Aerobic Fitness Percentiles for U.S. Adolescents Joey C. Eisenmann, PhD, Kelly R. Laurson, PhD, Gregory J. Welk, PhD Background: Although aerobic fıtness has been well studied, establishing developmental patterns from previous studies has some limitations including selection bias and the statistical modeling of growth-related data. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop age-, gender-, and race-specifıc smoothed percentiles for aerobic fıtness using the LMS (L⫽skewness, M⫽median, and S⫽coeffıcient of variation) statistical procedure in a large, multiethnic, nationally representative sample of U.S. adolescents aged 12–18 years. Methods: Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES [1999 – 2000 and 2001–2002]) were combined. In all, 2997 subjects (1478 boys and 1519 girls) completed a treadmill exercise test from which maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) was estimated from heart rate response. Percentile curves were determined by using the LMS procedure, which fıts smooth percentile curves to reference data. Results: Separate LMS curves were initially prepared for each gender and race; however, since the overall distribution of the data was not different for whites, blacks, and Hispanics, the participants were combined, and separate centile curves were prepared for boys and girls. Specifıc percentile values were created from the LMS curves, and the age- and gender-specifıc values for LMS are provided for calculation of individual z-scores (SD scores). In general, there is a slight increase in estimated VO2max of boys aged 12–15 years and then it remains stable. In girls, there is slight decrease in estimated VO2max across ages 12–18 years. Boys have higher values than girls at every age-specifıc percentile. Conclusions: This study presents age- and gender-specifıc percentiles for U.S. youth aged 12–18 years based on NHANES (1999 –2002), and adds to the recent application of the LMS statistical procedure for the construction of growth percentiles for a variety of outcomes. Comparisons are made to current FITNESSGRAM® thresholds. (Am J Prev Med 2011;41(4S2):S106 –S110) © 2011 American Journal of Preventive Medicine Introduction T here has been considerable interest in the healthrelated physical fıtness of contemporary children and adolescents.1,2 Besides body composition, and more specifıcally body fatness or its clinical outcome— obesity—aerobic (or cardiorespiratory) fıtness also receives considerable attention as a healthFrom the Departments of Kinesiology and Pediatrics and Human Development (Eisenmann), Michigan State University, East Lansing; The Healthy Weight Center at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital (Eisenmann), Grand Rapids, Michigan; the School of Kinesiology and Recreation, Illinois State University (Laurson), Normal, Illinois; and the Department of Kinesiology, Iowa State University (Welk), Ames, Iowa Address correspondence to: Joey C. Eisenmann, PhD, 27P IM Circle, Department of Kinesiology, Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 48824. E-mail: 0749-3797/$17.00 doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2011.07.005 S106 Am J Prev Med 2011;41(4S2):S106 –S110 related fıtness trait. A main reason why aerobic fıtness receives attention is the link between aerobic fıtness and chronic disease in adults.3,4 In children and adolescents, aerobic fıtness is associated with cardiovascular disease risk factors5,6 and other health outcomes.2 Recent reports have indicated that approximately one third of U.S. adolescents possess inadequate levels of aerobic fıtness.7,8 The development of clinical thresholds or recommended levels of health outcomes in youth generally takes on two approaches. The fırst is to understand the general developmental pattern in the trait of interest (i.e., age- and genderassociated variation). The second is to determine a specifıc level that adversely affects risk of health or disease outcome. The developmental pattern of aerobic fıtness has been well studied, including the classic cross-sectional investigations of Robinson9 and Astrand,10 and longitudinal studies (e.g., Saskatchewan Growth and Development Study11), and has © 2011 American Journal of Preventive Medicine • Published by Elsevier Inc. Eisenmann et al / Am J Prev Med 2011;41(4S2):S106 –S110 12–14 been extensively reviewed. However, establishing developmental patterns from these data has some limitations, including selection bias and the statistical modeling of growth-related data. Recently, the