The Tragedy of the Commons? Author(s): Prajit K. Dutta and Rangarajan K. Sundaram Source: Economic Theory, Vol. 3, No. 3 (Jul., 1993), pp. 413-426 Published by: Springer Stable URL: Accessed: 21/10/2010 13:56 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Springer is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Economic Theory. Econ. Theory 3,413-426 (1993) "^ ? Economic Theory 1993 ? Springer-Verlag The tragedy of the commons?* Prajit K. Dutta1 1 2 Department Department November Received: K. Sundaram2 and Rangarajan of Economics, of Economics, 22,1991; New York, NY 10027, USA University, NY of Rochester, 14627, USA Rochester, Columbia University revised version March 16,1992 of the set of Markov-Perfect provide a complete characterization resource of games a la Levhari and (MPE) Equilibria dynamic common-property We MPE Mirman find all of exhibit that such games (1980). remarkably regular Summary. We nature, however, and despite their memoryless dynamic behavior. Surprisingly, MPE need not result in a "tragedy of the commons", of the i.e., overexploitation resource relative to the first-best solutions. We show through an example that MPE of underexploitation of the resource. could, in fact, lead to the reverse phenomenon we are demonstrate Nonetheless, that, in payoff space, MPE always suboptimal. 1 Introduction It is commonly that when several agents simultaneously believed exploit a resource, the resulting externality will lead to overuse productive common-property or overexploitation of the resource relative to the first-best situation, a phenomenon the tragedy of the commons. The object of this paper is to sense, if any, this view may be considered valid. At least implicitly, the reasoning behind the existence of a "tragedy" involves an to enforce that players are not using history-dependent strategies assumption is a phenomenon "good" outcomes. In game-theoretic terminology, overexploitation to be associated with Markov-Perfect of common-property Equilibria or MPE resource games. If players are conditioning their equilibrium behavior solely on the that has been termed in what examine current "state" of the game, but not on the history * The first University; was a graduate Sundaram student at Cornell when this paper was written was the California when he was visiting Institute of version completed to in are grateful like to many and would for their thank, advice, particular, people version the that led to that state, the intuition of current We Technology. and Karl Shell. We Andreu Mas-Colell, Mukul Majumdar, Tapan Mitra, Debraj Ray, Aldo Rustichini, at presentations of participants in Columbia from the comments also benefitted (Fall 1988) University Partial support for this project was provided and Caltech by (Spring 1990), and at various conferences. the NSF under Grant 86-06944 (principal investigator: Karl Shell). 414 P. K. Dutta and R. K. Sundaram this reasoning appears compelling. Yet we show in this paper that, sur prisingly, it is also false. in a slight variant of the Levhari In Sect. 3 of this paper, we derive an MPE War" Mirman "Fish in which of the resource (1980) example, underexploitation occurs from an interval of initial states. No nonconvexities or pathological properties the construction is based on a simple point whose drive this example. Rather, behind resource importance may extend beyond the current context. Common-property as are indeed all stochastic from games, games, distinguished repeated games by the a state asset - that moves of variable in this the stock of the case, presence through time in response to the players' actions. The last property indicates the use of the state as a proxy for history, albeit a limited one. In turn, this enables indirect on history even under Markovian behavior, although direct con conditioning ditioning may be precluded.1 Details of the formalization of these ideas may be found in Sect. 3. Here, we will content ourselves with the observation that this construction