University of Alberta - Alberta Institute of Agrologist

2014-2015 Approved Courses
University of Alberta Approved Course List for
Registration with the Agrology Profession in
To be eligible to be registered as an Agrologist in Training (AIT) leading to the Professional
Agrologist (PAg) designation, applicants must have obtained a 4-year 120-credit
baccalaureate degree in agriculture or environmental science from a post-secondary
institution recognized by AIA Council. This degree must meet the following course
1. Total agrology (introductory + senior agrology) coursework must be a minimum of 60
credits with a minimum of 24 of these credits at the senior course (third or fourth
year) level.
2. Foundational natural science coursework must be a minimum of 15 credits. Courses
must be foundational to the agrology profession
3. Mathematics OR calculus OR statistics coursework must be a minimum of 3 credits.
4. English OR communications coursework must be a minimum of 3 credits .
5. Economics coursework must be a minimum of 3 credits.
University of Alberta Courses that are considered eligible for meeting the above coursework
requirements are listed below in the following categories: Introductory Agrology, Senior
Agrology, Foundational Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Calculus or Statistics, English or
Communications, Economics.
Introductory Agrology Courses
Introductory + Senior Agrology coursework must total a minimum of 60 credits
*Some courses have been renamed or discontinued for 2014 at the University of Alberta
Course ID
AN SC 100
AN SC 110
AN SC 200
AN SC 260
AREC 173
AREC 200
AREC 214
AREC 323
BOT 384*
Introduction to Animal Health Sciences
Introduction to Equine Science
Principles of Animal Agriculture
Fundamentals of Animal Nutrition
The Plate, the Planet and Society
Current Economic Issues for Agriculture and Food
Applications of Linear Models to Food, Resources and the Environment
Introduction to Management for Agri-Food, Environmental, and Forestry Business
Global Change and Ecosystems
2014-2015 Approved Courses
EAS 202
EAS 204
EAS 221
EAS 225
EAS 250
EAS 270
EAS 294*
EAS 296*
EAS 391*
ENT 207
ENT 220
NU FS 100
NU FS 200
NU FS 201
NU FS 223
NU FS 283
NU FS 377
PL SC 221
REN R 110
REN R 120
REN R 205*
REN R 210*
REN R 220
REN R 250
REN R 260*
REN R 271*
REN R 299
Violent Weather
Environment Alberta
Intro to GIS and Remote Sensing
Earth Surface Processed and Landforms
The Atmosphere
Natural Resources and Environmental Management
Planning Theory and Practice
Introduction to Environmental Planning
Agricultural Entomology
Insect Biology
Intro to Food Science and Technology
Intro to Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals
Physical Principles of Food Structure and Functionality
The Cultural Ecology of Food and Health
Introduction to Food Engineering
Introduction to Nutrition in the Community
Introduction to Plant Sciences
Natural Resource Measurement
Woody Plants 1
(ENCS 201) Wildlife Biodiversity & Ecology
(SOILS 210) Introduction to Soil Science & Soil Resources
Woody Plants 2
Water Resource Management
(ENCS 260) History & Fundamentals: Enviro Protection & Conservation
(ENCS 271) The Politics of Food and Natural Resources
Environmental and Conservation Sciences Field School
Senior Agrology Courses
(Minimum of 24 credits from the list)
Course ID
AFNS 450
AN SC 310
AN SC 311
AN SC 312
AN SC 318
AN SC 320
AN SC 322*
AN SC 375
Compost Science and Technology
Physiology of Domestic Animals
Metabolic Physiology of Domestic Animals
Reproductive Physiology of Domestic Animals
Influence of microorganisms on Animal Biology
Livestock Growth and Meat Production
Poultry Product Technology
Animal Health and Disease
2014-2015 Approved Courses
AN SC 376
AN SC 377
AN SC 391
AN SC 400
AN SC 409*
AN SC 410
AN SC 411
AN SC 412
AN SC 420
AN SC 461
AN SC 462
AN SC 463
AN SC 471
AN SC 472
AN SC 474
AN SC 475
AN SC 476
AN SC 479
AN SC 484
AN SC 485
AN SC 496
AN SC 499
AREC 333
AREC 365
AREC 384
AREC 400
AREC 410
AREC 423
AREC 433
AREC 450*
AREC 465
AREC 473
AREC 475*
AREC 482
AREC 484
AREC 485
BIOL 331
BIOL 332
BIOL 333
BIOL 340
BIOL 364
Animal Welfare
Food Animal Behavior
Individual Study
Management of Animal Environments
Regulation of Reproduction in Domestic Animals
Veterinary Immunology
Equine Nutrition and Reproduction
Carcass and Meat Quality
