Beats: Interference of Sound Waves Have you ever heard a piano, band, or orchestra play more than one note at a time? (These are called chords.) Chances are that the music you heard was a series of pleasant-sounding chords and melodies. Sometimes the pitches of the notes are close to each other, however, which causes the sounds to clash in a way that is unpleasant—or sounds modern! Two sound waves with frequencies close to each other—but not exactly the same—will sound harsh when played together; this is called dissonance. As the frequencies of two sound waves become closer and closer to each other, it is possible to hear a slow pattern of loud and soft intensities called beats. The beating pattern is a consequence of the interference between two sound waves of slightly different frequency. Watch Video in eBook Definitions Investigation Video: Beats and Dissonance [insert: VIDEO1 demonstrating: 1. consonance (major interval) 2. dissonance (minor interval) 3. beat patterns for a few Hz to few tenths of Hz 4. beat frequency increasing until dissolves into dissonance] When two sounds of slightly different frequency are heard simultaneously, we hear a slow pattern of interference between them called beats. The beat pattern produces an alternation between loud and soft sounds. When the beats become faster than 10 Hz or so, the human ear can no longer recognize the loud-soft pattern and the two sounds are harsh to the ear; this is called dissonance. If the two sounds have widely-spaced frequencies and are pleasant to the ear, then it is called consonance. Use the audio tool in the ebook to explore beat frequencies. Beat Frequency The frequency of loud and soft sounds that is heard between two simultaneous sound waves is called the beat frequency. The beat frequency is the difference between the frequencies of the two sound waves, f1 and f2: Beat Frequency: fB = f1 - f2 As the two frequencies become closer and closer to one another, the beat frequency fB will become smaller—which means that the alternating loud-soft beats will be spaced further apart in time. The beat pattern therefore sounds slow for two close frequencies. Likewise, as the two frequencies get further and further apart, the beat frequency becomes larger and the beating pattern sounds faster. oldpianomusic, CC By 2.0 What Causes Beats? When a piano tuner adjusts two strings to sound the same note, he will play them simultaneously and listen for the beat frequency. He then adjusts one string slightly—either by tightening or loosening the screw —in order to slow down the beat frequency. He knows he is turning the screw in the correct way when the beat frequency slows down, rather than speeds up. The two strings are in tune with each other when the beat pattern disappears completely. What creates the beat pattern when two sounds are heard together? The superposition of the two sound waves causes interference between them, and this interference pattern is the origin of the beat pattern. When two sound waves of the same frequency are heard simultaneously, they superpose and can either create constructive or destructive interference, depending on the relative phase between the two waves. If the peaks of the waves are in phase, then the amplitudes of the two waves add together in constructive interference; the resultant wave is larger in amplitude. If the peaks of the two waves are out-of-phase, then the peak of one overlaps with the trough of the other; the result is that the two wave amplitudes partially or fully cancel each other, which is destructive interference. When two sound waves with different frequencies are heard simultaneously, however, there will be an alternating pattern of constructive and destructive interference. At certain times, as shown in the diagram above, the two sound waves are in phase with each other and interfere constructively—i.e., the peak amplitudes of the two waves add to make a higher intensity peak. At other times the two sound waves are out-of-phase with each other and interfere destructively—the peak of one wave lines up with the trough of the other wave, canceling each other out. The resulting sum of the two waves—the “superposition of waves one and two”—shows a variable amplitude due to a variable pattern of constructive and destructive interference. The outermost “envelope” of the sum of the two waves in the figure above is the alternating loud-soft sound that we hear as beats. Notice in the diagram how the frequency of the outer envelope—the beats—has a significantly lower frequency than either of the two original sound waves. A frequency of 440 Hz is called “concert pitch,” an internationally agreed-upon standard frequency for the note A above middle C on the keyboard. Before an orchestra begins a rehearsal or concert, the oboist will usually play