LMS (L⫽skewness, M⫽median, and S⫽coeffıcient of variation) statistical procedure has become widely used to construct growth percentiles for a variety of outcomes (e.g., height, waist circumference, blood pressure).15–20 In this paper, the LMS procedure is extended and some of the previous limitations are addressed regarding our understanding of the age- and gender-specifıc variation in aerobic fıtness by creating age-, gender-, and race-specifıc smoothed percentiles for aerobic fıtness using the LMS procedure based on a large, nationally representative data set (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, NHANES [1999 –2002]). Methods Design and Study Subjects The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey is a program of studies conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics, CDC (NCHS/CDC) designed to assess the health and nutritional status of citizens of the U.S. through interviews and direct physical examinations. Unweighted sample sizes for each 2-year wave of NHANES has a sample of approximately 2000 school-aged children and adolescents aged 8 –18 years. However, for this paper, data of the children aged 12–18 years were combined from the cross-sectional waves of NHANES (1999 –2000 and 2001–2002) because aerobic fıtness data are available only for subjects aged 12–18 years (approximately 3300 students). Since this is a nationally representative sample that includes white, black, Hispanic, Asian, and other ethnic/race groups, the results are generalizable to U.S. children and adolescents. All measurements were taken by trained health technicians in the Mobile Examination Center. Furthermore, quality control checks were included throughout the data collection procedure. The training, examination protocol, and quality control procedures are outlined in the NHANES procedures manuals available at Since the data used herein are publicly available and de-identifıed, approval from an IRB was not necessary. The entire NHANES protocol was reviewed and approved by the NCHS IRB. Assessment of Aerobic Fitness Aerobic fıtness was considered as the estimated maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). The aerobic fıtness test was performed by trained health technicians who were monitored twice per year and participated in annual retraining for quality control purposes. Since a maximal exercise test was not feasible in a large sample, the protocol used a submaximal exercise test. Based on gender, age, BMI, and self-reported level of physical activity, the non-exercise VO2max was estimated and used for participant assignment to one of eight treadmill test protocols. The goal of each protocol was to elicit a heart rate that was approximately 75% of the age-predicted maximum (220 – age) by the end of the test; however, adolescents were allowed to reach 90% of age-predicted maximum. Each protocol included a 2-minute October 2011 S107 warm-up, two 3-minute exercise stages, and a 2-minute cool-down period. Heart rate was monitored continuously using an automated monitor with four electrodes connected to the thorax and abdomen of the participant and was recorded at the end of warmup, each exercise stage, and each minute of recovery. At the end of warm-up and each exercise stage, participants were asked to rate their perceived exertion using the Borg scale. VO2max was estimated by extrapolation of heart rate from the two 3-minute exercise stages to the age-specifıc maximal heart rate (see Appendix G in the Cardiovascular Fitness Procedures Manual for details of the equation; As adolescents with a true VO2max greater than 75 mL/kg/min are uncommon, maximal oxygen consumption values greater than this were set equal to 75 mL/kg/min (1.3% of subjects, n⫽39). Data Analysis Descriptive statistics for boys and girls were calculated using SAS v 9.1. Age-, gender-, and race-specifıc percentiles were calculated for white, black, and Hispanic adolescents. Construction of the centile curves was performed using the LMS ChartMaker Pro Version 2.3 software program (The Institute of Child Health), which fıts smooth centile curves to reference data using the LMS method.15 The LMS method essentially summarizes the changing distributions by three curves representing the median (M), coeffıcient of variation (S), and skewness (L), the latter expressed as a Box-Cox power transformation. The M curve was fıtted fırst, followed by S and then L. The three curves are fıtted as cubic splines by nonlinear regression, and the extent of smoothing required is expressed in