Ruminant Digestion, Metabolism and Nutrition
Swine Nutrition
Poultry Nutrition
Applied Poultry Science
Applied Dairy Production Science
Applied Beef Cattle Science
Applied Wildlife Production Science
Applied Swine Science
Integrative Problem Solving Project in Animal Science
Animal Molecular Biology
Animal Genetic Improvement
Research on the Human Animal Bond
Animal Health Science
Economics of Production and Resource Management
Natural Resource Economics
Food Market Analysis
Special Topics
Advanced Methods and Applications in Applied Economics
Advanced Management Methods & Applics for Agri-Food, Enviro & Forestry
Financial Management in Resource Industries
Economics and Social Impact Assessment
Advanced Natural Resource Economics
Food and Agriculture Policies
(AREC 375) World Food and Agriculture
Cooperatives and Alternative Business Institutions
Strategic Management in Food and Resource Businesses
Trade and Globalization in Food and Resources
Population Ecology
Community Ecology
Wetland Ecology and Management
Global Biogeochemistry
Freshwater Ecology
2014-2015 Approved Courses
BIOL 365
BIOL 366
BIOL 367
BIOL 409
BIOL 432
BIOL 433
BIOL 440
BIOL 450*
BIOL 468
BIOL 471
BOT 306*
BOT 308
BOT 314
BOT 321
BOT 322
BOT 330
BOT 332
BOT 340
BOT 350*
BOT 382
BOT 445
CHEM 303
CHEM 305
EAS 324
EAS 351
EAS 354
EAS 370
EAS 372
EAS 373
EAS 425
EAS 451
EAS 468
EAS 476
EAS 491*
ECON 323
ECON 355
ECON 365
ECON 421
ECON 467
ENCS 352
ENCS 355*
Methods in Freshwater Ecology
Northern Ecology
Conservation Biology
(Methods in Plant Ecology) Field Methods in Ecology
Plant-Animal Interactions
Watershed Ecology
The Ecology of Below-Ground Communities
Problems in Conservation Biology
Landscape Ecology
Biology of Fungi
Plant Anatomy
Biology of Bryophytes
Flowering Plants
Field Botany
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function of Algae
Plant Ecology
(Whole) Plant Biology
Plant Biochemistry
Plant Biotechnology
Molecular Plant Physiology
Environmental Chemistry 1
Environmental Chemistry 2
Quaternary Geoscience and Terrain Analysis
Environmental Applications of GIS
Environmental Earth Science Field School
Applied Atmospheric Physics
Weather Analysis and Forecasting
The Climate System
Contaminant Hydrogeology
Digital Remote Sensing
Geochemical Processes
Introductory Microclimatology and Micrometeorology
Resource Management and Environmental Policy
International Economics
Economics of Project Evaluation
Resource Economics
International Trade
Environmental and Natural Resource Policy
Natural Resource and Environmental Law
Ecological Risk Assessment
2014-2015 Approved Courses
ENCS 356
ENCS 406
ENCS 407
ENCS 471
ENCS 473
ENT 378
IND 665*
NU FS 300
NU FS 305
NU FS 312
NU FS 352*
NU FS 353
NU FS 356
NU FS 361
NU FS 372
NU FS 374
NU FS 400
NU FS 402
NU FS 403
NU FS 404
NU FS 406
NU FS 425
NU FS 426
NU FS 427
NU FS 428
NU FS 430
NU FS 450
NU FS 454
NU FS 461
NU FS 480
NU FS 481
NU FS 490
NU FS 499
REN R 307*
REN R 314*
REN R 322*
REN R 327
REN R 350
REN R 360*
REN R 364*
Principles of Rangeland Conservation & Habitat Management
Rangeland Plant Communities of Western Canada
Rangeland Plant Communities of North America
Case Studies in Rangeland Management & Conservation
Environmental Policy & Law
Insect Pathology
(IND 365) Natural Resource Economics
Fundamentals of Dairy Science
Introduction to the Principles of Nutrition
Quality Assurance
Current Topics and Controversies in Nutrition
Unit Operations in Food Processing
Nutrition Across the Lifespan
(NU FS 363) Food Microbiology
(NU FS 373) Food Chemistry
Food Fundamentals and Quality
Undergraduate Reading Project
Brewing, Enology, and Food Fermentations
Processing of Milk and Dairy Products
Muscle Food Science and Technology
Science and Technology of Cereal and Oilseed Processing
Methods and Applications in Nutritional Product Dev & Quality Assurance
Biology, Photochemistry and Processing of Edible Plants
Nutritional Toxicology and Food Safety
Advances in Functional Foods and Natural Health Products
Principles of Sensory Evaluation of Foods
Food Product Development
Unit Operations in Food Preservation
Food Service Management
Foodborne Pathogens
Advanced Foods
Innovations in Food Science
Advanced Agri-Chemical Analysis
Any 300 or higher level PLSC course is accepted as Senior Agrology
(ENCS 307) Environmental Assessment, Principles and Methods
