Chapter 16 – Electric Charge and Electric Field Chapter 17

Learning Objectives
PHYS 1215 (Fall 2009, Buckley)
Text References to Physics, Giancoli, 6th Edition
(Chapter exercises are segregated into the different chapter sections – practice them)
Learning Objectives
Textbook Section(s)
Chapter 16 – Electric Charge and Electric Field
Basics of Electric Charge
1.1 Identify two basic charge types and their historical and physical origin
1.2 Distinguish between insulators, semiconductors, and conductors
1.3 Describe the functioning of an electroscope
1.4 Recognize conduction and induction from electroscope information
Working with Coulomb’s Law
2.1 State Coulomb’s Law
2.2 Work with Coulomb’s Law in general – effects of doubling, tripling, etc. charges and
2.3 Manipulate Coulomb’s Law to find missing information
2.4 Combine vectors generated by Coulomb’s Law to determine net force
Electric Field
3.1 Define electric field
3.2 Manipulate electric field definition to find missing information
3.3 Determine the force on a charge in an electric field
3.4 Use the superposition principle to find the field at a point due to multiple fields
3.5 Relate electric field lines to magnitude and direction of electric field
3.6 Define an electric dipole
3.7 Interpret electric field diagrams, such as Figure 16-31
3.8 Recognize the electric field inside a conductor is zero in a static situation
3.9 Recognized the electric field is always perpendicular to the surface outside a conductor
Practical Applications (time permitting)
4.1 Describe the influence of electrical charges in DNA replication (16-11)
4.2 Describe the role of electrostatics in photocopy machines (16-12)
16-1 Static Electricity; Electric Charge and Its
16-2 Electric Charge in the Atom
16-3 Insulators and Conductors
16-4 Induced Charge; the Electroscope
16-5 Coulomb’s Law
16-6 Solving Problems Involving Coulomb’s Law
and Vectors
16-7 The Electric Field
16-8 Field Lines
16-9 Electric Fields and Conductors
16-11 Electric Forces in Molecular Biology: DNA
Structures and Replication
16-12 Photocopy Machines and Computer Printers
Use Electrostatics
Chapter 17 – Electric Potential
Electric Potential
5.1 Identify change in electric potential as work done in moving a charge
5.2 Define electric potential as the difference in potential between two points
5.3 Recognize the unit of volt (V) as 1 J/C
5.4 Relate the electric field and electric potential
17-1 Electric Potential Energy and Potential
17-2 Relation between Electric Potential and
Electric Field
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Learning Objectives
PHYS 1215 (Fall 2009, Buckley)
Text References to Physics, Giancoli, 6th Edition
(Chapter exercises are segregated into the different chapter sections – practice them)
Learning Objectives
5.5 Relate equipotential lines/equipotential surfaces to electric potential
5.6 Recognize that equipotential surfaces must be perpendicular to the electric field at any
5.7 Work with units of electron-volts
5.8 Determine the electric potential due to point charges and systems of point charges
5.9 Determine the work required to assemble point charges
Electric Devices
6.1 Describe the function of a capacitor
6.2 Describe the role of a dielectric in a capacitor and the term capacitance
6.3 Recognize the unit of farad (F) as 1 C/V
6.4 Use the mathematical relationship for a parallel plate capacitor to find missing info
6.5 Define dielectric constant and dielectric strength
6.6 Qualitatively describe the effects of inserting various dielectrics into a capacitor
6.7 Describe molecularly the operation of a dielectric
6.8 Determine the energy stored in a capacitor
Practical Applications (time permitting)
6.9 Describe the function of a cathode ray tube in terms of potentials
6.10 Describe the function of an electrocardiogram in terms of potentials
Textbook Section(s)
17-3 Equipotential Lines
17-4 The Electron Volt, a Unit of Energy
17-5 Electric Potential Due to Point Charges
17-7 Capacitance
17-8 Dielectrics
17-9 Storage of Electric Energy
17-10 Cathode Ray Tube: TV and Computer
Monitors, Oscilloscope
17-11 The Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
Chapter 18 – Electric Currents
Electric Current
7.1 Describe the makeup of a simple electric cell
