Saint Brigid Parish September 13, 2015 ▪Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Encounter Love Jesus One Another PRAYER Mass Schedule: Saturday Vigil: 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 5:30 p.m. Daily: 7:30 a.m. Holy Days: 7:30 a.m., 12:00 noon, 6:00 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. or by appointment Prayer and Devotions: Children Youth Ministry Adults Serve The World Centering Prayer: Thursdays 7:00 p.m. Connection to Christ Small Groups - ongoing Contemplative Prayer: Thursdays 6:30 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Healing Prayer: 1st Sunday 10:00a.m. - 11a.m. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Tuesdays after 7:30 a.m. Mass Prayer Divine Mercy Chaplet: Thursdays 3:00 p.m. FAITH FORMATION Children’s Programs run September - May Pre-School & Kindergarten: During 9:00 a.m. Mass Grade 1: Sundays 8:40 a.m. - 9:35 a.m Grades 2-8: Tuesdays 6:30 p.m. - 7:50 p.m. High School: Wednesdays Jr. High School: Tuesdays Becoming Catholic/RCIA, Connection to Christ Small Groups, School of Prayer - Ongoing SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Infant Baptism: Orientation for Parents & Godparents First Communion & First Reconciliation: Two-year process Teen Confirmation: Two-year process Becoming Catholic: Adults year round Marriage: Contact Parish Office to initiate 9-month preparation process PARISH GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS Centering Prayer: Kristen Cheatham (858) 395-2766 Cub Scouts: Dave Russell (858) 336-5394 Culture of Life: Greg & Gabriele Anthony (858) 344-5569 Eucharistic Ministry to Homebound: Fr. Rex (858) 483-3030 Healing Prayer: Erika Toraya (858) 775-7458 Knights of Columbus: Rick Santos (858) 581-2235 Married Couples Group: Deacon Mike Daniels (858) 361-1240 New Mom’s Group: Alicia Pacesetters: Marianne Weis (619) 295-1346 and Pat Easton (858) 270-1580 Social Ministries: Deacon Mike Daniels (858) 361-1240 Surf Club: Holly Yang (858) 263-7679 Ushers: Gloria Williams (858) 344-9900 Women’s Club: Eileen Myster (858) 531-8209 Very Rev. Msgr. Steven Callahan Pastor Rev. Rex Kintanar Associate Pastor Deacon Mike Daniels Deacon Chris Hulburt Sacramental Preparation, Infant Baptism, RCIA, Funerals and Bereavement Lee Hulburt (858) 483-3030 x117 Religious Education Gayle Heyman (858) 483-3032 Youth Ministry Grant Milbrand (858) 483-8905 Young Adult Ministry Carrie O’Loughlin (858) 483-3416 Adult Communities and Senior Ministry Nancy Wesseln (858) 483-3034 Evangelization and Stewardship Maryanne Russell (858) 483-3155 Music Ministry Jensine Nolan (619) 886-9561 Wedding Coordinator Mary Lucena (858) 483-1204 Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Mass Jensine Nolan (858) 274-1193 Pastoral Secretary Liz Gerken (858) 483-3030 x100 Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Mass Tim Foley (858) 344-3164 Sunday, 9:00 a.m. Mass Jensine Nolan (858) 274-1193 Sunday, 5:30 p.m. Mass Brian Curry (619) 517-1520 Administrative Manager Debbie Hedley (858) 483-3030 MUSIC Classic Choir Contemporary Groups Revelation Morning Praise Ordinary Time 4735 Cass Street San Diego, California 92109 (858) 483-3030 Parish Office (858) 483-7131 Fax ST. BRIGID SEPTEMBER 13, 2015 School of Prayer Laudato Si On Care for Our Common Home Tuesday, September 15th 6:30 p.m.—Parish Hall Our Associate Pastor, Fr. Rex Kintanar, will teach us about Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si—On Care for Our Common Home, which is the appeal from Pope Francis for an inclusive dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet. Pope Francis calls the Church and the world to acknowledge the urgency of our environmental challenges and to join him in embarking on a new path. This encyclical is written with both hope and resolve, looking to our common future with candor and humility. ___________________________________________________ Whole Community Catechesis Question of the Week Mk 8:27-35 Theme: We are called to carry our crosses. Question for Adults: What is the cross that you carry today? How do you follow Jesus in the workplace and at home? Question for Youth: Who do you say that Jesus is? Who is Jesus in your life? Question for Children: What do you think it means for you to follow in Jesus footsteps? ___________________________________________________ Readings for the Week Monday: Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1b-2, 