terms of smoothing parameters or equivalent df. Criteria used to judge the fıt of the curves included equivalent df indices and Q Test curves (values between –2 and ⫹2). Results Descriptive characteristics of the sample by gender are shown in Table 1. The analytic sample consisted of 1478 boys and 1519 girls, of whom 24.7% were white, 28.2% black, 43.1% Hispanic, and 4.0% other (values are unweighted percentages). Separate LMS curves were initially prepared for each gender and race (fıgures to be included on the FITNESSGRAM® website). However, since the overall distribution of the data was not different for whites, Table 1. Physical characteristics of the sample, aged 12–19 years, NHANES (1999 –2002) Boys (n⫽1478) Girls (n⫽1519) Age (years) 15.6 (0.1) 15.5 (0.1) Height (cm) 170.1 (0.5) 161.3 (0.2) Body mass (kg) 66.4 (0.7) 60.2 (0.5) BMI 22.7 (0.2) 23.0 (0.2) Estimated VO2max (mL/kg/min) 46.6 (0.5) 39.0 (0.3) Note: Values are M (SE). NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; VO2max, maximal oxygen consumption S108 Eisenmann et al / Am J Prev Med 2011;41(4S2):S106 –S110 Figure 1. Estimated VO2max in U.S. boys aged 12–18 years P, percentile; VO2max, maximal oxygen consumption blacks, and Hispanics, the participants were combined by race, and separate centile curves were prepared for boys (Figure 1) and girls (Figure 2). The specifıc percentile values created from the LMS curves are provided in Table 2 for girls and boys. In general, there is a slight increase in estimated VO2max in boys aged 12–15 years (42 to 46 mL/kg/min) and then it remains stable. In girls, there is slight decrease in estimated VO2max across ages 12–18 years (39 to 37 mL/kg/min). Boys have higher values than girls at every age-specifıc percentile. The LMS procedure generates age- and genderspecifıc values (Table 3). These values depict the nature of the age-related distributions for boys and girls and can be used to calculate z-scores (SD scores) (z-score or SD score ⫽ [(Measurement/M)L–1]/(L ⫻ S). that VO2max decreases during adolescence. Although the median values show a slight decrease, one may argue that without knowing the SE of the estimate for the prediction equation, the VO2max values may be fairly stable. In recent years, the physical fıtness of youth has been a concern.1,2 Much of this concern is based on the pediatric obesity epidemic. It is important to note that body fatness is one component of health-related physical fıtness.21 Prior to the pediatric obesity epidemic beginning in the mid-1980s, several studies in pediatric exercise science focused on VO2max of children. In 1985, Krahenbuhl et al.12 summarized the available data on directly measured aerobic fıtness and constructed scatterplots (VO2max by age) of the available data with a regression line that has often been cited as the “reference” value for boys and girls. However, many of the studies included in this review were based on convenient samples, and this perhaps resulted in higher “typical” values (e.g., 52 mL/kg/min in boys). In addition, Washington et al.22 published normative data for VO2max from a sample of 151 (70 girls and 81 boys) aged 7–13 years that became widely disseminated for clinical exercise testing.23 The percentiles presented herein are based on NHANES, which employs random representative sampling involving several race groups. Thus, this sampling scheme represents a major strength of the current paper. On the other hand, a limitation to the current report is that VO2max was estimated from a submaximal test rather than being directly measured via indirect calorimetry during a maximal test. Unfortunately, the validity of this submaximal treadmill test to predict VO2max in Discussion This study presents age- and gender-specifıc percentiles for U.S. youth aged 12–18 years, and adds to the recent application of the LMS statistical procedure for the construction of growth percentiles for a variety of outcomes (e.g., height, waist circumference, blood pressure).15–20 These reference values can be used as normative data and also for baseline values for subsequent surveillance of the aerobic fıtness level of U.S. adolescents. The age- and gender-related developmental patterns of aerobic fıtness have been well studied in nonrepresentative samples.12–14 Aside from the specifıc values, the growth curves for boys are similar to previous research on developmental changes in aerobic fıtness. In general, VO2max remains relatively stable in boys. In girls, it is generally thought Figure 2. Estimated VO2max in U.S. girls