Environmental Science Summer Packet Mrs. McGhee dmcghee@sapulpaps.org Packet Includes: Syllabi Reading Assignment Math/Graph Prep Text Book (MUST GET FROM ROOM#713 BEFORE SUMMER BREAK!) A.P. Environmental Science Syllabus 2013-2014 General scope and sequence for the course Unit Topic Relevant Text Chapters 1 Sound Science, Stewardship and Sustainability 1, 22, 23, 24, 25 2 Ecosystems and Biogeochemical Cycles 2, 3, 4 3 Human Demographics and Wealth Gap 5, 6 4 Biodiversity and Natural Capital 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 5 Water Resources and Water Pollution 13, 20 6 Atmosphere and Global Warming 19 7 Conventional Non-renewable Energy 14, 15 8 Renewable Energy 16 9 Soil, Food and Pest Control 12 10 Hazardous Chemicals and Human Health 17 11 Solid Waste and Atmosphere Pollution 18, 21 AP Environmental Science Course Overview AP Environmental Science is a college level course with the ability to transfer college credits if you pass the AP Exam in May. The goal of AP Environmental Science is to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. Environmental science is interdisciplinary; it embraces a wide variety of topics from different areas of study. The curriculum draws upon various scientific disciplines including: • Earth Systems and Resources • The Living World • Human Population Dynamics (and Policies) • Land and Water Use • Energy Resources and Consumption • Pollution • Global Change In addition the course will provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world including: • Analyzing and interpreting information and experimental data, including mathematical calculations. • How to identify and analyze environmental problems, to evaluate the ecological and human health risks associated with these problems, and to critically examine various solutions for resolving or preventing them. • A laboratory and/or field investigation component. A minimum of one class period per week will be spent engaged in laboratory and/or field work. The following themes provide the foundation for the AP Environmental Science course: 1. Science is a process. • Science is a method of learning more about the world. Science constantly changes the way we understand the world. 2. Energy conversions underlie all ecological processes. • Energy cannot be created; it must come from somewhere. • As energy flows through systems, at each step more of it becomes unusable. 3. The Earth itself is one interconnected system. • Natural systems change over time and space. • Biogeochemical systems vary in ability to recover from disturbances. 4. Humans alter natural systems. • • Humans have had an impact on the environment for millions of years Technology and population growth have enabled humans to increase both the rate and scale of their impact on the environment. 5. Environmental problems have a cultural and social context. • Understanding the role of cultural, social, and economic factors is vital to the development of solutions. 6. Human survival depends on developing practices that will achieve sustainable systems. • • A suitable combination of conservation and development is required. Management of common resources is essential. Course Structure and Prerequisites AP Environmental Science is open to any student who has completed Biology I and Chemistry, or is enrolled in Chemistry concurrently. The majority of students take the course as a senior. Class: The class meets 55 minutes for 5 times a week for approximately 34 weeks. Approximately 170 class meeting are reflected in this syllabus with the remaining 10 reserved for testing and school functions. Class time will be used to investigate environmental topics in depth using a variety of methodologies including lecture, lab and field activities, video with pre- and post-viewing activities, primary source readings with seminar style discussion, simulations and case studies. Homework and Quizzes: As you are taking a college level course, you will be required to do all reading of the textbook outside of class time and will often need to finish class assignments at home. You will be expected to be prepared for a quiz every week and a test at the end of each of the 11 units. Tests: Each unit test will include 50 multiple choice and 1 free response question and will require you to read and understand the text along with whatever I have covered in class. Labs: Students are expected to keep a lab notebook that includes all of the steps and analysis of each investigation in a scientific experiment. Students will also complete pre-lab assessment questions and/or a data table during the actual experiment. A fully typed lab report will be due following certain labs. *Results, Analysis, and Conclusion must include mathematical and graphical support in all applicable situations.