– Posting an eCard on Facebook (Video

AT&T 4G Network… ‘Rethink Possible’
Scenes to include a mid-20s man and woman on
a road trip in various states of the US. Vehicle
should be a 1980s SUV that is clean and rustfree. During the course of the road trip, various
‘streaming’ songs are playing from a smart
phone. The goal of the commercial is to
reinforce instantaneous audio streaming on
AT&T’s 4G network.
A wardrobe change is required for the actors for
each song to connote the passing of days.
All scenes cut from one to another. No dissolves.
30-second Spot
Scene 1:
Daytime Setting
Scene opens with CU of generic Smart Phone being
held by a woman’s hand touching its screen to
spontaneously start streaming a song.
The text on the screen is bold lettering that
indicates that a song is ‘Streaming’ Text in Bold:
Lyrics: How are things…
Song begins playing in sync with woman’s hand
touching screen:
Song: ‘How are things on the West Coast’ by
Heinrich Maneuver
The position of the Smart Phone is from the users
view. Background should include the dashboard of
the SUV and a window with the exterior
background out-of-focus.
Scene 2:
Cut to CU of young woman in her 20s singing
silently along with music. Camera to be positioned
from the viewpoint of the driver of the vehicle.
Woman’s body posture to be edgy as she sings.
on the West Coast….
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Passenger window should highlight view of ocean
in the background.
Scene 3:
Cut to CU of man in sunglasses from window view
glancing at female passenger as she sings along.
Scene 4:
Cut to WS of woman and man front window view
as she moves her body to the rhythm of the music.
He aint moving…
(Music Crossfade)…
Scene 5:
Afternoon Setting,
(Driver singing over John Denver’s ‘Rocky Mountain
Cut to MS of SUV from driver’s side going past the High’)
snow-covered Rocky Mountains in the background.
Rocky Mountain…Rocky…Rocky mountain high…
Driver is singing obnoxiously loud with the song.
Song: ‘Rocky Mountain High’ by John Denver
Scene 6:
CU of driver singing with the lyrics.
(Music Crossfades)…
Scene 7:
CU of woman looking at driver singing. Her facial
mannerism reveals her thoughts of, “you’re singing
is a bit awkward.”
Scene 8:
WS of SUV traveling through a Texas town.
Buildings in background are small 100 year-old
small town buildings.
Camera pans left with SUV and stops on the backend of a pickup truck’s tail-gate sticker that says
incorporate the colors red, white and blue.
Song: ‘All My X’s Live in Texas’ by George
(Lyrics:) All my X’s live in Texas….
Scene 9:
Cut to WS from hood view with view of woman
singing to the lyrics of ‘All My X’s Live in Texas.’
Woman claps as she sings quietly.
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Scene 10:
CU of man from hood view with partial steering
wheel in view listening to woman singing ‘All My
X’s Live in Texas’ with a look of disdain.
He takes his eyes of the road and gives her a quick
‘tense’ glance.
(Music Crossfades)
Scene 11:
Night view
CU of woman from the hood of the window
looking at the driver eating a big, sticky donut.
(Lyrics:) Born…
Song: ‘Born on the Bayou’ by Credence
Clearwater Revival.
Scene 12:
Cut to WS of woman eating donut looking at the
driver as he is eating a donut too.
Both are grooving to the tunes as they eat their
… on the
Scene 13:
Night view.
Cut to CU of woman holding smart phone with the
large-font text that indicates the music is
… Bayou
Scene 14:
Night view.
WS of SUV from passenger’s side driving by small
town after-dark with Holiday Lights and a lighted
Christmas tree.
The perfect song for everywhere…
Female Voiceover must be a young, contemporary
Scene 15:
Daytime view.
Camera view from right side of drivers shoulder
looking up at street sign that says.. ‘Brooklyn’.
New York Bridge is positioned in background.
(Music Crossfades in background under Voiceover)
…can be downloaded almost…
Song: ‘New York Groove’ by CCR plays under
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female Voiceover.