34-38; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 Tuesday: 1 Tm 3:1-13; Ps 101:1b-3b, 5-6; Jn 19:25-27 Wednesday: 1 Tm 3:14-16; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 7:31-35 Thursday: 1 Tm 4:12-16; Ps 111:7-10; Lk 7:36-50 Friday: 1 Tm 6:2c-12; Ps 49:6-10, 17-20; Lk 8:1-3 Saturday: 1 Tm 6:13-16; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 8:4-15 Sunday: Wis 2:12, 17-20; Ps 54:3-4,5-8; Jas 3:16 — 4:3; Mk 9:30-37 ___________________________________________________ Mass Intentions—September 13-19 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Souls in Purgatory Ann Orlik Milton Dudeck David Worden Tyrrell E. DeMan Intention Ann Turner Saints and Special Observances Sunday: Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Grandparents Day; Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year 5776) begins at sunset Monday: The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Tuesday: Our Lady of Sorrows Wednesday: Ss. Cornelius and Cyprian Thursday: St. Robert Bellarmine Saturday: St. Januarius; Blessed Virgin Mary ___________________________________________________ Servant Sometimes the hour and the person meet. Sometimes, when a task or mission is set upon our shoulders, we know we must meet our responsibilities and we are ready. These are heady and invigorating times. The first reading and the Gospel proclamation today are intimate glimpses of a commencement, and inauguration of a challenging future. In both readings, a sense of gravity prevails. The first reading is from the mysterious Servant Songs from the book of Isaiah. The person is steadfast and brave. His courage and bravery are not located in his stout heart, but in God. We are reminded, “The Lord GOD opens my ear and I may hear” (Isaiah 50:4), so the servant understands the mission. And twice, “The Lord GOD is my help: (50:7,9), so that the servant can endure the coming struggle. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. ___________________________________________________ Holy Grounds Coffee and Fellowship Join us in the hall for coffee, donuts and fellowship. We will be open after the 7:30 a.m. Mass until 11:00 a.m. Good will offering benefits the Monday and Wednesday night dinners for the homeless. Get Connected Find more information about all ministries on our parish website! Young Adult Ministry ~ 20’s & 30’s Ultimate Frisbee at Liberty Station Monday, September 14th—5:30 p.m.—7:00 p.m. Contact: Nathan at (619) 415-3024 or ~~~~~ Adoration Wednesday, September 16th—6:00—7:00 p.m. in the church Soak in Christ’s love and joy while sitting in front of him in the Blessed Sacrament. There will be light music playing in the background so COME and be still! ~~~~~ Fall Bible Study Wednesday, September 16th—7:30 p.m.—Ministry Center We read the upcoming Sunday readings, and talk about how they apply to our lives. We will have a large group and small group option as well. Contact Sean at (619) 316-6996 or for more information. ~~~~~ Diocesan Young Adult Retreat—The Awakening Friday, September 18th—Sunday, September 20th Contact Maria at (858) 490-8260 or for more information. Register at ~~~~~ For more information call or email Carrie at (858) 4833416 or or go to the parish website at ___________________________________________________ St. Brigid 30s & 40s Dinner After 5:30 p.m. Mass Sunday, September 13th—7:00 p.m. Old Tequila Factory Restaurant—Old Town 2467 Juan Street, San Diego, CA 92110 Come join us for dinner after the 5:30 p.m. Mass at St. Brigid or just meet us at the restaurant if you go to Mass at a different time. Please R.S.V.P. to Lisa at (619) 565-5356 for enough seating. If you would like to be added to the weekly email list, please send an email to ___________________________________________________ Celebrate Life Join Birthline for our Walk on Sunday, October 4th from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at De Anza Cove, Mission Bay Park. Help Birthline support pregnant women and mothers with small children. Birthline offers hope and support to over 250 women per month through their two local offices. Call for sponsor forms and more information at (858) 270-2491 to register or make a donation online. St. Brigid Adult Community 40’s & 50’s Single/Married/Divorced/Widowed ~~~~~ Half Way to St. Patrick’s Day at the Field! Thursday, September 17th See details in your weekly email. Contacts: and Marc ~~~~~ Theology “Uncorked” Monday, September 