* Current Issues: Environmental science is a rapidly changing field; there are daily news reports and scientific findings adding to our collective knowledge. You are to select ONE article a month related to the current topic of study. For each article write a BRIEF summary and personal response to your article on a note card. Include all environmental topics covered in the article and evaluate the article for bias. Some of these articles will be organized into a Current Issues Binder during the second semester. These are to be turned in on the last Friday of the month. You will be asked to share your article with the class at least once over the course of the year. Grades 90% to 100% A 80% to 89% B 70% to 79% C 60% to 69% D < 60% F Textbook Living in the Environment, 13th Edition, by G. Tyler Miller, Jr. Environmental Science Outline Unit 1: Ecological Principles and Sound Science (3 weeks) Lecture Topics: • Science as a way of knowing • Stewardship of the Earth and our ecological footprint • Environmental Timeline(Environmental History): Neolithic, Industrial and Green Revolutions • Environmental problems, Their Causes and Solutions • Sustainable Practices and Behaviors that are necessary • Fishing methods and sustainable fishing practices Readings from Textbook: • • • • • Ch. 1 Toward a Sustainable Future Ch. 22 Economics, Public Policy and the Environment Ch. 23 Economics, Environment and Sustainability Ch. 24 Politics, Environment and Sustainability Ch. 25 Environmental Worldviews, Ethics, and Sustainability • Ch. 1 Environmental Problems, Their Causes and Sustainability Living in the Environment by G. Tyler Miller Readings for Discussion: • Tragedy of the Commons, Garrett Hardin • The Land Ethic, Aldo Leopold • Ishmael, Daniel Quinn Labs, Quantitative Activities and Field Experiences: • • • Introduction to Experimental Design and Analysis: Factors Affecting Seed Germination Poster project to design an experiment to test the validity of claims made in a magazine ad Tragedy of the commons lab: Students form fishery companies and compete for economic success. They quickly see the Tragedy of the Commons. Follow up: Students read an article about sustainable fishery management in Australia and cooperatively modify the Fishbanks rule and the simulation is repeated under these sustainable management practices. • Tragedy of the commons simulation • Doubling Time and Exponential Growth Lab • Online calculation of personal ecological footprint http://myfootprint.org • Sustainable Debate • Environmental History Timeline Banner Videos and Guest Speakers: • The Man who planted trees • Junk Science by John Stossel • China Revs Up • The End of Suburbia Case Studies and Simulations: • PCBs in the Last Frontier: A Case Study on the Scientific Method-by Michael TessmerChemistry Department Southwestern College, Winfield, KS • Search for the Missing Otters: Progressive disclosure case where students analyze maps and graphical data to unravel the mystery of otter decline in the Bering Sea. Relevant Laws and Regulations: • Magnuson Act and Regional Fishery Councils Unit 2: Ecosystem and Biogeochemical Cycles (4 weeks) Lecture Topics: • Earth’s lithosphere, hydro/cryosphere, biosphere, atmosphere (and exosphere) • The structure of Ecosytems: trophic levels, biotic and abiotic factors • Community ecology: Niche, competition and symbiotic relationships • Aquatic and Terrestrial Biomes • Energy Flow and Nutrient Cycles (biogeochemical cycles) • Ecological Succession, invasive and non-native species • Biotic potential vs. Environmental Resistance, Evolution by Natural Selection • Habitat degradation and fragmentation • Rule of 70, Exponential and logistic growth curves • Population Genetics: Variation and susceptibility to extinction Readings from Textbook: • • Ch. 2 Science, Ecological Principles, and Sustainability Ch. 3 Ecosystems: What are they and how do they Work? • Ch. 4 Biodiversity and Evolution Readings for Discussion: • Of Mice and Mast: Connections among oak, mice, deer, gypsy moth and tick populations • OP/ED: A tree or a life: Preserve the yew or harvest them, for cancer treatment? Labs, Quantitative Activities and Field Experiences: • • • • • • • • Videos: • • Owl Pellet Analysis Lab: observe, record and analysis food chain dynamics in owls from ecosystems in the NW, SW, NE and SE of the United States. Natural Selection Simulation Lab Breeding Bunnies: Quantitative simulation of population genetics and genetic variation Calorimetry Lab: 1st law of thermodynamics and energy transfer, Source: www.pembinatrails.ca/shaftesbury/mrdeakin Webquest at www.savetherainforest.org Quadrant Sampling Field Trip: Students estimate the size of a plant population Population Growth in Duckweed- Determination of population growth parameters with and without nutrient enrichment Who’s in the Zoo? Project Journey to Planet Earth: State of our Planet’s Wildlife Short Clip