President's Message to All of Our Park Friends Elm City Parks

Summer 2013
Elm City Parks Conservancy
Protecting Our Urban
Fall 2013
President’s Message to All of Our Park Friends
In New York City, a campaign was initiated by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani
to raise awareness of the importance of parks in the lives of people. How
about YOUR park? Isn’t it important to you, too?
What’s New,
New Haven?
Polar Plunge Update
September Park Events
Farewell to Bob Levine
Friends Group News
It may be where you eat your lunch, walk your dog, toss a ball or throw a
Frisbee around. It could be the place where you smell the flowers, enjoy a
concert, go for a stroll, read a book, take your kids to play, or just sit and
dream of what the future may hold. The former mayor asked “Do you wish
it were cleaner? Greener? Safer?” ECPC asks the same questions.
With your help, it can be! All across New Haven, from Westville to Morris
Cove, from Newhallville to City Point - dedicated people are always
needed to care for our local parks. Why not join us in our effort by starting
your own ”Park Friends” group?
Communities really come together when teams work to benefit the shared
resources that parks offer! Get involved and start your own Parks Friends
Group by calling ECPC at 203-946-2459 and say YES! I want to help New
Haven’s Parks!
Marge Ottenbreit
Fundraising Goes Viral Initiative - 2013-2014
ECPC has partnered with First
Giving to establish a new web site
dedicated to all Park Friends
Groups and other partners. It
allows all of us to promote events
and accept contributions online
this year.
Visit to
learn how to make donations or
set up your own fundraiser. Since
Polar Plunge is a principal source
of fund raising for ECPC - and for
many park groups - the First
Giving site allows you to publicize
and fundraise your own planned
events. We encourage you to
explore this site and take
advantage of this wonderful
opportunity. ECPC welcomes
volunteer “Team Captains” to
fundraise on behalf of their favorite
park or related organization (like a
Park Friends Group – you can set
one up too!). For information or
questions about using the website,
go online to
or just call us at 203-946-2459.
Elm City Parks Conservancy
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Calling All Polar Bears
Once again we begin to plan for our Annual Polar Plunge - First Day New Haven. While Superstorm
Sandy prevented ECPC from holding the Polar Plunge last year, we are back, and looking for “Teams“
as well as Park Friends Groups to see who can bring in the most funds – and have fun in the process.
Remember, all funds from team pledges, registrations at the door, and online can be assigned to
benefit any donor’s preferred park. You can use the FirstGiving website for this purpose. Admission to
the 2014 Polar Plunge - First Day New Haven for all supporters of this charitable fundraising event is
$10 per person and includes brunch, while the registration fee for all Plungers remains the same as it
has been for over ten years - still only $20, including brunch and hot tubs. Prizes will be made
available to those who raise the most funds, and an assortment of Polar Bear tee-shirts, long-sleeved tshirts, and hooded sweat shirts (“hoodies”) will also be on hand for purchase. See you on Jan. 1, 2014!
Saturday, September 15, 2013 – East Shore Day Festival
The City of New Haven is holding this area-wide event in this beautiful part of the city. Many
environmental, Park Friends, historic and other non-profit organizations will be getting together to share
information and celebrate East Shore Park, with other activities to highlight Salperto Skating Rink,
Hannah’s Dream, Fort Nathan Hale, the Pardee Morris House and Lighthouse Point. There will be
food, fun, education, tours, and prizes galore. Why not volunteer by calling ECPC at 203-946-2459 for
more information on how to help?!
Saturday, September 21, 2013 – Military Time Line
Fort Nathan Hale Restoration Projects will present a Military Time Line with uniformed soldiers from
various U.S. wars and conflicts. They will explain their uniforms and why some differences may appear
among the uniforms issued to soldiers during the same war.
Sunday, September 22, 2013 – The Annual Hawk Migration Festival
Lighthouse Point Park is one of the largest migration sites for these and other birds on the East Coast.