21st—7:00 p.m. Our Mother of Confidence Parish—St. Paul Room Speaker: Brian Curry Topic: Ecumenism Is the Roman Catholic Church the one true church? What is the Church’s teaching on our understanding and relationship with non-Catholic Christian denominations, the Jewish People, Muslims, and other world religions? How about those that have no faith or religion? Where is the Church on Christian and worldwide unity? Who are the People of God? Listen, learn, and discuss at the next Theology “Uncorked!” ~~~~~ Find out details about ALL upcoming events on our calendar of events: or sign up for our weekly email! Contact Nancy Wesseln at (858) 483-3034 or St. Brigid parish is working with Our Mother of Confidence and St. Therese of Carmel parishes to provide Activities and a Social Network for Catholics to meet: San Diego Catholic Adult Community. ___________________________________________________ Active 60’s+! Married/Single/Divorced/Widowed St. Brigid and Our Mother of Confidence parishes working together to provide Activities and a Social Network for Catholics ages 60+! ~~~~~ Save the Date! Saturday, October 3rd—Join us for a Potluck! More details soon in your ACTIVE 60’s email or contact ~~~~~ Sign up to receive our Active 60’s+ weekly email at and choose St. Brigid as your parish or contact Allie at (858) 232-9310. ___________________________________________________ St. Brigid High School Youth Ministry Confirmation interviews continue this week for students in their 1st & 2nd year of Confirmation prep. Please text or email a time to set up an appointment. Appointments will be on Wednesday evenings and after Masses on the weekends. For information, please contact Grant Milbrand, Coordinator of Youth Ministry at or (858) 682-8888. St. Brigid Senior Scene Mondays: Prayer Group-All ages are welcome! Mary Lou’s Group meets at 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Lounge. Call Mary Lou at (858) 272-5372 if you have any questions! Tuesdays: 12:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m. —Bay Room—Bridge Wednesdays:10:00 a.m.—Parish Lounge—Moving Meditation for Seniors —Come learn gentle movements that promote health and flexibility along with spiritual peacefulness. Wednesdays: 12:00 Noon—Bay Room—Pacesetters— Weekly gathering, lunch and card games—Join us! Contacts: Marianne—619-295-1346 or Pat—858-270-1580 ~~~~~ Want to know more? See the list of weekly “Senior Scene” events listed here in the bulletin or check our Senior Bulletin Board located right outside the Bay Room! Want to sign up for our “Senior Scene” email! Contact Nancy at or (858) 483-3034. ___________________________________________________ Senior Fridays Friday, Faith and Fellowship!—12:00 p.m.—1:30 p.m. Bring your lunch and join us every Friday! This Friday, September 11th we are watching Father Barron series: “Eucharist” ~~~~~ Fridays: Chair Yoga continues! 1:30 p.m.—2:15 p.m. in the Lounge Contact: Sara— or (858) 224- 0551.The class is for all ages, all ability levels—45 minute class. Strengthen your mind, body and spirit without standing up! Build muscle tone, strength, flexibility and a positive mental attitude. ___________________________________________________ Stewardship Moment Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. James asks what our love for Jesus Christ can possible mean if it does not result in action on behalf of our neighbor. He suggests that that faith is demonstrated most acutely in care for the needy, the suffering, and the underprivileged. Stewardship includes proclaiming the Good News by putting our faith into action on behalf of others. In what ways have we been willing to make sacrifices and renunciations for the sake of Jesus Christ and our neighbor? ___________________________________________________ Sunday Offering: August 29 & 30 Online: $ 4,592.00 Envelopes: $14,391.48 Loose: $ 2,278.63 Total: ——————— $21,262.11 Ministry for Men The Men’s Ministry meets on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room. ___________________________________________________ The Cross To Bear If you bear the cross gladly, it will bear you. —Thomas à Kempis Children’s Religious Education News! Registration for Children’s Faith Formation, preschool—8th grade, is currently ongoing for the 2015-2016 school year. Children registering for preschool should be 3 years old by September 1st. All new families and families with children entering their