Closure of Existing Median Crossing Point - Opposite

Ordinary Meeting of Council
25 July 2012
Ward: (Altone Ward)
(Project Management)
Disclosure of Interest: Nil
Authorised Officer: (Executive Manager Operations)
Some local residents in Altone Road object to the removal of a break in the
central road median which allows them to do u-turns on this section of dual
The matter came to light during construction work as part of the City's ongoing
City Gateway improvement projects. The intent of the works was to close the
median break.
The first consultation with residents on Altone Road did not afford them the
opportunity to comment on the proposed median break closure.
Staff have investigated the options available. Due to the limited space available
a vehicular crossing point that complies with current design standards cannot
be constructed.
An independent Road Safety Audit has been commissioned which recommends
closure of the median break on safety grounds.
Main Roads WA has indicated that approval would not be given for motorists to
do a u-turn at the Altone Road/Benara Road signal controlled intersection.
Closure of the median break will affect 10 properties on Altone Road (Nos. 121
to 139) who would have to take a more circuitous route to get to local
destinations or their property.
It is recommended that the Council resolve to remove the existing median break and
reinstate the central median thus preventing u-turns at this location.
There is an existing median break in the central road median of Altone Road
approximately 60m north of the signal controlled intersection with Benara Road. This
median break is used by residents in Altone Road to do 'u-turns'.
The matter was brought to light during works on Altone Road as part of the City's
ongoing Gateway Projects when improvements to the existing median were carried out.
The intent of the improvement works had been to close the existing median break.
Unfortunately the notification to residents did not specifically draw this closure to their
attention so they did not have an opportunity to comment on the proposal. When local
residents became aware of this, several objections were received that no notification had
been received of the City's intent to close the median.
Ordinary Meeting of Council
25 July 2012
Closure Of Existing Median Crossing Point - Opposite 125 Altone Road,
As Altone Road is a dual carriageway at this location, closure of the median would deny
them the ability to leave their house southbound on Altone Road and to then use the
median break and do a u-turn allowing them to head north to go to the local shops.
Closure of the median break would mean that residents living between numbers 127 to
139 Altone Road have to take a longer more circuitous route to get to local destinations.
Similarly three residents at 121, 123 and 125 Altone Road can also access their
properties from Altone Road northbound by using the median break, then heading back
towards Benara Road.
Works to the north and south of the median break have been completed, however
drivers can still cross the median.
Following discussions with some concerned residents it was determined that the most
appropriate course of action would be to seek independent advice by commissioning a
Road Safety Audit. A Road Safety Audit was therefore undertaken by Donald Veal
In summary the report recommended closure of the median break due to safety
concerns relating to:
inadequate forward visibility for southbound motorists;
the break in the median not being easily discernable on approach to drivers from
either direction; and
non-compliance with AustRoad Guide to Road Design (Part 4, 7.3.3) in regard to the
crossing of the median from a right turning pocket.
The report also noted that because drivers in the right-turning pocket (southbound)
would already be indicating their intention to turn right at the traffic lights, anyone
intending to use the median break would be particularly vulnerable to a rear end
The City has investigated alternatives to the closure of the median break including
amending the current layout of the central median or allowing a u-turn at the signal
controlled intersection of Altone Road and Benara Road. There is insufficient space
available for the construction of a median break that complies with current design
standards. Main Roads WA approval has been sought in regard to carrying out a u-turn
at the signal controlled intersection. Main Roads has confirmed that it would not approve
such a manoeuvre.
The consultant was asked for their recommendation on how to resolve this matter. Their
report concluded that only a very small number of drivers use the median break in
comparison to the high volume of traffic using Altone Road. Those impacted users
wishing to head north on Altone Road may instead choose to travel west or east on
Benara Road if they wish to join Reid Highway or head towards Midland. Those wishing
to access local destinations to the north are likely to u-turn at the roundabout on Altone
Ordinary Meeting of Council
25 July 2012
Closure Of Existing Median Crossing Point - Opposite 125 Altone Road,
Road south of Benara Road at Diana Crescent. This would add approximately 1km to
their journey. Those seeking to access 125 Altone Road, or the two dwellings
immediately to the south, would need to travel north to the shopping centre to turn and
head south. This would add approximately 1km to their journey.
There are two options available:
Option A - Remove the median break and reinstate the central median in keeping with
the works already undertaken along Altone Road and prevent vehicular access across the
central road reserve. The cost will be approximately $5,000. This is the preferred option.
Option B - Leave a break in the median that will allow vehicular access across the central
road reserve by constructing a sealed vehicular crossing point using the same layout as
the existing median break. The cost will be approximately $7,500. This option would not
comply with current road design standards.
It is recommended that the existing median break be removed and the central median
be reinstated in keeping with the work already completed to the north and south.
It is anticipated that drivers will modify their approach or departure route to minimise
the additional distance travelled if the median gap is closed. Such adjustments have
already been made by other residents along Altone Road and are a common factor for
residents in other parts of the City who directly front onto dual carriageways.
A 'Notification of Works' letter was issued to local residents prior to the commencement
of works in May 2011. The letter however did not explicitly state that the existing
median break was to be removed. Consequently the impacted residents did not have an
opportunity to comment on the proposal.
A second letter was issued to residents along Altone Road in November 2011
summarising the situation and highlighting the recommendation of the Road Safety
A meeting was held on Tuesday 8th December 2011 at Altone Road where local
residents, Cr Wainwright and Council officers discussed the options available.
Ordinary Meeting of Council
25 July 2012
Closure Of Existing Median Crossing Point - Opposite 125 Altone Road,
Responsible Managed Assets for Current & Future Generations
Option A - approximately $5,000
Option B - approximately $7,500
The City Gateway budget in the Capital Works programme will be used to fund this work.
Simple Majority
That the Council resolve to:
Close the existing median break on Altone Road, approximately 60m north of the
Benara Road signal controlled intersection and reinstate the central median in
keeping with the works already carried out.
MOTION that Council resolve to:
Defer the matter to the next meeting.
The reason for changing the officer's Recommendation is to allow Mr Willcock
adequate time to discuss the matter with other affected residents so that they
can adequately prepare for a deputation.
(Cr Wainwright - Cr Elliott)
Ordinary Meeting of Council
25 July 2012
Defer the matter to the next meeting.
The reason for changing the officer's Recommendation is to allow Mr Willcock
sufficient time to discuss the matter with other affected residents so that they can
adequately prepare for a deputation.