Contents -

A BRIEF SUMMARY ABOUT STAGE 1 .................................................................................... 2
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 2
COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................. 2
MEDIA OBJECTIVES................................................................................................................... 3
PROMOTIONAL MIX TOOLS:.................................................................................................... 6
SELECTING VEHICLES FOR EACH CHOSEN MEDIDUMS ................................................ 17
SCHEDULING ............................................................................................................................. 35
FLOWCHART.............................................................................................................................. 37
REFERENCE................................................................................................................................ 37
The first stage of the project provides a general view about the history of Red Bull’s
development and analyzes the current market place to be aware of the advantages &
disadvantages of the product before launching the campaign. In terms of target audience, the
media planners highly aim atstudents aged 16- 25 years as a primary target who probably will
have many contributions in consuming towards the products.
In the second stage, this strategic plan mainly focuses onthe most important part, which measures
the success of the campaign -Media planning including setting communication & mediums
objectives. Especially, we decide to apply Advertising, Sale promotion and Public relations in
terms of basic tools of promotional mix tools. Also, mediums & vehicles will be carefully
selected to meet the target audience’s attention and interest in order to promote the Red Bull
campaign as effective as possible. All of those things will be set up tightly to fit with the
scheduling and reach as many target audiences as possiblewith the media budget of US$120,000
This advertising campaign is run prior during one year in Ho Chi Minh City& Ha Noi. There are
two different periods:
The first period will last six months from the 1st of October 2010 to the end of March
2011. This period mainly focus on creating brand awareness and interest tothe target
Brand awareness: Build up the target audience’s awareness about 95% during the first three
months by using advertising on TV, print media, Internet and sponsorship. (Sponsor for AFF
Suzuki Cup 2010 at the second month of the campaign)
Brand interest:Create interestamong 85% of thetarget customer based on establishing public
topics on social network such as Face-book or twitter to share their experiences &feedback about
the product’s quality & components.
2 Brand attitude: 55% of the target audience will place Red Bull as one of the most preferred
brands among other existing products by highlighting the product’s benefits.
Additionally, Christmas day (24thDecember 2010) &Lunar New Year(3rd February 2011) are
also the great chances for raising target audiences’interest.
Brand trial: Reach 55% of target audience’s trial thanks to promotional strategies like free
samples& discounts.
The second period runs among six months from the beginning of April 2011 to the end of
September 2011. This period concentrates on how to make the target consumerprefer
Red Bull to other bands and intend to buy it.
Purchase intention: 60% of the target audience will want to purchase the product in the last
fourmonths of the campaign after the process of using advertising tools.
Increase sale: Obtain 30% of the target audience who would like to purchase the product after
the campaign.
“Media objectives are the goals for the media programs.” (Belch & Belch, 2009) and “the media
objectives of a media plan often call for some combination of reach and frequency”.(Li, 2007)
“Since advertisers have a variety of objectives and face budget constraints, they usually must
trade - off reach and frequency.” (Belch & Belch, 2009) The reason for setting the trade-off
between reach & frequency for those objectives below is that it is really hard to achieve both
high reach as well as high frequency at the same time due to the limitation of the budge and
avoiding wasted coverage (when frequency excess 10.0).
According to Belch and Belch (2009),the campaign determines “frequency” based on such
marketing & message factors and “reach” thanks to some analysis in each period below.
3 A. The first period:
(Reproduced from Kelley & Jugenheimer 2008)
New brand 1+
Low awareness1+
Very aggressive category1+
New advertising campaign1+
Mix of promotion 0
 Frequency level: 4+
This campaign engages to reach 85% of the target audience with 4.0 frequency per day. Reach
is set extremely high compared to frequency because:
-Brand history: Though Red Bull is successfully existed for a long time in many different
countries such as Singapore (1989) and Germany (1994) (Redbull 2010), but compared to
Vietnamese market; it is still anew brand. As a consequence, this product requires “higher
frequency levels” to get attention of the target customer (Belch & Belch, 2009).
4 -Usage cycle: Indeed, there are various kinds of energy drink brands in Vietnamese beverage
market. Customers purchase these products daily due to their requirements and easily change
their choice anytime. Therefore, this product has a need of the high level of frequency to place
Red bull’s image into target customers’ top-of-mind awareness.
-Competitive share of voice: There are many types of Energy drinks (direct competitors) and
soft drinks (indirect competitors) existing in Vietnam. It requires the higher frequency levels.
B. The second period:
The campaign aims to reach 55% of target audiences with 6.0 frequency per day. The reason
we set “reach” lower than the initial period while frequency vice versa because:
We have spent a large amount of budget for raising the target‘s awareness at the previous
stage. Thus, due to the limited budget, it is extremely hard to set reach at a high level in
this period.