appears to extend we shown have that under similar using quite generally. Elsewhere, techniques resource MPE exist in all games in which symmetric common-property exploitation not do discount the future.2 players If a "tragedy" (which is a positive feature of equilibrium play) need not occur under MPE, the question naturally arises if, normatively speaking at least, MPE are suboptimal. We turn to this and related questions in Sect. 4, where we provide an exhaustive resource in general common-property characterization of MPE games, without any functional form restrictions. exploitation Briefly put, our findings are the following. Under nothing more than the usual restrictions, all MPE exhibit remarkably well-behaved convexity dynamics, with state trajectories from any initial state eventually becoming monotone (Theorem 1). If the state trajectory meets a certain "asymptotic criterion, then it convegence" must lead to a "tragedy" (Theorem 2). While a "tragedy" may, or may not, occur true that in payoff space all MPE are strictly sub it is, nonetheless optimal (Theorem 3). Indeed, Theorem 3 is an immediate consequence of Theorem 2 and the properties of the first-best solutions. As a final question, we examine why the many that have been examples studied in the literature3 have, by and large, tended to "confirm" the presence of a tragedy. We show that general sufficient conditions on MPE strategies exist that always lead to a "tragedy" (Theorem 4). Many examples in the literature satisfy at under MPE, least one, and typically more, of these conditions. resource games. Section 2 presents a general framework of common-property of the Levhari-Mirman Section 3 is concerned with our modification example. 1 our work was independent, we discovered that this idea was not altogether original. A similar Although the arguments in Fudenberg idea motivates and Tir?le (1983). 2 the arguments and Sundaram makes See Dutta (1992b). The absence of discounting considerably simpler, since any finite number of periods are irrelevant under the long-run average criterion. 3 and Lewis (1985), See, e.g., Lancaster (1979), Levhari and Mirman (1980), Easwaran (1973), Mirman or Reinganum and Radner and Stokey (1985). See also Benhabib (1990), who characterize equilibria when players have linear utilities. The 415 of the commons? tragedy Section 4 presents the Appendix. the remaining results listed above. All proofs are to be found in 2 The framework 2.1 The dynamic resource game we consider The model here is closely related to those in Lancaster (1973), Levhari and Mirman (1980),Reinganum and Stokey (1985),Amir (1987),Benhabib and and Sundaram Radner (1988), Dutta (1992a, b), and Sundaram (1989), among others. There is a single good, the "resource", which may be consumed or invested. Conversion of investment to output takes one period and is accomplished through a production function f: R + -? R +. In each period t of an infinite horizon, two4 agents observe the available stock yt ^ 0 of the good, and independently and simultaneously decide upon their consumption denote player plans for the period. Let aite[0,yj i's planned period-i consumption. If plans are collectively feasible (au + a2t ^ y\ then they are carried out, and player i's (actual) consumption cit equals his planned infeasible (au + a2t > yt\ then we simply ait. If plans are collectively consumption assume that each player receives half the available stock.5 The amount x,e[0,)>f] left over after consumption by the players forms the investment or savings in period t and is transformed to the period-(i + 1) available stock yt+1 as yt+ x=f(xt). There entire process now repeats itself the new stock level yt+x. Player i's utility in period t is a function only of his own consumption cit in the period, and is given by wf(cir). Both players discount future utilities by the factor <5e(0,1), and attempt tomaximize total discounted utility over the infinite duration of the game. on the functions involved. We make the