CAR group tour 2012 from LHR

Reef and Rainforest Tours
The Central African Republic – Lowland
Gorillas, Bongos, Forest Elephants and
Set Departures - Led by Local Naturalist Guides
15 – 24 March 2012
19 – 28 July 2012
Lowland Gorillas, Bongos, Forest Elephants
and Picathartes
Set Departures - Led by Local Naturalist Guides
This tour visits the second largest rainforest on earth in the remote south-western
corner of the Central African Repubic. The Dzanga-Sangha Reserve forms part of
the Sangha River Tri-National Protected Area that also includes part of Congo and
Cameroon. These protected areas are far from main centres of population and major
traffic routes which has led to the preservation of high densities of large mammal
fauna. Mammals such as forest elephants, forest buffalos, forest hogs, western
lowland gorillas and bongos can be encountered in densities described as unique. At
the Dzanga saline (forest clearing) more than 4,000 elephants have been counted
and identified over the last few years, with up to 100 individuals seen on any one
Using Sangha Lodge as a base six full days are spent exploring the Reserve. The
highlight is undoubtedly tracking the Reserve’s two habituated groups of western
lowland gorillas. Contact is restricted to seven metres, but can often be much closer
due to the dense vegetation in places.
There is also the opportunity to trek with a large habituated group of agile
mangabeys. These medium-sized monkeys are mostly ground dwelling and feed on
a diverse mix of fruits, seeds, stems, fungus, eggs, insects, crustaceans and small
mammals. The group can usually be observed at leisure from distances of under 10
Two full days are spent at Dzanga bai, a 250 metre by 500 metre sandy salt lick in a
forest clearing visited by African grey parrots, forest elephants, forest buffalos,
sitatunga and sometimes forest hogs, stork, and bongo, the largest species of forest
antelope in Africa. There will also be an opportunity to explore the forest trails
surrounding the clearing on foot which is guaranteed to get the heart pumping if
elephants and buffalo are encountered!
Birding in the Reserve is excellent, with a species list in excess of 350. Species
include the extremely rare red-necked picathartes, the endemic Dzanga robin, and
rare Hartlaub duck.
The Reserve is also home to the indigenous Ba’aka pygmies. As well as visiting the
community and learning about the traditional way of life, visitors can accompany
them on a net hunting and food foraging outing in the rainforest.
This tour may not be for first-time visitors to Africa. However, for those with an
adventurous spirit wishing to explore a remote and little-visited part of Western Africa
with high densities of large mammal fauna, varied bird life and indigenous culture this
tour is ideal.
Lowland Gorillas, Bongos, Forest Elephants and
Day 01:
Day 02:
Arrive NAIROBI and connect with flight to BANGUI. Charter flight from
BANGUI to BAYANGA. Evening sundowner cruise. O/n SANGHA
Day 03:
Full day at Dzangha Bai. O/n SANGHA LODGE, FB.
Day 04:
Net hunt with the Ba’aka, visit a local family and experience their
music and culture. O/n SANGHA LODGE, FB
Day 05:
Full day western lowland gorilla and agile mangabey trek. O/n
Day 06:
Morning boat ride and birding from lodge. Afternoon explore the Yobe
river by pirogue. O/n SANGHA LODGE, FB
Day 07:
Optional second gorilla trek or saline walk. O/n SANGHA LODGE, FB
Day 08:
Further full day visit to Dzangha bai. O/n SANGHA LODGE, FB
Day 09:
Transfer to BAYANGA AIRSTRIP for charter flight to BANGUI.
Scheduled flight to NAIROBI and connect with flight to LONDON.
Day 10:
Morning arrival in LONDON HEATHROW.
Departure Dates from Bangui
Adult Price
Single Supplement
15 March 2012
19 July 2012
Minimum group size 6, max 9.
NB: Prices include full board accommodation at Sangha Lodge; charter flight Bangui
– Bayanga – Bangui; park fees; guided activities and the peace of mind of knowing
that your payments are fully protected by ATOL. Not included are visas; optional
second gorilla trek; drinks from the bar; gratuities; insurance or departure taxes.