Keep frequency lower 10.0 to avoid overwhelming the target audience and waste of
The purpose of using advertising tools in this period is not just for creating the target
audience’s awareness anymore; we highly focus on reminding them to remember the
product. As a result, advertisements will be repeated heavier to place the brand image in
(Reproduced from Nielson 2007)
As we can see from the chart, SaiGon Cool who monthly purchase energy drinks (58% of
claimed usage) (this group representatives for a prominent group of Vietnamese people
who are living as “a dynamic, modern and fashionable lifestyle” (Khailee, 2009)), this
percentage is quite high. Fotunately, Saigon Cool is also within a range of Red Bull’s
target audience. This means that there are more chances for Red Bull to attract those
consumers based on providing many benefits for the consumers’ health performances in
both mental & physical impacts. As a result, they will feel curious and want to try it at
least once.
There are three kinds of communicational tools chosen such as Advertising, Public
Relations and Sale Promotion.
6 1. ADVERTISING: In the initial period, we decide to use advertising tool in order to
increase the awareness of the target audience as prior. It is considered as one of the most
creative and effective tool in mix promotional tools. There are some reasons behind:
The mediums selected to advertise the product, will be considered successfully
when these can respond the most cost-effective media and transfer the product’s
key message to the right target audience; this actually is a big concern of all
advertisers. Therefore, advertising is a very expensive tool, but it is “letting the
company dramatize its products through the artful use of print, sound and color”.
In other words, this method creates a strong effectiveness in building up “a longterm image for the product” and gains a massive audience (Adam &Amstrong,
Most customers naturally suggest that products, which are advertised, will follow
high standards & legitimates(Adam &Amstrong, 2009).
Advertising can let consumers have the comparisons with other existing products
at the same categories and recognize that how better Red Bull is (Adam
&Amstrong, 2009).
-Selected mediums:Television, magazines, newspapers,outdooradvertising and internet
2. SALE PROMOTION: Advertisers exploit this methodbecause Sale promotion is to
aim at customers’ psychology based on providing an extra incentive to purchase products
(Belch & Belch, 2009); most of buyers are interested in sale promotions because they feel
the company is supporting their interest and consumption. In fact, this method has a good
image in stimulating the high involvement of consumers. Consumers tend to be afraid of
spending money on buyingnew products that they never know or try before. Thus, sale
promotion is a chance for them to be familiar with the product. In other words, this tool
can create the short -term preference for customers who do not know about the product
before and motivate them to consume it.
There are some particular reasons for choosing this tool:
7 •
It method is like “an acceleration tool which is used to speed up the process of
selling product & maximize sales volume” (Belch & Belch, 2009). By using it,
advertisers plan for increasing the sale volume of the product.
Secondly, sale promotion tool cannot only catch attention of non-users (target
audiences) but also loyal users from other brands. In fact, consumers like to try
new products that are in sale off or include bonus packs after long time just using
one brand.
Also, advertisers must carry out this tool to be able to compete with existing direct
competitors (energy drinks) and indirect competitors (soft drinks) in Vietnamese
Additionally, due to price-offs, retailers will try to sell this product. In other
words, this way “gives retailers a financial incentive to stock and promote a
manufacturer’s products (Belch & Belch, 2009).
-Selected mediums: Bonus packs, samples and price offs
3. PUBLIC RELATIONS:According to Belch & Belch (2009), “the purpose of public
relation is to establish and maintain a positive image of a company among its various
publics”. Therefore, this tool is very important for a new product as Red Bull in gaining
the target consumer’s good feelings.This communication tool is applied into the
campaign to spread out the product image, transfer its key message to the target
In fact, “new stories, features and events seem more real and believable to
readers than ads” (Adam &Amstrong, 2009). As a result, this tool can reach
many kinds of people who do not like watching advertisements.
The main purpose of public relation tool is to develop a trusting relationship
between the target audiences and the company.
Although this tool is not costly, it can catch attention of a large number of target
audiences around the world. (Based on sponsoring for big event)
Public relation can create a strong and broad reputation on target customers’
mind if they choose the right events to sponsor for. It is called the process of
image building. (Belch & Belch, 2009)
8 •
This tool is as similar as advertising in terms of dramatizing a company or
product (Adam &Amstrong, 2009).
-Chosen medium:Sponsorship, media release& press conference
a) TVC
Advertising spend breakdown in 2008 8% 16% Newspapers TV Magazines 75% Internet (Reproduced from Mindshare 2008)
According to the pie chart of “advertising spend breakdown in 2008” of TNS Vietnam
(2008), TV is a leader medium in terms of advertising tool with 75% compared to
magazines & newspapers with 8% and16% in that order. This shows that with the
development of cable TV, the number of viewers is more and more increasing in
Vietnam. Even though TV requires a large budget, it is the most effective tools to raise
the target audience’s awareness towards the product as following furtherreasons:
9 •
Firstly, this medium can lead television viewers more “to be apt to fully ‘tune
into’ advertisements”(businesstown 2003). In other works, based on the “impact
of sight, sound, and motion” (Arens, Weigold&Arens 2009)of the advertising,
most target audience will be attracted at a glance look. Thus, TVC is considered
as more creative tool than other advertising tools.