the concert pitch to allow the other musicians to tune their instruments to the same frequency. The oboist often has an electronic tuner on her stand in order to ensure the accuracy of the pitch of her tuning note. [Video Insert] Beats: Interference of Sound Waves Image Sound Text plain background In music, we will often play two or more different notes at the same time. This is called a chord. C–E–G chord C – E – G C – E – G [fade out] 262 Hz – 330 Hz – 392 Hz consonant Middle C (261.6 Hz), then E (329.6 Hz), then G (392.0 Hz), then C-E-G together. C, E, G [repeat] C, E, G chord C, E, G In physics, each of these musical notes, or pitches, corresponds to a frequency for the sound waves. Some musical note combinations sound pleasant to the ear, or consonant. Other combinations of notes sound harsh to the ear, or dissonant. dissonant chord C (261.6 Hz), C# (277.2 Hz), D (293.7 Hz) What makes some of these sounds have consonance or dissonance? consonance vs. dissonance Widely-spaced musical pitches, when played together, can create a consonant sound, like playing C and G on the keyboard. Image: keyboard with C and G highlighted C – G [widely spaced] C–G 262 Hz – 392 Hz C (261.6 Hz) – G (329.0 Hz) The frequencies of these two sound waves are far apart, which means that they can have a more pleasant sound when heard together. C–G Image: keyboard with C and D highlighted But closely-spaced musical pitches, when played together, can create a dissonant sound that is harsh to the ear. C–D C (261.6 Hz) – D (293.7 Hz) C – D [closer spaced] 262 Hz – 294 Hz C-D Image: keyboard with C and C# highlighted C – C# [closely spaced] C (261.6 Hz) – C# (277.2 Hz) 262 Hz – 277 Hz C – C# As the frequencies become closer together, the sounds clash even more. As those two frequencies become nearly, but not quite, the same, we can hear the physical phenomenon that is giving rise to the unpleasant, dissonant sound. 262 Hz – 263 Hz 262 Hz and 263 Hz We begin to hear a slow, pulsing sound, alternating loud and soft. Can you hear it? This phenomenon is called beats. It arises when we hear simultaneously two frequencies of sound that are very close—but not exactly the same as each other. The sound of the beats arises because of the interference between the two sound waves. Beats are caused by the interference between sound waves of slightly different frequencies. These beats can be very slow... slow beats 262 Hz and 262.25 Hz with a low frequency... low frequency or the beats can be very rapid... fast beats 262 Hz and 265 Hz with a higher frequency. high frequency If the beat frequency becomes so fast that we can no longer distinguish the pattern, then we merely hear the sound as dissonance. Faster Beat Frequency -> Dissonance Keep 262 Hz fixed; simultaneous 265 Hz increasing to 293.7 Hz Ebook Investigation: Measuring Beat Frequencies Part 1: 1. Set the first frequency to 440 Hz. Set the second frequency to 441 Hz—one hertz higher than the first frequency. Set the timer for 10 seconds. Play the first note by itself and listen closely. When it is finished, play the second note by itself and listen. Can you hear any difference in pitch between them? 2. Play both notes simultaneously and listen carefully. What do you hear? 3. Play both notes simultaneously again and count the number of beats you hear—the number of loud sounds resulting from the interference between the two sound waves. How many beats did you hear in 10 seconds? 4. While keeping the first frequency at 440 Hz, set the second frequency to 442 Hz. Play the two notes again and count the number of beats you hear in 10 seconds. How many beats did you count? Was it more or fewer than in the first exercise? 5. Try the exercise one more time by setting the second frequency to 443 Hz. Can you predict how many beats you will hear in 10 seconds? Play the two notes again, count the number of beats in 10 seconds, and compare with your prediction. 6. Based on your investigation, how is the frequency of the beats related to the frequencies of the two notes? f1 f2 f2 - f 1 Nbeats = Beats per second = Beats in 10 seconds Nbeats / 10 s (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) 440 441 Part 2: 7. Play the mystery sound and its comparison sound. [plays two sounds with 2 Hz beating.] Do you hear the beats? Press the “+” button to adjust the pitch—i.e., increase the frequency—of the comparison frequency, and then play the sounds again. Based on how the beat frequency changed, are the two sounds now closer or further apart in frequency? Try adjusting the pitch until you eliminate the sound of the beats. Technology Application: AM Radio When two sound waves with slightly different frequencies are superposed—heard simultaneously—the resulting sound has the alternating pattern of loud-and-soft sounds called beats. What