of Cane Toads Video about non-native species introduction, on youtube • Disney Planet Earth Case Studies and Simulations: • • Quantitative simulation of natural selection predator-prey dynamics and coevolution Coyote removal in Texas: Progressive disclosure investigates the effect of coyote removal on trophic structure in an ecosystem using analysis of graphical data. • Asian Oysters in the Chesapeake: Town meeting simulation investigates the pros and cons of introducing a non-native species to save an economically important way of life. Relevant Laws and Regulations: • Endangered Species Act, The Lacey Act, CITES Unit 3: Human Demographics and Wealth Gap (3 weeks) Lecture Topics (Key Concepts): • Demographic Transition, developed vs. developing nations • Population profiles (population pyramids) • Exponential and logarithmic growth models • Consequences of Affluence and Poverty • The Debt Crisis and a new trend toward Social Modernization • The MDGs (Millenium Development Goals) and ICPD (Int’l Conf on Pop and Development) Textbook Readings: • • Ch. 5 Biodiversity, Species Interactions, and Population Control Ch. 6 The Human Population and Its Impact Readings for Discussion: • Lifeboat Ethics, Garrett Hardin Labs, Quantitative Activities and Field Experiences: • Predict Percentages of School, US and World that have cell phones, computers, internet connection, avg. # of automobile per person, square footage of house, etc. • Power of the Pyramids Activity and Country Demographics Power Point • Quadrant Sampling Field Trip: Students estimate the size of a plant population • Something's Fishy: Mark recapture technique simulation from Nita Ganguly • Population Growth in Duckweed- Determination of population growth parameters with and without nutrient enrichment • Calculation of population parameters and resource use of developed vs developing nations • Letter to Grandchild about how it was • World of 100 Presentation: Create Demographic Poster or Video if the World was only 100 people how many would be poor, without clean water, use biomass for cooking energy, etc. • Make it Happen Priority Pyramid Videos and Guest Speakers: • • World Population Video by Population Connection NOVA: World in the Balance-The People Paradox • • World of 100 The Miniature Earth Project The Story of Stuff, analyze what parts of video are fact based comments vs. politically based comments Case Studies and Simulations: • Aid Game (GingerBooth.Com) Students make decisions about aid packages for developing countries Unit 4: Biodiversity and Natural Capital (2 weeks) Lecture Topics: • Biodiversity = Speciation – Extinction • Measures of Biodiversity: Species richness, evenness and diversity • Biological Wealth as needed for goods (natural resources) and for recreation • Biomes under pressure • Conservation, Preservation and Restoration Readings from Textbook: • • • Ch. 7 Climate and Terrestrial Biodiversity Ch. 8 Aquatic Biodiversity Ch. 9 Sustaining Biodiversity: The Species Approach • Ch. 10 Sustaining Terrestrial Biodiversity: The Ecosystem Approach • Ch. 11 Sustaining Aquatic Biodiversity • Ch. 23 Economics, Environment, and Sustainabiity Readings for Discussion: • Of Mice and Mast: Connections among oak, mice, deer, gypsy moth and tick populations • OP/ED: A tree or a life: Preserve the yew or harvest them, for cancer treatment? Labs, Quantitative Activities and Field Experiences: • Biodiversity Lab: Statistical Analysis of Different Parking Lots • Invite Project Wild to speak about Biodiversity Projects Videos and Guest Speakers: • Project Wild will speak on the importance of preserving biodiversity hot spots around the world and how this organization raises money to buy equipment needed to research, protect and educate in these regional hotspots Case Studies and Simulations: • Asian Oysters in the Chesapeake: Town meeting simulation investigates the pros and cons of introducing a non-native species to save an economically important way of life. Relevant Laws and Regulations: • Endangered Species Act, The Lacey Act, CITES Unit 5: Water Resources and Water Pollution (3.5 weeks) Lecture Topics: • Properties of water, The Hydrologic cycle, point vs non-point sources of water pollution • Human Impact of water cycle and aquatic ecosystem • Waste water treatment • Eutrophication, Net primary productivity, Dissolved oxygen and oxygen sag curves Readings from Textbook: • • Ch. 13 Water Resources Ch. 20 Water Pollution Readings for Discussion: • Excerpts from The Closing Circle, Barry Commoner Labs, Quantitative Activities and Field Experiences: • • • • • Field Trip: Sapulpa Water Treatment Facility Wastewater Treatment Plant Webquest online Dissolved Oxygen Lab: Measuring primary productivity of nearby streams using DO as an indicator of productivity. Students use the Winkler Method to measure dissolved oxygen. Source: Adapted from the AP Biology Student Lab Manual –Dissolved Oxygen and Aquatic Primary Productivity Estuarine Pollution: The Chesapeake Bay. Students calculate the effect of treated sewage on the water quality of the Chesapeake Bay Aquatic Net Primary Productivity Lab: College Board AP Biology Lab using Chlorella and nutrient Enrichment • Students build a wastewater treatment facility and filter fake sewage Videos and Guest Speakers • Blue Thumb Group Demonstration • LiveEarth.org “Aral Sea” Case Studies and Simulations: • Pesticide Pollution in India Relevant Laws and Regulations: • The Clean Water Act, NPDES Unit 6: Atmosphere and Global Warming (3.5 weeks) Lecture Topics: • Global air and oceanic circulation patterns • El Nino and La Nina • Global climate change and fossil fuel use • Geological Time and radioactive dating • Climate effects on biomes and ecosystems Readings from Textbook: • Ch. 19 Climate Change and Ozone Depletion Readings for Discussion: • Recognizing Gaia, James Lovelock Labs, Quantitative Activities and Field Experiences: • • Coriolis effect demonstration lab Producing Climatograms and Biome SPOONS: Students are assigned to produce cards for individual Biomes. The cards include climatograms, geographical, climatic and biological characteristics of their biome. Students are then grouped and play a game where they have to collect all cards from a particular biome and identify the biome. Other students verify or dispute the claim. • Measuring particulate air pollution in our school • Acid is Eating My Nose • Acid Rain Effect on Vegetation Videos: • NOVA: Gaia or NOVA: What's up with the Weather? • Little Ice Age Big Chill by History Channel or Hockey Stick section only of An Inconvenient Truth • LiveEarth.org “Blip Verts”, “Polar Bear Man”, “Mermaid”, “School Run” Case Studies and Simulations: • Global Climate Change: Impact and Remediation • Global Climate Change: Evidence and Causes Relevant Laws and Regulations: • Clean Air Act, Montreal Protocol, Kyoto Treaty Unit 7: Conventional Non-renewable Energy (3 weeks) Lecture Topics: • Laws of thermodynamics (review) • How fossil fuels are formed, located and extracted • Natural gas, coal and oil • Peak Oil • Petroleum oil use other than for energy: plastics, materials, medicines • Nuclear fission and half life • Safety and disposal of radioactive waste Readings from Textbook: • • Ch. 14 Geology and Nonrenewable Minerals Ch. 15 Nonrenewable Energy Labs, Quantitative Activities and Field Experiences: • • • • • • Videos: • • • • • Measurement of energy transfer efficiency: Students use an immersion heater to heat a known mass of water. Using electrical and calorimetry equations they calculate and compare the electrical energy input to the heat energy gained by the water. Personal Energy Use Audit Semester Long “Environmental Science in the News”, a binder that keeps and analyzes environmental science articles of different topics from this class Rock Cycle Webquest Cookie Mining Mining for Peanuts Texas: The Underground Story, the Origin of Texas Oil and Natural Gas Peak Oil Speech by Richard Heinberg, Eugene OR January 29th 2006 Addicted to Oil, Thomas Friedman reporting on Discovery Channel Renewable Solutions Video ABC News Nightline: Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster • LiveEarth.org “Switch On, Switch Off”, “Earth 2.0”, “Light Bulb”, “Super Power Bloke” Case Studies and Simulations: • • Policy debate: Should we Drill in the ANWR? Balancing land use and energy independence Students research and present a Powerpoint on renewable forms of energy. Presentations must include an economic and feasibility analysis. Unit 8: Renewable Energy (2 weeks) Lecture Topics: • Principles of Solar Energy • Indirect Solar Energy: Hydropower, Wind Power, Biomass Energy • Transportation Energy Renewables: biofuels, hydrogen • Peak Oil • Nuclear fission and half life Readings from Textbook: • Ch. 16 Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Readings for Discussion: • Energy Innovators stories about what is being done to solve the energy problem Labs, Quantitative Activities and Field Experiences: • Solar Absorption Lab • Solar Water Heater design contest • Solar Space Heater design contest • Solar Cookout • How Many Trees? Videos and Speakers: • NOVA: Saved by the sun • • • • Modern Marvels Video: Renewable Energy Future Sustainable Dave website from Boulder Infinite Power of Texas LiveEarth.org “Charcoal” • • Policy debate: Should we Drill in the ANWR? Balancing land use and energy independence Students research and present a PowerPoint on renewable forms of energy. Presentations must include an economic and feasibility analysis. Case Studies and Simulations: Unit 9: Soil, Food and Pest Control (4 weeks) Lecture Topics: • Structure and Interaction among the Earth's Crust, Mantle and Core • Plate