NutritionCalc Plus Online Dietary Analysis

NutritionCalc Plus Online
Dietary Analysis
Jessica Richardson
HLTH 1020-055
Password: Back2school
I saw this three day food analysis using NutritionCalc Plus as basically designed to
expose and educate one on their eating habits. It has recommendations for how to eat
healthier, what can be done to increase the daily amount of nutrients the body needs to
operate optimally, and decrease intakes in areas where we find ourselves overindulging.
Therefore, my paper will discuss how I chose to implement healthier eating habits into my life,
as exhibited in Day 3, and what changes can be made to my overall health.
Using NutritionCalc Plus I chose one week day, Tuesday September 27th for Day 1, to
enter information on everything I ate throughout that day. My calorie intake was 1784 calories.
That is 93% of the goal number of calories recommended. My fat intake of 59 grams is 98% of
the goal. I feel confident in those totals, as this meal is typical to my week day consumption.
The areas of the MyPyramid recommendations I was deficient in for day 1 are, the fruits,
I was only 24% of goal having a half of a serving, the dairy, I was 58% of goal consuming 1 ¾
servings and the meats and beans, I was 50% of goal having ate 2 ¾ servings. I was in excess
according to the MyPyramid recommendations in the vegetables, being at 157% of goal I had
eaten 4 servings. In the grains I was 90% of the goal which amounted to 5 ½ servings.
I mostly eat at home and usually as fresh as possible. I enjoy vegetables; I had been
vegan at one time for several years, so eating a large variety of vegetables has not been a
problem for me. I am aware that I am often deficient in the milk and dairy category. My main
reason for that is lactose intolerance; therefore I substitute soy or almond milk daily. I do not
eat cheese, unless it is goat cheese. Meat and beans, I enjoy, but I chose not to eat meat daily.
I prefer to eat beans and nuts as much as I can, once again due to things I learned while being a
vegan. Grains are an easy one for me as well; I enjoy assortments of whole wheat, oats, spelt,
rice, and quinoa often. When I eat grains I opt for whole grains, I bought a wheat grinder to
grind my own fresh whole wheat for baking to add health benefits.
My Day 2 was a weekend day, September 24 th, and was fairly typical of my weekends,
although I do have weekends where there the alcohol consumption is higher and is probably in
excess in those times. My calorie intake was 1752 calories, 90% of goal. My fat total was 122%
of goal.
The areas according to the MyPyramid I was deficient in this time were, the fruits again,
at 20% of goal having ½ a serving, and the grains, at 59% of goal having 3½ servings. I was close
to the goal in the milk group, 73% of goal having 2¼ servings, and the meat and beans was 76 %
of the goal having eaten 4¼ servings. I once again was in excess in the vegetables, having 5
servings equaling 196% of goal.
I am sure that if I could grow as many fruits as I do vegetables at my home and in my
garden, that my intake would be higher. So, after using this NutritionCalc Plus program, I do
realize that is my problem area and I want to work on eating more fruits. My other consistently
deficient area is milk and dairy. I need to consume more yogurt and goat products, digestion
friendly dairy, if I hope to achieve balance in that milk area that I usually avoid due to my
intestinal upsets. I also know that weekends as opposed to weekdays, I tend to drink more
caffeine, alcohol and less water, so that is also something I am aware of, that wasn’t necessarily
exhibited this weekend day.
I feel confident after looking over the averages for both days combined that I have my
calorie and fat intake in check, averages were 92% of goal for calories and 110% for fats.
For Day 3, Sunday October 2nd, I created and executed a meal plan that was designed
according to my calorie level and the recommendations and goals of the MyPyramid report.
My menu for Day 3 is as follows:
2 eggs scrambled topped with 2 ounces of fresh spicy salsa, 2 slices of whole
wheat toast topped with 2 teaspoons of Earth Balance buttery spread and a 16
ounce Caribbean Passion fruit smoothie from Jamba Juice.
2 cups of mixed spring greens salad with dill sprigs topped with 3 ounces of
canned salmon, several avocado slices, and 2 ounces of soft goat cheese with an
oil and vinegar dressing. Served with 5 Ritz whole wheat crackers and ice water.
4 ounces of 2 % Greek yogurt with strawberries, and topped with 1/3 cup of
FlaxPlus pumpkin seed granola, and 2 cups of black coffee.
Grilled chicken breast, ½ cup, served with ½ cup brown rice, lemon wedges,
½ cup mixed vegetables sautéed in 1 tsp butter and a cup of soy milk to drink.
The main changes I made for this meal plan were, enhancing my consistent problem
areas, dairy and fruit, while balancing out the calories to those areas from those that were in
excess usually. I was able to get my calorie intake of 2068, to stay within range 107% of goal,
while increasing the dairy; that was tough and did take sticking to a plan. My fat intake was
161% of goal, but the fat I ate was heart healthy and rich with omega fatty acids.
According to the recommended MyPyramid goals, my Day 3 meal was within suggested
servings. My fruit intake was 98% of goal, and my milk/dairy consumption was up to 91% of
goal. I was proud to get those areas improved. My grains intake was at 70% of goal, but I feel
like that is right for my body. I feel much better eating fewer carbohydrates as grains and I
would rather eat my carbohydrates as vegetables, where I am 122% of goal, making up the loss.
In the meat and beans category, I achieved 136% of goal, but again it was lean and heart
healthy proteins I chose.
For the Activity reports, I recorded my activity the week I was recording my food intake.
In looking at and comparing the activity in days that week, the average amount of calories I
burn daily is 346. That is considered a sedentary activity level. A sedentary lifestyle is one
which is characterized by little or no physical activity, and bodily movement done only as part
of playing, working, active transportation, house chores and recreational activities, which is
accurate since I do not follow a regular physical activity. I do garden, clean, cook, and care for
kids, dogs, and chickens, so I feel quite active, but I am not getting my cardiovascular workout
for my heart health. A sedentary lifestyle is associated with a high risk of heath complications
including obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. With that in mind, I need to strive for a
high level of activity. I know that small changes like parking at the back of the lot and jogging
into the store and taking the stairs is a start, but I want to involve my kids too. I think making
exercise a family affair, like playing kickball, soccer, and running the neighborhood together can
be a big benefit to my life as a whole, along with a good nutrition plan.