7.2 Describe mathematically the definition of current
7.3 Recognize the unit of ampere (A) as 1 C/s
7.4 Determine missing quantities from problems involving current, charge, and time
7.5 Distinguish conventional current from electron flow
Resistance to Current Flow
8.1 Identify the source(s) of resistance in a material
8.2 Manipulate Ohm’s Law to find missing information
8.3 Draw the symbol for a resistor
8.4 Given the resistor color code and a resistor, state its resistance
8.5 Work with resistivity relationship in general – effects of doubling, tripling, etc., lengths,
resistivity, and cross-sectional areas
8.6 Correct for the temperature dependence of resistivity
Electric Power – energy delivered per time
9.1 Recognize the power delivered as the product of current and voltage
9.2 Recognize the unit of power, the watt (W), as 1 J/s
9.3 For a resistor, manipulate the relationships P = I2R and P = V2/R
9.4 Recognize the kilowatt-hour as a unit of energy
18-1 The Electric Battery
18-2 Electric Current
18-3 Ohm’s Law: Resistance and Resistors
18-4 Resistivity
18-5 Electric Power
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Learning Objectives
PHYS 1215 (Fall 2009, Buckley)
Text References to Physics, Giancoli, 6th Edition
(Chapter exercises are segregated into the different chapter sections – practice them)
Learning Objectives
9.5 Determine power demands in household-type circuits
Alternating Current
10.1 Distinguish between alternating and direct current
10.2 Define the terms peak voltage, peak current, rms voltage, and rms current
10.3 Manipulate the expressions relating the terms defined in 10.2
Textbook Section(s)
18-6 Power in Household Circuits
18-7 Alternating Current
Chapter 19 – DC Circuits
Battery Terminology
11.1 Distinguish between emf and terminal voltage of a battery
11.2 Manipulate the expression relating emf, terminal voltage, and internal resistance of a
battery to find missing information
Resistors in Combination
12.1 Given a circuit, determine whether the resistors are in series or parallel
12.2 Determine the equivalent resistance of resistors in series
12.3 Determine the equivalent resistance of resistors in parallel
12.4 Determine the equivalent resistance of combinations of resistors in series and in parallel
Apply Kirchoff’s Rules to Electric Circuits Containing Combinations of Resistors
13.1 State Kirchoff’s junction rule and loop rule
13.2 Solve for missing information in complex circuits containing multiple resistors
Capacitors in Combination
14.1 Given a circuit, determine whether the resistors are in series or parallel
14.2 Determine the equivalent capacitance of capacitors in parallel
14.3 Determine the equivalent capacitance of capacitors in series
14.4 Determine the equivalent capacitance of combinations of capacitors in parallel and in
RC Circuits
15.1 Qualitatively describe the voltage-time behavior of an RC circuit
15.2 Define the time constant of an RC circuit
15.3 Manipulate the voltage, time, R, and C relationship to find missing information
Electric Hazards
16.1 Identify electric hazards, particularly around the household
Practical Applications
Chapter 20 – Magnetism
Magnets and Magnetic Fields
19-1 EMF and Terminal Voltage
19-2 Resistors in Series and in Parallel
19-3 Kirchoff’s Rules
19-5 Circuits Containing Capacitors in Series and in
19-6 RC Circuits – Resistor and Capacitor in Series
19-7 Electric Hazards
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Learning Objectives
PHYS 1215 (Fall 2009, Buckley)
Text References to Physics, Giancoli, 6th Edition
(Chapter exercises are segregated into the different chapter sections – practice them)
Learning Objectives
Textbook Section(s)
20-1 Magnets and Magnetic Fields
17.1 Define the north and south poles of a magnet
17.2 Identify the direction of a magnetic field as the direction a north pole of a compass
needle would point
17.3 Identify the density of magnetic field lines as an indication of the magnitude at a point
17.4 Sketch magnetic field lines about a bar magnet
17.5 Recognize that electric field lines start on positive charges and end on negative charges,
in contrast to magnetic field lines that always form closed loops
