@TecQulpment Ltd 1999 No part of this publicationmay be reproducedor transmittedin any form or by any means,electronicor mechanical,including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval systemwithout the expresspermissionof TecQuipmentlimited. All due care has been taken to ensurethat the contentsof this manualare accwrateand up to date. However,if any errorsare discoveredpleaseinform TecQuipmentso the problem may be rectified. A Packing Contents list is supplied with the equipment. Carefullycheckthe contentsof the package(s)againstthe list. If any items are missing or damaged, contact your local TecQuipmentagentor TecQuipmentLtd immediately. Educational PRODUCTS KEEP FOR FUTURE REFHKBNCE Safety and Operation Information PRODUCT: TMI04 GYROSCOPEAPPARATUS In compliancewith the EC directive on Safety of Machinery, the following information should be noted: This equipment is only to be used in accordancewith instructions in the manual. Studentsusing the equipment must be adequately supervised.Local regulations regarding the use of electricity, gasoline, diesel oil, kerosene, mercury must be observedin using this apparatus. Foreseenuse of apparatus Demonstrationof gyroscopiceffects Installation and assembly instructions The apparatus is supplied fully assembled.Before use, remove the perspex cover and take off the red transit bracketwhich holds the torque arm in place. Replacethe cover. The apparatus is designed to operate with the following TecQuipment supplied units: 2xE67SpeedControl Units lxE64 TachometerUnit Refer to separateliterature for safety and operation information about these units. Operating Instru cti 0os The perspexcover of the apparatusis fitted with an interlock so that neither of the two motors will operateunlessthe cover is fitted securely.Connectthe two E67 units and the EM to the electrical supply. Connect the output terminals on the E67s to the input terminals on the TMI04 using 4mm connectors.Connectthe tachometeroutput on the TMI04 to the input on the EM using the single lead provided. Switch on the electrical supply. The two E67s control the speed of rotor rotation and the precession speed. The tachometermeasuresrotor rotation speed.A stopwatch is necessaryto time the speedof precessionof the apparatus. The equipment must be used within its operating limits (see operating conditions). Maintenance and inspection Periodically inspect elecbical leads and connectionsfor wear. Periodically checkthat all warning labelsare in position and legible. Handling instructions Net weight 22kg. Ensure the correct proceduresfor handling the above weight are used when moving this apparatus. Operating Conditions ~hoDi1cr - TMI04 Seeserial number plate +SOC to +4OOC ~ ~ Safeopera~ relative humidity ran~ ~ to 9s-.!o (In\~ens~) Noise Level The measuredsound pressurelevel of this apparatusis lessthan 70 dB(A). Spares Refer to Packing Contents List for any consumablesto cover the warranty period supplied with the apparatus.Refer to manufacturer or importer for any other sparesrequired. -~~ 1. INTRmUCTION Gyroscopic action change direction. its axis of acts a axis, to remain on the a torque plane at whenever the The angular rotation couple the occurs in system. momentum the is angles to plane This torque reaction, or "gyroscopic from attempting to the direction action is The study of vehicle can often vehicles. couple overturn the the vehicle. gyroscopic causes the produced swing couple aircraft by a due to turbine calculate the causes so long as the is which axes of a pitching gyroscopic the the In a similar and thus tends of com- stability a bend, the tends direction, the engine way, the couple to make the for to of can enable allow body. field wheels components action the changing ship results the round in acts. by rotating affect an aircraft in in travels the rotor called, of to axis couple momentum rotating reactions it the applied the applied produced vehicle is turn important effects case of to the made to as no external couple tends couple up or down. torque body particularly to of a rotating angular pitch A knowlege sideways. of which of by turning In the is couple" when a road produced body a turning in to undesirable example, a rotating which The gyroscopic lead for gyroscopic to gyroscopic engineering. ponents of alter if produced the of same direction However, reaction right axis the ship designer any undesirable effects. Gyroscopic effects can also and gyroscopic stabilisers position, sist a undesirable Successful where In of gyroscope of the always on the of a gyroscope aligned earth's the in If provide in rolling of in horizontal the