aged 12–18 years P, percentile; VO2max, maximal oxygen consumption Eisenmann et al / Am J Prev Med 2011;41(4S2):S106 –S110 S109 Table 2. Smoothed LMS curves for various percentiles of estimated VO2max (mL/kg/ min) in the 1999 –2002 NHANES 170 beats/minute (PWC 170) is a submaximal test based on heart rate. In 2nd 5th 10th 15th 25th 50th 75th 90th 95th this regard, PWC 170 revealed high correlation BOYS with VO2max, r ⫽0.84 in Age (years) 24 boys and 24 girls 12 30.0 32.0 33.9 35.2 37.5 42.3 48.1 54.6 59.2 (mean age ⫽ 15.5⫾0.6 13 30.7 32.7 34.7 36.1 38.4 43.4 49.4 56.0 60.6 years).24 Another limitation is the cross-sectional 14 31.3 33.4 35.5 37.0 39.4 44.5 50.7 57.4 62.0 design. To fully under15 32.0 34.2 36.4 37.9 40.4 45.7 52.0 58.8 63.4 stand the development of 16 32.3 34.6 36.8 38.4 40.9 46.3 52.6 59.4 64.1 VO2max during adoles17 32.2 34.6 36.8 38.4 41.0 46.4 52.8 59.5 64.1 cence, longitudinal studies are required so that 18 32.1 34.5 36.8 38.4 41.0 46.5 52.8 59.5 64.1 the individual trajectories GIRLS of VO2max can be examAge (years) ined by taking into consideration the timing and 12 28.4 30.0 31.6 32.8 34.7 39.0 44.3 50.5 55.1 tempo of growth and 13 27.9 29.6 31.2 32.4 34.4 38.6 43.8 49.7 53.9 maturation. 14 27.4 29.1 30.8 32.1 34.1 38.3 43.4 48.9 52.8 This is not the fırst re15 27.0 28.8 30.5 31.8 33.8 38.0 43.0 48.4 52.1 port to present percentiles for VO2max using 16 26.7 28.5 30.3 31.5 33.5 37.8 42.9 48.3 52.0 these data. Pate and col17 26.7 28.4 30.1 31.4 33.4 37.7 42.9 48.8 52.9 leagues7 calculated un18 26.4 28.1 29.8 31.0 33.0 37.4 42.9 49.2 53.8 smoothed deciles. The percentiles resulting from Note: Age indicates whole age group (e.g., 8.0 – 8.99 years). the LMS procedure were LMS, L⫽skewness, M⫽median, and S⫽coefficient of variation; NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; VO2max, maximal oxygen consumption comparable to the deciles of estimated VO2max valadolescents aged 12–18 years is not available. The estimaues recently reported by Pate et al. However, they comtion of VO2max is based on the well-established concept bined age groups (e.g., 12 and 13 years) and did not present of the linear association between heart rate and VO2 used LMS coeffıcients for the calculation of an individual SD score. The calculation of an individual SD score or z-score may prove in several submaximal exercise tests. Similarly, a test important to research and clinic evaluation. such as the physical working capacity at a heart rate of Table 3. Age-specific LMS values for boys and girls aged 12–18 years Boys Age (years) Girls L M S L M S 12 –0.60 42.3 0.185 –0.95 39.0 0.180 13 –0.54 43.4 0.186 –0.74 38.6 0.180 14 –0.48 44.5 0.186 –0.54 38.3 0.180 15 –0.42 45.7 0.186 –0.42 38.0 0.180 16 –0.36 46.3 0.186 –0.42 37.8 0.182 17 –0.30 46.4 0.187 –0.59 37.7 0.187 18 –0.24 46.5 0.188 –0.75 37.4 0.194 LMS, L⫽skewness, M⫽median, and S⫽coefficient of variation October 2011 The importance of aerobic fıtness in clinical and health screenings is noteworthy, given its relationship with cardiovascular disease risk factors in youth and other health outcomes2 and the tracking of VO2max from adolescence into adulthood,25 where it is known to influence morbidity and mortality.3,4 Despite the increased recognition of aerobic fıtness as a risk factor for adverse chronic medical conditions,26 there S110 Eisenmann et al / Am J Prev Med 2011;41(4S2):S106 –S110 remains little consensus on a universally accepted classifıcation system for childhood and adolescence. Currently, thresholds from FITNESSGRAM,27 a comprehensive youth fıtness assessment program that provides criterion-referenced standards for health-related physical fıtness, are widely used in the U.S. Using the previous FITNESSGRAM healthy fıtness zone thresholds, about 33% of U.S. adolescents have a “low fıtness” level.7,8 Data are not available to determine prevalence of low fıtness using the new samples. This brief report presents the age- and gender-specifıc percentiles for aerobic fıtness of a nationally representative sample of U.S. boys and girls aged 12–18 years. This information provides useful reference data to facilitate future epidemiology research on aerobic fıtness in youth. Publication of this article was supported by The Cooper Institute through a philanthropic gift from Lyda Hill. No fınancial disclosures were reported by the authors of this paper. References 1. Malina RM. Physical fıtness of children and adolescents in the U.S.: status and secular change. 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