ABORTION 1 Reutersward, Camilla et al Abortion law reforms in Colombia and Nicaragua: Issue networks and opportunity contexts. Development and Change, 42(3), 2011(May): p.805-831. AIDS 2 Boesten, Jelka Navigating the AIDS industry: Being poor and positive in Tanzania. Development and Change, 42(3), 2011(May): p.781-803. AIR POLLUTION 3 Ozymy, Joshua and Jarrell, Melissa L. Upset over air pollution: Analyzing upset event emissions at petroleum refineries. Review of Policy Research, 28(4), 2011(Jul): p.365-381. BANKS 4 Shy, Oz and Wang, Zhu Why do payment card networks charge proportional fees? American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1575-1590. CARBON 5 Rajan, Sudhir Chella and Byravan, Sujatha Developmental benefits from a low-carbon pathway. Economic and Political Weekly, 46(34), 2011(20 Aug): p.15-18. 1 CLIMATIC CHANGE 6 Pralle, Sarah and Boscarino, Jessica Framing trade-offs: The politics of nuclear power and wind energy in the age of global climate change. Review of Policy Research, 28(4), 2011(Jul): p.323-346. 7 Verhoeven, Harry Climate change, conflict and development in Sudan: Global neo-malthusian narratives and local power struggles. Development and Change, 42(3), 2011(May): p.679-707. COLONISATION 8 Alonso, Jose Antonio Colonisation, institutions and development: New evidence. Journal of Development Studies, 47(3), 2011(Jul): p.937-958. COMMUNICATION 9 Shankar, A. Ravi Dial your SP-PPPP tool of governance. Indian Police Journal, 57(4), 2010(Oct-Dec): p.70-74. COMPUTER 10 Menon, Siddartha Policy agendas for South Korea's broadband convergence network infrastructure project. Review of Policy Research, 28(4), 2011(Jul): p.347-364. CONSTITUTIONS 11 Mtetwa, Edmos 2 Cross-cutting issues: Disability and the constitution making process for Zimbabwe. Indian Journal of Social Work, 72(2), 2011(Apr): p.257-276. CONSULTANTS 12 Greiner, Larry, Motamedi, Kurt and Jamieson, David New consultant roles and processes in a 24/7 world. Organizational Dynamics, 40(3), 2011(Jul-Sep): p.165-173. CONSUMERS 13 Lester, Benjamin Information and prices with capacity constraints. American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1591-1600. CORRUPTION 14 Andres, Antonio R. and Ramlogan-Dobson, Carlyn Is corruption really bad for inequality? Evidence from Latin America. Journal of Development Studies, 47(3), 2011(Jul): p.959-976. 15 Ferraz, Claudio and Finan, Frederico Electoral accountability and corruption: Evidence from the audits of local governments. American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1274-1311. 16 Rai, Vinod Corruption-free governance. IIC Quarterly, 38(1), 2011(Summer): p.80-89. COST ACCOUNTING 3 17 Gopalan, V. Capital budgeting and role of CMAs. Management Accountant, 46(7), 2011(Jul): p.599-600. 18 Guha, Sekhar Ranjan Total cost management. Management Accountant, 46(7), 2011(Jul): p.562-567. 19 Jayaram, P.K. TCM for sustainable performance excellence. Management Accountant, 46(7), 2011(Jul): p.571-576. 20 Ramji, Meena Total cost management and its relevance in current day business scenario. Management Accountant, 46(7), 2011(Jul): p.577-580. 21 Roy, Sujit Kumar Total cost management: A never-ending need for redefinition. Management Accountant, 46(7), 2011(Jul): p.586-591. 22 Sundararaj, R. Total cost management - strategic management tool. Management Accountant, 46(7), 2011(Jul): p.568-570. CRIME 23 Kaur, Inderpreet Plea bargaining: A new trend in criminal justice system. Indian Police Journal, 57(4), 2010(Oct-Dec): p.80-87. 24 Moon, E. Pendral Criminal administration in the non-tribal areas of 4 Manipur. Indian Police Journal, 57(4), 2010(Oct-Dec): p.98-100. DEBTS 25 Izurieta, Alex Instability in the US: It is not debt but the lack of it. Economic and Political Weekly, 46(34), 2011(20 Aug): p.34-38. DEVELOPMENT AID 26 Breman, Jan A change for the better? Dutch development aid in good times and bad times (a review essay). Development and Change, 42(3), 2011(May): p.833-848. DISABLED CHILDREN 27 Leelavathi, B. et al Effect of circle games on development of social skills among children with deaf blindness. Indian Journal of Social Work, 72(2), 2011(Apr): p.169-180. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 28 Singh, Darshan and Dhingra, Vanita Impact of domestic violence on woman victims. Indian Police Journal, 57(4), 2010(Oct-Dec): p.10-17. E GOVERNANCE 29 Ahn, Michael J. Adoption of E-communication applications in U.S. 5 municipalities: The role of political environment, bureaucratic structure, and the nature of applications American Review of Public Administration, 41(4), 2011 (Jul): p.428-452. E-government has been touted by many as a technological answer to improve citizen participation, government accountability, and transparency by facilitating a greater level of communication and flow of public information between citizens and the government. This article examines how political environment, government structure, and the nature of individual e-government applications influence and likelihood of adoption. Using data obtained from multiple sources logistic regressions are conducted on a sample of six e-government applications that possess varying degrees of communicative and organizational impacts on the government to observe how different factors influence their adoption. Findings include a general disinclination for adopting e-government applications with high communicative impact; however, such disinclination for adopting e-government applications with high communicative impact, however, such disinclination dissipated when there was a high communicative impact; however, such disinclination dissipated when there was a high level of political competition in the area and perceived demand for online communication; active traditional channels of political communication, such as political parties and accessibility to local council members, reduced the likelihood of adoption; the preferences of the elected mayor coincided with the perceptions of non-elected officials who favor e-government applications that would reduce the workload while disfavoring applications that would increase it. - Reproduced. 6 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 30 Frangie, Samer Post-development, developmental state and genealogy: condemned to develop? Third World Quarterly, 32(7), 2011: p.1183-1198. ECONOMIC GROWTH 31 Davis, Lewis and Hopkins, Mark The institutional foundations of inequality and growth. Journal of Development Studies, 47(3), 2011(Jul): p.977-997. ECONOMIC RECESSION 32 Dutta, Jharna Managing financial crisis successfully in infrastructure sector - Role of proactive strategies in this perspective Management Accountant, 46(7), 2011(Jul): p.604-607. EDUCATION 33 Amin, Vikesh Returns to education: Evidence from UK twins: Comment. American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1629-1635. ELDERLY 34 Abaluck, Jason and Grubber, Jonathan Choice inconsistencies among the elderly: Evidence from plan choice in the medicare part D program. American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1180-1210. 35 Barrientos, Armando 7 Participation and earnings of older people in Argentina: Nice work if you can get it? Journal of Development Studies, 47(3), 2011(Jul): p.1061-1079. EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT 36 Yadav, Ajit Emotional intelligence: Its usefulness in policing. Indian Police Journal, 57(4), 2010(Oct-Dec): p.75-79. EMPLOYEES 37 Fitzsimmons, Stacey R., Miska, Christof and Stahl, Gunter K. Multicultural employees: Global business' untapped resource. Organizational Dynamics, 40(3), 2011(Jul-Sep): p.199-206. EMPLOYMENT 38 Kumar, M. Dinesh Employment guarantee and its environmental impact: re the claims valid? Economic and Political Weekly, 46(34), 2011(20 Aug): p.69-71. 