Incoming Freshman Summer Book Test Study Guide Summer 2014 Book I – Choice 1: Study Guide for Touching Spirit Bear Test will be a scantron format (multiple choice, matching, true/false-type questions) – you MUST bring pencils and erasers to the test. Note: Those enrolled in English 1H are expected to earn an 85 or higher on each summer book test.] Identify characters (pay attention to their descriptions and actions in the story): Cole Matthews Garvey Nathaniel Blackwood Cole’s parents Tanner Peter Driscal Edwin Spirit Bear Peter’s parents the Keeper Judge Rosey Settings Southeast Alaskan Island of the Tlingits near Drake Minneapolis, Minnesota Hospital in Minnesota Circle Justice Themes Fear, responsibility, anger, immaturity, respect, kindness, family relationships, justice, choices, survival, trust, truth, commitment, courage, healing, forgiveness, healing, revenge, discovery Chapter 1 1. Where is Cole being sent, and why is he being sent there? 2. How does Cole feel about banishment as a punishment? 3. How does Cole view adults and authority? 4. Describe what Circle Justice is. Chapter 2 1. Garvey tells Cole that “You figure if I’m scared of you, you can trust me.” What does he mean by this? Do you agree or disagree with this statement? 2. What are some of the advice and warnings Edwin gives Cole for surviving the island? 3. Spirit Bear is introduced in Chapter Two. Describe this bear. 4. Is there any significance in the fact that Spirit Bear is a pure white black bear? 5. What does Cole say he would do to Spirit Bear? What does Edwin tell him? 6. What does Garvey leave with Cole? What must he do with it? 7. Do you think Garvey agreed to be Cole’s sponsor for the Circle because Cole genuinely had changed? Why or why not? 8. What does Cole do to his shelter at the end of the chapter? Why do you think he did this? Chapter 3 1. How does Garvey convince Cole to eat the groceries? 2. Think back to Garvey’s statement in the first chapter that “Something terrible has happened to you to make you want to kill a poor, small animal.” Then look at the list of the “ingredients” of Cole’s life on page 3. How do these connect? 4. Describe Cole’s plan to escape the island. Do you think he will be successful? 5. Who is allowed to be at Cole’s Circle? 6. Why is it important for Peter to forgive Cole? Chapter 4 1. Why is it significant that Cole gives a threatening look to Peter at the beginning of the Circle? 2. According to the Keeper, what is the point of the Circle, and why does regular justice often fail? 3. Do you think that everybody who is present at the Circle has a sincere reason for being there? Do you think that there are people who don’t want to be there? Chapter 5 1 Incoming Freshman Summer Book Test Study Guide Summer 2014 1. For the first time, Cole admits that he made a mistake. What was this mistake? 2. Describe Cole’s first encounter with what appears to be Spirit Bear. Chapter 6 1. What does Cole accuse his father of in the Circle? How does his father respond? 2. Why do you think Cole’s mother did not tell the Circle how his father would beat up on him? 3. When the Keeper asks Peter what needs to be done to make things better, he responds by saying “I think someone should smash Cole’s head against a sidewalk so he knows how it feels.” Do you think Cole already knows how this might feel? Why or why not? 4. When leaving the Circle, in reference to his father Cole asks Garvey “Did you hear him lie tonight?” Garvey responds “He wasn’t the only one.” To whom is Garvey referring? 5. Cole reformulates his plans for leaving the island. How will he try his next escape? 6. Garvey discusses some of the reasons that isolation works to help heal a criminal. What are these reasons? 7. What will happen to Cole after the banishment is over? Chapter 7 1. What weapon does Cole create and how does he make it? What does he intend to use it for? 2. Cole plans on escaping the island, yet still attempts to kill Spirit Bear. What does this say about Cole, and his respect for life? 3. As Cole inches towards Spirit Bear, he stops, looks around, and becomes aware that nobody is watching and he could easily back away. What compels him to keep approaching Spirit Bear? 4. Describe Spirit Bear and its characteristics. Chapter 8 1. Describe Spirit Bear’s attack on Cole. 2. As Cole lays bleeding, he thinks to himself “What luck… [t]o end up on an island with a stupid bear that didn’t have brains enough to run away.” Has Cole realized his responsibility for what has happened? 3. Cole states he would rather be in a prison cell than on the island. What are his reasons? 