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Directing is the important managerial function that imitates organizer’s
action. It is a connecting and activating link between various functions of
management. It is a process around which all performance revolves. It is
essentially concerned with mobilizing and synthesizing human resources and
efforts to accomplish the goals of the organization.
Direction phase of Management is the heart of management in action It
is a continuous function without proper directions and supervision employees
became in active dull and inefficient and consequently the physical assets like
machinery and plant will be put to ineffective use. Direction is the essence of
all operational in an organization.
“ Direction is defined as the process of instructing, counseling guiding,
motivating and leading the human factor to achieve organizational goals
Salient features of Direction:
Direction Consists of the process and techniques utilizing in
issuing instruction and making certain that operations are
carried out as originally planned.
Direction is a complex function that includes all those activities
which are designed to encourage subordinates to work
effectively and efficiently in both the short and long run.
Direction is telling people what to do and seeing that they do tit
to the best of their ability.
Directing (activating) deals with the steps a managers takes to
get sub-ordinates and offers to carryout plans.
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Directions is indispensable managerial function because it deals
with human resources and human relations
Direction is aimed at maintaining harmony among employees
and groups in an organization.
Direction is to necessary to integrate the individual and
organizational goals.
Direction consists of four elements viz communication,
Motivation, leadership and supervision.
Direction is a continuous function. It is on going process, not
just one-short deed.
Direction provides linked between different functions in an
Importance of Direction:
1. Direction is both complex and important.
2. Direction is important because in its absence sub-ordinates may not
perceive the organizational goals.
3. Direction bridges the gap between managerial decisions and actual
execution by people.
4. Direction is the “ make – happen “ Management.
5. Direction is an integrating function of Management as it effectively
integrates the individual goals with organizational objectives .
6. Direction facilitates the introduction of charges in an organization.
Elements of Directing:
The direction function includes the following
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Principles of Direction:
1. Principle of effective Directing.
2. Principle of orientation.
3. Principle of rational orders,
4. Principle of unity command
5. Scalar chain principle
6. Principle of friendly supervision
7. Principle of harmony of objectives.
8. Principle of outstanding leadership
9. Principle of free and open communication
10.Principle off follow - through.
11.Principle of constructive use of informal groups .
Communication is a vital link, a process of linking executives to
workmen and workers to superiors. Communication is basically refers to the
meaningful transmission of ideas to others, either orally or in writing. It can
also take the form of symbols, codes, electronic, impulses or even silence.
Communication has become a very significant subjects today not only for
Management experts, but also for technicians engineers, psychologists,
sociologists and organizational theorists.
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Cyril – L – HUDSON “Communication is its simplest form is
conveying of information from one person to another”.
KOONTZ AND O’DONNELL: “ Communication is an exchange of facts,
ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more people.
Importance of communication:
1. Communication is the basis or organizational functioning.
2. Communications as an aid to planning.
3. Communication as an aid to leadership
4. Communication as an aid to co-ordination
5. Communication helps over – coming resistance to changes and ensures
their implementation.
6. Communication as the basis of good human relations.
7. Communication helps building good public relations.
8. Communications as an aid to controlling
9. Communication facilitates delegation of authority
10.Communication as pervading all walks of organizational life.
Process of communication:
Steps to follow:
1. Message
2. Sender
3. Encoding
4. Medium
5. Recipient
6. Decoding
7. Feedback.
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Principles of Communication:
In order to be effective and meaningful the managerial function;. Of
communication must be guided by the following principles.
1. Principle of understanding
2. Principle of attention
3. Principle of brevity
4. The principle of timeliness
5. The principle of appropriators
6. Principles of feedback
7. Principle of the constructive and strategic use of tin formal groups.
Communication Methods:
There are three important methods of communication.
a) Verbal Communication.
b) Written communication.
c) Gesticulation
Essential of Good Communication:
Have clarity of thought
Communication should be functional
Develop participation.
Plan the transmission.
Develop listening systems.
Maintain cordial superior – sub ordinate relationship.
Regulate the flow of information
Use feed back effectively.
Barriers to Communications.
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Barriers in organizational structure.
Semantic Barriers.
Difference in status or rank.
Badly express messages
Faculty translation.
Loss by transmission and retention.
Distrust of the communicator.
Faculty listening.
Emotional approach.
Resistance to change.
Overloading of communication.
Methods of overcoming communication Barriers:
a) Each and every employee in an organization should take responsibility for
sending message.
b) The management has to inform all employees about the need for
c) The message should sent in a simple and clear language.
d) A good information system should be established.
e) If necessary, communication should be sent to informally.
f) If necessary, communication should be sent to informally.
g) Employees must send correct information.
Effective Communications :
For effective communication, the American Management Association
(AMA) has identified the following points.
1. A Clear Message
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2. Advantage of communication.
3. Understanding the physical and human environments.
4. Consultation with other experts in preparing the information.
5. Discussion on important aspects of communication
6. The values of the receiver.
7. Importance of the Communication.
8. Follow-up action
9. Completing the job as per the communication.
10.Possessing good listening skills.
Ten Commandments of Good communication:
1. Seek to clarify your ideas before communicating.
2. Examine the true purpose of each communication.
3. Consider the total physical and human setting whenever you
4. Consult with others, where appropriate, in planning communication.
5. Be mindful, while you communicate of the over tones as well as the
basic content of your message.
6. Take the opportunity, When in arises to convey something of helper
value to he receiver
7. Follow-up your communication.
8. Communicate for tomorrow as well as today
9. Be sure your actions support your communication.
10.Seek not only to be understood but to understand; be a good listener.