gravity direction, case of in a suitable of in ships have been obtained. used to plane re- stabilisation. has been achieved is gyro- can be used to means amplitudes effect the mounted disc a stabilisation a north-south produce such that irrespective rotation the of its axis is position surface. TecQuipment TMl04 scopic effects couple and axis as in of a rotating so reductions gyro-compass, axis and gyroscopic significant the instruments. consisting motion use be used to advantage the and to direction to be determined Gyroscope is enable the of rotation designed relationship or to demonstrate between "precession" of the the the gyro- gyroscopic gyroscope -2- y x Fig 2.1 Principle of Gyroscopic Action -3- 2. THEORY Gyroscopic If we have mounted in about a stationary a trunion an shaft Couple axis, then to move in Now consider the with rotating in plane and Ob after a short the screw axis of when rule). momentum, as represented be produced is equal given by the to the it rate of the system free to rotate will cause the disc is w, and the axis of spin simultaneously lOX with angluar velocity ct. is on a shaft couple. interval by the action to the I, but by the in 2.1 supported can be represented rotation, viewed rrom rig is inertia rig 2.1, where the flywheel plane instant, clockwise applied horizontal the disc is couple velocity momentum of along it of application angular lies such that any angular the of moment of case shown in the spinn inaJ frame flywheel, of time in the a direction direction clear vector ab. This of change of in the angular is The Oa at one The momentum vector of the there of a couple vector such that that w. p the rotation vector (right a change in change disc. in hand angular momentum must The applied momentum, so the couple torque is by: or = tS(lw) ~ t The change can write axis of angular momentum is 6 (100) = ab = Oa.60 spin rotates in time represented where 66 by the limit T is the angle through w when so we which the ~t:'..+ o~ de = = Iw "dt" . . . . 2.1 !(A)-.OO is the "precession" w is the angular is the moment p I ab, 6t. P where: vector = Os cSe = Ioo 6e "& ~ ,. In the of velocity velocity of inertia in rad/s of the disc in rad/s of the disc in kgm -4- Mg Fig 2.2 B1f11ar Suspension -5From 06 Fig is 2.1 the vector very small, its perpendicular to the the axis fore about act its in sense direction must the when viewed in the direction applied the disc rotating the disc therefore ion to axis. couple couple applied This is were would ion the about 2.2 In Moment order result of is If the rotated couple lies couple the right the direction that required By rotating a couple which is rotor ~ in tipping the axis in must there- that is to keep the axis of axis the of Thus, the in axis the the opposite of if disc, direct- about the OZ no restoring the disc anti-clockwise in the direct- validity inertia is of the the equation the tension in angleeabout produced rotor each wire its force it is rotor. are is due to length axis, both the for ~ = dti/2L ~ 4L The restoring Mgde.d 4l couple is thus: we obtain the restoring experi- If L and disthe then angles tension are in = Mg#2 (for small ~ ) Mg sin ~/2 to as shown in rig Mg/2. vertical If of necessary In the on two wires wires at the wires. The restoring 2.1 gyroscope of mass M and the a small is of is: - rule, abn, anti-clockwise couple. to rotate the then L~ = del2. Substituting along hand screw the acts to say, the gyroscopic done by suspending through may write vector to say, Inertia apart, displacement is when OZ axis. this d in any attempt the moment of 2.2. tance termed the XOZ plane. couple, to investigate determine ment, the applied, XOZ plane when viewed the applied with limit to Oa, that of so the the OZ. produces the and in perpendicular acts, represents in XOZ plane To conform be clockwise The the The direction couple XOV plane. in is XOV plane. which the ab lies force as, rotor is an angular small, we each wire -6- I~ - = ~~ 4L Re-arranging thia e+~ This is therefore: of motion The equation 4IL equation we have: e = 0 simple represents harmonic motion in which the periodic time T is gi ven by, T The moment I 2 = of fijF; 4IL 1fMg"'dT inertia ~g~ 16'"' L I is therefore: . . . . 2.2 -7- 3. APPARATUS The apparatus (see fig shaft of frame (C). 