Secondly, television commercialsoffer advertisiers the most massive coverage and
highest reach compared to other remaining mediums.
Normally, each TV commercial is just about 30 seconds so it requires advertisers
to set up a short key message and main information which are really necessary
and attractive to get viewers’ attention as the first look. That’s is the reason why
the target audience can easily to remember the highlightedmessages of the
Compared with a large number of the target audience who are attracted by one
time of advertising on TVC, expense for this method is not high per exposure.
Finally, TVC is a tool for advertisers to apply various emotions such as shock
images or sad feelings and lovely spaces to call target audiences for experiencing
these things via the commercials.
Creative brief: (advertising content) in TVC:
We use the images of young adults who share many different desires such as possessing a
strong mind and body to reach their goal (in study or sport). Red Bull will appear at the
right time and help them solve their problems.
b) Magazines
Specific magazines can gain many kinds of audiences. Especially, teen magazines could
be the potential medium because these magazines aim at the youths. Advertisers decide to
reply on magazines as an efficient tool for promoting Red Bull because of many
The first major advantage of magazine is that it is “the high level of market
segmentation available” (Clow&Baack, 2007). This means that each magazine
10 normally aims to a specific target reader so it can be easy to get their attention
based on its contents.
Secondly, due to the high creativity of magazine with impressive colors and
images, people who read the magazinetend to quickly pay attention to
advertisements of new products related to their interests and demands.
Next, advertising on magazines, there are more flexible spaces for advertisers to
add full products’ information in order to make target customers clearer about
Red Bull’s ingredients & quality.
Fourthly, thanks to specific magazines related to energy beverages and health,
advertisers canraise the effectiveness of the advertisements and help them to reach
the right target audience.
Finally, magazines have longevityso people can keep and re-read many times.
That’s why, though the price of magazines is higher newspapers ‘fee but most
readers still prefer read magazine to newspaper due to the distinction in quality
and quantity of information inside.
Creative brief:(we apply this ad for all remaining mediums on newspapers, billboards,
banners of the product)
(Reproduced from deviantart 2010)
11 The appearance &design of Red Bull ad is not really like that but we still keep the key
message that drinking Red Bull energy drink daily, you can have a strong performance to
deal with all obstacles in life, even those challenges are extremely hard.
c) Newspapers
45% Population reading any press yesterday
(Reproduced from Mindshare 2008)
Although the rapid development of internet, most people can read news or see advertising
just by a click mouse via the internet, the percentage of print advertising spend still
increases 5.8% and 45% of Vietnamese population would like to read any press yesterday
(Mindshare, 2008). For this evidence, newspapers still maintain their position in target
audiences’ preference.
According to (Arens, Weigold&Arens 2009)“newspapers are now the second-largest
medium (after Television) in terms of advertising volume” in US as a persuasive example
to demonstrate why newspaper is one of the most potential tools to advertise new brands
in Vietnam because it owns various strengths:
Its costis considered asone of the cheapest tool among other advertising tools such
as TVC and magazinesso readers do not need to think over whenever they want to
purchase newspaper at stores.
12 •
Newspapers circulate daily or weekly and always update the newest information
to respondimmediately readers’ demands.
In addition, most people really trust in newspaper because it “offers geographic
selectivity”(Clow&Baack, 2007). For instance, people who live in Ho Chi Minh
City tend to read and reply on local newspapers such as Tuoitre newspaper rather
than remaining newspapers from other areas.
People think that newspapers have a high level of credibility. Therefore, they read
newspapers every day, so this trend becomes their hobby.
Finally, newspaper hashigh flexibility, it is convenient and comfortable for readers
to read or carry anywhere.
d) Outdoor advertising:
This method has already successful in many countries due to its positive effects on the
target customer’s vision as following:
Outdoor advertising can carry “the message 24 hours per day” (Arens,
Weigold&Arens 2009)no one can zap it like using TV.
This tool can reach a massive audience with low cost media outlet in terms of
cost per impression (Clow&Baack, 2007). This means that compared with the
cost of this advertising such as Billboards, the number of viewers we can gain is
still cheap.
Outdoor advertisings are impressive and it can highly catch target audiences’
attention because of the big size and short key message so they can easily
remember it.
Advertisers can be creative for this method by combining “lights, animation and
brilliant color”(Arens, Weigold&Arens 2009)especially in the evening; the
advertisements look very beautiful and amazing.
Vietnamese people often feel interesting with new banners or billboards when
they ride on the street or wait for the green color of traffic light.
e) Internet
13 (CimigoNetcitizens, 2010)
-According to the above chart of CimigoNetCitizens 2010, the percentage of Vietnamese
internet users is the highest with 10882% compared to remaining Asian countries during
a period of nine years 2000-2009. This statistic is quite amazing (over 100%) to illustrate
that the real number of Internet users is perhaps exceeded researchers’ estimation,
especially the youths. Therefore, internet advertising is an effective method to use in this
advertising campaign due to some further reasons below:
Advertisers have more chances to be creative in designing banners with many
colors, animations and various kinds of graphics in order to get target audiences’
Short lead-timeis indeed a big advantage of Internet. Advertisers do not need to
wait a long time to be posted their ads on the Internet. It means that those
advertisements will quickly be available and target audiences also can
immediately see them.