Day 1:
Depart LONDON HEATHROW at 1900 (2000 for July departure) on
Day 2:
Arrive NAIROBI at 0630. Connect at 0740 with flight KQ574 TO
BANGUI, arriving at 1235. Charter flight from BANGUI to BAYANGA.
Arrival and transfer to SANGHA LODGE in time for lunch.
Stay of SEVEN nights at SANGHA LODGE, FB. The lodge is located
in the rainforests of the Dzanga Sangha Reserve in the south-western
corner of the Central African Republic. The Reserve comprises a total
area of more than 4,000 square kilometres with the two central parts
of the Reserve, the Dzanga and Ndoki sectors, constituting the
Dzanga Ndoki National Park.
The lodge was originally built
in 1993 as a base for trophy
hunters hunting the elusive
Bongo, but has since been
taken over by a long-time
conservationist and guide
who operates the lodge on a
more sustainable basis.
There are six rustic bungalows, each with their own bathroom, with hot
and cold running water and flush toilets, and a separate dining
room/bar. Expect rustic but functional facilities and services.
Though the accommodations may be simple this is more than
compensated for by the area’s spectacular wildlife. Large mammals
such as forest elephants, forest buffalos, forest hogs, gorillas and
bongos can be encountered in densities described as unique. At the
Dzanga bai (forest clearing saline) more than 4,000 elephants have
been counted and identified over the last few years. From a platform
at the edge of the clearing visitors frequently have the chance to
observe between 30 and 100 elephants feeding on the mineral-rich
soil and interacting with each other. There is a gorilla trekking option,
with western lowland gorillas, and net hunting with the Ba’aka
In the evening enjoy a sundowner cruise upriver from the lodge. The
motor will be switched off and cold drinks enjoyed as the sun sets over
the forest and the following week’s program is discussed with the
Day 3:
Travel 90 minutes by vehicle and then an hour walk to DZANGA BAI.
From an elevated platform at the edge of the bai it is possible to
observe between 400 and 100 elephants daily. The elevated density
of wildlife at the bai can be explained by the presence of soil that is
rich in minerals and clay. Besides elephants other animal species
that can be observed include sitatunga, forest buffalo, bongo, red
forest hog, and a great variety of birds including African grey parrots.
Return to the lodge in time for dinner. O/n SANGHA LODGE, FB
Day 4:
After breakfast accompany the Ba’aka on a net hunt. Hunting
mobilises large groups of Ba’aka pygmy men and women, who leave
together for the forest. Normally each family brings with them their
long nets made from strips of liana bark (known locally as ‘kusa’).
Women transport their things in ‘ikwa’. Young children are carried on
the body and tied to the waist with a piece of cloth. The men carry
nets and spears.
Return to the lodge for lunch then visit a Ba’aka family and experience
their music and culture. After dinner at the lodge walk with spotlights
and the guides in to the forest behind the lodge. Some of the more
unusual nocturnal species like galago, potto, genet, civet, golden cat,
hammer bat and a number of owls can be seen. O/n SANGHA
Day 5:
Drive about 90 minutes to begin trekking with western lowland gorillas.
At sunrise a team leaves the camp with information about where the
gorillas slept the previous night. As soon as the nest site is found, the
team, including pygmy trackers, then follows the traces the gorillas
have left while moving and feeding. (Cont…/)
To do this elephant paths and narrow trails are followed and the trek
can be quite strenuous as gorillas can sometimes cover significant
distances before finding a fruit tree of choice.
Sometimes two hours can pass before establishing contact with the
gorillas. At noon the tracking team is replaced by a second team who
will continue to follow the gorillas in the afternoon.
There are two places to view gorillas, and only three persons are
allowed at a time eg 6 per location per day so one group will be about
an hour ‘behind’ the other group of three OR three persons visit the
mangabeys, starting in the early morning, then trek gorillas, whilst the
others trek the gorillas, then the mangabeys.