4. What does Cole’s crushing of the caterpillar indicate about his personality, even in his beaten state? 5. Look back to Peter’s comments at the Circle on page 50. What parallels are there between what Peter wanted for Cole and what has happened to him? 6. Do you feel bad for what has happened to Cole? Why or why not? Chapter 9 1. Cole comments that “Nobody else cared about him, so why should he care about himself?” Is it true that nobody else cares about him? Even if nobody cares about Cole, why should he care about himself? 2. What happens to the tree with the sparrow’s nest during the electrical storm? 3. Why do you think Cole calls out to see if the baby sparrows are okay? Chapter 10 1. Cole notices that the baby sparrows tried to do something before their death. What was it? How does Cole relate this to his experience growing up? 2. Cole begins to think about the circle of life. What is this circle, according to Cole, and how does he feel about his role in it? 3. Cole thinks “The power to choose was the real power, not the fake power of making others afraid.” Explain this statement. 4. What does Cole catch to eat at the end of this chapter? Chapter 11 1. In this chapter, what are some of the things Cole does to survive? Chapter 12 1. When Spirit Bear comes back, why do you think Cole chooses not to spit on him, but instead touch him? 2. How does Cole feel about death? 3. What was the buzzing sound Cole heard? 4. Was it really the seagulls grabbing at Cole and trying to lift him up? 5. What do Edwin and Garvey do with Cole? Chapter 13 1. When Rosey asks for a blanket, Garvey wants to hand him the at.óow. Why is it significant that Cole reaches out and grabs it? 2 Incoming Freshman Summer Book Test Study Guide Summer 2014 2. Why is it significant that Cole whispers “My fault!” when Garvey apologizes for getting Cole into this situation? 3. Why does Cole throw out the hair he pulled from Spirit Bear? Would you have done the same? 4. Edwin says that Cole will be okay if he ever finds a reason to live. Do you think Cole has found his reason to live? Explain. Chapter 14 1. What happened to Cole’s father? Why does it seem Cole’s mother charged him? 2. Cole’s mother appears to have a change of heart regarding her lifestyle and relationship with Cole. Describe the changes and consider why you think she has changed. 3. Cole’s mother discusses how his father was beaten as a child, and she says this was a reason for him abusing Cole. How is this also a circle? 4. When Cole returns to the Circle, there are two people missing. Who are they? Why do you think they are not there? Chapter 15 1. How is Peter recovering from the injuries caused by Cole? 2. How does Edwin demonstrate the change in Cole’s path in life? 3. What did Edwin’s friend Bernie see on an island near the one on which Cole had been placed? What does this prove? 4. Peter’s lawyer is very abrupt and not kind to Cole. Why do you think the lawyer acts in this manner? 5. The Keeper says that they have no way of knowing if Cole is over his anger. What is his response? 6. What news does Cole receive from Edwin and Garvey at the chapter’s end? Would you have made the same decision? Why or why not? Chapter 16 1. How is Cole’s second trip to the island being funded? 2. What are some of the first tasks Cole has to complete? 3. What could Garvey’s observation that “all the world is a hot dog” (139) mean? 4. Cole briefly considers the possibility of taking the skiff and returning to the mainland. However, even if he had tried, Edwin had removed WHAT from the engine? Chapter 17 1. Cole thinks about Peter when he cannot sleep. What are his thoughts? How are these thoughts different from his earlier feelings about Peter? 2. Edwin uses a stick to demonstrate a point to Cole. What is this point? Chapter 18 1. What does Cole begin building in this chapter? Why must it be of such high quality, and why do Edwin and Garvey not help him with the labor? 2. Edwin states “Pride has no place on this island.” Cite two instances in this chapter where Cole puts his pride ahead of practicality. 3. Cole is upset that Edwin and Garvey are not helping with anything. By doing nothing, are they helping Cole? 4. What does Cole take away from the whale dance? 5. What activities do Cole and Edwin do to help Cole release his anger? Chapter 19 1. What does Cole do after working on his shelter? 2. What is Garvey’s response to Cole? Do you think it is fair? 3. What lesson does Cole learn from the wolf dance? 