usual neoclassical assumptions 1. f Assumption is differentiable / is continuous, on R++, with increasing lim/'(x) > and strictly concave on R+; /(0) = 0; = 0 l/<5, lim f'(x) x|0 jc?oo are continuous, 2. The functions nf:R+-^R Assumption concave on R+, and continuously differentiable on R++, increasing i= 1,2. and strictly that by the assumptions of/, there is a unique stock level x > 0 such that x x x ??x. Therefore, / maps S = [0, x] into itself, x x for and for ^ f(x) ^ f(x) ^ loss of generality, restrict analysis to S. We also refer to S as and we may, without the state space of the game and to a generic element yeS as a state. The tuple {S,fu1,u29?} completely specifies the dynamic resource game. We Note proceed 4 to define strategies, payoffs, and MPE to this game. case purely for notational to the two-player simplicity. As the reader may readily check, none of our general of this rule is of no significance. are instead determined state y, allocations if, in the event of infeasible plans (al,a2)ata analysis changes = that satisfy 0^hl{y,alya2)^hl{yialia2)-\-h2(y,al,a2) y. Indeed, (hlth2) by any pair of functions For instance, is never an equilibrium possibility. (hx, h2) may also be chosen to ensure that infeasibility = i^j, i,j = 1,2. whenever + a2\ ax + a2 > y, let ht(y, a1,a2) a,y/[ai 5 We restrict The specificity attention 416 P. K. Dutta 2.2 Markov-Perfect and R. K. Sundaram in the game equilibria In general, a strategy for a player i specifies a (planned) consumption level for ?after since our interest in the sequel is solely each possible history of the game. However, to inMarkovian strategies, we avoid spurious generality, and restrict definitions case. no this Standard dynamic programming loss in strategic arguments show that to a Markovian flexibility results, since a player responding strategy will always have a Markovian best-response, if at all any best-response A (stationary) Markovian Definition. that satisfies g(y)e[0,y~\ for all yeS. strategy exists. for either player is a function g:S-+S A player's Markovian at any state strategy g specifies his planned consumption yeS, as g(y), regardless of when, or how, y was reached. Let T be the set of all Markovian indices to distinguish strategies. Henceforth, we will use player-specific strategies. A pair of Markovian strategies (gx, g2) defines in the obvious manner, from any ? initial state yeS, a unique history of t th period stock levels, and period-i rewards = i for 1,2. Hence, player (gX9g2) uniquely defines the total discounted u\(gx,g2)(y)ao for player i.Denote this total reward by Wi(gx,g2)(y). reward ?f= ?tu\(gx,g2)(y) 0 Definition. The strategy g\sT is player l's best-response (BR) to player 2's strategy 02erif: Wx(gx*,g2)(y)^ A BR of player 2 to gxeT is similarly defined. A Markov-Perfect > such that for i,j =1,2, (91 Qi) Definition. Wx(gx,g2)(y)VyeS,Vgxer. Equilibrium (MPE) is a pair of Markovian and ?#;, gt is a BR to gy Remark. The phrase "Markov-Perfect" arises from the simple observation Nash equilibria inMarkovian strategies are also subgame-perfect. strategies that all If an MPE (gx,g2) satisfies the condition gx(y) + g2(y) ^ y for all yeS, we will as an to interior MPE. Dutta and Sundaram (1992a), and Sundaram (1989), refer it = have shown that under the additional of "symmetry" (ux u2), an assumption interior symmetric MPE (g,g) always exists if utility functions obey the Inada condition. Surprisingly, no one has yet (to the best of our knowledge) established a corresponding result for the asymmetric game, although the examples of Levhari and Mirman (1973) admit such equilibria without (1980) and Lancaster imposing are trivial to player-symmetric preferences. Of course, non-interior equilibria = = an MPE). construct In any y for all yeS constitutes (for example, gx(y) g2(y) event, the results of this paper hold for interior and non-interior equilibria alike, so this is not an important issue. 