tectonics, earthquakes and volcanism • Mining methods and environmental degradation • Soil erosion and soil conservation practices • Forestry and Public Lands • Pesticides, resistance and IPM Readings from Textbook: • Ch. 12 Food, Soil, and Pest Management Readings for Discussion: • Easter's End, Jared Diamond • Excerpts from Silent Spring by Rachel Carson Labs, Quantitative Activities and Field Experiences: • • • Videos: Plate tectonics and geological activity: Students use GIS software to map earthquake and volcanic activity and superimpose plate boundaries. Soil salinization Lab: Students design their own procedure, collect, graph and analyze data under three different scenarios. Apes Garden: Planted and tended for the purpose of sharing a salad after the exam • NOVA/Frontline: Harvest of Fear (GMOs) • The True Cost of Food by The Sierra Club Sustainable Consumption Committee • Buyer by Fair The Promise of Product Certification by Bullfrog Films • LiveEarth.org “Toxic Seas” • Pecos River Ecosystem Project: using helicopter applied pesticides to eradicate salt cedar trees Case Studies and Simulations: • • • Policy debate: GMOs the European approach, American approach or neither Policy Debate: Mining in Colorado, the economic and environmental consequences Malaria and DDT: To spray or not to spray. A role play case regarding The WHO's decision to allow limited spraying in area's where malaria is a problem Relevant Laws and Regulations: • Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act Unit 10: Hazardous Chemicals and Human Health (3 weeks) Lecture Topics: • • • Risk perception, Risk assessment vs Risk Management The risks of being poor Toxicology: Routes of exposure, acute vs chronic effects • Dose Response, Synergism and Antagonism, biomagnification in food chains • Economic Impacts: cost-benefit analysis, externalities • Consumer and environmental safety, governmental regulations Readings from Textbook: • Ch. 17 Environmental Hazards and Human Health Readings for Discussion: • Recycling is garbage! • Excerpts from Silent Spring by Rachel Carson Labs, Quantitative Activities and Field Experiences: • Garbology! Personal trash collection and analysis of % recyclable material by mass Videos: • • Tom Brokaw Estrogen mimickers (in my Norris Folder) A segment of The Corporation on “externalities” by Mongrel Media Case Studies and Simulations: • Town Meeting: What do we do with the Flowing Railroad Site; Modified from the EPA site this case presents students with a hypothetical abandoned waste site. They must learn what toxics are present, where they are, where they are headed and the potential health effects. In the end the town must decide the best method to reclaim the land weighing economic, social and personal impacts. Relevant Laws and Regulations: • • • The Clean Air and Water Acts The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) NEPA, TSCA, CERCLA, FIFRA Unit 11 Solid Waste and Atmospheric Pollution (ozone depletion) (3 weeks) Lecture Topics: • Disposal of municipal solid waste • The recycling solution • Combustion: waste to energy • Primary and secondary sources of air pollution • Heat islands and temperature inversions • Indoor air pollution • Stratospheric ozone, CFC’s and UV light • Strategies for reducing ozone depletion Readings from Textbook: • • Ch. 18 Air Pollution Ch.21 Solid and Hazardous Waste Readings for Discussion: • Recycling is garbage! • The Ozone Layer is Being Repaired • US Electronic Waste gets Sent to Africa by Ron Claiborne 8/2/009 Labs, Quantitative Activities and Field Experiences: • Recycled Paper Lab • Campus Cleanup and Trash Analysis Videos: • • • Electronic Waste in Ghana by Greenpeace, on you tube Toxic US E-Waste: Third World Problem on you tube ABC World News with Charles Gibson LiveEarth.org “Sad Fish”, “Waste”, “Out of Sight”, “Rubbish” Case Studies and Simulations: • Carry all your trash and recyclables for 1 week, weigh and analyze Relevant Laws and Regulations: • • The Clean Air and Water Acts Ozone and CFC’s regulation in the 70’s AP Environmental Science Summer Reading Assignment We will be reading Michael Pollan’s book, The Omnivore’s Dilemma. Your first task will be, of course, to get a copy of the book. This book will be available from Barnes and Nobles or Books-A-Million. You may also purchase the book on-line through Amazon.com, where cheaper, used books are also available. You will also need a journal to document your ideas as you read. A composition book will work well and are readily available and inexpensive. You may, however, choose a fancier journal if you prefer. The book is divided into three main sections: Industrial Corn, Pastoral Grass, and Personal: The Forest. We will journal in a similar manner. Below are questions for you to address in your journal as you read: 1. What is the “Omnivore’s Dilemma”? 