Relationships Between Electricity and Magnetism: Magnetic Field Due to Current in a Wire
18.1 Use right-hand rule #1 (see Table 20-1) to identify the direction of the magnetic field
20-2 Electric Currents Produce Magnetic Fields
generated by a current in various configurations of wire
Relationships Between Electricity and Magnetism: Force on an Electric Current in a Magnetic Field
20-3 Force on an Electric Current in a Magnetic
19.1 Define the term magnetic field
19.2 Recognize the tesla (T) and gauss (G) as units for magnetic field
Field; Definition of B
19.3 Determine the magnitude of force applied to a current-carrying wire by a magnet
19.4 Apply right-hand rule #2 (see Table 20-1) to determine the direction of the force applied
to a current-carrying wire by a magnet
19.5 Manipulate the relationship between force, magnetic field, current, length, and angle to
find missing information
19.6 Recognize the symbol q to represent field lines going into the page and the symbol u to
represent field lines coming out of the page
Relationships Between Electricity and Magnetism: Force on an Electric Charge Moving in a Magnetic Field
20-4 Force on Electric Charge Moving in a
20.1 Apply right-hand rule #3 (see Table 20-1) to determine the direction of deflection of a
Magnetic Field
charged particle moving in a magnetic field
20.2 Manipulate the relationship between force, charge, magnitude of velocity, magnetic field
strength, and angle to find missing information
Relationships Between Electricity and Magnetism: Magnetic Field and Force Due to Long Straight Wires
20-5 Magnetic Field Due to a Long Straight Wire
21.1 Manipulate the relationship between magnetic field, current, and distance from a long
current-carrying wire to find missing information
21.2 Determine the magnetic field between multiple long current-carrying wires
21.3 Determine the force between two long parallel current-carrying wires
20-6 Force between Two Parallel Wires
Applications of Magnetic Field/Electric Current Relationships
22.1 Manipulate the relationship between magnetic field strength, current, length, and number 20-7 Solenoids and Electromagnets
of turns in a solenoid to determine missing information
22.2 Describe the difference between a solenoid and an electromagnet
Practical Applications (time permitting)
20-10 Application: Galvanometers, Motors,
23.1 Describe the operation of a galvanometer
23.2 Manipulate the relationship between the deflection of a galvanometer needle, current,
coil area, number of turns, magnetic field, and angle of deflection to find missing information
23.3 Define the basic components of an electric motor – rotor (armature), commutators,
23.4 Describe the basic operation of a mass spectrometer
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Learning Objectives
PHYS 1215 (Fall 2009, Buckley)
Text References to Physics, Giancoli, 6th Edition
(Chapter exercises are segregated into the different chapter sections – practice them)
Learning Objectives
Microsopic Origins of Magnetic Domains
24.1 Describe the origin of ferromagnetism in terms of domains
24.2 Define the Curie temperature for a magnet
24.3 Distinguish between ferromagnetism, paramagnetism, and diamagnetism
24.4 Define the term hysteresis for a magnet
Textbook Section(s)
20-12 Ferromagnetism: Domains and Hysteresis
Chapter 21 – Electromagnetic Induction and Faraday’s Law
Electromagnetic Induction
25.1 Recognize that a changing magnetic field induces an emf
25.2 Determine the magnetic flux for various physical arrangements
25.3 Apply Faraday’s law of induction
25.4 State and apply Lenz’s Law to predict the direction of current generated in various
physical arrangements
25.5 Determine the emf induced in a moving conductor
25.6 Manipulate the relationship between emf, magnetic field, length, and velocity to find
missing information
25.7 Recognize that a changing magnetic field produces an electric field
25.8 Manipulate the relationship between electric field, velocity, and magnetic field to
determine missing information
26.1 Describe the operation of electric generators
26.2 Apply the generator equation
26.3 Describe the operation of a transformer
26.4 Apply the transformer equation to find missing information