(FOR 314) Forest Soils
(FOR 322) Forest Ecosystems
The Mosses of Alberta: Conservation and Identification
Physical Hydrology
(ENCS 360) Soil and Water Conservation
(ENCS 364) Principles of Managing Natural Diversity
2014-2015 Approved Courses
REN R 376*
REN R 401
REN R 414
REN R 426
REN R 430
REN R 440
REN R 441*
REN R 442*
REN R 443*
REN R 444*
REN R 445*
REN R 446*
REN R 450
REN R 452
REN R 462*
REN R 464*
REN R 469
REN R 474*
REN R 476*
REN R 477
REN R 478
REN R 480
REN R 482*
REN R 483*
REN R 495
REN R 496
R SOC 355
R SOC 450
(ENCS 376) Wildlife Productivity and Management
(Special Topics in) Renewable Resources
Agroforestry Systems
Geographical Information Systems Applications in Renewable Resources
Forest Resources Management
Disturbance Ecology
(SOILS 420) Soil Formation & Landscape Processes
(SOILS 430) Soil Biogeochemistry
(SOILS 440) Soil Physics
(SOILS 450) Soil Environmental Chemistry
(SOILD 460) Soil Fertility
(ENCS 461) Climates & Ecosystems
Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture
Forest Watershed Management
(ENCS 462) Protected Areas Planning and management
(ENCS 464) Conservation and Management of Endangered Species
Biodiversity Analysis
(ENCS 474) Utilization Wildlife Resources
(ENCS 476) Dynamics of Wildlife and Rangeland Ecosystems
Wildlife-Human Activities: Conflicts, Assessment and Mitigation
(Enviro Assess) Ecological Footprints w/ Historical Perspectives
Experimental Design and Data Analysis in the Environmental Sciences
(ENCS 455) Soil Remediation
Waste Management and Utilization
Land reclamation and Revegetation
Conservation Planning
Principles of Rural Sociology
Environmental Sociology
*Zoology Courses*
Zoology courses may be accepted by the Registration Committee on a case by case basis depending on
the type of degree and potential practice areas. These practice areas can include livestock production
and management, wildlife management, and some areas in conservation.
Foundational Natural Sciences
(Minimum 15 credits from the list)
Course ID
Any Biochemistry Course Foundational to Agrology
2014-2015 Approved Courses
BIOL 107
BIOL 108
BIOL 207
BIOL 208
BIOL 380
BIOL 464
BOT 205
BOT 210
BOT 303
CHEM 164
CHEM 241
CHEM 243
CHEM 261
CHEM 262
EAS 320
EAS 323
Introduction to Cell Biology
Introduction to Biological Diversity
Molecular Genetics and Heredity
Principles of Ecology
Genetic Analysis of Populations
Any Biology Course not listed under Introductory or Senior Agrology that is
foundational to agrology
Fundamentals of Plant Biology
Biology of Land Plants
Plant Development
Introductory University Chemistry I
Introductory University Chemistry II
Organic Chemistry I
Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry 2
Any Chemistry Course not listed under Senior Agrology
Geochemistry I
Introduction to Hydrogeology
Any Physics course foundational to agrology
Mathematics or Statistics Courses
(Minimum of 3 credits selected from the list)
Course ID
AREC 313
Math 113
MATH 114
MATH 115
MATH 120
MATH 201
STAT 141
STAT 151
STAT 221
Statistical Analysis
Elementary Calculus I
Elementary Calculus II
Elementary Calculus III
Basic Linear Algebra
Differential Equations
Introduction to Statistics
Introduction to Applied Statistics I
Applied Probability
2014-2015 Approved Courses
English or Communications Courses
(Minimum of 3 credits selected from the list)
Course ID
ALES 204
Communication Theory and Practice
Any English Course
Economics Courses
(Minimum of 3 credits selected from the list)
Course ID
ECON 101
ECON 102
Introduction to Microeconomics
Introduction to Macroeconomics
Extension Courses (Offered through the Faculty of Extension)
(These courses are not required but may be taken as AIA Council-approved 3 credit courses,
especially in cases of course deficiencies.)
Course ID
EXERM 4256
EXERM 4291
EXERM 4297
EXERM 4301 FA 2
Applied Hydrology note 1
Applied Hydrogeology in Alberta note 1
Classification and Reclamation of Alberta Soils note 2
Applied Soil Physics note 2
note 3
Notes for Extension courses:
1: May be used for foundational natural science credits or in some approved cases as senior
2: Used for senior agrology credits
3: For 2014 this course title is for Applied Soil Physics. However this course title is subject to
change. Please check the Faculty of Extension website or contact the Faculty for further details.