39 Siemens, Ferdinand A. Von Heterogeneous social preferences, screening, and employment contracts. Oxford Economic Papers, 63(3), 2011(Jul): p.499-522. FERTILITY 40 Crump, Richard, Goda, Gopi Shah and Mumford,Kevin J. 8 Fertility and the personal exemption: Comment. American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1616-1628. FOOD SUPPLY 41 Sparks, Andrea L., Bania, Neil and Leete, Laura Comparative approaches to measuring food access in urban areas: The case of Portland, Oregon. Urban Studies, 48(8), 2011(Jun): p.1715-1737. FOREIGN AID 42 Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu, Sandler, Todd and Younas, Javed Foreign aid as counterterrorism policy. Oxford Economic Papers, 63(3), 2011(Jul): p.423-447. 43 Serieux, John Aid and resource mobilization in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of reverse flows. Journal of Development Studies, 47(3), 2011(Jul): p.1080-1107. FOREIGN INVESTMENT 44 Roy, Anjan Services sector: Foreign direct investment in the services sector. Yojana, 55, 2011(Sep): p.8-11. FORENSIC MEDICINE 45 Jasuja, O.P., Kaur, Harsimran and Singh, Gangandeep Latent fingerprints of children effects of nutrition status on development of prints. Indian Police Journal, 57(4), 2010(Oct-Dec): p.63-69. 9 GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS 46 Painter, Martin and Yee, Wai-Hang Task matters: A structural-instrumental analysis of the autonomy of Hong Kong government bodies. American Review of Public Administration, 41(4), 2011(J ul): p.395-410. What might account for the varying degrees of autonomy granted to public agencies? One broad range of answers is provided by a structural-instrumental perspective on organizations, which assumes that the assignment of autonomy is a response to structural features of organizing on the one hand and to task considerations on the other. Taking the case of Hong Kong, data from a survey of chief executives of 111 government agencies on perceptions of autonomy are analyzed to explore a series of propositions concerning the relationship between structure, task, and perceived autonomy. The method of ordinary least square regression is used to analyze the data. Overall, the findings show that variables describing key features of structure and task do help to explain degrees of autonomy. However, two propositions drawn from rational choice theory concerning task-related variables are not confirmed: public service delivery organizations are under tighter, not looser control, whereas regulatory agencies show no tendency toward autonomy. Interpretation of the findings points to significant features of Hong Kong's constitutional and political history which highlight the importance of contextualization. Reproduced. HEALTH SERVICES 47 Grimm, Michael 10 Does inequality in health impede economic growth? Oxford Economic Papers, 63(3), 2011(Jul): p.448-474. HOMELESS 48 Hodgetts, Darrin `Near and far': Social distancing in domiciled characterisations of homeless people. Urban Studies, 48(8), 2011(Jun): p.1739-1753. HOUSING 49 Abeysinghe, Tilak and Gu, Jiaying Lifetime income and housing affordability in Singapor. Urban Studies, 48(9), 2011(Jul): p.1875-1891. 50 Goetz, Edward Gentrification in black and white: The racial impact of public housing demolition in American cities. Urban Studies, 48(8), 2011(Jun): p.1581-1604. 51 Temelova, Jana et al Housing estates in the Czech republic after socialism: Various trajectories and inner differentiation. Urban Studies, 48(9), 2011(Jul): p.1811-1834. 