAMUDHIRAM SHIP CHANNEL PROJECT - COASTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (SSCP-CCDP) We are District Lead Partner NGO (DLP-NGO) for Sethu Samudhriam Ship Channel ProjectCoastal Community Development Programme (SSCP-CCDP), Govt. India. In this project we facilitate and co-ordinate the all Training Institution of Thiruvarur and Nagapattinam Districts under this Programme. NURSING AND LAB -TECHNICIAN COURSES (SSCP -CCDP) We are conducting Nursing Assistance and Lab-Technician Training Courses under SSCPCCDP project to Coastal area youth people of Thiruvarur and Nagapattinam Districts. MOBILE MEDICAL CENTRE We are doing special services of mobile medical services from our mobile medical centre established at Thiruthuraipundi. We used to unit a village once in 15 days with a medical team with special Doctor, Nurse, Nursing Assistant, Lab Assistant and pharmacists with necessary medical equipment. We had rendered medical check up, blood exam and treatment is the old age persons distributed medicine and also rendered needy referral to higher medical institution. We are doing this service with our own fund with mobile van on rental basis we had served 750 persons in this year in Thiruthuraipundi Block. FARMERS CLUB UNDER NABARD SCHEMES Under NABARD scheme we had established 2 farmers club in Thiruthurapoondi Talnk of Thiruvarur District one at Thondiakkadu and an Other at Thillaivilagam with the guidance of the District Development manager NABARD Thiruvarur. We had conducted Awareness meeting of the farmers club monthly. We had arranged the participation of special experts of agriculture Horticulture / Health and Bank official co-operative primary. Agriculture Bank secretaries and discussed the important messages and Techniques of paddy special cultivation, Organic cultivation, cotton cultivation, etc for the benefits of our area farmers. STATE BANK OF INDIA - BUSINESS FACILITATOR This year we had been appointed by the State Bank of India Authorities as business facilitation for the SBI of (1) Thiruthuraipundi and 2) Muthupettai. Our Secretary Mr.Edaiyoor R.V.Manimarn with the women SHG members and the local 'panchayat representations and Banking authorial is doing the non Banking services in the area. Mobilization and opening of Bank account and facilitating needy loans to eligible persons under the cooperation of the Bank authorities such as housing loan, car loan, individual personal loan and also fixed deposit collection etc. By our services both the rural people customer's women and youth and the Bank authorities all are mutual benefited. CHILD WELFARE COMMITTEE We had established a child welfare committee under the chairman ship of women and with 4 members induding co operation Doctors, CBOs, Education Department, Social Welfare Department, Medical and labour welfare department and local panchayat leader. We are conducting the committee meeting twice in a week at our organization premises. The committee will discuss about the child related issues, Child Rights, Child Care Immunization camps, Child labour Eradication, Child misuse and vulnerability of trafficking etc and suggest remedial measures. -9EYE CAMP In order to ensure eye care services for the poor people of our area. We had organized 2 Eye camp 1) at Thiruthuraipundi 2) at Muthupettai with the participation and services rendered by Sankara Eye Hospital, Rotary Clubs Tiruthuraipundi and our Nursing Students we had organized the Eye Camp, conducted the Pre camp publicity and mobilized people for the eye camp and all passable help and support for the camp. Total 276 persons are benefited by the camps during this year. ROAD SAFETY PROGRAMME In order to strengthen the youth and vehicle users we have conducted three seminar at Thiruthuraipundi , Muthupet and Edubavanam on Road Safety Awareness. In each seminar drivers of various vehicles, owners of vehicles and youth club members have attended our lawer resource person Kalidasan B.A.B.L. our special press reporter Kannadasan our Doctor Govindrajan had attended the seminar and explained the road rules, how to avoid accident how to save life in case of accident what are the main aspects including blood donation, scan arrangement emergency transportation all have been explained in detail. Nearly 400 persons are benefited by our programme. Education materials hand bills are distributed to the participants on Road Safety Programme.We have mobilized students with St.John Ambulance Association Branch members of Thiruthuraipundi and Lorry owners association members all have participated in the special campaign for a fixing block stickers on the head lights of all vehicles at Thiruthuraipundi. BIO — SAFETY AWARENESS PROGRAMME We have observed NEAC at Muthupettai during this year 2008 -2009 in Muthupet town Panchayat coastal the Alaiyathi forests are importance of Bio-Friendly. We have educated the seashore area people about Bio Safety of Special type forest in the sea -sore area — we have stressed the people that the bio-forest should not be destroyed and it should be safe guarded. - 10 - NATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR REHABILITATION OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (NPRPD) We are conducting National Programme for Rehabilitation of Person with Disabilities in Thiruvarur District covering 3 Blocks (i).Kottur, (ii).Muthupettai, and (iii).Thiruthuraipundi. We are Conducting Community Based Rehabilitation services with block level MRW coordinators SUPPLEMENTARY STUDY CENTRE As our Organization is experienced in conducting training and educational services we have applied for establishing study centre with all the following universities; PERIYAR UNIVERSITY — SALEM. MANOMANIUM SUNDARANAR — TIRUNELVELI. 