Most people feel very interesting when surfing the Internet to detect new
products, which they are concerned about and compare with existing products
together in the market to select the best one to buy.
14 •
Advertisers can easily measure the number of Internet users who used to see the
ads based on their click-through on these advertisements. This way helps
advertisers to know how attractive the ads are.
In conclusion, Internet is a new medium including two-way communication between
customers and organizations called- interactive relationship (Belch & Belch, 2009).
a) Samples/ samplings: This medium is to motivate target consumers to try a new
product(Clow&Baack, 2007). There are two kinds of delivering the product mentioned
 Person-to-person: Products will be sold to consumers by retailers or in-store
distribution (at retail stores or kiosks placed in front of super market)
 Business-to-business: Potential clients will be received product samples
from the company.
 Person-to-person is more effective and significant than business-to-business since
the first method can respond customers’ demand. The reason is that whenever
they want to try the product, they just need to come nearest stores. The second
method requires customers passively wait for the offers from the company.
Sampling also helps the company promote a current brand or product to a net market
place (Clow&Baack, 2007). This method can directly aim at the right target audiences;
therefore, it must be highlighted as a central of IMC plan (Clow&Baack, 2007).
b. Bonus packs
Encourage the consumption from target consumers due to their own benefit when buying
the product. For example, they can get one free Red Bull can when purchasing a full Red
Bull block (4 cans) at retailers or supermarkets in Ho Chi Minh City
Raise brand switching & stockpiling in building the relationship between retailers &
manufacturers (Clow&Baack, 2007). Supermarkets or retailers can use bonus packs as a
strategy of “bargain” (Clow&Baack, 2007).
15 c. Price-offs
This medium is similar to bonus packs, it means that consumers can buy the same
product with more offers or lower price so this attracts the target audience’s attention &
motivates their consumption. There are two persuasive reasons to support for this
Firstly, it appeals monetary money to consumers (Clow&Baack, 2007).
Secondly, it aims to consumers’ patient. No one wants to wait for his/ her rewards
or gifts. In this medium, “the reward is immediate” (Clow&Baack, 2007).
a) Sponsorship
According to (Clow&Baack, 2007)advertisers apply sponsorship medium to “build brand
loyalty and other positive feelings toward the company”. For this reason, we will select
this method with the purpose is to give the target audience prior impressive images about
the company. There are some specific supports for this idea:
The target audience who takes part in the event sponsored will have a positive
feeling and good image with the sponsorship.
Can catch attention of a large number of audiences and increase the company’s
visibility. Especially, sporting events contain extremely mass audiences so this is
time for the brand name of the company to be extended.
Build up the relationship with prospective customers (Clow&Baack, 2007).
b) Media release
Using the press release, the company can ensure that the product’s messages will
be transferred to the right target audiences.
It announces target audiences about a new product launched and easily for
consumers to follow due to it update information weekly or monthly.
It is more credible than advertisements as consumers’ perception because information in
the media release is factual, real & persuasive. Thus, this is considered as the good way
16 to communicate with the public and create a reliable image about the company and the
c) Press conference
It normally is applied to announce the launching campaign or a new hotel, product. In
this press conference, managers and representatives of this company will provide the
reason for this event and introduce their product to special participants such as
Journalists, celebrities and TV channels and then respond answers for their requests
related to the campaign.
We apply the slogan “Red Bull gives you wings”into any kinds of advertising such as
TV, magazines, etc by sticking it to Red Bull’s products.
There are some statistics which illustrate Ads spend on HVT & VTV in both Ho Chi
Minh City & Ha Noi:
17 According to the statistic of Mindshare (2008), though the percentage of Ad spends
on HTV & VTV tend to slightly decrease 3% and 14% within 1 year (from 2007 to
2008) in that order; these channels are still on the top of thirteen typical channels in
Vietnam. This shows that HTV & VTV are always considered as the most two
favorite programs of Vietnamese people,both HCM and HaNoi. In terms of TV
adspend, the percentage increased 11.2% with 287 AUD million (about
5,022,000,000 VND) in 2008 compared to 250 AUD million (about 4,375,000,000
VND) in 2007.That’s reason why we decide to choose two representatives of those
channels such as HTV7and VTV3.