There will be educational and environmental groups, games, and prizes for kids. The fascinating
BIRDS OF PREY program will highlight several of the magnificent creatures that have been injured in
the wild and cannot be returned to their natural habitat. This is a nice family fun day with bird banding,
and butterfly sightings too.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013 – Butterflies and Bears at Lighthouse Point Park
Join us for Butterflies and Bears at Lighthouse Point Park on this Wednesday evening. It will be an
opportunity to view the Butterfly Gardens at the peak of the migration season – and also to kick off our
plans for POLAR PLUNGE – FIRST DAY NEW HAVEN, after a “pause” this past year. We will have a
Polar Bear Scavenger hunt around the park with prizes for those who collect the most “bears”.
Refreshments will be available. Keep on the lookout for the invitation you will be receiving soon!
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Elm City Parks Conservancy
Friends and employees met to bid a fond farewell to Bob Levine, who served as the City of New
Haven’s Director of Parks, Recreation and Trees for the past 17 years. Held at Anthony’s Ocean View,
over 100 people attended to “roast” Bob, offering well wishes and some jokes prior to his departure for
a new position in Georgia. Among several amusing incidents that took place, ECPC’s Marge Ottenbreit
presented Bob with a framed cartoon series. One depicted the Defenders Monument with Patriots
guarding the entrance to the city with their cannon; the caption read “If you see Bob Levine trying to get
back into New Haven, don’t hesitate - just shoot!” In the spirit of the “roast”, it was Bob’s turn at last.
He called Rob Smuts (New Haven’s Chief Administrative Officer) up to the dais and presented him with
a baseball cap of Augusta’s minor league team and said, “I’m appointing you as my Number Two Man
in Augusta!” Everyone got a big laugh at that; it was clear that many of Bob’s successes had resulted
from a team effort. We’ll miss Bob and thank him all he has done for our parks, including the addition
of many new Splash Pads and the restoration of the Angel of Peace monument on top of East Rock.
Parks NEWS
The Friends of Edgewood Park
A Wine, Cheese & Conversation event was held on the wonderful overlook at the beginning of summer,
and was attended by a number of Park Friends and supporters. The group has had a busy summer,
working with a group of young interns who learned about the environment and conservation while
improving the looks of this very large city park. Hallie Martins, Youth Coordinator, had been working
with the young people, teaching those skills that allowed and will enable the establishment of specific
and measurable goals going forward. Not only does the park benefit, but the kids learn important life
lessons along the way.
Friends of Lighthouse Point Park
Every Friday morning, you will find this friends group working in the Butterfly Garden. The butterflies
are starting to arrive now - and the garden is a gourmet dinner for them! Volunteers are always
welcome. Contact ECPC to make arrangements to join this Park Friends group, which will also take
part in the East Shore Day Festival on Saturday, September 15th, working with kids, teaching about
nature, and having some fun in the process. Also, Friends of Lighthouse Point, with John Cox at the
helm, will be lending a hand during the Hawk Migration Festival on Sunday, Sept. 22nd. This event
provides a terrific opportunity to see thousands of birds of prey migrating over the park on their way
down south. Come and join us!
Elm City Parks Conservancy
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Friends of Fort Wooster
The Park Friends met with State of Connecticut Archaeologist Nick Bellantoni and other state historical
site representatives to discuss the possibility of encountering artifacts during any “digs” proposed for
this relatively unknown park location in New Haven. The fort was very near to the Indian Burial
Grounds; it saw action in 1779 when the British invaded New Haven during the Revolutionary War.
Who knows what they may find?! Friends of Fort Wooster meet the second Thursday of each month at
the Community Room above the Firehouse, on Lighthouse Road at 7:00 pm. Visitors are welcome, as
well as all volunteers and history buffs. Chairperson Sue Marches says “there’s a lot of history in this
small place.”
Fort Nathan Hale Restoration Projects
A wine tasting, called “WINE ON THE WATER” was held at Amarante’s Sea Cliff last April. The
proceeds from the event are being used to continue the on-going repair and restoration of the historic
forts. Boy Scout Troop 401, under the leadership of Ned Taylor, hosted the East Shore Camporee on
Opening Day. Over 100 Boy Scouts from all over the State camped out and served as color guards for
the Opening Day Ceremony. The two big hurricanes did substantial damage to the entire park, but
repairs, with the help of the Boy Scouts, volunteers, and others, are ongoing.