4. When pushing the rock down the hill, Cole comes to a realization. What is it? 5. What does Cole see as he begins to return to camp? Chapter 20 1. What realization does Cole have regarding his father? 2. Why do you think that Edwin and Garvey don’t heap a lot of praise on Cole for building his cabin? 3. Edwin put the spark plugs back in the boat two days before he and Garvey left. What does this indicate? Chapter 21 1. Cole discovers a large piece of driftwood along the beach and realizes that there are two possible uses for it. What are they? 2. What does Cole do with the log? 3 Incoming Freshman Summer Book Test Study Guide Summer 2014 3. Do you think Cole is sincere when he asks Edwin about how Peter is doing? Why or why not? 4. How does Edwin explain totem poles to Cole? Chapter 22 1. How does Cole make himself invisible, and why is he doing this? 2. Cole appears to have discovered why Spirit Bear came to visit him, and why the fish and beaver came so close to him. What do you think the reason is? Chapter 23 1. What does Cole believe to be the secret to be invisible? Why does he come to this conclusion? 2. What does Cole see after allowing his mind to clear and letting himself become one with nature? 3. Cole decides that he can now do the anger dance. When he is doing it, he screams “Please forgive me! I didn’t mean to hurt Peter!” Think back to his motivations at the time of the assault, Cole’s family history, and Cole’s reaction to Peter when he hears him speak for the first time since the assault at the Circle on page 40. Is this statement true? 4. Cole also states “I forgive you” during his anger dance. To whom do you think he intends these statements? Chapter 24 1. What does Cole note about being angry at the opening of the chapter? 2. Cole learns that if he cannot help the person he wronged, he should then help somebody else. What does he correctly speculate about Edwin and Garvey? 3. Cole spots the Spirit Bear every few days now. What does this indicate about the change in Cole? 4. When Cole starts thinking about his return to Minneapolis, what is he concerned about? Why is this unusual? 5. Peter twice attempts to commit suicide, and Cole believes the answer to Peter’s problems is to have him spend time on the island. Why does Cole think this is a good idea, and do you think that it will work? 6. Cole attempts to carve the bottom of the totem pole several times in this chapter, but cannot find an appropriate symbol for him getting over his anger. What do you think Cole should carve? Chapter 25 1. What is Cole’s idea to cure Peter’s depression? How does Edwin react to this suggestion? 2. Do you think it is a good idea for Peter to visit the island? Why or why not? 3. About two weeks after Cole’s suggestion, who arrives on the island? 4. Peter blurts “Leave me alone. I don’t want your help!” to Cole. How is this situation similar to Cole’s initial feelings about Garvey and Edwin? How is it different? Chapter 26 1. Peter does not want to sleep in the cabin with Cole. What arrangements are made for Cole’s living quarters while Peter is on the island? 2. Do you think that Edwin purposely brought a leaky tent? Why or why not? 3. Peter shows some signs of embracing Cole’s island practices. What are these? 4. Why do you think Peter threw the rock at Cole and later tossed him into the water? Chapter 27 1. What does Peter tell Cole when he lets him into the cabin? What does Peter do in the following days that show he dislikes Cole? 2. What does Cole convince Peter to do after destroying the bear on his totem pole? 3. What does Cole say about the quality of carvings on the two boys’ totem poles? 4. What does Peter do to Cole’s totem pole at the end of the chapter? What does this say about the change in Peter’s attitude towards Cole? Chapter 28 1. Peter asks Garvey to not accompany Cole to the pond. Why does he do this? 2. Why does Cole not fight back? 3. Do you think Cole deserved the beating he received from Peter? Why or why not? 4 Incoming Freshman Summer Book Test Study Guide Summer 2014 Book I – Choice 2: Study Guide for Outta My Mind Test will be a scantron format (multiple choice, matching, true/false-type questions) – you MUST bring pencils and erasers to the test. [Note: Those enrolled in English 1H are expected to earn an 85 or higher on each summer book test.] Identify characters (pay attention to their descriptions and actions in the story): Melody Mrs. Valencia Rose Mrs. Shannon Mom Penny Mr. Dimming Claire Elvira Dad Carl Mrs. Anthony Gloria Ollie Sydney Freddy Mrs. Lovelace Molly Mr. Gross Mrs. Tracy Maria Butterscotch Willy Mrs. Hyatt Catherine Connor Dr. Hugely Ashley Jill Mrs. Billups Miss Gordon Questions 1. In a world that does not work for her, what seems to cause the biggest frustrations for Melody? 