second year of preparation for First Communion will need to set up a family appointment with Gayle Heyman, Director or Religious Education, to complete registration. To register or set up an appointment, please contact Gayle Heyman at or (858) 4833030. ___________________________________________________ Ministry of Consolation Needs You! “If one member suffers in the body of Christ which is the Church, all the members suffer with that member” (1 Cor 12:26)...So too when a member of Christ’s Body dies, the faithful are called to a ministry of consolation to those who have suffered the loss of one whom they love.” (OCF, #8) This parish ministry of caring is looking for the next generation of ministers. This grace-filled opportunity is open to all-aged adults with some flexibility in their daily schedules, and the semi-retired or retired active adults. No experience is necessary; our most urgent needs are altar servers, lectors, and ushers. If you would like to know more about the ministry, please call Lee Hulburt at (858) 483-3030. “Make us know the shortness of our life, that we may gain wisdom of heart.” Ps 90 __________________________________________________ Church Ministers Conference Saturday, September 19th 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mater Dei Catholic High School The Diocese of San Diego will be hosting the Church Ministers Conference on Saturday, September 19th at Mater Dei Catholic High School. The day will showcase over 90 workshops to choose from in English, Spanish and Vietnamese, 50+ publishers, exhibits and vendors! Bishop Robert W. McElroy will be presiding at the welcoming Mass and will deliver the keynote address. The venue allows for up to 1,800 attendees. All ecclesial ministers are invited to attend. The cost is $25 and lunch will be provided. Online registration is now open! To register, visit: Register early! Walk-in registration is not guaranteed. ___________________________________________________ Explorer Day Is God calling you to be a priest? Saturday, October 17th—8:30 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Explorer Day is a six-hour discernment experience for men interested in the priesthood. It includes Mass & other common prayer, presentations from priests, and an opportunity to ask questions and discuss topics such as: What is a priest? What does a priest do? What is the preparation process like? What are some of the rewards and challenges of priestly ministry? How does a man know if God is calling him to the priesthood? Pre-registration is required for this event. To register, contact either Father Steve or Father Rex. For more information, contact Fr. Pedro M. Rivera at (858) 490-8385 or September Women’s Club Meeting Monday, September 21st 11:45 a.m.—Parish Hall Guest Speaker: Sharon De Shaaf from Tassinari Physical Therapy Sharon will teach us exercises to maintain good posture and balance and more. You can ask her questions as well. Lunch will be a “dump salad”—a variety of greens, dressings, desserts and beverages will be provided for $2.00. You are asked to bring a cup of a salad topping of your choice—tomatoes, carrots, beans, nuts, etc. Everyone is welcome! Questions? Call Eileen Myster at (858) 531-8209. ___________________________________________________ Prayer for the Sick Please include the following parishioners in your prayers for those suffering from illness or disease: Tom Abts Martin Aguilar Matilde Arviso Mary Brown Marlene Cesarz Corbet Ciszak Eva Crossman Julia Davidson Gina Ferreira Caralina Floding Mary Gildea Toni Gholson Alicia Hubbs Niki Lawless Eve Lonack Joe McGreevy Carl Miller Karlyn Murphy Chris Nastro Betty O’Neil Stuart Patton Diane Perry Fay Putz Hilda Rivera Ruth Smith April Solis Kathryn Sundquist Virgie Candor Sweet Grace Szymanski Walt Tice Amparo Valin Mario S. Valin Ariadna Wall Ethel Walsh Andy Weis Warren Wells Michele Welters ___________________________________________________ Healing Prayer Ministry Healing Mass—Friday, September 25th—7:00p.m. Fr. Joe Miller, SVD will be celebrating a special Mass of Healing. A Divine Word Missionary priest, currently the Director of the Office for the Missions in San Diego, Fr. Joe is clearly filled with the Holy Spirit of Love and is an especially inspiring homilist. Don’t miss this great opportunity for healing grace! All are welcome—bring a friend! ~~~~~ Individual Prayer Time Every first Sunday of the month, the