2.3 The first-best solutions From any initial state yeS, the set of all first-best payoffs that can be achieved are those arising from a solution to the following problem as a varies between 0 and 1: The tragedy 417 of the commons? Maximize l<*Wl(gl9g2)(y)+ (1- a)W2(gug2){y)l (01.02) is a well-understood we problem in neoclassical growth theory. Consequently, confine ourselves to stating, without proof, its relevant characteristics. For each ae[0,1], there is a unique pair of Markovian strategies (gla,g2a) that solves this problem from each 0 < yeS. The resulting sequence of states {y*} from for all t or y*+ ?^ yf?^ y for all y under this solution ismonotone (i.e., y*+i^y\^y a to state and This the so-called "golden rule", converges r), steady steady-state, j?. is independent of the choice of y and a, and is the unique solution to f(x*) = y*9 where <5/'(x*) = 1. Finally, if y # y*9 then we also have y* # y* for any i, that is {y*} converges to y* only "asymptotically". This 2.4 The "tragedy of the commons" defined Fix a discount factor <5e(0,1). Since the golden-rule depends only on S (and /), but not on a or the initial state y9 obvious definitions of "overexploitation" and a and the "tragedy" suggest themselves. Let (gl9g2) denote an arbitrary MPE, sequence of stock levels generated from an initial state yeS under (gl9 g2) be denoted by {yt(y)Y Definition. The MPE The MPE Definition. from all y > 0. (gx, g2) leads to a "tragedy" (gug2) from y if limsup yt(y) < y%. t-+oo leads to a "tragedy" if (gi9g2) leads to a "tragedy" occurs from y if the sequence of states from y under overexploitation some (gug2) is, beyond point, strictly bounded below y$; and a "tragedy of the commons" occurs if overexploitation results from each initial state. In words, 3 An example This section presents an example of an interior MPE which sustains a steady-state z lying strictly above the golden-rule. Our example is based on a modification of = = = assume and who that Levhari and Mirman x", ae(0,1); ux (c) u2(c) (1980), f(x) that we may take the state space S to be [0,1]. loge. Observe Levhari and Mirman show that there is a symmetric interior MPE (g9g) to this ? ? = = game in linear strategies specified by g(y) olS). (1 a<5)/(2 ky for yeS, where k to which all The unique non-zero steady-state of the game under this equilibrium, stock sequences converge, is given by W ?= ?-A The "golden rule" j?, in this case is tf It is readily golden-rule = (a<5)a/1-a. (2) that y*>y?For later use, we note = aa/1 "a. y* is given by lim y? checked that the undiscounted 418 P. K. Dutta and R. K. Sundaram informal comments on the procedure we employ may be useful. The idea is one of players getting "locked" into a steady-state underlying our construction a discontinuity This in equilibrium results from y'>y*. locking strategies at /:to the left of y', the strategies specify consumption levels well above those required to maintain over the If either player increases his consumption y' as a steady-state. Some levels at /, this results in a lower stock level, a sharp increase proposed steady-state in consumption at the new stock, and consequently rapidly declining stocks. This an makes deviation from the proposed unattractive steady-state option when ? is high enough. The feasibility of this procedure in a truncated version of the is demonstrated Levhari-Mirman note We that the truncation does not affect y%which example. remains the unique steady-state of the first-best solutions. The reader is urged to consult the accompanying Fig. 1when going through this section. To begin with, let / be given by Since >? ? y* as ? ?1, and a(2 Consider the truncation f(x) game continues to have y$ as Let converge asymptotically. (3) '-(2=;) a) < Ifor ae(0,1), we have y'>y*> y% for all <5e(0,1). = y' for all x = (/)1/flt. For all <5e(0,1), this truncated the unique steady state to which all first-best solutions c' be half the consumption that permits regeneration of/: c'= \1/1-a =1 1/1 (1~a)' (4) 2{y'~{y)ll*) 2\2^~J Now define themodified strategies (?,?) by = 0()>) Ay,)>G[O,/) = + 2c'y2,ye[y'M l(y-y') shows that, for any initial state y > y', these strategies ensure Simple calculation that the game moves to y' in one step. We will now show that (?,?) is an MPE of this game.6 Observe that by construction / is a steady-state of this MPE that lies above the "golden-rule" y*. take Suppose the initial state is ye[0, y'). Given ?, neither player can unilaterally the stock to y' in a finite number of periods. For, even with zero consumption/oreuer, player i faces a net production function f(y) = y*(\-ky ? sustainable stock is [2 can have no effect ye [0, y'), the modification a best-response to itself for all initial states stock Thus, if the game starts in [0,/), whose maximum 6 The obvious modification of the Levhari-Mirman "a/1 "a < <x<5] /. Hence, for initial states on the game, and consequently # forms in this segment. levels eventually converge, under (?,?\ strategies is another MPE. The tragedy 419 of the commons? . y=x = = = Investment of unique steady-state (a 3/4; ? 20/21). A x Fig. 1A, B. The Levhari-Mirman example of the game; x* = investment at unique steady-state of first-best solution; x = investment at undiscounted = investment = Same as in levels at the low and high steady-states A; x and x' golden rule. B x* and x of the game of the game, respectively; / = stock level at high steady-state 420 P. K. Dutta to y?, where approaches the associated consumption the limiting value c, given by and R. K. Sundaram level cx? = c2?( = c?) = ?y?. As c6 ?jl, (5) a^-^-ar^-^l-a) can be taken as an approximation to c? for "high" ?. it is that for high a, c' > cb whenever \ > aa/1 "a, and evident (4) (5), Comparing the proposed steady-state which is satisfied for an interval of values of a. Therefore, a has level than the / strictly greater consumption steady-state y?. If the game ever which enters [0, /), then under the strategy profile (0, ?) there is a finite number of periods is T, independent of S and the starting state in [0,/), beyond which consumption over For less than d. all the T first gains uniformly strictly sufficiently high ?, periods are swamped by the strictly smaller consumption thereafter.7 For high 6, therefore, either player is, given 0, better off also adopting ?jwhen the initial state is in [/, 1]. to itself on all of S. Summing up, ? is a best-response a stationary MPE We have thus demonstrated in which there is a steady-state lying strictly above 4 A characterization the "golden-rule."8 of MPE We now turn to a characterization of the properties of MPE of general dynamic resource games. Throughout the rest of this paper (gX9g2) will denote an arbitrary, but fixed, MPE; oe(0,1) will be a fixed discount factor; y will denote a non-zero initial state in S; the sequence of states from y under (gx,g2) will be denoted will be denoted by Vi9 i=1,2; by {)>,()>)}; the payoff functions Wi(gx,g2):S->R = the under function" and, finally, (gl9g2) will be denoted \?/9i.e., i?/(y) "savings m*x{09y-gx(y)-g2(y)}. state paths - is an important one Our first result the monotonicity of MPE in the sequel. Among other things, it enables for it simplifies analysis considerably us to replace the "limsup" in the definition of a "tragedy" with a plain "limit". Theorem monotone 1. For all y>09 there is an integer T(y) such that the sequence {yt(y)} either yt+x(y)^yt(y) i.e., for t^T(y), for t= T(y), or yt+x(y)^yt(y)for is t^T(y). Remark. We note that the convexity of / is not needed for this result. there is a unique element 1, for each yeS, By Theorem set Let Z the such limit points: denote of all yt(y)-+y(y)' Z = {yeS\y = y(y) = y(y)eS such that Mmyt(y) for some yeS}. 