2. Describe Melody’s parents. How do they learn to communicate with Melody and help her to overcome everyday problems? Why are those efforts sometimes a complete failure? 3. How does Melody feel about school? How does she fit in with her classmates and what makes her different from the rest of the children in H-5? What would be Melody’s ideal school situation? 4. Discuss Melody’s teachers since she began going to school. What does this say about her school system, or about attitudes at her school about teaching children with special needs? 5. Describe Mrs. V. What role does she play in Melody’s development? Why is she a necessary addition to Melody’s life? 6. What is significant about the story of Ollie the fish? How does Ollie’s life mirror Melody’s? Describe Melody’s feelings when she is unable to tell her mother what really happened. 7. Describe how the introduction of Penny as a character changes the family dynamics. Analyze Melody’s complicated feelings about her little sister. 8. How does the inclusion program change Melody’s school experiences? Describe both positive and negative results of the program. Describe Melody’s deep, unrealized need for a friend. 9. What does Melody learn about friendship during the trip to the aquarium? Make a comparison between Ollie’s life, the life of the fish in the aquarium, and Melody’s life. 10. How does Melody’s computer change her life, her outlook on life, and her potential? Why does 11. Why does Melody decide to enter the quiz team competition? What obstacles must she face and overcome just to get on the team? 12. What does Melody learn about friendship and the relationships of children working together as she practices and competes with the quiz team? What does she learn about herself? 13. What is ironic about the events at the restaurant after the competition? How does this scene foreshadow the events that led up to the airport fiasco? 14. Describe Melody’s feelings before the trip to the airport, while she is there, and after she gets home. How would you have coped with the same situation? 15. Describe Melody’s extreme range of emotions as she tries to tell her mother that Penny is behind the car. How did the scene make you feel? 16. Discuss the scene in which Melody confronts the kids on the quiz team. What is satisfying about how she handles the situation? What else might Melody have done? 17. Why is the first page repeated at the end of the book? How has Melody changed, both personally and socially, from the beginning of the book to the end? 18. How would this story have been different if it had been written from a third-person point of view: from the point of view of her parents, for example, or an outside observer? 19. Explain the title of the novel. Give several possible interpretations. 5 Incoming Freshman Summer Book Test Study Guide Summer 2014 Book II – Choice 1: Study Guide for I am Malala Identifying People Benazir Bhutto Malala Gul Makai Moniba General Zia President Zardari Pervez Musharraf Mohammed Ali Jinnah Ziauddin Tor Pekai Khushal Atal Dr. Javid Dr. Fiona Alexander Hidayatullah Usman Bai Jan Malka-e-Noor Maulana Fazlullah Shabana Shiza Shahid Identifying Places Cities in Pakistan – Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Karachi, Mingora, Peshawar Regions of Pakistan – Swat Valley, KPK, FATA Other places – Queen Elizabeth Hospital; Birmingham, England; Khushal School Study Questions 1. From where did Malala’s parents take her name? 2. What disorder did Malala’s father suffer from as a young man? How did he overcome this? What did he eventually go on to do? 3. Who was Malala’s inspiration for becoming a public speaker? 4. What profession did Malala’s grandfather want her father to pursue? What did Malala’s father ultimately decide for his own career path? How did this affect Malala’s life? 5. What kind of place was the Swat Valley before the Taliban? 6. In the chapter, “Children of the Rubbish Mountain,” what did Malala want her parents to do for the children she saw? 7. At a young age, Malala had a belief in educational equality. Name several ways this is depicted throughout her life. 8. Several religious leaders referred to Khushal School at haram. Explain what that means and why these men referred to the school this way. 9. When the Taliban first come to Swat, they don’t look or act like the Taliban in Afghanistan. Consider some of the issues that are brought to light by the Taliban and how people react to them, at first. Also, consider how the opinions of the Pashtuns change as the Taliban take more control of the area. 10. What did Fazlullah praise girls for on his radio program? What kind of offerings did he say people should provide to the Taliban when the Taliban first started entering Pakistan? 