26.5 Describe the role of induction in various applications (time permitting)
21-1 Induced EMF
21-2 Faraday’s Law of Induction; Lenz’s Law
21-3 EMF Induced in a Moving Conductor
21-4 Changing Magnetic Flux Produces an Electric
21-5 Electric Generators
21-7 Transformers and Transmission of Power
21-8 Applications of Induction: Sound Systems,
Computer Memory, Seismograph, GFCI
Chapter 22 – Electromagnetic Waves
0ature of Electromagnetic Waves
27.1 Describe the origin of electromagnetic waves in terms of Maxwell’s equations
27.2 Describe the production of electromagnetic waves by an accelerating electric charge
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
28.1 Properly arrange radio, microwaves, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma
rays in order by wavelength and frequency
28.2 Interconvert frequency, wavelength, and wave speed
28.3 Describe approaches to the measurement of the speed of light
22-1 Changing Electric Fields Produce Magnetic
Fields; Maxwell’s Equations
22-2 Production of Electromagnetic Waves
22-3 Light as an Electromagnetic Wave and the
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Chapter 23 – Light: Geometric Optics
29.1 Describe the ray model of light
Applications of the Ray Model to Various Physical Situations: A Plane Mirror
23-1 The Ray Model of Light
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Learning Objectives
PHYS 1215 (Fall 2009, Buckley)
Text References to Physics, Giancoli, 6th Edition
(Chapter exercises are segregated into the different chapter sections – practice them)
Learning Objectives
Textbook Section(s)
30.1 State the Law of Reflection
30.2 Distinguish between specular and diffuse reflectance
30.3 Identify the image formed by a plane mirror as a virtual image
30.4 Locate the image formed by a plane mirror
Applications of the Ray Model to Various Physical Situations: Spherical Mirrors
31.1 Describe convex and concave mirrors
31.2 Define the terms focal point, focal length, principal axis, paraxial rays, and spherical
31.3 Draw ray diagrams to analyze optical situations involving spherical mirrors
31.4 Apply the mirror equation to determine image location, magnification, orientation, and
type for situations involving spherical mirrors
Applications of the Ray Model to Various Physical Situations: Lenses
32.1 Define the index of refraction as the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed
of light in the material of interest
32.2 Apply Snell’s Law indices of refraction, angle of incidence, and angle of refraction to
find missing information
32.3 Determine the critical angle for internal reflection
33.1 Define a thin lens
33.2 Define converging lens; diverging lens; diopter; power
33.3 Draw ray diagrams for converging and diverging thin lenses
33.4 Identify from a ray diagram the image location, magnification, orientation, and type for
situations involving converging and diverging lenses.
34.1 Apply the Thin Lens Equation to find the image location, magnification, orientation, and
type for situations involving converging and diverging lenses
Applications of the Ray Model to Various Physical Situations: Combinations of Lenses
35.1 Draw ray diagrams for combinations of thin lenses to determine image location,
magnification, orientation, and type
35.2 Apply thin lens equations to combinations of lenses to determine image location,
magnification, orientation, and type
23-2 Reflection; Image Formation by a Plane Mirror
23-3 Formation of Images by Spherical Mirrors
23-4 Index of Refraction
23-5 Refraction: Snell’s Law
23-6 Total Internal Reflection: Fiber Optics
23-7 Thin Lenses; Ray Tracing
23-8 The Thin Lens Equation; Magnification
23-9 Combinations of Lenses
Chapter 24 – The Wave -ature of Light
Huygen’s Principle
36.1 State Huygen’s Principle
36.2 Illustrate Huygen’s Principle using diagrams
Interference, Dispersion, and Diffraction
37.1 Define constructive and destructive interference
37.2 Determine the location of bright fringes and dark lines in a double-slit experiment
38.1 State the order of colors in the visible spectrum in order of frequency and/or wavelength
38.2 Describe the origin of dispersion
39.1 Describe the origin of diffraction
39.2 Locate the minima in a diffraction pattern generated by a single slit