Healing Prayer Ministry is available from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. in the John Paul II Room to pray with anyone seeking healing—whether physical, spiritual or emotional. If you need prayer at times other than the scheduled prayer time, we are happy to make arrangements to pray with you at another time. Call Erika at (858) 775-7458 or Mike and Kathy at (858) 715-9831. Our prayer team will also pray for your intentions that you submit online through the website, e-newsletter, or to Neighbors In Need Our ministry serves our Neighbors in Need on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. Our warm weather is here! We are in a real need for lighter clothing especially summer shorts, light jackets, sweaters, shoes and new socks. And guys! We need your donations. Sunscreen, and the usual notions including toothbrushes and toothpaste and cash donations are also greatly appreciated. Please leave in Parish office clearly marked "Neighbors in Need". And remember, it is you that make this Ministry the success it is . Our next dinner will be served on Monday, September 14th in the parish hall. THOUGHT: Who can He reach thru us? What can we Do through our Actions? ___________________________________________________ St. Vincent de Paul Dinner for the Homeless Saturday, September 19th—4:00 p.m.—7:30 p.m. Help serve dinner to the homeless at St. Vincent de Paul’s Village. Meet at 4:00 p.m. in the main reception area of St. Vincent de Paul Village, located at 16th and Imperial. Contact Rob Clark to R.S.V.P. and for parking information at or (619) 813-9199. ___________________________________________________ Relationship Skills Workshop Deacon Ralph and Peggy Skiano will be presenting Relationship Skills Workshops every Thursday night at 7:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Grace Parish—Moloney Center, 2766 Navajo Road, El Cajon, through December 10th. Come and explore how to improve your relationships. You can attend one workshop, several, or all of them. The next workshop is September 17th and the topic is Understanding Expectations. For more information, contact Deacon Ralph at (858) 490-8292. ___________________________________________________ School Supplies for Casa de los Pobres The Sisters of the Casa are requesting donations of school supplies for the children. Education is one of the Sisters priorities in helping to break the cycle of poverty. Backpacks are also always needed. If your child or children are getting new backpacks this year, please consider donating their old ones. Thank you for your continued support and generosity. If you have any questions, please contact Caroline Kelner at (858) 273-5545 or ___________________________________________________ Third Wednesday Homeless Dinner Wednesday, September 16th—P.B. Methodist Church Our regular third Wednesday of the month homeless dinner hosted by St. Brigid Parish and held at the Pacific Beach Methodist Church is September 16th. We have a wonderful team of volunteers and welcome anyone who would like to join us. We gather in the kitchen at 4:30 p.m. for chopping and chatting, serve dinner at 5:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. and we are on our way home by 6:45 p.m. If you don’t have the time to join us serving 150-200 guests, please help us by supporting our tradition by writing a check to St. Brigid Parish and on the subject line enter Wednesday Homeless Dinner. If you have any questions please email Ginny at St. Vincent de Paul Ladies Guild Membership Luncheon Monday, September 14th, 11:00 a.m. Ladies Guild Room at St. Vincent de Paul Village Join us at our free Membership Luncheon as we celebrate our 32nd anniversary, highlighting the important volunteer service that our Ladies Guild provides for the children of St. Vincent de Paul Village (Father Joe’s Villages). It is a truly rewarding experience and we would encourage you to join our volunteer efforts. For more information, please contact Janet Salus at (858) 483-7911 or ___________________________________________________ Carmelite Fund Raiser The North Shores Catholic Women’s Club annual fundraiser luncheon to benefit the Carmelite Nuns will be held on Thursday, September 17th at Phil’s Event Center located at 3740 Sports Arena Blvd. The cost is $40 per person. For tickets, please contact Jackie at (858) 488-6200. ___________________________________________________ Eucharistic Adoration