The gorillas are well-habituated but not as ‘user-friendly’ and close as
the mountain gorillas in Uganda. Unless there is a mock charge by the
dominant male, most of the time the gorillas are viewed from a
distance of 15 – 20 metres. Encountering the gorillas cannot be
guaranteed, but almost 90% of visitors have seen gorillas in close
Agile managbeys are mostly ground dwelling medium-sized monkeys
(males 7 – 12 kg, females 5 – 7 kg) that feed on a diverse array of
fruits, seeds, stems, mushrooms, eggs, insects, crustaceans and
small mammals. The group has been followed since 2004 and
numbers more than 200 individuals. Though they range across an
area covering many square kilometres they can usually be observed
at distances of under 10 metres. Return to the lodge for dinner. O/n
Day 6:
Enjoy a morning boat ride and
birding from the lodge in search
picathartes and other bird
species. Please note the hike
can be quite strenuous.
In the afternoon board pirgogues
with Ba’aka guides for a 4 – 5
hour trip down the Yobe River
through beautiful primary rainforest, wildlife watching along the way.
Return to the lodge for dinner. O/n SANGHA LODE, FB.
Day 7:
Today there is an opportunity for an optional second gorilla trek (£150
GBP per person), or alternatively a Saline Walk.
The Saline Walk follows elephant paths
through the forest to the wildlife’s favoured
spots. Often these are clearings and salines,
crossed by streams and kept open by the
elephants. With a bit of luck forest elephants,
buffalos, sitatunga, bongos and primates
might be seen.
After a picnic lunch in the forest return to the
lodge and spend a few hours with the
resident Ba’aka families learning about their
collection and usage of forest plants and
herbs. O/n SANGHA LODGE, FB.
Day 8:
A further visit to Dzanga Bai for elephants etc with picnic lunch
provided. Return to the lodge in the evening for dinner. O/n SANGHA
Day 9:
Transfer to BAYANGA AIRSTRIP for the charter flight back to
BANGUI. Depart at 1320 on KENYA AIRWAYS flight KQ574 to
NAIROBI, arriving at 1830. Connect at 2345 on flight KQ102 to
Day 10:
Arrive LONDON HEATHROW at 0645.
NB: This tour will have a local bilingual naturalist guide during all excursions.
NB: All itineraries are subject to change without notice to take into account possible airline flight
schedule changes which can take place before departure date or during the tour, and other operational
NB: The quoted price for the above itinerary is based on current airline fares (both international and
domestic), current exchange rates, fuel surcharges and flight taxes. These (and other tour costs) may
be subject to unanticipated increases beyond our control at short notice, either before or after you have
booked the tour, in which case the price would need to be revised accordingly.
NB: This tour involves some travel in remote areas. This adds to the adventure and increases the
opportunity to enjoy a true wildlife experience. However, due to terrain, weather, road conditions, and
other factors beyond our control, some elements of the tour may have to be altered. Times of some
activities may need to changed or even cancelled due to the conditions. If an activity is cancelled it will
usually be replaced with an alternative activity that is more appropriate for the conditions. Advance
notice will be given for any changes where possible, although at times changes may need to be made
whilst the tour is in progress.
NB: Visitors are informed of the rules surrounding gorilla visits before leaving the camp, for example no
one with diarrhoea, a cold or other transmittable diseases is allowed to participate, as gorillas are
susceptible to human diseases. The walk to find gorillas can be fairly strenuous and a reasonable level
of fitness is required.
NB: Some service providers may require that guests sign an indemnity waiver form and may refuse
services if these forms are not signed. Reef and Rainforest Tours cannot give refunds for services not
provided due to a refusal to sign such forms.
NB: Adequate insurance cover is mandatory. Please supply us with details of your cover.
NB: Gorilla, buffalo and elephant photographs courtesy of Tony Camacho.
Reef and Rainforest Tours Ltd.
A7 Dart Marine Park, Steamer Quay, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 5AL, UK
Tel: ++ 44 (0)1803 866965 Fax: ++ 44 (0)1803 865916