52 Wilson, Patrick et al Modelling price movements in housing micro markets: Identifying long-term components in local housing market dynamics. Urban Studies, 48(9), 2011(Jul): p.1853-1874. HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT 53 Campion, Michael A., Guerrero, Laura and Posthuma, Richard 11 Reasonable human resource practices for making employee downsizing decisions. Organizational Dynamics, 40(3), 2011(Jul-Sep): p.174-180. INCOME DISTRIBUTION 54 Esteban, Joan and Ray, Debraj Linking conflict to inequality and polarization. American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1345-1374. INDIAN OCEAN 55 Ali, Ameer The Sri Lankan ethnic Morass and China-India geopolitical maneuvers. Economic and Political Weekly, 46(34), 2011(20 Aug): p.39-45. INFLATION 56 Hatekar, Neeraj, Sharma, Ashutosh and Kulkarni, Savita What drives inflation in India: Overheating or input costs? Economic and Political Weekly, 46(34), 2011(20 Aug): p.46-51. 57 Wright, Jonathan H. Term premia and inflation uncertainty: Empirical evidence from an International panel dataset. American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1514-1534. INTERNET 58 Geetha, B. and Pagutharivu, R. Internet - A dangerous web for women. 12 Indian Police Journal, 57(4), 2010(Oct-Dec): p.55-62. JUVENILE DELINQUENCY 59 Heidari, Masoud Criminal investigation and proceedings of Juvenile delinquency in Iran. Indian Journal of Social Work, 72(2), 2011(Apr): p.277-287. LABOUR MARKET 60 Lang, Kevin and Manove, Michael Education and labor market discrimination. American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1467-1496. 61 Pissarides, Christopher A. Equilibrium in the labor market with search frictions. American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1092-1105. LAND TENURE 62 Vandekerckhove, Nel The state, the rebel and the chief: Public authority and land disputes in Assam, India. Development and Change, 42(3), 2011(May): p.759-779. LEADERSHIP 63 Sanchez-Runde, Carlos, Nardom, Luciara and Steers, Richard M. Looking beyond western leadership models: Implications for global managers. Organizational Dynamics, 40(3), 2011(Jul-Sep): p.207-213. 13 LOCAL GOVERNMENT 64 Greasley, Stephen, John, Peter and Wolman, Harold Does government performance matter? The effects of local government on urban outcomes in England. Urban Studies, 48(9), 2011(Jul): p.1835-1851. 65 Wood, Curtis Understanding the consequences of municipal discretion. American Review of Public Administration, 41(4), 2011(J ul): p.411-427. In this study of municipalities over 25,000 in population in 49 U.S. states, the author tests whether municipal discretion makes a difference in terms of municipal fiscal performance. The author finds that municipalities located in states that grant more municipal discretion levy less property tax per capita, receive less state aid per capita, and levy less total taxes per capita. However, there is not a statistical correlation between the scope of municipal discretion and total outstanding debt, public officials in empowered municipalities do not abuse their authority by imposing unwarranted property, sales, income, and business taxes, and calls into question the notion that municipal officials in empowered states are more likely to become spendthrifts than are municipal officials in less empowered states. The author posits that officials in empowered municipalities may experience the perfect storm unless they use their expanded powers to improve the financial health of the municipality; enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and equity of municipal public services/programs; and partner with their cohorts across geo-political boundaries to ensure the well-being of all citizens. - Reproduced. 14 MARKETS 66 Mortensen, Dale T. Markets with search friction and the DMP model. American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1073-1091. MOTHERS 67 Sadique, Sherren Secondary victims: Understanding the role of mothers' incarceration. Indian Police Journal, 57(4), 2010(Oct-Dec): p.27-33. NATIONAL CULTURES 68 Taras, Vas, Steel, Piers and Kirkman, Bradley L. Three decades of research on national culture in the workplace: Do the differences still make a difference? Organizational Dynamics, 40(3), 2011(Jul-Sep): p.189-198. ORGANIZATIONS 69 Andrews, Rhy et al Environmental and organizational determinants of external networking. American Review of Public Administration, 41(4), 2011(J ul): p.355-374. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL 70 Ford, Robert C., Latham, Gary P. and Lennox, Gwen Mystery shoppers: A new tool for coaching employee performance improvement. Organizational Dynamics, 40(3), 2011(Jul-Sep): p.157-164. 15 POLICE 71 Jeyachandran, K.P.S. Improving the standard of investigation. Indian Police Journal, 57(4), 2010(Oct-Dec): p.88-97. POLLUTION 72 Gassebner, Martin, Lamla, Michael J. and Sturm, Jan-Egbert Determinants of pollution: What do we really know? Oxford Economic Papers, 63(3), 2011(Jul): p.568-595. PORNOGRAPHY 73 Pendyala, Krishna Sastry and Sinha, Anjana Regulation of pornography on internet - Issues. Indian Police Journal, 57(4), 2010(Oct-Dec): p.45-51. POVERTY 74 Ghosh, Jayati Dealing with `the poor' (a review essay). Development and Change, 42(3), 2011(May): p.849-858. 75 Pal, Sarmistha and Palacios, Robert Understanding poverty among the elderly in India: Implications for social pension policy. Journal of Development Studies, 47(3), 2011(Jul): p.1017-1037. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 76 Pedersen, AnneReff, Sehested, Karina and Sorensen, Eva Emerging theoretical understanding of pluricentric 16 coordination in public governance. American Review of Public Administration, 41(4), 2011(J ul): p.375-394. PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 77 Khera, Reetika India's public distribution system: Utilisation and impact. Journal of Development Studies, 47(3), 2011(Jul): p.1038-1060. PUBLIC INFORMATION 78 James, Jonathan G. and Lawler, Phillip Optimal policy intervention and the social value of public information. American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1561-1574. RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION 79 Blaauboer, Marjolein The impact of childhood experiences and family members outside the household on residential environment choices. Urban Studies, 48(8), 2011(Jun): p.1635-1650. RIGHT TO PROPERTY 80 Wily, Liz Alden `The law is to blame': The vulnerable status of common property rights in sub-Saharan Africa. Development and Change, 42(3), 2011(May): p.733-757. RIOTS 81 Hughes, Kirsty 17 UK riots: Reaping the whirlwind. Economic and Political Weekly, 46(34), 2011(20 Aug): p.13-15. RURAL DEVELOPMENT 82 Ajit Kumar Ideas old and new in rural development. Indian Journal of Social Work, 72(2), 2011(Apr): p.245-256. SERVICE INDUSTRIES 83 Akhilesh Kumar Services sector: Can it be the engine of inclusive growth? Yojana, 55, 2011(Sep): p.17-19. 84 Baruah, Papori Services sector: Healthcare: A key sector in the service industry. Yojana, 55, 2011(Sep): p.33-37. 85 Das, Sandip Services sector: Indian tourism sector: A growth story. Yojana, 55, 2011(Sep): p.49-51. 86 Rajamani, R.C. Services sector: Telecom sector - Changing lives. Yojana, 55, 2011(Sep): p.40-42. 87 Saravanan, M. and Chandrasekaran, B. Services sector: Growth trends in services sector. Yojana, 55, 2011(Sep): p.13-16. 18 88 Sharma, Subhash Services sector: Education in Indian economy: An overview Yojana, 55, 2011(Sep): p.23-31. SERVICE INDUSTRIES 89 Srinivasan, G. Services sector: Services sector and its contribution to the Indian economy. Yojana, 55, 2011(Sep): p.5-7. 