11. As an agent of fear, the Taliban begin placing the heads of dissenters in the public squares. What was the result of these actions on Malala and her family? Once their lives were threatened, why did the family not take steps to vacate the area, in your opinion? 12. When Malala was shot by the Talib, he asked, “Who is Malala?” Do any of the other kids respond verbally? How does the Talib know who to attack? 13. Malala wrote a blog under the pen name Gul Makai. For whom did she write? What were some of the issues she would discuss in her blog? 14. In 2007, Pervez Musharraf sent troops into Swat to battle the Taliban. Musharraf reacted to pressure from what country’s government? Why did the Pakistani forces have such trouble corralling and defeating the Taliban? By whom were many of the Pakistani Taliban trained? 6 Incoming Freshman Summer Book Test Study Guide Summer 2014 15. Also in 2007, Benazir Bhutto was assassinated by a bomb blast. What did this event symbolize to the people, especially women, of Pakistan? 16. Make a timeline of the events and places where Malala goes after she is shot. Include hospitals, caretakers, governmental interventions, important people. 17. How did the Pakistani people feel about the raid of bin Laden’s compound in Abbotabad? What was the general sentiment of US relations during that time in Pakistan? 18. When Malala is moved from Queen Elizabeth hospital, she likened the experience to be treated like what? 19. What did the Pakistan Army doctor do to Malala’s head to make sure there was room for her swelling brain? When she was finally ready for her final surgery, what did the doctors use to replace the area the original doctor removed? 20. When Malala’s parents first see her after she’d been recovering in England, what did her father say the Taliban had taken from her? 7 Incoming Freshman Summer Book Test Study Guide Summer 2014 Book II – Choice 2: Study Guide for for Sorta Like a Rockstar Test will be a scantron format (multiple choice, matching, true/false-type questions) – you MUST bring pencils and erasers to the test. [Note: Those enrolled in English 1H are expected to earn an 85 or higher on each summer book test.] Identify characters (pay attention to their descriptions and actions in the story): Amber Appleton Ricky Roberts Jared Joan of Old Bobby Big Boy Ryan Gold Ty Hendrix Father Chee Donna Roberts Mr. Franks Old Man Linder The Korean Divas for Christ Lex Pinkston Chad Fox Old Man Thompson Mr. Doolin Private Jackson Oliver Good Boyfriend Gerald Mrs. Pohlson Prince Tony Door Woman Lucy Ms. Jenny Jessica Mrs. Redman Dr. Weissmuller Mrs. Baxter Setting: The novel begins in January and ends near the end of the school year Childress, Hello Yellow, CPHS, Korean Catholic Church, Donna’s house, the Methodist Retirement Home, the maximum security prison Themes: Hope, Growing Up, Friendship, Loss, etc Part 1: Feel the Pain 1) Who is the first person narrator of this story? 2) Describe where and with whom Amber lives. 3) Describe Amber’s daily routine from dawn til dusk. 4) What nice things has Donna done for Amber and BBB? 5) Who are The Five and what is their History? 6) Describe the Marketing Club. 7) Describe Franks Freak Force Federation. 8) Describe the incident in the lunchroom between Amber, Ricky, and Lex and its outcome. 9) Describe Amber’s connection to the Korean Catholic Church. Why does she go there and who does she know? 10) What did Amber’s dad, Bob, leave for her? How does that connect to the novel’s title? 11) Why and how did Amber become a Catholic? 12) Why is everyone going to the school board meeting? What is the outcome of the meeting? 13) Describe any “Amber and her mom moments” mentioned in part 1. Part 2: Freak Scene 14) What happened when Lex came to Mr. Franks’ room before school? 15) What do Amber and Mr. Franks argue about? Why? 16) Describe what Amber does on Wednesdays after school. 17) Describe any “Amber and her mom moments” mentioned in part 2. 18) How did Amber meet Private Jackson? 19) What does Private Jackson do all day long and why? How does Amber get involved in this activity? 20) How does BBB help Amber get closer to Private Jackson? 