Scene 16:
MS of woman looking at driver with New York City
landscape in the background.
She looks at him with an attitudinal smile!
Scene 17:
WS taken from the front hood view looking into
the front window of the driver and the passenger.
(Two beats of music transitions in) …
Taxi cab and bridge are in the background.
Scene 18:
Aerial Daytime View - MWS of New York bridge
panning the bridge as cars are traveling on it. Video
pan must last the duration of all CG and Graphics
listed in this scene.
(Two-Part Text Build over pan of the bridge)
CG Text over Bridge: ‘it’s what you do’
CG Text over Bridge: ‘with what we do.’
(Dissolve to CG and graphic 4G symbol)
‘The nation’s largest (4G) network’
(Cut to CG with US Map in background)
‘2,000 more 4G cities and towns than Verizon’
(Lyrics:) Making the New York grove….
(Male Voiceover) The nation’s largest 4G network,
…covering two-thousand more 4G cities and towns
than Verizon…
CG to be include legal ease in small white font
listed below Map.
End pan of bridge video after last CG with Map.
Music slowly fades to 0 dB at end of Male
Voiceover closing with ‘Rethink Possible!’.
Male Voice: Masculine and Upbeat!
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Scene 19:
Cut to graphic on light sky blue background with
animated AT&T logo that highlights ‘Rethink
(Male Voiceover) Rethink Possible!
Scene 20:
Cut to Black and out.
AT&T. (Producer) (2012). At&T tv commercial - "road
music" largest 4g network [Web]. Retrieved from
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Mikey likes it! – Life Cereal Commercial
Scene to take place in a kitchen with sheer
curtains and plants in the background. Light
should illuminate the sheers to give the
impression of morning sun.
Two five-year-old boys and a three year old boy
are seated at the breakfast table. The table is set
with a pitcher of milk and a bowl of cereal.
Glasses of milk and orange juice are on the
Scene 1:
MW shot of two boys talking about a new cereal.
As boys discuss the cereal, slowly pull out to a
wide view.
Boy (A-Adam) on the left asks on boy (B-Billy) on
right what he is eating.
Billy on the right answers him explaining that it is
cereal that is supposed to be good for you.
Scene 2:
Cut to CU of Adam on left side of table.
Camera pulls out slightly as boys are discussing
whether or not the cereal tastes good.
Scene 3:
Camera angle changes to behind the shoulder of
Adam on the left and frontal view of Billy on the
right looking at the bowl of cereal as they are
contemplating eating it.
Adam on left pushes it to Billy on right to try the
Billy exclaims that he is not going to try the cereal.
Billy decides that they are going to get the younger
boy, Mikey, to try it.
(Adam) What’s this stuff?
(Billy) Some cereal…it’s supposed to be good for you.
(Adam) Did you try it?
(Billy) I’m not going to try it!!! You try it!!!
(Adam) I’m not going to try it.
(Billy) Let’s get Mikey!
(Adam) Yea!!!
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Scene 4:
Billy slides the cereal over to Mikey who is on the
far right of the table.
As the cereal is slid to the right, Mikey comes into
Scene 5:
MWS over right side of table as the camera
observes the two older boys watching Mikey with
anticipation to see if he eats the cereal.
(Billy) He won’t eat it. He hates everything!
(Billy) He likes it!!! Hey Mikey!!!
Camera is positioned above cereal as the boys
monitor Mikey.
Scene 6:
Cut to CU of Mikey eating the cereal.
When you bring Life home,
Male Voiceover: Introduces Life cereal brand.
Scene 7:
Cut to CU of Life cereal on table place close to
milk pitcher, glasses of milk, and sugar. Place
some plants in the back ground to add dimension to
the shot.
…don’t tell the kids it’s one of those nutritional cereals
you’ve been trying to get them to eat. You are the
only one who has to know!
Scene 8:
Cut to CU of Mikey eating the Life cereal.
Fade to Black.
Vintage TV Commercials. (2009). Life cereal with
mikey[Web]. Retrieved from
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