Chem 8361/4361: Interpretation of Organic Spectra Problem Set 1 Due on Sept. 28, 2009 1) Work the following problems in Silverstein: Chapter 1, 1.6, 1.8, 1.9 Mass 56.0264 73.0896 74.0363 89.0479 94.0535 96.0572 98.0736 100.0893 102.0678 113.0845 114.1043 116.0841 116.1206 122.0733 122.0733 126.1041 138.0687 150.0041 152.0476 156.9934 161.9637 169.9735 208.0094 1.6 (Spectrum) H G F I N W R E L M A T,B T,B K,V K,V S J D O P U C Q 1.8 (Formula) C3H4O C4H11N C3H6O2 C3H7NO2 C5H6N2 C6H8O C6H10O C6H12O C5H10O2 C6H11NO C7H14O C6H12O2 C7H16O C8H10O C8H10O C8H14O C8H10O2 C5H11Br C8H8O3 C6H4NO2Cl C6H4OCl2 C7H7Br C7H13O2Br 1.9 (HDI) 2 0 1 1 4 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 0 4 4 2 4 0 5 5 4 4 1 NOTE: For the formulas with halogens the exact masses will not have a close neighbor with those in Appendix A. To figure out those formula you must first identify what halogen and how many are present. Then subtract the mass of the lowest isotope (see Table 1.4, pg 15) from the exact mass. This will give you a new mass for looking up in Appendix A. Example: For 150.0041 the prominent M+2 peak in Spectrum D tells us there is a bromine present. If we subtract 78.9183 from 150.0041 we get 71.0858. This new mass corresponds to C5H11. Chapter 2, 2.2 a. benzonitrile b. isobutylamine c. diphenyl sulfone d. dioxane e. 1-nitropropane f. formic acid g. biphenyl h. benzoic acid i. benzamide Chapter 2, 2.7 Formula = C2H3NS -> C3H4S -> C3H4 -> HDI = 2 1) No stretches above 3000 cm-1 indicates no NH or C=CH. 2) The large peak ~2100 cm-1 indicates the presence of a sp-atom. There are a number of functional groups that contain this type of carbon, but we can get rid of a number of these because of the limited number of atoms we have to work with [No N=C=N (not enough N), no C=C=C (no enough C), no C=N=N (not enough N), no N=N=N (not enough N), no N=C=O (no O)]. This leaves us with a nitrile, isonitrile, thiocyanate, or isothiocyanate as a possibility. HS N HS N C H3C N C S H3C S C N The first two can be eliminated because there is no S-H stretch at ~2600 cm cm-1. While comparison with known spectra of the remaining two structures would be the safest way to determine what we have, isothiocyantes (structure 3) have another stretch in the fingerprint region. There is a good stretch at 647 cm-1 that points to structure 3 being the identity of this compound. Chapter 2, 2.9 There are multiple possible answers depending on how close you want to look. I have only identified a few key ones. The formula and HDI from the table above should also be consulted. Spectrum A – C=O (possibly ketone), no C=C, no OH Spectrum B – OH, no C=C, no C=O Spectrum C – Possible C=CH, no C=O possible aromatic Spectrum D – No C=C, no C=O Spectrum E – C=O (possibly ketone or aldehyde), no C=C, no OH Spectrum F – Probably CO2H, no C=C Spectrum G – N-H, no C=C, no C=O Spectrum H – OH, probable terminal alkyne, no C=C, no CO2H Spectrum I – NO2 likely, No NH, no OH, no C=O, no C=C Spectrum J – Probable OH, probably aromatics, no C=O Spectrum K – Probable aromatics, no OH, no C=O Spectrum L – probable CO2R, no C=C, no OH Spectrum M – NH or OH, C=O (acid or amide), possible C=C, no aromatics (HDI too low) Spectrum N – aromatics likely, no NH, no C=O Spectrum O – possible OH, possible CO2H, aromatics likely Spectrum P – aromatic likely, likely NO2, no NH, no OH, no aliphatic C-H, no C=O, Spectrum Q – possible OH, C=O (possibly CO2H), no C=C, no aromatics Spectrum R – possible OH, terminal alkyne likely, no C=O, no C=C Spectrum S – C=O (ketone or aldehyde), C=C unlikely, no OH, no aromatics Spectrum T – OH, C=O (possible CO2H), C=C unlikely, no aromatics Spectrum U – possible OH, aromatics, likely few aliphatic C-H, possible C=O Spectrum V – OH, possible aromatics, no C=O Spectrum W – C=O, possible C=C, alkyne unlikely, 2) Calculate the molecular formula, HDI, and propose structures for the following compounds. Problem 12: DETERMINATION OF FORMULA: Rule of 13: From MS: simple looking spectrum with M–127 peak & m/z = 127 MW = 156 From IR and NMR: does not seem to have much in the way of heteroatoms n = 12 156 / 13 = 12 probably has I C12H12 – C10H7 + I = C2H5I is molecular formula Base formula