Monitor Square
John Fitzgerald reports that this group of Park Friends is small, but dedicated. They have been
meeting every Saturday morning to weed, deadhead, plant to keep Monitor Square looking neat and
attractive. They also worked with the Parks Department to remove some unhealthy trees and will
replant more next year. They welcome additional volunteers. It’s really a lovely site at a major
intersection; we are so proud of the work they have done. Whenever you are near St. Raphael’s
Hospital near Derby Avenue, be sure to enjoy Monitor Square!
Friends of Historic Wooster Square
Friends, neighbors, many non-profits, civic and crafts people gather at Wooster Park every spring to
welcome in the cherry blossoms. It’s always tricky to predict when the big bloom will occur, but with or
without blossoms, this annual event goes on. They have music, ethnic dancers, welcoming local
dignitaries and many food vendors. It’s a family event and enjoyed by all who attend. Ahh, Spring!
Friends of West River - West River Watershed Partnership
The West River Water Festival was held on a sunny and breezy July 20 th. Exhibitors were busy with
hands on activities for kids and adults. The New Haven Bird Club got a lot of attention with a huge
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Elm City Parks Conservancy
telescope to view the avian wonders from a distance. Another birder set up woodland scenes that kids
could color and then apply birds to the scene using rubber stamps. Others had conservation and
environmental exhibits and several “painting” parties. The main featured attraction, besides the open
fire hydrant, was the Quinnipiac Canoe Club. This free, successful event afforded over 100 folks the
opportunity to enjoy opaddling canoes up and down the West River on a gorgeous, sunny day. Thanks
to Doreen Abubakar and Kathy Fay for a job well done!
Friends of East Rock Park (FERP)
FERP also had a busy summer, with student interns working around the park. You can see photos of
the great job they did this year by checking out, where you can also browse
a selection of East Rock Park photo greeting cards and FERP tee shirts on sale – all good values!
Beaver Pond Park
Under the direction of Nan Bartow, Friends of Beaver Pond Park have had a busy summer as well.
With the group working together evenings weekly , they worked to improve the landscaped features
using skill and hard work stemming from the motivation that team efforts can impart in an individual. By
removing invasive species and fostering the growth of native ones, as well as meeting with city and
state university representatives to share concerns of the potential adverse impacts to the park from
proposed improvements to the adjacent athletic field, the group had another great season. Thanks!
Join Us on September 25th
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Lighthouse Point Park
Viewing of the Butterfly Gardens
(Maintained by the Friends of Lighthouse)
Refreshments Provided
Donation $10.00
2014 Polar Plunger Registration Packets Will Be Available!
Elm City Parks
“Strengthening Public Awareness and Community Participation”
29 Atwater St.
New Haven, CT 06153
(203) 946-2459
Visit us on the Web!
We’re on Facebook too!
More About Elm City Parks Conservancy…
Post or Check Plunge Photos!
ECPC Board Officers:
Marge Ottenbreit, President
Anna Schildroth, Treasurer
Dave Demers, Secretary
Monthly Board Meetings
Every 4th Wednesday at 6 pm
Beaver Hill Police Substation
386 Whalley Ave., New Haven
Our mission statement is to strengthen public awareness and community
participation in New Haven and community parks. Our philosophy is to
partner with individuals and develop Park Friends Groups, to help them
accomplish their individual goals, and to foster community spirit within
our parks and community gardens. Sponsored in part by the New Haven
Department of Parks, Recreation and Trees, we are a 501c(3) non-profit,
membership organization. Anyone having an interest in our city’s Parks
can join. Annual dues are $20. We heartily encourage our Park Friends
Groups to send a representative to attend our monthly meetings and we
welcome all those interested in joining our Board! For more information,
call 203-946-2459 or email us at