2014 Bay View Doublings Notations indicate measure and, when appropriate, beat. For example, “85.1” means “measure 85, beat 1” and “52.4&” means “measure 52, beat four-and”. When beats are not indicated, assume the entire measure. “1x” means “double the bottom note down one octave”. Exceptions to this are marked inline, such as “1x downstems”. Sabre Dance: mm 1-32: 1x beats 1-2-3-4 (not offbeats) mm 33-63: as written mm 64-85.1: 1x beats 1-2-3-4 (not offbeats) mm 85.2-87: as written mm 88-101: 1x beats 1-2-3-4 (not offbeats) mm 102-105: as written mm 106-end: 1x as eighth notes Bolero: mm 1-52: as written mm 53-end: 1x downstems Polkafest: mm 1-9: as written mm 10-31.4: 1x when the patterns is boom-chick (eg mm10-20) double on the beats (not offbeats) when the pattern is something else, double the downstems mm 31.4&-41: as written mm 42-52.4: 1x on the beats mm 52.4&-62: as written mm 63-64.3: 1x on the beats mm 64.4-DC: as written m 69: 1x mm 69.4&-73.3: as written mm 73.3&-end: 1x Polovetsian: mm 1-22: as written mm 22.3-26.1: 1x mm 26.3-end: as written, except: mm 32, 34, 38, 42, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 59: 1x Snail's Pace: already written to G1, so all as written Jarabe Tapatio: mm 1-20: as written m 21: add D3, G1 mm 22-30: as written m 31: add G1 mm 32-55: as written mm 56-59: 1x (just because we can) mm 60-111: as written, except: mm 73, 75, 81, 83: add G1's mm 112-119: 1x mm 120-127: as written mm 128-135: 1x Prelude & Passacaglia: mm 1-12: as written mm 13-20.3: 1x whole notes and downstems mm 20.4-28: as written mm 29-36: 1x whole notes, including wa-wa effect mm 37-43: 1x beats 1, 3 mm 44-52: 1x whole notes and downstems (and 52.4) mm 62-97.1: as written mm 97.2-101: 1x, plus: mm 100.2&-101.1&: 2x, just because we can mm 109-125: as written mm 126-133.1: 1x beats 1, 3, 3& mm 133.3-end: 1x Valse Brilliante: mm 1-28: as written mm 29-34: 1x downstems mm 35-54.2: as written mm 54.3-60: 1x first note of each LV, plus 54.3 downstem mm 61-96: as written mm 97-112: 1x mm 113-148: as written mm 149-156: 1x downstems mm 157-184: as written mm 185-205: 1x downstems mm 206-207: 1x Holtkamp: Movement one mm 5-6.3: 1x mm 6.4-7: as written m 8: 1x m 9: as written m 10: 1x downstems m 11: as written m 12: 1x downstem mm 13-15: as written mm 16-20: 1x mm 22-27: as written m 28: 1x whole note mm 29-42: as written mm 43-end: 1x Movement two mm 1-8: 1x mm 9-10.3: as written mm 10.4-11.1: 1x mm 11.2-12.5: as written mm 12.6-13.1: 1x mm 13.2-17: 1x downstems mm 18-23: 1x beats 1, 4 mm 24-27: as written mm 27.4-31: 1x mm 32-39: as written m 40: 1x Movement three mm 1-13: as written mm 14-18: 1x mm 19-27: as written mm 28-34: 1x mm 36-end: 1x Bell Tango: mm 1-38: 1x (including the 32nds!) mm 39-54: as written mm 55-68: 1x mm 69-84: as written mm 85-end: 1x Liverpool: throughout: play low chime notes on low chimes and low bells together mm 1-33: as written mm 34-55: 1x mm 56-57: as written mm 58-67: 1x whole notes mm 68-89: as written mm 90-104: 1x mm 105-end: as written Unsquare Dance: Throughout: bass ostinato malleted Throughout: 1x plucked. For example, m 1.1 will have malleted A4 A3 plucked A2, m1.3 malleted G4 G3 plucked G2, etc. Note that this will extend as high as A5 in m7. Pavane: mm 1-12: as written mm 13-20: 1x mm 21-27: as written mm 28-34.2: 1x mm 34.3-52.1: as written mm 52.2-53: 1x mm 54-56: as written mm 57-end: 1x Dorian: mm 1-9: 1x. Don't forget to gyro the whole notes in 8-9 m 4: add D3's and G1's mm 10-19: as written mm 20-33: 1x (mm 30-32: only double the first of each grouping) m 27: add A1's mm 34-35: as written mm 36-37: 1x only on the accented notes mm 38-39: as written mm 40-43: 1x only on the accented notes mm 44-57.1: 1x the rest of m 57: as written mm 58-end: 1x m 61: add D3's and G1's Hungarian: mm 1-8: as written mm 9-12: 1x downstems mm 13-24: as written mm 25-28: 1x downstems mm 29-40: as written mm 41-44: 1x downstems mm 45-54: as written mm 55-56, 59-60, 63-64, 67-68: 2x (A1's and A2's) mm 57-58, 61-62, 65-66: as written mm 69-78: as written mm 79-82: 1x downstems mm 83-94: as written mm 95-98: 1x downstems mm 99-end: 1x