21) How does Amber feel at the end of Part 2 and why? 22) What are Amber’s concerns about her mother? 23) Why does Amber go into the town in the middle of the night? Part 3: Puke and Cry 24) What had happened to Amber’s mom? 8 Incoming Freshman Summer Book Test Study Guide Summer 2014 25) Where does Amber live now? Describe her new situation. 26) How does Amber deal with her loss and feelings? 27) How does part 3 exemplify the theme of “growing up” or “loss of innoncence?” 28) How do the significant people in Amber’s life try to help her? 29) Who is Amber’s favorite writer now? Why? 30) What happens when Old Man Linder visits? What does Amber realize about herself? 31) How does Ty reach out to Amber? 32) What is happening to BBB? 33) Who does Amber reach out to after leaving the vet’s office? Part 4: We’re Not Alone 34) What motivates Amber to go back to school? 35) Why has Ty been growing a beard and when will he shave it off? 36) Describe the preparations for the variety show. 37) How is the theme of trust shown in this section? 38) Why don’t the KDFCs want to sing at the variety show? 39) What does Amber discover when she goes to the retirement home? 40) Who does Amber find to sing lead for the KDFCs? 41) What happens at the variety show? 42) What does Amber imagine doing with some of the money she now has for college? 43) Describe the junior prom. 44) Describe Amber’s 18th birthday. 45) What has she waited to do until she turns 18. Why? 46) Describe her visit to the prison. 9 Incoming Freshman Summer Book Test Study Guide Summer 2014 Book III – Freshmen Honors Students Must Read To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Note: Those enrolled in English 1H are expected to earn an 85 or higher on each summer book test.] Character Identification a. Scout b. Jem c. Atticus d. Calpurnia e. Boo Radley f. Tom Robinson g. Bob Ewell h. Nathan Radley i. Mrs. Dubose j. Miss Maudie k. Miss Stephanie l. Aunt Alexandra m. Dill n. Miss Rachel o. Heck Tate p. Judge Taylor q. Zeebo r. Mr. Cunningham s. Cecil Jacobs t. Walter Cunningham u. Miss Caroline Chapter 1 1) How is Simon Finch related to Scout? 2) What characters do we meet in this chapter? 3) What point of view is this story being told from? Whose is it? 4) What is the town’s name? The state’s name? 5) What is Scout and Jem’s father’s name and occupation? 6) Who is Calpurnia? 7) Where is their mother? 8) What home holds the children’s facination? Why? 9) Who is their summertime playmate? Why does he only come in summer? Chapter 2 1) What did Scout do for the first time that fall? 2) Who was Miss Caroline? 3) Why is Miss Caroline annoyed with Scout? 4) Who taught Scout how to read? To write? 5) What is Scout’s real name? 6) Does Miss Caroline understand the children of this town and their problems? Why or why not? Chapter 3 1) What does Jem invite Walter Cunningham to do? 2) What did Miss Caroline see that frightened her? Where was it located? 3) What simple trick does Atticus teach Scout (about getting along with others)? Ch 4 & 5 1) What is the real Dewey Decimal System? 2) What does Scout find in the tree in the Radley’s front yard? 3) What do Scout and Jem find next in the tree? 4) What is “A Hot Steam”? 5) Would Atticus approve of the “Boo Radley” game? 6) Who is Miss Maudie Atkinson? 7) What does Uncle Jack ask Miss Maudie every Christmas? 8) What do Dill and Jem want to deliver to Boo? 9) How does their plan turn out? Ch 6 & 7 1) What do the children want to do for Dill’s last night in Maycomb? 2) How do you keep a sqeaky gate from making a noise? 3) How does Jem lose his pants? 4) How does Dill say Jem lost his pants? 5) What does Jem do later that night? 6) What age are the children now in Chapter 7? 7) What items did the children recover from the hole? 8) What sad discovery do they make about the knothole? 9) Do you think Jem knows who has been putting treasures in the tree? Explain. 10 v. Mrs. Merriweather w. Mayella Ewell x. Burris Ewell y. Helen Robinson z. Reverend Sykes aa. Mr. Underwood bb. Dolphus Raymond Incoming Freshman Summer Book Test Study Guide Summer 2014 Chapter 8 1) What unusual thing happens that year? 2) Who died that winter? 3) What great project does the snow occasion? 4) What happens that evening in Miss Maudie’s home? 5) Where had the blanket come from that Scout finds around her shoulders? 6) Where is Miss Maudie going to stay? Ch 9 & 10 1) Why does Scout get in a fight with Cecil Jacobs? 2) What is Atticus about to do that places his honor in question? 3) Does he expect to win the case? Why or why not? 4) What do the Finches do at Christmas? 