2. Explain why the book is divided into three main sections. 3. After you have completed each chapter, explain the heading it was given. This can be as long or as short as you prefer as long as you demonstrate understanding of the content. For example, the first chapter is titled, “The Plant: Corn’s Conquest.” What did corn conquer? How did it accomplish this? a. Corn: In addition to explaining the title, include what it means to be a C4 plant and how that relates to the title. b. Farm – How is growing food on the farm different from the way it was 100 years ago? c. Feedlot d. Processing Plant e. Republic of Fat – explain why corn is finding it’s way into so many products f. The Meal g. All Flesh is Grass h. Big Organic – What different types of organics exist? Explain why there are so many types. Define NPK i. Grass – explain the relationships in this chapter with examples j. Animals – explain the relationships in this chapter with examples k. Slaughter – how are Saladin’s thoughts on this different than mainstream? l. Market – explain the title “Barcode” m. Define speciesism n. How has reading this book changed the way you think about food? What have you learned that surprised you the most? 4. Please feel free to include your own perspective as much as possible. Anytime you can include an example from your own life do it! This will make your journal much more personal and help you remember what you’ve read as well as demonstrate to me that you ‘get it.’ Logistics of completing this assignment: 1. Plan ahead and commit yourself to reading a pre-determined amount of chapters per day so that you're not overloaded with work the last few weeks of the summer. Also, set aside a specific time during the day for reading and make sure your friends and family know that you are not to be disturbed during this time. Don't expect to get much reading done late at night while lying in bed; choose a time early in the day. Complete the written portion of the assignment right after you finish reading each chapter. 2. If you choose to quote from the book, do so sparingly. I’ve read the book (more than once) and will recognize when you aren’t using your own words. The idea is that you show you ‘get it’ and using someone else’s words doesn’t demonstrate that. 3. You are welcome to discuss this assignment with friends that may also be taking the course. However, to write about it yourself and be able to participate in class discussions based on the book, you’ll need to have read it yourself. Be sure that your conversations don’t substitute for your own reading. 4. I don’t often recommend ‘lengths’ for the entries you give but experience has shown that in a composition book, good entries are typically 2-3 journal pages per chapter. Please let me know if you have any further questions on the assignment. I hope you will find the book interesting and informative. I feel strongly that it will help give you a better understanding of many important environmental issues, many of which are tied to our food choices. AP Environmental Science Math Prep This year in APES you will hear the two words most dreaded by high school students…NO CALCULATORS! That’s right, you cannot use a calculator on the AP Environmental Science exam. Since the regular tests you will take are meant to help prepare you for the APES exam, you will not be able to use calculators on regular tests all year either. The good news is that most calculations on the tests and exams are written to be fairly easy calculations and to come out in whole numbers or to only a few decimal places. The challenge is in setting up the problems correctly and knowing enough basic math to solve the problems. With practice, you will be a math expert by the time the exam rolls around. So bid your calculator a fond farewell, tuck it away so you won’t be tempted, and start sharpening your math skills! Contents Decimals Averages Percentages Metric Units Scientific Notation Dimensional Analysis Reminders 1. Write out all your work, even if it’s something really simple. This is required on the APES exam so it will be required on all your assignments, labs, quizzes, and tests as well. 2. Include units in each step. Your answers always need units and it’s easier to keep track of them if you write them in every step. 3. Check your work. Go back through each step to make sure you didn’t make any mistakes in your calculations. Also check to see if your answer makes sense. For example, a person probably will not eat 13 million pounds of meat in a year. If you get an answer that seems unlikely, it probably is. Go back and check your work. Directions Read each section below for review. Look over the examples and use them for help on the practice problems. When you get to the practice problems, write out all your work and be sure to include units on each step. Check your work. Decimals Part