Type: Broadcast
Channel: HTV7&VTV3
1. HTV7(in HCM city)
18 (Mindshare, 2008)
As we can see from the line graph above from mindshare (2008), HTV7 is a Ho Chi
Minh channelwhich reaches the highest support mainly from Ho Chi Minhaudiences with
12% - 14% average channel rating from January to October in 2008. In fact, this channel
is voted as the most favorite one in Vietnam with 8.8% market-share in 2009
(phuongtungad 2010). The reason is that most Vietnamese people, especially audiences
from South Vietnam, they really like watching some common game shows as “Hat
VoiNgoi Sao” (sing with celebrities) screened on every evening Thursday (20:15-21:00
pm).We choose this game show because it is one of the active and interesting game show
for people whom lovesinging and desiring to meet their idols in Vietnamese
entertainment market. In this game show, players will be required toguess the name song
through the suggestion of singers. Therefore, we ensure that most young people will be
interested in watching this game and see the advertising. Advertisers broadcast a short
advertising about 30 seconds after finishing a halftime ofthe game show and waiting for
the lat part. This program will run in the 1stmonth and the 3rd month of the campaign.
19 2. VTV3 (in Ha Noi)
(Mindshare, 2008)
In HaNoi, most Vietnamese audiences spend time on watching VTV3 channel with the
average channel rating about 8%-12% according to the graph above from Mindshare
(2008). It is clearly shown that compared with 8.8% market share of HTV7 in HCM city,
VTV3 also reached the high percentage with 7.9% (phuongtungad 2010). In this channel,
we choose “Duong lendinh Olympia”screened on regular Sunday (8pm) to insert the
advertising at the middle rest of this game show. The reason for choosing it is because
“Duong lendinh Olympia” is an educational and interesting program aims at many
students and youths around Vietnam. Especially, there always has fierce competition
between candidates so it actually not only is interesting for students and parents but also
for TV audiences who want to improve their general knowledge. This vehicle will be
applied in the first two months and the fifth month (February 2011).
Rate card:
Cost per
Cost per
Total cost
20 seconds)
20:15 –
55,000,000 220,000,000 440,00,000
Ha Noi
Len Dinh
28,000,000 112,000,000 336,000,000
Total cost for TVC: 776,000,000 VND
Type: Print ad
Channel: 2! Magazine
We choose 2! Magazine advertises the product because of some reasons. Firstly, its
circulation is 169,000 pieces weekly(admicro,2010). This number reflects that2!
Magazine is also one of the most favorite teen magazines of young people, particularly
students (our target audience). They love reading 2! Magazine since there always update
information about love relationships such as “how to steal another’s heart” and “are you
confident enough to live independently” which the target audience are highly concerned
about. In other words, 2! Magazine contains a lot of interesting hot news about “hot
stars” in current Vietnamese film market. All those things easily attract young people’s
interest and curiosity to buy this magazine and see red Bull advertisement. We run this
vehicle duringthe first four months.
Rate card
Cost per
Total cost
The middle
Full page
paper on the
(210mm x
right hand
21 Total cost for Magazine: 102,800,000 VND
c) NEWSPAPERS (last during the launching campaign)
Type: Print ad
Channel: Tuoitre
a. a. Tuoitre
According to the chart above from mindshare (2008), the percentage of print adspend
increases 5.8% within one year from 2007 to 2008. Among them, the print spend in 2008
is 16,8 less than the previous year about 0,7%. However, Tuoitre always stays at the first
position. This means that it possesses a large number of loyal readerships and it is worth
being chosen to advertise the product to gain many audiences in different ages. In
addition, we choose Tuoitre because it is the most prestigious newspaper that can reach
both Ho Chi Minh and Ha Noi audiences. Its circulation is very high ranging from
450,000 pieces to 500,000 pieces (Vietanh&Honganh, 2009).In addition, most young
adults like reading Tuoitre because it is a credible source for them to know the exact
results in each University examination. We use this vehicle to memorize the target
consumer about the brand image.
22 Rate card
Red Bull ad will be advertised two times per week during the first monthof the
campaign in colorful page on Monday and Friday.
Cost per time
Total cost
Full page
65.000.000 VND
520,000,000 VND
The second and third month later, we just advertise 2 times per month and in smaller
Cost per time
Total cost
½ page
260mm x 185mm
33,000,000 VND
132,000,000 VND
Remaining 9 months, we just advertise once per month and in smaller size
Cost per time
Total cost
1/8 page
127mm x 90mm
8,800,000 VND
79,200,000 VND
Total cost: 731,200,000 VND
Type: Billboard (Bulletin) & Banner
a. Billboard:
Traffic congestion currently is a controversial issue in Vietnam, particularly in Ho Chi
Minh City and most Vietnamese people usually drive motorbikes to go to work places or
schools with the number of motorbikes about 3, 6 million in Ho Chi Minh City
(Thaiphuong, 2009). Especially, the streets are really crowded in the rush hours.
Therefore, these are a good place for advertisers to show billboards in order to get
attention of the people.