Thursdays—8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. ~~~~~ Divine Mercy Chaplet—3:00 p.m. Please join us for some quiet time with the Lord. Every Thursday we have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the church. If you would like to sign up for specific time either as a permanent volunteer or as a substitute, please contact Rosemary Fraunces at (858) 254-3945. ___________________________________________________ Treasures From Our Tradition It seems obvious to us that Jesus Christ is the Lord of second chances. We need look no further than Peter’s denial and rehabilitation for proof. Yet early Christians were more tentative with the gift of forgiveness. For them, every Sunday was an experience of the Lord’s power to heal and forgive, yet there were three sins that placed persons at the margins of the community’s life. In some places, the rift caused by these sins was permanent. The sins were apostasy (denial of the faith), adultery, and murder. They were particularly detested because of their power to divide and even scatter the community gathered around the Lord’s table. Fragile and persecuted communities could crumble and disappear under the weight of a harm done by a public sinner. Sinners were excluded from the community in the hope that “tough love” would help them come to their senses and experience deeper conversion. Inevitably, lists of grave sins grew longer as various bishops added their personal pet peeves to the roster, and more people were required to do public penance. For them, reconciliation was a once‑in‑a‑lifetime experience. Many sinners accepted their condition and hoped for a chance at a deathbed reconciliation by anointing. With more and more people permanently on the outs, the church began to struggle toward the light of the Lord’s unfailing gift of reconciliation. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. ___________________________________________________ Recognizing Our Military Please pray for the following family members and friends of our parish, as well as all of our men and women serving in the military who protect and keep us safe each day. CDR Ben Allbritton—Navy Ensign Stephen Bauchman—Navy Staff Sgt. David M. Bautista—Army Lt. Mathew Buhn—Navy 1st Lt. James Byrne—Marine Corps GMG 1 Edward Stephen Bystrak—Navy Ltjg Samantha Carnahan—Navy Sgt. Angelo Castilleja—Marine Corps A1C Gabriel Catalanotto—Air Force LCDR Jon Champine—Navy 2nd Lt David Conde—Army Lt. Dave Dauphinais—Navy PFC Evan Denison—Army 1st Lt. H. M. Denny—Army Major Louis Otto Emme—Army 2nd Lt. Nancy Gillcrist—Air Force Sgt. Patrick Gowan—Army UT 3 Adam Green—Navy CWO 2 John Gressard—Army SCPO Thomas Hellwig—Navy Ted Hart—Marine Corps Captain William A. Hesser, Jr.—Navy Lt. Ryan Thomas Hughes—Army 2nd Lt. Michael Huntington—Army LCDR Darrell Keller—Navy CDR Andrew Loth—Navy Lt. Jennifer Loth—Coast Guard CWO 3 Manase Mansur—Coast Guard Pvt. Daniel Conor McCarthy—Army 1st Lt Ryan McCool—Marine Corps 1st Lt. Patrick McGill—Marine Corps LCDR Daniel Mitzner—Navy Major Michael Nau—Army CWO 2 Justin Neal—Army Lt. Nilbert Ng—-Navy GM1 D.G. Parra—Navy 1st Lt. Bill Pendergast—Marine Corps SSgt Samuel Purma—Army Captain Michael Reel—Marine Corps CDR Kevin Rigney—Navy LCpl Declan Joseph Saldana—Marine Corps Lt. Tim Scheidler—Navy Lt. Nathaniel Shick—Navy Staff Sgt. Mark Slatter—Army Ltjg John Sturgill—Navy SPC BreeAnna Taylor—Army SPC Gene Taylor—Army Major Scott Weinpel—Marine Corps Andrew Zetts—Marine Corps If you have a loved one serving in the military and would like to add him/her to our list for prayer, please call the parish office at (858) 483-3030 and give the military member’s name, rank and branch service. Thank you. ___________________________________________________ Support Group for Separated/Divorced A new support group starting Sunday, September 13th for anyone suffering from the pain and loss associated with separation or divorce. We meet Sundays at 10:15 a.m. at St. James Catholic Church—Ministry Center in Solana Beach. For more information contact Frank Grant at (760) 533-1520 or email him at Serving All German & Japanese Models. 