5) Compare and contrast Uncle Jack with Atticus. 6) What does Scout wish were different about Atticus? 7) What does Atticus say about Mockingbirds? What does this mean? 8) What does Atticus do which makes him a hero in the eyes of his children? 9) How does Jem feel about his father after this incident? Chapter 11 1) Describe Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose. 2) What does Atticus say about Mrs. Dubose? 3) What comment does Mrs. Dubose make that really upsets Jem? 4) How does Jem retaliate? 5) What is Jem’s punishment for this act? 6) What does Atticus say a ‘nigger lover’ is? 7) What happens to Mrs. Dubose? 8) Do you think Mrs. Dubose was a great lady, as Atticus says? Chapter 12 1) How old are the children now? 2) What is the relationship like between Jem and Scout? 3) Where do the children attend church for a change? 4) How are the songs sung differently at this church? 5) Who is the collection taken up for? 6) Do you think the children benefit from Cal’s presence in the household (besides the physical care she gives them)? Chapter 13 1) Who is waiting for the children on their porch? 2) Describe Aunt Alexandra. Chapter 14 1) What does Aunt Alexandra suggest about Cal? 2) What does Scout find in her bedroom? 3) Does Jem hide this discovery or reveal it? 4) Contrast Dill’s home life with Scout’s. Chapter 15 1) What two reasons do men stand outside on the front lawn for? 2) What trial is everyone talking about? 3) When Atticus went out that night, what did he do that he usually doesn’t do? 4) Where was Atticus and what was he doing that night? 5) Who comes to talk to Atticus? 6) How does Scout intervene in the situation? Does she help or hurt the situation? Chapter 16 1) Finish Atticus’ quote (pg. 167): “A mob’s always….” 2) Where are all the people going? 3) Is Miss Maudie going to court, too? 4) How is Mr. Dolphus Raymond connected to the black people? 5) Describe the Idlers’ Club. 6) Where do Jem and Scout find seats? 7) An important part of the story is contained in these sentences: Man 1: “You know the court appointed him to defend this nigger” M 2: “Yeah but Atticus aims to defend him. That’s what I don’t like about it.” 11 Incoming Freshman Summer Book Test Study Guide Summer 2014 Explain what is so important about these sentences. Chapter 17 1) What position does Heck Tate hold in Maycomb? 2) Explain what type of people the Ewells were. 3) What was Atticus trying to show about Bob Ewell? Chapter 18 1) What impression does Atticus bring out from Mayella Ewell’s testimony about their home and family life? 2) What is peculiar about Tom which would lead one to believe he could not have grabbed, beaten, and raped Mayella? Chapter 19 1) Tom’s story is very different from Mayella’s. What does he say happened? 2) What kind of man is Tom Robinson? 3) What is the fatal mistake Tom makes in his testimony and his life? Why is this a mistake? 4) Why does Dill feel sick? Chapter 20 1) Why does Mr. Raymond drink coke from a paper bag? 2) Why does he tell the children his secret? 3) Who do you believe beat Mayella? 4) After finishing this chapter, do you think Tom will be convicted? 5) Do you think Atticus made a good defense for him? Chapter 21 1) Why does Cal come to the courtroom? 2) How does Scout know that the jury convicted Tom? 3) Why do all the Negroes stand up as Atticus leaves the courtroom? Chapter 22 1) Why does Jem cry as they leave the courtroom? 2) What characteristic phrase does Atticus use the next morning? 3) Why did Judge Taylor probably name Atticus to defend Tom? 4) Why does Dill say he’s going to be a clown when he grows up? Chapter 23 1) What happens that worries the children so much? 2) Does Atticus really think he is in trouble from Bob Ewell? 3) Atticus asks Jem to stand in whose shoes? 4) Why can’t Miss Maudie serve on a jury? Is the rule the same today? 5) What man took the longest to be convinced that Tom was guilty? 6) What does Jem say about background? 7) What does Jem say in this chapter about understanding Boo Radley? Chapter 24 1) Why does Scout attend her aunt’s meeting and tea? 2) Does Scout want to learn to be a lady? 3) What is the purpose of this chapter? 4) What news is received of Tom Robinson? 5) Why was he trying to escape? 6) What does Scout learn about being a lady? Chapter 25 1) What time of year is it now? 2) Who went with Cal and Atticus when they told Helen Robinson of her husband’s death? 3) Why can Mr. Underwood say whatever he wants to in his newspaper? 4) What do the children keep worrying about? Chapter 26 1) How old are the children by now? 2) What does Scout believe about Boo Radley? 