Economic Development

 Orange County Government is a proactive economic development partner. We are helping to attract high value companies to the region, helping existing businesses to stay in business and to grow, and helping to create new companies. We are working to ensure that our citizens have opportunities for the well‐paying jobs. Below are some of Orange County’s key economic development partnership programs supporting business growth and job creation. These by no means represent all of our efforts. For example, to help young people prepare for good jobs and careers, Orange County spearheaded the establishment of Academies of Information Technology in seven high schools. We also provided funding to boost support for OCPS’s existing Academies of Travel & Tourism. Economic Development
Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs is holding a series of economic and jobs summits, targeting areas throughout the county and in key industries. Each summit is tuned for its location and/or industry, and is open to the public. Summits held or scheduled to date include: • West Orange County / 429 Corridor • North
• Central Orange County • East Orange County • Healthcare & Life
• International Trade • Cleantech • South Orange County
Central Orange County
For more information, visit
The Metro Orlando EDC is the first point of contact for businesses looking to locate and expand in Orange County. It is our region’s premier economic development organization. Its website contains a wealth of information helpful to any business. The UCF Institute for Economic Competitiveness was the cornerstone of the county’s Economic Stimulus 2.0 in 2003. The goal was to establish one of the Top 10 regional economic research organizations in the nation—serving as a central source of reliable and continually updated economic data, expanding the public’s understanding of the economy, and providing an informed basis for local decision making. In addition to economic forecasts, the Institute helps us to answer the question of “What’s Next?” for our economy. According to the Institute’s Metro Orlando Cleantech Report, one of the answers could be Cleantech—the next wave of innovation and job creation. A Cleantech Symposium Series provided input to the report and is addressing the report’s 17 recommendations. Full videos and transcripts of all presentations and discussions are available on the UCF Venture Lab website (click on Workshops & Events/Cleantech Symposiums). The Disney Entrepreneur Center―some to become the National Entrepreneur
Center― is a super‐sized one‐stop business assistance center. It includes 13 service providers in a central location. From free one‐on‐one business counseling and low‐cost seminars, to high‐impact networking opportunities, the Disney Entrepreneur Center connects businesses with what they need to succeed. In May 2011, the DEC will be moving into brand new facilities at Fashion Square Mall. Watch for many new opportunities for small business associated with this move. Founding partners include Disney World, University of Central Florida, and Orange County.
Among other services, The UCF Small Business Development
Center, located at the Disney Entrepreneur Center, presents an
Orange County-sponsored “next level” Strategic Tools Workshop
Series ranging from strategic planning to doing business with local
governments. Over 3,000 people from all corners of Orange County
and beyond have benefited from these workshops. One participant,
Engineering and Computer Simulations, Inc., is the SBA’s 2010
national small business of the year.
The SBDC Advisory Board Council
Program provides low-cost custom-fit
Companies, helping them to increase
revenue, retain jobs, and create new jobs. It serves as a matchmaker between volunteer advisors
and businesses. This year, five of its clients were named to the Inc. 500/5000 lists of the fastest
growing companies in America.
The UCF Business Incubator Program is a university‐driven community partnership providing early stage companies with the tools, training, and infrastructure to become financially stable high‐growth enterprises. The flagship incubator in the Central Florida Research Park itself was a startup when it received funding from the county’s first economic stimulus package in 2002. There is now a network of nine business incubators throughout the region. Over 1600 jobs have been created with an annual payroll of over $70 million. The sole mission of the UCF Orange County Venture Lab is to nurture new technology company spinoffs from UCF faculty and students, and also new technology startups throughout the region. It is an important first step in establishing, nurturing, and growing new companies to the point where the UCF Business Incubator Program can assist them. With UCF research funding now exceeding $133 million a year, the Venture Lab holds the promise for helping to commercialize this research into new businesses that can further diversify our economy and create new high‐wage jobs. The vision of the National Center for Simulation, located in the Central Florida Research Park, is to become the international leader in supporting and expanding the modeling and simulation community. Digital Media Alliance Florida, located in Orange County, is the leading industry association supporting our digital and interactive media, arts, and entertainment companies and professionals. The Manufacturing Association of Central Florida is a dynamic group of companies. They share a vision of a business climate where both manufacturers and non‐manufacturers can prosper and bring value to our community. 