is C12H12 This is consistent with NMR data (two carbons in 13C spectrum) HDI: C2H5I C2H6 HDI = 0 There is really only one way to put this together I ***Note the distinctive chemical shift of the CH2 that is attached to the iodine*** Problem 25: DETERMINATION OF FORMULA: Rule of 13: From MS: odd mass points to odd number of nitrogens m/z = 77 and m/z = 91 is indicative of a PhCH2 group m/z = 91 = M–26 points to loss of C N MW = 117 117 / 13 = 9 n=9 IR and 13C NMR confirms presence of nitrile: IR: peak ~2251 cm-1 Base formula is C9H9 13C NMR: peak with no attached protons at ~118 ppm Does not seem to be much else in the way of heteroatoms C9H9 – CH2 + N = C8H7N is molecular formula HDI: C8H7N C9H8 SUBSTRUCTURES: CH2 HDI = 6 m/z = 91, 1H integrations, 13C shifts IR stretch would be a little lower 2150–2110 NC There are two ways to put these together C N N C 13 C shift would be higher ~160 ppm Most consistent with data Problem 52: DETERMINATION OF FORMULA: From MS: pattern of M+ ion is indicative of two bromine atoms being present small M–79 peak looks to be present, M–158 could be loss of two romine atoms Rule of 13: MW = 310 310 / 13 = 23.84615 n = 23 NMR and IR do not indicate much else in the way of heteroatoms must add 11 H's 23 x 13 = 299 Base formula is C23H34 C23H34 – 2(C6H7) + Br2 = C11H20Br2 is molecular formula BUT...this would give a HDI of 1 No aliphatic carbons or protons are present. So we must adjust the formula by taking away H's C11H20Br2 – H12 + C = C12H8Br2 is molecular formula HDI: C12H8Br2 C12H10 HDI = 8 Consistent with having lots of carbons and no aliphatic protons SUBSTRUCTURES: Br or Must be highly symmetric with respect to protons and carbons Both aromatic rings have to be the same Br Possible Structures: Br IR peak at ~800 cm-1 is more consistent with para substitution Br Br Problem 67: DETERMINATION OF FORMULA: Rule of 13: IR: broad peak ~3420 cm-1 and stretch at 1742 cm-1 OH group and C=O; probably not CO2H, most likely CO2R MW = 104 104 / 13 = 8 n=8 Base formula is C8H8 1H NMR: exchangeable peak ~3.6 ppm; not CO2H 13C NMR: peak with no attached protons at ~173 ppm C8H8 – 3(CH4) + O3 = C5H-4O3 must add H's to get positive C5H-4O3 – C + H12 = C4H8O3 is molecular formula This is consistent with NMR data (8 H's and four carbons) HDI: C4H8O3 C4H8 HDI = 1 Consistent with CO2R and no other unsaturations or rings SUBSTRUCTURES: O From 1H NMR this is a singlet HO CH2 CH3 CH2 O From 1H NMR these are coupled to each other O There are two ways to put these together: O chemical shift of CH2 is most consistent with this structure O OH HO O hemi-acetal is probably not too stable Problem 74: DETERMINATION OF FORMULA: Rule of 13: From MS: odd mass points to odd number of nitrogens MW = 101 IR: broad peak ~3305 cm-1 N–H 101 / 13 = 7.76923 1H 7 x 13 = 91 n=7 NMR: two broad exchangeable protons at ~1.2 ppm 13C must add 10 H's NMR: not peaks above 60 ppm Probably only one nitrogen atom and no other heteroatoms Base formula is C7H17 C7H17 – CH2 + N = C6H15N is molecular formula This is consistent with the six carbon atoms in the 13C spectrum HDI: C6H15N C7H16 HDI = 0 Consistent with all of the carbon atoms being below 40 ppm SUBSTRUCTURES: CH3 H2N CH2 5x From DEPT spectrum There are several possible amine that could be drawn with six saturated carbon atoms. However, only one isomer will give us an NH2 and one methyl group. NH2 Problem 78: DETERMINATION OF FORMULA: From IR and NMR: appears to be two CO2H Rule of 13: IR: very broad peak ~3000 cm-1 and stretch at 1729 cm-1 MW = 160 160 / 13 = 12.3077 12 x 13 = 156 1H n = 12 NMR: taken in D2O so we cannot determine how many acidic H's there are 13C must add 4 H's NMR: two peaks at 170 and 175 ppm, consistent with CO2H or CO2R no peaks in C–O bond area Base formula is C12H16 C12H16 – 4(CH4) + O4 = C8H0O4 must add H's!! C8H0O4 – C + H12 = C7H12O4 is molecular formula This is consistent with NMR data (ten proton's are seen and two CO2H are inferred) HDI: C7H12O4 C7H12 HDI = 2 Consistent with two CO2H and no other unsaturations SUBSTRUCTURES: O H3C C HO 2x 2x 1.0 (s, 6H) CH2 CH2 From 1H NMR these are coupled to each other 13C 43 ppm There is really only one way to put these together HO2C CO2H