1727 Garnet Ave. (858) 270-1142 Bruce Howard Steve Leinow DIMENSIONAL parishioner Broker/Owners REAL ESTATE SERVICES 858-245-5198 Since 1980 Coastal & Greater SD Real Estate W IL L IS A L L E N R E A L E S T A T E T HE D ANIELS G ROUP Mi c h a e l & L i n d a D a n i e l s P a r i s h i o n e r s (858) 361-5561 Restaurant • Bakery • Wine Boutique 960 Turquoise Street • North Pacific Beach • HARCOURTS CROWN Scott Bailey A MEMBER OF THE HARCOURTS GROUP CalBRE#01917273 REALTOR® o 858-200-0087 c 858-229-0604 e w 3455 Ingraham St., San Diego 619 297-4931 Estate Planning Business Entity Formation & Law Bankruptcy Civil & Construction & Collections Law TASTEE FREEZE North Shore Medical Center 4747 Mission Blvd. Ste. 4A Thomas J. Schoettle, JD, CFP, CFA Over 20 years experience PROFESSIONAL MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATES (858) 488-3800 Board Certified Psychiatry & Neurology 1959 GRAND AVE. • STE. A Investment & Advisory Services • Estate Planning Visit our website at Victoria Talarico 581-6900 Joseph R. Mawhinney, M.D. (858) 581-5776 Parishioner Students & Adults 858 610-1073 Erasmo’s Gardens and Landscaping Services Palm & Tree Trimming * Irrigation Systems Yard Maintenance * Clean-ups Trash Hauling * Free Estimates!! Residential Over 15 years experienced! Cell (619) 318-6065 Office (619) 266-2694 East West Tailoring & Cleaners Specializing in Men’s & Women's Alterations Experts in Leather & Wedding Gowns 4512 INGRAHAM ST., S.D. Quality 24-Hr. Service Cont. Lic. No. 959822 2085 Hotel Circle S., San Diego I specialize in Pacific Beach, call me today! Specials for Parishioners Free estimates on New Doors EMORY PLUMBING (858) 274-8062 (858) 483-6880 Marilyn Sobilo, REALTOR® CA BRE #01863789 619-985-2028 Quality Garage Doors (858) 576-7223 Sales & Service of Doors & Openers 8878 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Lic. #772078 Grades TK-8 Architecture and Planning Commercial | Urban Infill | Custom Homes Christopher S. Cooke, Tax Attorney Focused on helping San Diego County residents with all their tax needs. (800) 235-0894 Tax Audits│IRS, FTB, EDD or BOE Disputes│Tax Preparation│ Unfiled Returns│Preparation of wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and advance health care directives│Formation of corporations, limited liability companies, and nonprofits In-Home Therapy for Individuals with Special Needs MONIQUE K. DICKINSON, RKT Registered Kinesiotherapist #1628 619-347-4182 **Licensed and Insured** Parishioner HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CEMETERY & MAUSOLEUM 45th & Hilltop Drive, San Diego, CA 92102 Pre-Needed Arrangement is an act of love No Interest Budget Plan / Up to 5 years to pay Call 264-3127 • Se Habla Español Alignments • Brakes • Shocks • Struts • Name Brands • Custom Wheels 4680 Cass Street Open Daily @ 6am 858-459-6074 LARIMER DESIGN David Garmo Your new neighbor. A place to congregate. Share ideas, kindness and coffee Please call to schedule a tour President / Principal Architect, LEED AP Parishioner (619) 804-3171 tlarimer@larimerdesign .com Repairs, Remodeling, Decks, Painting Finish Carpentry, Dry Rot Repair Door & Window Installation, Wood Repairs 33 years of experience / References 1470 Garnet Ave. • Pacific Beach All Hallows Academy “Where Faith and Education Meet” Tom Larimer, AIA Tommy Hoyt - Parishioner 858.761.8745 Serving San Diego for over 25 years! “You’ve Got a Friend in the Business” (619) 847-7034 Parishioner Home Repair Co. 274-9977 Debbie Conca John Conca Physical Therapy Marcia Tassinari, MPT Rusty Tassinari, MPT, ATC Senior Homecare By Angels Filippi’s Pizza Grotto VEAL PARMIGIANA • RAVIOLI • VEAL SCALL0PINI SPAGHETTI • LASAGNA • TORPEDO SANDWICH You Select Your Caregiver! Up to 24 hour care Hygiene Assistance Meals, Errands & More. ORDER TO GO - (858) 483-6222 “LOOK FOR THIS MAN FOR QUALITY” 962 Garnet Ave. • Pacific Beach (2 blocks from the church) Coast to Coast Landscape Architecture, Design and Planning Visit Us: Mission Kitchen & Bath Specializing in Complete, Ceramic Tile, Bathroom Remodels Free Estimates POR FAVOR APOYE A ESTOS ANUNCIANTES Stella Maris Academy Live, Laugh, Learn, and Pray Experience a place where every child is cherished, academics excel, and community is embraced. Grades TK—8 (858) 454-2461 #67 St. Brigid, San Diego Protect Your Family (858) 273-8745 “An independently owned and operated Office” TODD PEARSALL Since 1946 ALIGNMENT • BRAKES • MUFFLERS 4745 MISSION BAY DR. • SAN DIEGO We are next to the new McDonald’s Spanish Lessons It’s always a delicious day at... Catering DUALTONE Madonna Arts Since 1981 2015 Pacific Beach Foreign & Domestic Car, LTD Mission Publications FOR ADS CALL 1-888-253-4358 PLEASE SUPPORT THESE ADVERTISERS