happens when we superpose two waves with vastly different frequencies? One illustration of a technology that relies on superposition of waves of very different frequencies is amplitude-modulated radio—commonly known as AM radio. The AM radio band in the United States is broadcast at frequencies between 520 kHz (or 520,000 Hz) and 1610 kHz, which are frequencies much higher than what the human voice can produce or the ear can hear (such as 440 Hz for the concert pitch note A). The AM radio frequency is typically around one thousand times higher than the frequency of the sounds the radio station is broadcasting. The idea behind the technology of AM radio is that the broadcast radio signal's amplitude is modulated —varied up and down—by the lower-frequency sound waves that are being broadcast. Let's take an example of an audio sound at 440 Hz—the “concert pitch” of the note A—that is broadcast over AM radio at 950 kHz. The electronics at the radio station combine the low-frequency of the sound wave with the high frequency radio wave and broadcast this from their radio tower. In the diagram, you can see the amplitude of the envelope of the high-frequency broadcast radio signal modulating up and down at the lower frequency of the audio sound wave. The radio receiver in your home or car then detects the radio broadcast signal and removes the radio broadcast frequency (say, at 950 kHz), leaving just the audio signal at 440 Hz to be amplified through your speakers. Laboratory Investigation Vibrating String: Frequency, Dependence on Length and Tension, and Beats [Note: this is a more general lab investigation suitable for the entire sound unit. An exploration of beats would be included as one element of the overall lab investigation.] Equipment Needed: Plywood board (approx. 1 m x 1 m) Two sturdy screws Two lengths of piano wire or strong fishing line, at least 1.5 m each Two wedges (wood or metal) to act as a “bridge” for the strings Two scale pans Two sets of identical masses Meter ruler Stopwatch (or other timer with a second hand) [optional] Tuning fork Note to instructor: experiment ahead of time to establish a position of the wedge and mass on the scale that will produce a tone roughly 220 Hz (the note A below middle C). 1. Determine the masses M1 and M2 of each scale pan loaded with the masses. 2. Set up the two weighted wires with identical masses in the scale pans. One movable wedge should be placed at 50.0 cm from its screw. Sound the wire by plucking it gently. 3. ...investigation for how the sound varies when wedge is moved to shorten the resonating part of the wire... how the sound varies when the mass is increased... 4. Place the wedge under the second wire. Adjust it by small amounts until it makes the same sound as the first wire when the two are plucked at the same time. You should hear no beats between the two wires. 5. ...exercises for dependence on length [halve the length], weight [double the mass].... 6. [beats exercise] Using a sharp pencil, mark on the wooden board the location of the second wedge. Move the second wedge approximately 2 mm closer to the screws and mark its location again on the wooden board. a. Gently pluck the two wires at the same time. What do you hear? b. Using the timer, stopwatch, or the seconds hand on the wall clock, measure then number of beats during a 10 second interval. c. Adjust the second wedge again, moving it another 2 mm closer to the screw. Mark its location on the wooden board. Measure the number of beats during a 10 second interval. d. Repeat for two more positions, approximately 6 and 8 mm from the initial position. e. Remove the second wedge. Measure the change in the wedge's position—i.e., the separation between the wedge's initial position and the three other locations. f. Calculate the number of beats per second based on the number of beats you measured in 10 seconds for each position. g. Do you notice a trend between the position of the wedge and the number of beats per second that you measured? What do you think causes the beat frequency to vary in this way with the length of the wire? Change in wedge's position (mm) Nbeats = Beats in 10 seconds Beats per second = Nbeats / 10 s (Hz) 2.0 6. Return the second wedge to its initial position, and verify that you cannot hear beats between the two wires when plucked at the same time. Add a ____ g mass to the second scale pan. h. Gently pluck the two wires at the same time. What do you hear? i. Using the timer, stopwatch, or the seconds hand on the wall clock, measure then number of beats during a 10 second interval. j. Add another ___ g mass to the second scale pan. Measure the number of beats during a 10 second interval. k. Repeat for another two added masses, measuring the number of beats during a 10 second interval each time. l. Calculate