3) Did the people of Maycomb discuss the Robinson case with the children? 4) What confuses Scout about what her teacher says about not persecuting anyone? 5) Why is Jem cross whenever anyone brings up the trial? Chapter 27 1) Why is Bob Ewell still causing trouble for everyone involved in the case? 2) What three things happened? 12 Incoming Freshman Summer Book Test Study Guide Summer 2014 3) What is to be different about Halloween this year? 4) What is Scout’s role in the pageant? 5) Describe her costume. Chapter 28 1) What fright do the children receive on their way to the pageant? 2) Why do Jem and Scout wait backstage until the audience has left? 3) Why does Scout have to wear the costume home? 4) What happens in the dark? 5) WHO attacked the children near the tree? 6) What happened to this person? Chapter 29 1) What had saved Scout? 2) Who was the man that saved the children and stabbed Bob? 3) Describe his appearance. 4) Why is it logical that Boo would be the one to save the children? Chapter 30 1) Whom does Atticus believed stabbed Bob Ewell? 2) Whom does Heck Tate believe stabbed Ewell? 3) Why do these two men agree to say that the stabbing had been accidental (Ewell falling on the knife?) 4) Is this a difficult decision for Atticus to make? Why? Chapter 31 1) What does Scout do on the Radley porch after Boo goes in? 2) How do you feel about Boo now? 3) Did you learn anything from this book? 13 Incoming Freshman Summer Book Test Study Guide Summer 2014 Book III: Freshmen not in Honors must read Tangerine Test will be a scantron format (multiple choice, matching, true/false-type questions) – you MUST bring pencils and erasers to the test. Note: Those enrolled in English 1H are expected to earn an 85 or higher on each summer book test.] Character Identification Nicknames Eclipse Boy, Mars, Mohawk Man, Fisher Man, War Eagles, Charlie the Tuna, Caesar Salad, Julius Caesar Paul Fisher Wayne Mom (Caroline Fisher) Mr. Costello Dad Mike Costello Erik Fisher Coach Warner Charley Burns Antoine Thomas Lake Windsor soccer team members Tangerine Middle soccer team members Settings -Houston, TX - Lake Windsor Downs, Tangerine County, Florida - Lake Windsor Middle & High Schools - Tangerine Middle School - What is Tangerine County #1 in the nation for? - St. Anthony’s School Themes (how are they shown in the novel) - Appearance vs. reality - Fear - Communication - Heroism Symbols - Koi in the pond - Lightening - Muck fire 14 Arthur Bauer Joey Costello Mr. Murrow Mrs. Gates Mr. Bridges Luis Cruz Betty Bright Theresa Cruz Dr. Johnson Kerri Gardner Cara Vincent Castor Incoming Freshman Summer Book Test Study Guide Summer 2014 PART 1 1) Why did the Fisher family move? 2) What is their new house like in Florida? 3) What sport and position does Erik play? 4) What does the “Erik Fisher Football Dream” mean? 5) What sport and position does Paul play? 6) What’s a muck fire? What’s lignite? 7) What’s Paul’s eye condition? When did it happen and how? 8) Describe Paul’s middle school. 9) What’s the weather like in Florida in August? 10)What is the story surrounding “Eclipse Boy?” 11)What happened to Mike Costello at football practice on September 5? 12)Who damaged the Wonders of the World exhibit at the carnival? 13) Who is Paul most afraid of and why? 14) What happened geologically on September 11? How did it impact the school and the Fisher family? What’s the emergency plan for the school? PART 2 15) Contrast Tangerine middle school with Lake Windsor Middle. 16) How does Paul begin to feel a part of Tangerine Middle? 17) Why does Paul have to “be” Victor during the second soccer game? 18) How was Cara “scamming” Paul? 19) Why was Paul’s home “poison” to Joey? 20) How do Paul and Joey’s feelings about Tangerine Middle School differ? 21) What problems have been occurring in Paul’s neighborhood? 22) Describe the Tomas Cruz Groves. 23) What happened at the soccer game between Paul’s old school and new school? PART 3 24) Describe Erik’s run-ins with Tino and Luis. 25) How did Paul and his friends help the Cruz family during the deep freeze? 26) What happened to Luis Cruz (see Nov. 28). 27) How did Victor and Tino pay Erik back? 28) What does Paul remember about the events causing his eye problems? Who was involved? 29) What does Antoine confess to reporters and the sports commission? 30) What was the meeting at Paul’s home on December 3 about? What did the homeowners agree to? 31) What punishment did Tino, Victor and Paul receive for their parts in the fight? 15