We will hang two big billboards (Bulletin is selected in this case) at the corner of
roundabouts in district1 at Nguyen Hue and Le LoiStreetto get high attention of the target
audience due to its large size and creative design. The reason for selecting district 1 is
that it is located at the center of Ho Chi Minh City where the large number of Red Bull’s
target audience stay there or pass through. This vehicle lasts in the first month of the
23 Size:4,000mm (horizontal) x 3,000mm (vertical)
Cost:400,000,000 VD (make up)
b. Banner
In terms of banner, Vietnamese people nowadays tend to spend more time at weekend to
go to buy commodities in Supermarkets to avoid fake products & due to its convenient in
order to have more multi-choices of various clothes, foods & cosmetics or even just for
playing games in there. For this reason, two Red Bull banners at BigCPhuNhuan District
and Maximart Cong Hoawill attract the target audience when coming there to purchase
productsin the 3rd month (December 2010) of the campaign before advertising for sale
promotion strategy.
.Size: 3,000mm (horizon) x 2,000mm (horizon)
Cost:100,000,000 VND
Total cost for outdoor advertising: 500,000,000 VND
Type: social network &online website
Channel: Facebook& Kenh14,vnexpress and dantri, 5giay
Social network:
a. Facebook
It is the most popular social website chosen to advertise the product based on below
24 - CimigoNetCitizens (2010) shows that Facebook now is put at the first position about the
percentage of members with 47% compared to yahoo 360 plus & zing with 11% and 6%
respectively in terms of social network in 2010. In fact, the close of yahoo 360 blog is a
favorable chance for Facebook to be received more concerns from Internet users. Though
people are limited to log in Facebook, most Vietnamese young users still tell each other
some special secret to unlock it as usual. Facebook is now becoming the most powerful
and fastest-growing social net working which Internet user, especially young adults (with
the increasing number of users ranging from 100,000 people in June to 1.1 million in
November 2009 )love to use Facebook daily( Dong Ngo, 2010).
-There are more causes for opting Facebook as an advertising tool for Red Bull campaign
with following:
Firstly, to advertise Red Bull, advertisers decide to set up our own pages
with some topics related to health such as “Red Bull energy drink is a
key solution for you to complete your job as the best” or “Are you
tired? Are you worried about your job? – Red Bull will re-fill your
enthusiasm to deal with all those stuffs”. It is simple, cheap and easily
to attract target users to visit this page.
Secondly, advertisers can upload TV commercials due to two purposes:
 Make Red Bull homepage more interesting
25  Introduce to Facebook users to get their feedbacks about this
advertising campaign back (as this way we can see what are good
and bad points).
We can create some short surveys and collect ideas from Facebook users
to re-consider advertising campaign’s limitations, and then try to fix those
problems in order to make the campaign better. This is two-way
communication which easily to build up the relationship between Red Bull
company and the target audience.
Facebook is social network which not only popular in Vietnam but also in
many different countries on over the world. In other words, based on this
vehicle, advertisers can catch attention of mass audience who would like
to be fan of Red Bull energy drink.
We can create free and private space of discussion for sharing experiences
& opinions after tasting this product. We will send a small present to users
who contribute the best answer and are active members of Red Bull on
Facebook to make them feel more interesting. This way also can minimize
the distance between the target audiences and the company.
All information, which is about plans for new advertising campaigns, also
is announced in this page. It is easy for target audiences to follow.
We will provide links to connect with official Red Bull website & current
news as well as activities related to this product for the target customer to
see how professional methods Red Bull advertising campaign apply to
introduce to them.
 We can upload images of the product and its cost to advertise and sell directly to
the target consumer via Facebook without paying any cost for advertising.
Timeline: we use Facebook all the time during and after the campaign.
Cost: Free
26 News online websites:
The target audience of Kenh14 is youths from 13 to 25years old with 127,163,274
viewers per month (admicro, 2010). Among them, 50% of Internet users are from the
North, 30% readers from the South. Thus, we decide to choose which is
mostly for teenagers and young adults because this website shares the same target with
the product. In this site, people can exchange information about famous places to eat or
go shopping. Especially, the news related to foods, beverages, fashions and modern
technologies are highly focused in there. We advertise inthe first two months andthe
sixth month (March 2011) of the campaign.
Rate card
Cost per month
Total cost
Top banner
728 x 90px
25,000,000 VND
75,000,000 VND
27 (Reproduced from CimigoNetcitizens, 2010)
In terms of news website for information gathering, Vnexpress is chosen as the three
(CimigoNetcitizens,2010. This statistic shows that there are a lot of target readers who
are concerned about this site. Furthermore, Vnexpress was in the top of 200-world site
and reached a gold cup in 2006 from ICT award (V.T 2006).Its page view is the highest
number with 580 million people visiting this site compared to other news websites
(LeHoang 2010). This means thatVnexpress is always received high concerns and
supports from many national readerships. That is why we choose this website to advertise
Red Bull. We decide to run this method inthe fourth (January 2011) and tenth month
(July 2011) of the campaign.
Rate card
Cost per month
Total cost
Top banner
720 x 90px
100,000,000 VND
According to the statistic above, Dantri is also in the three top of website which can
attract 16% of Internet users for searching information (CimigoNetcitizens, 2010). It is
also one of a leading e-newspaper in Vietnam with the high number of page view from
Internet users per average month with 352,653,764 times(Admicro 2010). A large
number of people visits to this site are the reason why we want to introduce Red Bull
there.Internet users often spend about 8 minutes to read news; it is enough time to make
them have a look Red Bull advertisements. We advertise in this website withintwo
months (April 2010& September 2011).