24-1 Waves Versus Particles; Huygen’s Principle
and Diffraction
24-3 Interference – Young’s Double-Slit
24-4 The Visible Spectrum and Dispersion
24-5 Diffraction by a Single Slit or Disk
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Learning Objectives
PHYS 1215 (Fall 2009, Buckley)
Text References to Physics, Giancoli, 6th Edition
(Chapter exercises are segregated into the different chapter sections – practice them)
Learning Objectives
40.1 Locate the maxima after light passes through a diffraction grating
41.1 Describe plane polarized light
41.2 Determine the intensity of light passing through crossed polarizers
Textbook Section(s)
24-6 Diffraction Grating
24-10 Polarization
Chapter 25 – Optical Instruments (time permitting)
A survey of some of the applications of the optical principles studied earlier
Chapter 13 – Temperature and Kinetic Theory
Temperature and its Origins
42.1 Interconvert between Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin temperature scales
42.2 Determine the effect of temperature on linear expansion and volume expansion
The Ideal Gas Law and its Applications
43.1 State Boyle’s Law, Charles’s Law, and Gay-Lussac’s Law
43.2 Given sufficient information, solve the above gas laws for missing information
43.3 State the ideal gas law
43.4 Manipulate the ideal gas law to find missing information
Relationship Between Gas Laws and Molecules
44.1 Use the relationship between moles and number of particles in the ideal gas law
44.2 State the assumptions of the kinetic molecular theory
44.3 Recognize the relationship between average translational kinetic energy and absolute
13-2 Temperature and Thermometers
13-4 Thermal Expansion
13-6 The Gas Laws and Absolute Temperature
13-7 The Ideal Gas Law
13-8 Problem Solving with the Ideal Gas Law
13-9 Ideal Gas Law in Terms of Molecules:
Avogadro’s Number
13-10 Kinetic Theory and the Molecular
Interpretation of Temperature
Chapter 14 – Heat
The 0ature of Heat and Internal Energy
45.1 Work with the units of heat – cal and J
45.2 Recognize that heat is transferred as the result of temperature difference
45.3 List components that contribute to the internal energy of a system
Heat and its Relationship to Temperature Change and Phase Changes
46.1 Define specific heat
46.2 Manipulate the expression for specific heat to find missing information
46.3 Apply specific heat concepts to solve calorimetry problems
46.4 Apply specific heat and latent heat concepts to determine missing information as
materials change temperature and/or phase
Methods of Heat Transfer
47.1 Define heat transfer by conduction
47.2 Manipulate equation for heat conduction to find missing information
47.3 Define heat transfer by convection
47.4 Define heat transfer by radiation
47.5 Manipulate the Stefan-Boltzmann equation to find missing information
Chapter 15 – The Laws of Thermodynamics
14-1 Heat as Energy Transfer
14-2 Internal Energy
14-3 Specific Heat
14-4 Calorimetry – Solving Problems
14-5 Latent Heat
14-6 Heat Transfer: Conduction
14-7 Heat Transfer: Convection
14-8 Heat Transfer: Radiation
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Learning Objectives
PHYS 1215 (Fall 2009, Buckley)
Text References to Physics, Giancoli, 6th Edition
(Chapter exercises are segregated into the different chapter sections – practice them)
Learning Objectives
The First Law of Thermodynamics
48.1 State the First Law of Thermodynamics
48.2 Apply the First Law to various physical situations to find work and heat
The Second Law of Thermodynamics
49.1 State the Second Law of Thermodynamics
49.2 Determine the efficiency of a heat engine
49.3 Determine the efficiency of a Carnot engine
49.4 Distinguish between reversible and irreversible processes
49.5 Determine the coefficient of performance of heat engines, air conditioners, and
49.6 Relate entropy to the Second Law of Thermodynamics
49.7 Relate entropy to the spontaneity of natural processes
Textbook Section(s)
15-1 The First Law of Thermodynamics
15-2 Thermodynamic Processes and the First Law
15-4 The Second Law of Thermodynamics –
15-5 Heat Engines
15-6 Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, and Heat
15-7 Entropy and the Second Law of
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