3. INDIRA GANDHI OPEN UNIVERSITY.(IGNOU) For Diploma, Degree and PG and Certificate courses in all leading subjects. By this study centers we have guided 250 students to have these courses as selected by them. After the enrolment the students are guided for better education, with seminar and good coaching & frequent revision test and counselling on the test answer paper individually. ENTERPRENUER DEVELOPMENT TRAINING PROGRAMME We have given training of establishment of the following trades. Cosmetics preparation Sanitary Wards Production Wax Candle making Soft Toys making Penoil and Agar Pathi Making This year we have provided the above training for 65 SHG women to Tailoring Training. We are facilitating tailoring training to SHG members especially schedule caste women and widows and guided them to get social welfare sewing machine for their income generation total 50 women were benefited by this training. - ACTIVITIES S. No National Day/ Importance Day Date Theme Place Day 1 20.02.08 Anti Mosquito Day Health Awareness Meeting Tiruturaipundi 2 07.04.08 World Health Day Tiruturaipundi 3 30.04.08 4 11.05.08 ANT Child Labour Day Nurses Day SHG Meeting & Health Education Child Right Awareness meeting Muthupet 5 31.05.08 6 05.06.08 Health Camp by Paramedical trainees Cancer prevention awareness camp Environment awareness camp 7 26.06.08 8 27.06.08 9 11.07.08 10 01.08.08 11 15.08.08 Independence Day 12 Nutrition Week 13 01.09.08 07.09.08 08.09.08 14 01.10.08 15 01.10.08 16 07.11.08 17 17.11.08 World no smoking day National Environmental Day Anti Drug abuse Day Awareness meeting for Drugs addicts rehabilitation Anti Dialetic Day Diabetic screening testing camp and awareness camp World Population Day Seminar for Paramedical trainees Mothers Milk Seminar for Awareness for SHG Promotion Day Women on Breast Feeding. International Literacy Day Voluntary Blood Donation Day World Elders Day National Cancer Prevention Awareness meeting National Day for Deafness Celebration of Independence day SHG Meeting and Nutrition Education Literacy awareness and school admission promotion camp Youth awareness camp Tiruturaipundi Muthupet Muthupet Tiruturaipundi Tiruturaipundi Tiruturaipundi Tiruturaipundi Tiruturaipundi Tiruturaipundi Muthupet Tiruturaipundi Old Aged persons counselling meeting. SHG meeting and health education Thirukuvalai Awareness camp for SHG Muthupet Tiruturaipundi - 12 18 02.12.08 19 03.12.08 National pollution control day National disables day 20 08.12.08 Mental Health Day 21 12.01.09 22 26.01.09 Vivekawanthah Birth Day Youth Welfare Day Republic Day 23 31.01.09 Anti leprosy Day 24 11.02.09 World Day for Sick 25 08.03.09 World Women's Day 26 15.03.09 World Consumer Rights Day Awareness camp for youth Tiruturaipundi Awareness camp for SHG for prevention of disability & Rehabilitation Awareness camp for SHG for prevention of disability & Rehabilitation Youth club meeting & pledge taking for national integration efforts Celebration of Republic Day Tiruturaipundi Women's meet and health education Awareness cum sensitizing seminar for nursing trainees SHG Rally & meeting on women's welfare and empowerment Seminar on consumer awareness for youths Tiruturaipundi Muthupet Tiruturaipundi Tiruturaipundi Tiruturaipundi Tiruturaipundi Muthupet OUR FUTURE PLAN We had continued our services of rendering training camp arrangement relief and rehabilitation services. We had planned to do the following services and programme for next year. Women self help groups micro finance and economical up liftmen guidance Home for disabled children. AIDS awareness and intervention programmes 0 Special programmes for farmers under NABARD scheme 2 Village development schemes with the financial asst from CAPART El Vocational training for youth and women. Higher educational guidance. El Restoration of livelihood training El Relief and Rehabilitation services for person with disabilities Orphanage Old age persons integrated services Help line for Juvenile children. - 13 - THANKS We thank all Officials and Leaders and District Collectors Thiruvarur, Nagapattinam and Tanjore District PO — DRDA, PO- Mahalir Thittam, DDRO, Spastic Society—Chennai, National Trust—New Delhi, Rehabilitation Council of India, BDOs and Panchayat Representatives, Health Department Officials, Our Staff and one and all who have guided helped and co-operated us in all our programmes during this year. maths po Date : ot Place : ..ot• 9010 w Phs295185 t r 19 S; (E R.V.Manimaran) Founder & Secretary