I: The basics Decimals are used to show fractional numbers. The first number behind the decimal is the tenths place, the next is the hundredths place, the next is the thousandths place. Anything beyond that should be changed into scientific notation (which is addressed in another section.) Part II: Adding or Subtracting Decimals To add or subtract decimals, make sure you line up the decimals and then fill in any extra spots with zeros. Add or subtract just like usual. Be sure to put a decimal in the answer that is lined up with the ones in the problem. Part III: Multiplying Decimals Line up the numbers just as you would if there were no decimals. DO NOT line up the decimals. Write the decimals in the numbers but then ignore them while you are solving the multiplication problem just as you would if there were no decimals at all. After you have your answer, count up all the numbers behind the decimal point(s). Count the same number of places over in your answer and write in the decimal. Part IV: Dividing Decimals Scenario One: If the divisor (the number after the / or before the ) does not have a decimal, set up the problems just like a regular division problem. Solve the problem just like a regular division problem. When you have your answer, put a decimal in the same place as the decimal in the dividend (the number before the / or under the ). Scenario Two: If the divisor does have a decimal, make it a whole number before you start. Move the decimal to the end of the number, then move the decimal in the dividend the same number of places. Then solve the problem just like a regular division problem. Put the decimal above the decimal in the dividend. (See Scenario One problem). Practice: Remember to show all your work, include units if given, and NO CALCULATORS! All work and answers go on your answer sheet. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1.678 + 2.456 = 344.598 + 276.9 = 1229.078 + .0567 = 45.937 – 13.43 = 199.007 – 124.553 = 90.3 – 32.679 = 28.4 x 9.78 = 324.45 x 98.4 = 1256.93 x 12.38 = 64.5 / 5 = 114.54 / 34.5 = 3300.584 / 34.67 = Averages To find an average, add all the quantities given and divide the total by the number of quantities. Example: Find the average of 10, 20, 35, 45, and 105. 10 + 20 + 35 + 45 + 105 = 215 Divide the total by the number of given quantities. 215 / 5 = 43 Step 1: Add all the quantities. Step 2: Practice: Remember to show all your work, include units if given, and NO CALCULATORS! All work and answers go on your answer sheet. 13. Find the average of the following numbers: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, and 29 14. Find the average of the following numbers: 124, 456, 788, and 343 15. Find the average of the following numbers: 4.56, .0078, 23.45, and .9872 Percentages Introduction: Percents show fractions or decimals with a denominator of 100. Always move the decimal TWO places to the right go from a decimal to a percentage or TWO places to the left to go from a percent to a decimal. Examples: .85 = 85%. .008 = .8% Part I: Finding the Percent of a Given Number To find the percent of a given number, change the percent to a decimal and MULTIPLY. 30% of 400 Step 1: 30% = .30 400 Step 2: x .30 12000 Example: Step 3: Count the digits behind the decimal in the problem and add decimal to the answer. 12000 120.00 120 Part II: Finding the Percentage of a Number To find what percentage one number is of another, divide the first number by the second, then convert the decimal answer to a percentage. Example: Step 1: Step 2: What percentage is 12 of 25? 12/25 = .48 .48 = 48% (12 is 48% of 25) Part III: Finding Percentage Increase or Decrease To find a percentage increase or decrease, first find the percent change, then add or subtract the change to the original number. Example: Kindles have dropped in price 18% from $139. What is the new price of a Kindle? Step 1: Step 2: $139 x .18 = $25 $139 - $25 = $114 Part IV: Finding a Total Value To find a total value, given a percentage of the value, DIVIDE the given number by the given percentage. Example: If taxes on a new car are 8% and the taxes add up to $1600, how much is the new car? Step 1: Step 2: 8% = .08 $1600 / .08 = $160,000 / 8 = $20,000 (Remember when the divisor has a decimal, move it to the end to make it a whole number and move the decimal in the dividend the same number of places. .08 becomes 8, 1600 becomes 160000.) Practice: Remember to show all your work, include units if given, and NO CALCULATORS! All work and answers go on your answer sheet. 16. What is 45% of 900? 17. Thirteen percent of a 12,000 acre forest is being logged. How many acres will be logged? 18. A water heater tank holds 280 gallons. Two percent of the water is lost as steam. How many gallons remain to be used? 19. What percentage is 25 of 162.5? 20. 35 is what percentage of 2800? 21. 