Cost per month
Total cost
Top banner
45,000,000 VND
90,000,000 VND
28 In conclusion, both e-news websites mainly provide information about current issues
happening around Vietnam and the world than teenager’s issues. In fact, there are lots of
young people who would like to read that news because they are credible and improve
their knowledge to be more confident in communicating and studying.
We choose this website because it is one of the leading e-commerce website in Vietnam.
There are 350,000 active members (mostly young people) who usually contribute or visit
to the website(igo 2010). An average number of members who take part in this website at
the same time are 4-5 million people, even over 10 million people(igo 2010). Also, over
1.7 million of Internet users often spent at least 12 minutes daily to watch the content (igo
2010).Especially, there are 22% of participants aged 10-18 years and 69% of participants
aged 19-35 years and these users also fall into Red Bull’s target audience so it is a great
chance for advertisers to put the Red Bull banner here and get attention of the target
audience (igo 2010). For all reasons above, we select this vehicle to advertise the product
banner during the whole campaign.
Rate card
Top banner
Cost per month
Total cost
8,000,000 VND
96,000,000 VND
(1st category of trading)
Total cost for Internet: 461,000,000 VND
Type: Samples, bonus packs, price offs
a) Samples: (starts from the 1stJanuary2010 to 15thJanuary 2010)
We will set up 5 kiosks in front of total 5 supper-markets in Ho Chi Minh City as well as
5 kiosks before total 5 supper-markets in HaNoi such as BigC, Coopmark, Maximart.
To save money, we do not give consumers a full can as real product sold. We will invite
them to enjoy some cold-red bull in small plastic cups (about 50ml).Since Christmas day
29 and Tet holiday are closely coming, we choose this time to introduce the samples. If we
offer the target audience a chance to taste Red Bull, they will be aware of the product and
when they go shopping to purchase products for next big holidays, Red Bull perhaps has
more familiar images to attract them.
Cost:100,000,000 VND
b) Bonus packs (applied from 1st January 2011 to 31st March2010)
Being parallel with giving sample trials, we also carry out bonus Red Bull packs to more
catch attention of the target consumers who will have more free time to go suppermarkets buy beverages for party preparation at big events or holidays. Consumers will get
one can free when purchasing 5 cans and plus 4 cans free when buying a full package (24
Cost:150,000,000 VND
c) Price-offs (applied from 1st May 2011 to 30th June2011)
At the same purpose with two above method (samples & bonus packs), price-offs always
is an effective method tostimulate consumer’ vision and interest. We choose this period
to carry out sale off because after a long adverting time, the target audience has already
known about the product, this method will push more motivation for them to purchase
Red Bull via its benefits (cheap price but still adequate quality) at this time. As a result,
we will discount 5% per block including 5 cans or 10% for a package of 24 cans.
Cost:80,000,000 VND
Total cost for sale promotion: 330,000,000 VND
Type:Sponsorship& media release, press conference
a) Sponsorship:
AFF Suzuki Cup 2010
(Reproduced from thanhnien2008)
On 1st December 2010, AFF Suzuki Cup (Asia Football Championship) is held and
Vietnam is a host country. Instead of using this strategy as the last month of the campaign
to get their loyalty, we put it at the second month because AFF Cup 2010 is a right choice
for Red Bull to sponsor and attract a large number of the exact audience since this event
(about sport, health) fits to spread out the benefits of Red Bull. In addition, this event is
just celebrated two years per time (only held only on even-numbered years) so this is the
best option for us to carry out the plan in 2010.
The reason advertisers choose sponsor AFF Suzuki Cup is that this event is the biggest
football cup in Southeast Asia with being held 2 years per time so it can attract a large
number of loyal fans from many different ages. In addition, Vietnamese football fans
always expect to see AFF Cup because this event especially includes the participation of
national football team and Vietnamese team used to be a champion in 2008(laodong,
31 2008). Therefore, Vietnamese fans want to cheer and support national athletes’ spirit. As
we can see, about more than haft Vietnamese populations will follow the process of this
event; the frequency level of brand appreance is very high. If Red Bullbecomes one of the
sponsorships of this football event, it will have more oppotunities to reach a large number
of target audiences who are Vietnamese young adults. Especially, for the people who
love Vietnamese football team, they will also have a good image about Sponsor
Moreover, AFF Cup is not just broadcasted in Vietnam, thanks to cable TV, people in the
world can watch this event; this means that Red Bull can extend its brand name to broad
 Total price for using Public relations:
We plan to sponsor500,000,000( with the role as other sponsorships in this event) for
“AFF Suzuki Cup 2010”and offer 50Red Bull packages (24 cans per one package) (size:
8.3 oz can, 250ml) during the last month of this campaign. In specific, one RedBull
package is worth about 120,000 VND , 50 packages cost is:20,000,000 VND
 Total cost for sponsorship: 520,000,000 VND
b) Media release:
Due to the credibility of media release to consumers’ perception, it will be more effective
for advertising the product before carrying out any events related to this brand image.
