Tri-M Music Honors Society Application Form (Applications due by

Tri-M Music Honors Society Application Form
(Applications due by: October 3rd, 2012 )
Section A: References
Please have an adult outside of the VSAA community, who has helped or supported in some
way, your musical growth, write a reference for you. Use the following questions as a guide.
Complete on a separate paper and attach to the application.
1. Describe this student musician and their musical attributes
2. Describe how this student applies life skills in musical situations.
Please have the reference print name, sign, and date at the bottom of their
Section B: To be completed by the Canidate for Tri-M Student Membership
Students interested in applying for membership must currently be enrolled at VSAA as a 9th,
10th, 11th, or 12th grader.
Please fill out the following:
Full Name:
Home Address:
Home Phone:
Parent/Gaurdian’s Name
E-Mail Contact
Year-Round Music Ensemble:
Are you in VSAA’s National Honor Society? Yes
What is your current GPA?
I understand that the minimum national critera for Tri-M canadidate consideration include: participation
in a year-round music class or ensemble at VSAA, a B grade average or better in music and a C grader
or better overall, and continues character strength that includes demonstration of service, leadership,
and cooperation. I agree to maintain these minimum national critera, and any other criteria this chapter
determines, and I understand that my membership can lapse if any of these criteria are nor maintained.
(Student initials)
Why is music, being a performer, composer or mentor important to you?
What types of musical leadership roles have you assumed at VSAA as well as the outside
community (Vancouver/Portland/Other)? If you haven’t, what roles do you think you could
What would you like to get out of your Tri-M membership?
Are you considering teaching music as a career? Yes
What kinds of musical activites would you like to see happen? (community service projects,
performances, etc…)
New Member Assignment- Each candidate for student membership is required to either:
1. Perform an approved vocal or instrumental solo, duet, or perform in a largre ensemble
before the fellow chapter members at a monthly meeting
2. Prepare an oral and written report on a musical topic in lieu of a performance and be
prepared to share our your paper at the chaper meeting.
If you perform you must supply the chapter advisors the following:
If you prepare an oral or written report you must supply the following:
Musical topic
I understand my acceptance as a member of the Tri-M chapter at VSAA is subject to returning
this form to the chapter advisor and completing my new member assignment on Monday,
October 15th, 2012 Tri-M Induction Ceromony.
Signature of Applicant
Signature of Parent