7 An alternative, more intuitive, way to think about this is to note that as ?j 1, players care only about c' > c, and c is larger than their eventual levels for each a; by construction (i.e., steady state) consumption the steady-state that results from initial states in [0,/) for any ? < 1. consumption 8 to those we use in this section can also be employed to support a We suspect that similar methods host of other points as steady-states of (discontinuous) at any rate, appears roughly the same as used here. MPE, for instance points ze(y?, y*). The intuition, The tragedy 421 of the commons? For notational convenience, we will sometimes denote a generic element of Z by z rather than y(y). The occurrence of a "tragedy" now reduces to examining whether z < y* for all zeZ. Our main result on this question - that, as the example of the cannot be strenthened is that only a partial result previous section demonstrates, along these lines is valid: Theorem 2. Let zeZ. If there is yeS such that yt(y)^>z9 but yt(y) ^ zfor any t, then z<y*. 2 implies, almost immediately, is strictly suboptimal that any MPE Theorem from all initial states except, possibly, yj. For, recall that from any initial state y?^y*, the sequence of stocks in any first-best solution converges asymptotically some initial to the golden-rule y%. If (gi9g2) is to generate optimal payoffs from state y #)>*, then the sequence {yt(y)} will have to coincide with the sequence of 2 shows that this is not states from y in some first-best solution. But Theorem to their limits would if then the did coincide, convergence sequences possible. For, be only asymptotic. By Theorem must be strictly below y%9while It immediately follows that: Theorem 3. The MPE except, possibly, 2, this implies that the limit of the sequence the first-best sequence, of course, converges (gl9g2) generates suboptimal payoffs from {yt(y)} to >?. all initial states y y%. As a final question, we examine general conditions on the equilibrium strategies for this question (0i ?g 2) under which a "tragedy" is inevitable. Part of the motivation in to understand why constructed in the Introduction, is, as explained equilibria We show that: exhibit the literature in studied overexploitation. always examples 4. Suppose (gl9g2) is interior, and satisfies one of thefollowing: 2. g (i) i is continuously differentiable onS9i=l9 on is i. S both g{ increasing (ii) for (iii) i//(y) is strictly increasing on S. Then (gl9 g2) leads to a "tragedy" from all y>0. Theorem Appendix The proof of the results are derived as consequences of various lemmata. We begin by defining S(l) = = > 0}. {$eS\ j> yt(y) for some yeS9 and \?/($) That is, S(l) is the set of states that (i) can be "reached" from some state in S under for the game. Clearly, the MPE (gl9g2)> and (ii) ensure a non-trivial continuation S(l) is the relevant set for dynamic analysis of (gx, g2):\? $tS(\)9 then either $ cannot be reached from any other state and is therefore irrelevant after period 1, or $ can be reached but the continuation from p is trivial. Lemma 1. On S(l), thefollowing (i) y'<y (ii) Fl?O<Fl(y) (iii)?-gjt/)<y-gj{y). conditions are equivalent: 422 P. K. Dutta each of these implies \j/(y)^ ^(/). Further, and R. K. Sundaram If the last inequality holds strictly, then (i)-(iii)must hold. Proof (ii)=>(i) Suppose fory, y'eS(l) we had V^y)> V^y')but y < y'.Then / could not be in S(l): for, player iwould prefer to go to y which can be achieved through a unilateral increase in consumption over the level required to reach / (thus gaining in immediate and in the with reward), V^y) > V^y'), i does strictly better continuation also. i's optimal actions at these (i) => (iii) Suppose y, y' eS( 1) and y > y'. By hypothesis, ? states do not terminate set of If / ? the game. g}(y') ^ y gj(y), then the at at is in that Thus the actions contained continuation from y non-terminating y'. as as to at least is the But continuation from reach rather than y. y' y' (for i) good a or a current current in unilateral increase y requires only greater by i, consumption reward. This implies that y$S(\), a contradiction. actions at y contains those at y', and by (iii)=>(ii) The set of non-terminating sets these the contain hypothesis, optimal actions. from a standard argument in intertemporal This follows (m)=>il/(y)^\j/(y') of that the allocation strict ut. See, e.g., Sundaram theory concavity exploits converse Lemma The is the for established details. (1989, II.4) by reversing argument. QED Proof of Theorem Define T= 1 inf{i|>^f(jv) = follows, we suppress 0}. In what the argument y. for all t^ 1. Suppose for some t, we had (?) T= oo. By hypothesis yteS(l) = all then then by Lemma for + 1, yt i?yt yt fe^O. If yt+i>y9 clearly yt+k > turn in the that monotonicity off, i?