3.1 consiats of a rotor disc (A) mounted on the a small variable speed motor (B) which is carried in a gimbal This assembly can be rotated about the vertical axis by a speed geared motor housed inside the base of the appsecond variable Attached to one end of the rotor motor is a torque arm which aratus. a mass (0) at its end to balance the motor and rotor carries A balance weight (H) is also fitted to the torque srm to balsnce assembly in its static unloaded condition. The motor pivots in the movable the disc. ! gimbal frame such that it csn rotate in the vertical plsne. A retsining plate (E) is fitted over the torque arm to limit the angular movementof the motor assembly. Additional masses (f) can be attached to the end of the torque arm to bslance the gyroscopic couple produced when the rotor disc is spinning and the gyroscope is being rotated (precessed) about the vertical axis. A removable, but electrically interlocked transparant safety cover is fitted over the complete rotating assembly. Removing this cover automatically stops both motors. The fitted rotor picks motor up from The distance factory via also assembly the four between a slip ring provides Electronic a whilst disc (J) 0 the the with and the tape optical path from supplied optical to up (G) which rotor up is the base of the the pick on the pick Power is at signal an opt{cal reflective mounted Tachometer. mQunted in of be adjuated. unit The apparatua is independant control between strips thia and must not is disc pre-set the gimbal (A). at the rotor motor frame, which sensor to the E64 - designed to operate from two E67 units, which allow over the rotor motor and the geared precession motor base.,' When in operstion; the rotor speed, vsrisble and 3000 rpm, is measured on the E64 Electronic precession rate, vsriable rotor and armature Tachometer, between 0 and 40 rpm, is measured using a stop-watch. An additional gyroscope with fold-out a aimple apparatus. mined The by oscillations bifilar moment of suspending it suspension inertia from assembly provided arm mounted on the of the the is arm rotor and assembly timing together base of the can be deterthe torsional ~ 8. b. o. 5 M~ ~ 2.0~M View of Main Gyroscope Components View of Gyroscope with rig 3.1 Trsnsit Brscket Gyroscope Assembly in Position - -9- 4. EXPERIMENTALPROCEDURE AND RESULTS Installation Remove the free of the red safety one of cover the transit retaining bracket rigidly to the frame. voltage supplies which These operate connection from The 2. (Fig 3.lb, cover and lift item K), The apparatus are provided a mains input sideways cover away. which holds the TQ [67 rim torque arm variable Speed Control are Units. provided on the TM104 unit. . the [64 and the is Remove two 12 V d.c. and two 4mm terminals inputs the the requires by the until for connections: mains Control the blocks to the respective Make the following 1. by pushing input supply to Tachometer [67 Speed ~its. The output terminals of the [67 units to the TMl04 to the input terminals on the TMlO4 unit. J. The tachometer signal The lead is cover. now Switch Investigstion Ensure that safety no weights knurled Check retaining balance and re-fit the motors direction Tachometer using the of is running. precession operation. end of the retaining on the correctly Note the of the plate. torque balanced balanced, safety the switched is to obtain the are assembly the satisfactorily cover for Re-fit the Direction unit rotor screw weight screw that the marks on the is precession the the assembly taining to the the mass at to and ready Couple added en rotor Gyroscopic that the [64 the units. and check between position up power supplies arm lies the wired on all of the cover on the provided. apparatus safety output OFF. balanced, Remove the so that torque arm, the If necessary, arm balance torque slack- weight condition. re-tighten with and When the the knurled re- cover. in position, direction gyroscope then of set rotation and whether the rotor of the the and rotor, torque arm -11- rises or falls. front panel, combination The determine of rotor results gyroscopic an which axes. and is the exsmple, in gyroscopic Notice disgram the bifilar spare Use a mass twist the of it by weighing These measurements correct in its the tip for each as the the rotor be seen that slways gyroscope on the couple leading It will gyroscope the the inertia and rotor Hang the about the time, L of rotor value moment of both arm. to length the to armature stop-watch Measure the couple on the and directions always leading edge rotor is of acts edge to of moving acts about precess- precession tip the the the gyro- rotor. downwsrds ror and the downwards. of Momenton I~tia support then (s) scts petermination the direction connections gyroscope 4.1. depends that input directions. to direction same of the by precessing perpendicular couple Lift direction ss shown in rig produced rotation. in 4.2, be The couple rotor scope the the motor and precession should couple