Name: Touching Spirit Bear Part II If you do not have a book with you, use the link on the 8th Grade ELA website. You need to copy and paste the link into a new web page. Page numbers online may not match exactly to the ones listed. The text will be near the page numbers listed. Assignment: Read Chapter 14-16 (115-139) ~24 pg and complete questions Thursday, October 15 Chapter 14 1. Cole’s mother appears to have a change of heart regarding her lifestyle and relationship with Cole. Describe the changes and consider why you think she has changed. Chapter 15 1. How does Edwin demonstrate the change in Cole’s path in life? Chapter 16 1. How is Cole’s second trip to the island being funded? How should this make a difference for Cole? 2. What could Garvey’s observation that “all the world is a hot dog” mean? 3. Cole briefly considers the possibility of taking the skiff and returning to the mainland. However, even if he had tried, Edwin had removed the spark plugs from the engine, so it would not have worked. What does this incident tell us about Cole, Edwin, and Garvey? Assignment: Read Chapter 17 & 18 (140-157) ~17 pg and complete questions Chapter 17 1. Cole thinks about Peter when he cannot sleep. What are his thoughts? How are these thoughts different from his earlier feelings about Peter? 2. Edwin uses a stick to demonstrate a point to Cole. What is this point? Explain. Chapter 18 1. Cole is upset that Edwin and Garvey are not helping with anything. By doing nothing, are they helping Cole? Explain. 2. What activities do Cole and Edwin do to help Cole release his anger? Assignment: Read Part of Chapter 19 (163-166), Part of Chapter 20 (171-176), summary for Chapter 21, Chapter 22 (185-188), and Chapter 23 (189194) ~17 pages and complete questions Chapter 19 Summary: Wolf Dance The chapter again begins with an animal sighting as Edwin and Cole return from their morning lessons. This time, it is a wolf sighting. Garvey insists that this night they will do a “wolf dance.” The rest of the day is consumed by Cole constructing the shelter again, and he becomes irritated. In a fit of anger, Cole tells Edwin and Garvey that he won’t cook them food or do the wolf dance. They threaten to return him to Minnesota, since he had broken part of the agreement, and then Cole immediately returns to do everything they ask. The two men retire to the tent while Cole does the wolf dance on his own. The lesson of the wolf dance is “that you need the help of others, like a wolf pack.” nd *Start Reading on pg. 163, 2 paragraph from the top Name: Chapter 19 1. What lesson does Cole learn from the wolf dance? How does the lesson apply to Cole’s current state of mind? 2. When pushing the rock down the hill, Cole comes to a realization. What is it? Chapter 20 Summary: Spirit Bear Dance Cole returns to tell Edwin and Garvey of his morning, and he nearly finishes constructing the shelter, installing a door and windows. The two adults are so impressed that they tell Cole that they are leaving him the next morning. Cole prepares an extra special meal for them as their last dinner together. Since Cole saw the Spirit Bear, he proposes to do a Spirit Bear dance as the last dance before the two leave. Cole’s spirit bear dance reenacts his mauling in its entirety before Edwin and Garvey. th *Starts 4 paragraph down on page 171 through end of chapter Chapter 20 1. What realization does Cole have regarding his father? 2. Edwin put the spark plugs back in the boat two days before he and Garvey left. What does this indicate? Summary for Chapter 21 Cole is finally alone on the island, and he focuses on keeping himself busy as much as possible. He occupied himself building furniture for his shelter. Edwin makes his first visit back four days later, and Cole seems to be doing well still. When Cole finds a huge washed-up pole, he decides to make a totem pole carving out of it. However, the log brings the possibility of making a canoe for escape, and Cole skips his morning soak in the freezing pond as he contemplates this possibility with anger in his heart for the first time since Edwin and Garvey departed. On his next visit, Edwin sees that Cole had started to make a canoe but had instead crafted part of a totem pole, and Edwin is impressed that Cole has chosen the right course. Cole signals his first signs of feeling compassion for Peter, who Edwin reports is not doing well. Cole dances an eagle dance, but Edwin says that he is not ready for an anger dance, the one that would heal him the most. Chapter 22 1. How does Cole make himself invisible, and why is he doing this? Chapter 23 1. Cole decides that he can now do the anger dance. When he is doing it, he screams, “Please forgive me! I didn’t mean to hurt Peter!” Is this statement true? Why or why not? Think back to his motivations at the time of the assault, Cole’s family history, and Cole’s reaction to Peter when he hears him speak for the first time since the assault at the Circle on page 40 to help answer the question. 2. Cole also states, “I forgive you” during his anger dance. To whom do you think he intends these statements? Why? Assignment: Read Chapter 24, Chapter 25 (206-214), parts of Chapter 26 (223225) ~24 pages and complete questions Chapter 24 1. At the opening of the chapter, what does Cole realize about being angry? Chapter 25 1. Peter twice attempts to commit suicide, and Cole believes the answer to Peter’s problems is to have him spend time on the island. Why does Cole think this is a good idea? 2. Peter blurts, “Leave me alone. I don’t want your help!” to Cole. How is this situation similar to Cole’s initial feelings about Garvey and Edwin? How is it different? Chapter 26 Summary for pages 215-222 Peter’s parents decide to leave the next morning, since they feel that Peter is safe with Garvey’s protection, but Mr. Driscal sternly warns Cole that if he touches Peter, he’ll go to jail for sure. Peter still doesn’t want to speak to Cole, but after Cole offers him a Name: candy bar, he takes it. Garvey and Cole chat for a while about life back in Minneapolis. Cole’s father has filed for Cole’s custody, but Garvey assures Cole that he will never win it. Cole’s mother is also said to be doing well. Since Peter is still afraid of Cole, Cole has to sleep in a cold, leaky tent 100 yards away from the shelter as Garvey and Peter sleep in the warmth. The next morning, Peter and Garvey accompany Cole to the freezing pond, although only Cole gets in, and then they carry the ancestor rock up the hill again as well. Days go by without any change in Peter. *Start reading on top of page 223 Chapter 26 1. Do you think that Edwin purposely brought a leaky tent? Why or why not? 2. Infer why Peter threw the rock at Cole and later tossed him into the water? Assignment: Read Chapter 27 (226-232), and Chapter 28 (233-240) ~14 pages and complete questions Chapter 27 1. What does Peter do to Cole’s totem pole at the end of the chapter? What does this say about the change in Peter’s attitude towards Cole? Chapter 28 1. Why does Cole not fight back? Why is this important? 2. The boys see the Spirit Bear and carve circles in their totem poles pgs. 238-240. What is the significance of these two events? Answer the questions. 1. Reread the climax on pages 235-237. Describe and provide evidence why you think this is the most important event. Tie the event back to the main conflict of the story. 2. What is the main conflict of the story and how is it resolved? (Remember they must be related.) 3. Reflect (think) back on the entire book. What is the theme of the book? Explain with support from the text. Complete the story map. Test on _________________.