90 Thakur, Vijay Services sector: Growth of IT and ITeS sector. Yojana, 55, 2011(Sep): p.45-47. SEXUAL ABUSE 91 Rufus, D. and Benlah Sexual harassment of women at workplace. Indian Police Journal, 57(4), 2010(Oct-Dec): p.18-26. SLUMS 92 Bogaert, Koenraad The problem of slums: Shifting methods of neo-liberal urban government in Morocco. Development and Change, 42(3), 2011(May): p.709-731. SOCIAL PARTICIPATION 93 Charness, Gary and Dufwenberg, Martin Participation. American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1211-1237. SOCIAL PROBLEMS 19 94 Kaur, Roop Kamal Dowry deaths and patriarchy in Punjab. Indian Police Journal, 57(4), 2010(Oct-Dec): p.52-54. SOCIAL SERVICES 95 DeVerteuil, Geoffrey Evidence of gentrification-induced displacement among social services in London and Los-Angeles. Urban Studies, 48(8), 2011(Jun): p.1563-1580. SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION 96 Bodhi, S.R. Professional social work education in India: A critical view from the periphery. Indian Journal of Social Work, 72(2), 2011(Apr): p.289-300. STATE SECURITY 97 Vohra, N.N. National security concerns. IIC Quarterly, 38(1), 2011(Summer): p.64-79. STRIKES 98 Parsons, Christopher A. Strike three: Discrimination, incentives, and evaluation. American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1410-1435. TAGORE, RABINDRANATH 99 Bandyopadhyay, Samik 20 Tagore: Redefining culture. IIC Quarterly, 38(1), 2011(Summer): 32-41. 100 Bose, Sugata Tagorean universalism and cosmopolitanism. IIC Quarterly, 38(1), 2011(Summer): p.2-17. 101 Mukherji, Basavi Music and Rabindranath. IIC Quarterly, 38(1), 2011(Summer): p.42-51. 102 O'Connell, Kathleen M. Education at Santiniketan: 1902-1920. IIC Quarterly, 38(1), 2011(Summer): p.18-31. TAXATION 103 Ravindran, P. Combating tax cascading: Parallel tax systems - Cenvat credit vs vat credit. Management Accountant, 46(7), 2011(Jul): p.601-603. TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE 104 Alexopoulos, Michelle Read all about it!! What happens following a technology shock? American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1144-1179. TEXTILE INDUSTRY 105 Muhammad, Anu Wealth and deprivation: Ready-made garments industry in Bangladesh. Economic and Political Weekly, 46(34), 2011(20 Aug): 21 p.23-27. TRADE 106 Gavazza, Alessandro The role of trading frictions in real asset markets. American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1106-1143. UNEMPLOYMENT 107 Diamond, Peter Unemployment, vacancies, wages. American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1045-1072. URBAN DEVELOPMENT 108 Champion, Tony and Townsend, Alan The fluctuating record of economic regeneration in England's second-order city-regions, 1984-2007. Urban Studies, 48(8), 2011(Jun): p.1539-1562. 109 Postigo, Antonio Accounting for outcomes in participatory urban governance through state-civil-society synergies. Urban Studies, 48(9), 2011(Jul): p.1945-1967. URBANIZATION 110 Bhagat, R.B. Emerging pattern of urbanisation in India. Economic and Political Weekly, 46(34), 2011(20 Aug): p.10-12. VIOLENCE 111 Anand, Javed 22 Targeting the lawbreakers. Economic and Political Weekly, 46(34), 2011(20 Aug): p.19-21. WAGES 112 Benigno, Pierpaolo and Ricci, Luca Antonio The inflation-output trade-off with downward wage rigidities. American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1436-1466. WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 113 Manasi, S. et al Beyond the rhetoric of integrated water resources management: The case of the Tungabhadra Sub-basin. Economic and Political Weekly, 46(34), 2011(20 Aug): p.52-60. WOMEN 114 Shewli Kumar Building women empowered communities for governance. Indian Journal of Social Work, 72(2), 2011(Apr): p.181-198. WOMEN EXECUTIVES 115 Hoobler, Jenny M., Lemmon, Grace and Wayne, Sandy J. Women's under representation in upper management: New insights on a persistent problem. Organizational Dynamics, 40(3), 2011(Jul-Sep): p.151-156. WOMEN IN POLITICS 23 116 Kujur, Aloka Best practices: Women in panchayats, a partnership that works. Yojana, 55, 2011(Sep): p.38-39. WOMEN WORKERS 117 Sanyal, S. Working women and the glass ceiling. Indian Police Journal, 57(4), 2010(Oct-Dec): p.34-44. WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION 118 Bagwell, Kyle and Staiger, Robert W. What do trade negotiators negotiate about? Empirical evidence from the World Trade Organization. American Economic Review, 101(4), 2011(Jul): p.1238-1273. 24