/(yt+J ^ \l/(yt) or, by Vi(yt+1) ^?(.Vr) implying that yt+2 ^ yt+1. Thus j;t+1^}'(=>)'f+2^};f+1.An analogous argument establishes for that whenever yt+1 ^ yt, we must have yt+2 = yt+i' Therefore, yt ismonotone t^ 1, and T(y) = 1 suffices. Case Case (ii) T is finite. In this case, yt(y) = 0 for all t^ T, so that T(y) = T obviously satisfies Theorem 1. QED Proof of Theorem 2 For ease of notation, Lemma 2. 3ci9c2 we suppress such that c?= the dependence on the initial state y. lim gi(yt). f-?oo Proof. For convenience, we prove the lemma for the case yt > yt+x > y, yt[y. The other case yt+i < yt < y, yt]y9 is handled analogously. Suppose for some i, there were subsequences t of that such tk91? lim gAyJ = at >bt= Pick a subsequence lim g^yj. ?f(k)of t such that i/(k)> tk for all k. For all i, yteS(l)9 and for The of the commons? tragedy 423 each k yt,w<ytk Therefore, yt,(k)-g?yt,(k))<ytk-gAytk) by Lemma ? or ?biS limits as k-> oo now yields - lim lim y S y gi(ytk) k-?oo gi(ytak)) k-*oo 1.Taking at; a contradiction establishing the lemma. QED Now definefa :S- S byfa( y) = #?(y) for >> / ? fa( y) = c{.Recall thatf(x) = y, and note ? that y ? cx c2 = x. Define = W?(*) "<(* ^ *) + &*i(/W ?j(f(x)) x) W\(x) = ut(yt - - ?j(yt) x) + ?Wi(/(x) - - ^.(/(x)) xt+J, are taken to be such that the implied consumptions are the domains since x and xt are respectively in the (The domains are non-empty non-negative. domains of W? and W\.) The two objectives are nothing but the returns to two period deviations which leave the evolution of the game unchanged after these two periods. We now prove, where is T such that (i) x, (respectively x) is a feasible deviation at y t (respectively yt), ^ T, and (ii)W?(x) ?>Wf(xf) (respectively, W\(xt) ^ W\(x))91 ^ T. = = 1,2, whenever y > 0. (if y 0, Theorem 2 Proof We begin by showing that c?> 0, i is trivial, so we ignore this case.) Since player i always has the option of making the ? in it for feasible consumption follows that all r, f, yt period gj(yt) Lemma 3. There Vt(yt) = ut(yt - gj(yt)) + iM|(0)/[l - ?]. ^uf(xf) + aM0)/[l-<5]. 1, {xj is a monotone sequence for t^ 1, and since y > 0, x > 0. Let By Lemma 0 = inf xt = min {xx, x}. Then, 0 > 0, so we have for all i, ? r?fo) ^ M0) + ?Wf(0)/[1 ?] > ?W?(0)/[1 <5]. If &&) - 0> then for all e > 0, there is 7(e) (A.1) such that for ?^ TOO, K^XMeVCi-?]. a -a], (A.l) implies that there is rj>0 such that for all r, Vt{yt)^wf(^)/[l This proves that Cj, c2 > 0. contradiction. ? Since yt9 gj(yt) converge to y, c, as ?- oo, it is now immediate that yt ? gj(yt) ? ? x > 0 and j> c, x, > 0 for t sufficiently large. This proves (i). Observe in that, fact, xt is a feasible deviation at yt for t sufficiently large, since But in period xt is optimal By hypothesis, - oo establishes t as the second limits Taking xt-+x. i, so W](xf)^ W\(xT) for all such t. inequality in (ii). The first inequality 424 P. K. Dutta in a similar fashion: may be established have ifwe had Wi(xt) > W{(x) and R. K. Sundaram then we must also 0;O>t) *t) + aut(yt + ! gj(yt +1)-xt+1) > Ui(yt *t+1) xt) + ?M,(yt+1 ty(y.+i) g?{yt) "i^t - the optimality since yt, 0/O\), xt->j>, c,-, x, respectively, as t-> oo. This contradicts to g}) in period t. QED of xt (in i's best-response = = 1,2. We shall show that Next, let fcj [?i &(}>,)]/[}> yj, for i ? = Lemma 4. <5/'(x) (1 1,2. limsup k\) ^ 1,; From Lemma Proo/. By the Mean 3, ? ? ? ? there is y'te(y, x? y, x) such that g?(yt) g?{yt) x) u?(yt g?(yt) xt) _ 9j(yt) Value Theorem t*i(yt ? x, there is ?|e(/(x) Also, x )- xt +1) and x,e(x,xt) -Cj-xt+1,yl+1-g?