the total mass suspended by the wire for each added mass. (You will need to add the.) m. Calculate the ratio of the added mass to the initial mass M2 of the second scale pan and its contents n. Calculate the number of beats per second. o. Graph the ratio of the masses m/M2 against the number of beats per second. Added Mass m (g) Ratio of masses m/M2 (g) Nbeats = Beats in 10 seconds Beats per second = Nbeats / 10 s (Hz) 10.0 For the instructor: When the wedge is moved 2 mm in step 5, the frequency sounded by the wire should change by (2 mm / 50.0 cm) = 1/250. If the masses were set to produce an original sounding frequency of 220 Hz, then the frequency of the second wire should increase by slightly more than 1 Hz; students should hear beats at the rate of approximately one loud-soft pair per second. A similar increase is found each time the wire is shortened by 2 mm. Chapter 22 Review Some References “6.4.5 Laws of Strings,” in Cunningham, J., & Herr, N. Hands-On Physics Activities with Real-Life Applications (San Francisco: Wiley Bass, 1994), 414-415. 1. Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks (2006): Grades 3-5: Sound Waves: Learning Standard Ideas for Developing Investigations and Learning Experiences 11. Recognize that sound is Use tuning forks to demonstrate produced by vibrating objects the relationship between and requires a medium through vibration and sound. which to travel. Relate the rate of vibration to the pitch of the sound. Suggested Extensions to Learning in Technology/Engineering Design and construct a simple telephone (prototype) using a variety of materials (e.g., paper cups, string, tin cans, wire). Determine which prototype works best and why. (T/E 1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 2.3) Introductory Physics, High School: 4. Waves Central Concept: Waves carry energy from place to place without the transfer of matter. 4.1.Describe the measurable properties of waves (velocity, frequency, wavelength, amplitude, period) and explain the relationships among them. Recognize examples of simple harmonic motion. 4.2.Distinguish between mechanical and electromagnetic waves. 4.3.Distinguish between the two types of mechanical waves, transverse and longitudinal. 4.4.Describe qualitatively the basic principles of reflection and refraction of waves. 4.5.Recognize that mechanical waves generally move faster through a solid than through a liquid and faster through a liquid than through a gas. 4.6.Describe the apparent change in frequency of waves due to the motion of a source or a receiver (the Doppler effect). 2. SAT Subject Test: Physics IV. Waves and optics (15%–19%) A) General Wave Properties, such as wave speed, frequency, wavelength, superposition, standing wave diffraction, and Doppler effect B) Reflection and Refraction, such as Snell’s law and changes in wavelength and speed C) Ray Optics, such as image formation using pinholes, mirrors, and lenses D) Physical Optics, such as single-slit diffraction, double-slit interference, polarization, and color 3. Advanced Placement Physics (B) IV. WAVES AND OPTICS A. Wave motion (including sound) 1. Traveling waves Students should understand the description of traveling waves, so they can: a) Sketch or identify graphs that represent traveling waves and determine the amplitude, wavelength and frequency of a wave from such a graph. b) Apply the relation among wavelength, frequency and velocity for a wave. c) Understand qualitatively the Doppler effect for sound in order to explain why there is a frequency shift in both the moving-source and moving-observer case. d) Describe reflection of a wave from the fixed or free end of a string. e) Describe qualitatively what factors determine the speed of waves on a string and the speed of sound. 2. Wave propagation a) Students should understand the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves, and be able to explain qualitatively why transverse waves can exhibit polarization. b) Students should understand the inverse-square law, so they can calculate the intensity of waves at a given distance from a source of specified power and compare the intensities at different distances from the source. 3. Standing waves Students should understand the physics of standing waves, so they can: a) Sketch possible standing wave modes for a stretched string that is fixed at both ends, and determine the amplitude, wavelength and frequency of such standing waves. b) Describe possible standing sound waves in a pipe that has either open or closed ends, and determine the wavelength and frequency of such standing waves. 4. Superposition Students should understand the principle of superposition, so they can apply it to traveling waves moving in opposite directions, and describe how a standing wave may be formed by superposition.