1. The 1st media release
 Content: Announce the appearance of red Bull in Vietnamese market and
provide information about the company and the product to the target
 Time for publishing:1 October 2010, when the campaign starts
introducing the product to Vietnamese consumers.
2. The 2nd media release
 Content: Declare that Red Bull will sponsor for AFF Suzuki Cup and
give specific details about the sponsorship (cost investment, time, all
32 support for this big event).
 Time for publishing: 23 October 2010 (1 week before AFF Cup start
going) to let the target audience know about this issue.
3. The 3rd media release
Content: Inform the preparation of applying sale promotion (Free
samples & bonus packs), the reason why we carry out this method and
how its benefits will bring to consumers.
Time for publishing: 23 December 2010, when the campaign
prepares sale promotion to attract and stimulate consumers’
consumption due to special event coming.
c) Press conference
White Palace (Hoang Van Thu Street, PhuNhuan District)
About 50 participants including Journalists, celebrities, business people.
9:00-11:00 am
Speech of the history of Red Bull which has been successful in
many different nations around the world.
Speech of some specific reason for choosing Vietnam as the
potential market for introducing Red Bull.
Provide strategic plans to get the target audience’s attention.
Give some further prospect of the company
Cheering by a small cocktail party.
Gifts for participants in this conference
-To announce the appearance of Red Bull in Vietnamese market to the
media & the target audience
Cost: 100,000,000 VND
Total PR cost: 620,000,000 VND
Based on the total cost of each previous medium part, the final total budget is:
Budget share
776,000,000 VND
102,800,000 VND
731,600,000 VND
461,000,000 VND
Outdoor advertising
500,000,000 VND
Sale promotion
330,000,000 VND
Public relations
620,000,000 VND
3,521,400,000 VND = 108,585 USD
The pie graph of sharing budget (VND) for Red Bull in advertising campaign
in HCM City & Hanoi in 2010-2011
Budget share 18% TVC 22% 9% 3% Newspaper Internet Outdoor advertising 14% 21% 13% •
Magazine Sale promotion Public relations TVC is dominated with 22% because it is an impressive tool to reach a mass
coverage based on these tools’ visual image & sound effects.
34 •
Newspaper is also highlighted with 21% of the total budget. The target audience
read newspaper daily so it has the power to make them remember the
advertisement image & message during the launching campaign.
Advertisers have a right choice by using Public relations tool to create and raise
the awareness of the target audience. In this case, when we sponsor for AFF
Suzuki Cup, there will be a broad audience in both Vietnam & Asia watching this
event and they will know about this brand. That is why this method should be also
prominent with 18%, following closely with newspaper.
Outdoor advertisingfollows behind with 14% (billboard & banner) is considered
as a powerful method to get attention of the target audience when going to the
Due to the rapid increase in the number of Internet users, especially the youths,
Internet becomes an effective vehicle with 13% to catch attention of the target
audience. As a consequence, we also keep lasting this medium during the
campaign to reach a mass audience and let them put it as the top-of-mind energy
Sale promotion (9%) is also a significant tool applied to appeal the target
audience to have a trial the product taste and stimulate them to purchase it by
Magazine with 3% mainly focuses on attracting Ho Chi Minh audience because
the population in HCM City is higher than HaNoi and need more affords to gain a
mass coverage of target audience.
At you can see, there are diverse advertising tools used to promote the product in the
initial period because Red Bull is still a new product in Vietnamese market. That is
why;“continuity” is applied to raise the target audience’s awareness and recall via
using TVC at the first two months. Especially, on 1st March 2011, VTV3 is used to
support for Sale promotion strategy (1st January).
We use magazine & outdoor advertising following “Burst” strategyto promote the
product at special events such as Christmas, Tet holiday and Sale promotion.
35 “Pulse” is also applied by using Internet because this medium is cheaper than other
mediums but still gets high reach. Thus, we will put advertisement banners on onlinewebsites during the campaign, and advertise heavily more when preparing to run special
events such as Sponsorship or Sale promotion.
In the second period, we use “drip”for Newspaper & Internet with the purpose
ofmaintaining the budget and still reminding the target consumer’s memoryas well
as keep this product in mind by publishing advertisement on these mediums regularly.
Itwill guarantee that there are no non-advertising periods during the whole campaign.
At the last two months, we reduce the frequency of advertising because at this time we
are preparing for launching the new campaign.
Internet & Newspaper Christmas Tet Holiday First Period (1st Nov 2010-­31st Mar 2011) 
TVC Public Relations Magazine Newspaper Internet Sale Promotion Second Period (1st April 2011-­31st Sep 2011)  Internet  Newspaper  Sale promotion 36 