(yt+1 JM)Wi-3j(>Wi)-*,+i)-? ' ' L L *r * J *,-* (/(*)-?j-*,+i)l Cj xt-x y,+i~y So for all large t, ?f'(xt_ t)(l - *})? ?'?(yp'W But y[, ?j -* y ') x as t-* oo, so the RHS goes J to 1 as t -* oo. Taking <5/'(x) 1 lim supfc' ^ 1.(A.2) k})^ For the case yt\y, we use from Lemma Identical Lemma as above arguments 5. /'(x)(l - 3 the fact that for all large i, then yield (A.2). ? lim lim sup k\ sup k'2)^ t t QED 1. = LetH{y,) yt+1-yrThen,atheTH{yt)<0,H(yt)-*0,orH{yt)>0,H{yt)^0. ? ? = 0, we have, in either case, y cl?c2) Defining H(y) =f(y Proof. ^-"^P yt-y such that for all, limits The tragedy 425 of the commons? or, for all t: yt~$ f(yt-gi(y?)-Qiiyt))-f(y-?i-?2) Therefore, rewriting this inequality, we obtain if(xt)-fix)\/ and taking Write k{ = gx(yt)-cx g2(yt)-c2\ yt-y yt-y xt-x A \ <0 yt-y yt-y limits as t - oo yields lim sup k\. By Lemmas t the lemma. ^ { ) QED 4 and 5, the following inequalities hold ?ff(x)(\-kx)^f\x)(\-kx-k2) ?f(m-k2)^ff(x)(l-kx-k2). can hold simultaneously only if kt > 0 for some iwhich implies that Sf'(x) > therefore x < x* by the concavity of/, proving Theorem 2. QED These Proof of Theorem 1, 4 Suppose g{ isC1 on S. Let y > 0. By hypothesis ^(y) > 0. Let P=f(\?f(y)) > 0. Since g i is a best-response to gi9 so ^(y) solves max {uj(y- gt(y)- x) + ?Uj(f(x) - gt(f(x)) - <A(j>))}. X Since this is an interior maximum, the first-order ufjigj(y)i=Mjtijmri'Hyn Clearly We (A.3) holds now prove = Hy) W\ conditions a mi = 1,2, for all y > 0 where j)=/#()>)). for; that i// is strictly increasing on S. Suppose Then, j)=/(^(y))=/(^(/)) = f, imply (A-3) for y9 y'eS we had so the RHS's of (A.3) coincide. = this implies y = y'. Therefore, ^ Since \j/(y)= ^(/), Therefore, g^y) gj(y')9j =1,2. on S. Since g{ is differentiable for both i, so is ^, therefore, ^' ^ 0 or is one-to-one = > 0 for y > 0, so ^'(y) = 0 for all y = 0. Since ^ ^ 0 on S. Since ^(0) 0 and \?/(y) so i?/ is strictly increasing on 5. ^' = 0 and ^ is one-to-one, So (i) is a sufficient condition for (iii). Although (i)may now be proved directly of \j/,we give a unified proof for (i) and (iii) that only using the differentiability uses (iii). Note that if \?tis strictly increasing on S, then we must have y>y'=> \?f(y)'> \?f(y')9 so that yt(y) > yt(y')9 and y(y) _ y(y'). Further, it is clear that if an initial state y is not itself a steady state, then yt(y) must be a strictly monotone sequence, so finite to show that y(y) < y* of yt(y) to a limit is ruled out. Therefore, time convergence for all yeS9 it now suffices to show that there is no steady state y > y*. = Recall So let z* be the sup over all steady-states, i.e., z* sup{z|z =f(\//(z))}. we must have then for ye(z*,x], of S. If z*<x, that x is the upper-endpoint to y(y) only But since yt(y) can converge for all t, so y(y)^z*. yt(y)e(z*,x]9 > we This 3.2. Theorem must have also implies that y(y) by y* asymptotically, 426 and R. K. Sundaram P. K. Dutta = x. But this is absurd since we must now have y* > z*. The only other case is z* = O for i= 1,2. Clearly, either player could deviate unilterally and assure 0f(z*) himself of positive consumption in at least one period. This completes the proof for (i)and (iii). The argument for hypothesis (ii) is in two steps. Let y be any steady state of the is interior, there is a left neighborhood of {?/(y)which game. Since the equilibrium is a feasible deviation at y9 i.e., x in (\?/(y)? e9 \j/(y)) for some e > 0, such that x ^ 0 ? ? x and ? ? and implied consumptions: y f(x) \j/(y)9are also non gj(y) gj(f(x)) negative. The last claim uses the fact that g}(f(x)) ^ g}(y). _ x)= yt ] y. The second step is almost identical to Lemma 4.We have xt | \?/(y)9 f(xt = = Write, as before, k\ 1,2. [cf &()>,)]/[)> yt\ i ? ? ? ? Repeated use of the Mean Value Theorem, yields r\\?(y Cj x.y Cj x^J ? ? ? ? and X\e(y x) such that c, x, yt gj(yt) (A.4) Sf'^W-k^uWIu'W -? -? c' ^ c?. Hence, r?\ ch and k\ taking limits in (A.4) Sf'mi-hmsapknzi. 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