Motivation :
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A Worker is basically a human being. He is a person first and then only a
worker. A worker has to be inspired and actuated to accomplish the objectives
of an organization. To accept an order and to execute it with interest and vigor
requires an element of actuating or motivating.
To Motivate means to provide a motivate to impel people to action and to
create incentives to work. Motivation inspires people to work efficiently and
Motivation is an energizer of human behavior. It is a special urge to
move in a particular direction. Motives are also the expression of the needs of a
person with motivation, a person can be make to work willing with zeal and
Michael , J,Julius: “ Motivation is the act of stimulating someone or
oneself to get the desired course of action.
Koontz And Odonnell: Motivation is a general terms applying to the
entire class of divers, desires, needs, wishes, and similar forces.
Importance of Motivation:
1. Motivation results in creating a favorable work environment within an
2. It adds the will to work along with the ability to work for a worker.
3. Understanding of motives and motivation theories pro9vides a great
deal of insight into the reasons why different individuals exhibit
different behavioral patterns.
4. Motivation helps in securing voluntary co-operation from workers.
5. It creates the will to work, and confidence in the work force.
6. Motivated people are the most satisfied people.
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7. A properly motivated team will not have unnecessary friction with the
management and with its follow workers.
Process of Motivation:
a) In management Parlance, motive and need are used interchangeably.
b) B) Need is a good point to begin discussion on motivation, when an
c) Experiences lack or deficit of something he looks around his work
environment to see if there are any incentives or reward for
performance of a task which would lead to satisfaction of need. With
the satisfaction of his need, or achievement of what he is lacking the
mechanism of motivation is complete.
Elements of motivation are three namely (a) the individual who is
being motivated (b) the job and (c) the work situation.
Nature or characteristics of Motivation:1.
A psychological concept.
Motivation is total not piecemeal
Motivation is determined by human needs.
Motivation may be financial or
Motivation is a non-financial constant process.
Theories of Motivation:
Workers should be persuaded, inspired and motivated for contributing
their best efforts in achieving the objectives of the organization to motivate
people managers should prepare certain plans. There are various plans,
strategies or theories of motivation. All of them are grouped under two
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Modern theories of motivation.
(a) Tradition of theories of motivation.
(b) Efforts and Rewards theory.
(c) Monastic theory.
(d) Carrot and stick theory.
(e) Be good or paternalistic theory
Modern Theories:
 Megregor’s theory – Theory X and Theory Y
 Ovchi’s Theory z
 Maslow’s theory
 Herzberg’s hygiene – Motivation theory
 MC. Clellond’s three need theory
 Vroom’s expectancy theory
Leadership is too complex a term to be defined in a simple and straight
manner. The presence of successful leadership can only be felt in terms of the
results of group working i.e., profits, quality of output employee morale,
consumer satisfaction, enterprises image and so on.
Chester Barnavd: Leadership is “the ability of a superior to influence
the behavior of his subordinates and persuade them to follow a particular of
Koontz and O’Donnel: Leadership is “the ability of a manager to induce
sub-ordinates to work with confidence and zeal”.
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Allen: “ Leader is one who guides and directs other people, He must give
direction and purpose”.
George R. Terry: “ leadership is the activity of influencing people to
strive willingly for mutual objectives.
Nature of Leadership:
Leadership may be viewed variously as (a) a status group (b) a Focal
person (c) a functions (d) Process.
 Leadership as a status group.
 Leadership as a Focal person
 Leadership as a function
 Leadership as a process
Need for Leadership:
The following reasons highlight the need for relationship:
(a) Imperfect organization structure.
(b) Technological, economic and social changes.
(c) Internal imbalance inspired by growth.
(d) Nature of human memberships.
An effective leadership can create a suitable motivational framework,
which provides for satisfaction of different needs and motives of the
organization members as also resolution of individual group conflicts leadership
is essentially an influence process.
Leadership Theories:
Each theory has its own contributions, limitations, assumptions, and
frame work of analysis. The understanding of the various theories of leadership
will provide a guideline to judge as how a leader emerges.
(1) Trait approach
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(2) Behavioral approach
(3) Situational approach
Importance of Leadership in Management :
(a) Motivate power to group efforts.
(b) Aid to authority
(c) Emphasis on human performance.
(d) Integration of formal with in formal organization.
(e) Basis for co-operation.
Functions of Leadership:
Motivating and guiding personal
Influencing and shaping the social system
Understanding followers and securing their co-operation.
Creating a climate for performance.
Types of Leaders:
Leadership cannot exits without followers. The characteristics of
the followers and the conditions, under which they follow are materials to the
exercise of leadership. Based on the types of leader behavior, leaders may be
classified and follows:
(a) Autocratic leader.
(b) Laissez Faire or Free rein leader
(c) Democratic leader.
(d) Intellectual of functional leader
(e) Institutional leader.
(f) Paternalistic leader.
Qualifies of leadership:
(a) Health and physical fitness.
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(b) Mental vigor and energy
(c) Courage to accept responsibility
(d) Steady, persistent, thoughtful determination sound general education
(e) Management ability embracing foresight and the art of handling men.
The More important of qualities of a leader.
1. Physical mental vigor
2. Emotional stability
3. Sense of judgments.
4. Balance
5. Understanding empathy
6. Motivation
7. Communicational skills,
8. Ability to guide
9. Sociability
10. Technical competence
11.Other personal abilities
Optimistic and cheerful look, youthful vigor, vitality endurance,
creativity honest & sincere.
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