axis ion By interchanging say, provide and the is on suitable the then fold the and fold out arm as shown in Fig by about loa and release the rotor of 1.09 scales information 2.2. clips from the distance nominally I from equation readings, axis its 50 oscillations the wires assembly from assembly vertical assembly the aasembly d between kg. if required Check that assembly. them. You can check you wish to to calculate the rotor The this do so. you have recorded arm away and replace it. the the assembly clips. Typical resulta Length a8 follows of wires Distance ~ss are = l between wires of rotor 0.073 M 1.09 kg 47.5 8 0.95 8 50 oscillations t Periodic time T valuea these = in equation 2.2 givea the moment of inertia 8S: I Therefore 1.09 x 9.81 x 0.0731 16 x-"- I = 6.14 m m d Time for Substituting 0.53 X 0.952 xO.53 x 10-" kg m2 -12- Fig 4.2 Bifilar Suspension - -l~- Magnitude The object of relationship rotor of Gyroscopic this between and the necessary Couple psrt the of the the sets of tests validity conditions:- velocity, and the discrete values = the balance 1. precession mass. Screw that the .J. Connect gyroscopic obtained at at connections of the be set a constant the dsta of rotor mass on the This rotor two velocity. number of torque involves speeds for precession at a limited has to be used. a range couple a constant by the balance ar~), measur- and values of as follows: the couple under the is gyroscopic 50 g mass onto the end of the torque dome. electrical is provide that veocity can only for The procedure a results velocity velocity results the precession procedure investigate p rotor couple to angulsr 2.1, measuring (as determined different safety 2. varying equation is the The Iw w varying gyroscopic so a slightly of involve (i) (ii) However, ing would couple, velocity. Gyroscopic couple, T Ideally experiment gyroscopic precession to check the rotor will and precession raise section 4.2 to achieve this. to the arm and replace motor the supplies torque arm. determine the so Use the correct Vary the precession velocity until the torque to a level at which the scribed line on the arm rises arm lines up with the indicating strips on the bracket 'E' in Figure 3.1 page 8). This is the point at which the gyroscopic couple is equal to produced by the mass on the torque arm. (shown by of balance the moment At this condition, measure the precession speed by timing a suitable number of revolutions of the assembly using a stop-watch. The number of revolutions you will need to time depends on the test condition. To obtain good accuracy, always use a timed period seconds. Record the exact value of rotor of at speed. least 30 -15- 4. Decreaae the rotor speed in steps of 500 rev/min and determine the precession speed at the speed down to 500 rev/min. 5. Add additional results 50g to masses to the for each value increments in value 350g. a of to use values A typical of set balance the of result, results the the couple T = 0.05 equation mass, so giving However, is torque which x 9.81 for lines. it can arm gyroscopic be seen that which demonstrates the rotor velocity. Fig precession velocity 2.5 (l/w 4.1 is for results for of results is sufficient it four calculated for different from up values the example, the results mass for the and firat 4.4 lie the the couple previous velocity in this the influence shows values a constant of of on straight gyroscopic velocity couple velocity line can be calculated of through uaing example, 4.3, and plotted 300 rad/sthe the at from lines shown in Fig preceasion rotor For (w) should be way in Fig 4.3, reaults on a straight section. graphs of the recip- do indeed lie from independent results of against rotor ) p are plotted for in origin. moment of a precession rad/a:- 6.14 x 10~" x 300 x 2.5 0.4608 ~ values are shown to agree with experimental to within Table couple suggests that velocity values of T The the found of ~ can be constructed inertial limited sets x 0.14 The results graphs Theoretical to obtain of 7 sets is (O.l4m). Two further expected, time couple the origin. As best a total if in which pass through against is similar and 350g. given rocal of precession velocity straight It rotor is: 0.0687 The arm and obtain of mass. The gyroscopic of point for each different torque of 50,150,250 mass. length balance about 3~. the theoretical values -19- REFERENCES 1. Morrison, J. L. M. and Crossland, B. "~chanics of Machines" p. 30 - 32. 2. J. M. Prentis. 3. Inglis, "Applied 4. Sir Longmans "Dynamics of Mechanical Systems11. Longmans Charles. Mechanics Swanson,S. A. V. for Engineers" "Engineering Chapter XX p.380-404. Dynamics". Dover.