14,000 acres of a 40,000 acre forest burned in a forest fire. What percentage of the forest was damaged? 22. You have driven the first 150 miles of a 2000 mile trip. What percentage of the trip have you traveled? 23. Home prices have dropped 5% in the past three years. An average home in Indianapolis three years ago was $130,000. What’s the average home price now? 24. The Greenland Ice Sheet contains 2,850,000 cubic kilometers of ice. It is melting at a rate of .006% per year. How many cubic kilometers are lost each year? 25. 235 acres, or 15%, of a forest is being logged. How large is the forest? 26. A teenager consumes 20% of her calories each day in the form of protein. If she is getting 700 calories a day from protein, how many calories is she consuming per day? 27. In a small oak tree, the biomass of insects makes up 3000 kilograms. This is 4% of the total biomass of the tree. What is the total biomass of the tree? Metric Units Kilo-, centi-, and milli- are the most frequently used prefixes of the metric system. You need to be able to go from one to another without a calculator. You can remember the order of the prefixes by using the following sentence: King Henry Died By Drinking Chocolate Milk. Since the multiples and divisions of the base units are all factors of ten, you just need to move the decimal to convert from one to another. Example: 55 centimeters = ? kilometers Step 1: Figure out how many places to move the decimal. King Henry Died By Drinking… – that’s six places. (Count the one you are going to, but not the one you are on.) Step 2: Move the decimal five places to the left since you are going from smaller to larger. 55 centimeters = .00055 kilometers Example: 19.5 kilograms = ? milligrams Step 1: Figure out how many places to move the decimal. … Henry Died By Drinking Chocolate Milk – that’s six places. (Remember to count the one you are going to, but not the one you are on.) Step 2: Move the decimal six places to the right since you are going from larger to smaller. In this case you need to add zeros. 19.5 kilograms = 19,500,000 milligrams Practice: Remember to show all your work, include units if given, and NO CALCULATORS! All work and answers go on your answer sheet. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 1200 kilograms = ? milligrams 14000 millimeters = ? meters 670 hectometers = ? centimeters 6544 liters = ? milliliters .078 kilometers = ? meters 17 grams = ? kilograms Scientific Notation Introduction: Scientific notation is a shorthand way to express large or tiny numbers. Since you will need to do calculations throughout the year WITHOUT A CALCULATOR, we will consider anything over 1000 to be a large number. Writing these numbers in scientific notation will help you do your calculations much quicker and easier and will help prevent mistakes in conversions from one unit to another. Like the metric system, scientific notation is based on factors of 10. A large number written in scientific notation looks like this: 1.23 x 1011 The number before the x (1.23) is called the coefficient. The coefficient must be greater than 1 and less than 10. The number after the x is the base number and is always 10. The number in superscript (11) is the exponent. Part I: Writing Numbers in Scientific Notation To write a large number in scientific notation, put a decimal after the first digit. Count the number of digits after the decimal you just wrote in. This will be the exponent. Drop any zeros so that the coefficient contains as few digits as possible. Example: 123,000,000,000 Step 1: Place a decimal after the first digit. 1.23000000000 Step 2: Count the digits after the decimal…there are 11. Step 3: Drop the zeros and write in the exponent. 1.23 x 1011 Writing tiny numbers in scientific notation is similar. The only difference is the decimal is moved to the left and the exponent is a negative. A tiny number written in scientific notation looks like this: 4.26 x 10-8 To write a tiny number in scientific notation, move the decimal after the first digit that is not a zero. Count the number of digits before the decimal you just wrote in. This will be the exponent as a negative. Drop any zeros before or after the decimal. .0000000426 Step 1: 00000004.26 Example: Step 2: Count the digits before the decimal…there are 8. Step 3: Drop the zeros and write in the exponent as a negative. 4.26 x 10-8 Part II: Adding and Subtracting Numbers in Scientific Notation To add or subtract two numbers with exponents, the exponents must be the same. You can do this by moving the decimal one way or another to get the exponents the same. Once the exponents are the same, add (if it’s an addition problem) or subtract (if it’s a subtraction problem) the coefficients just as you would any regular addition problem (review the previous section about decimals if you need to). The exponent will stay the same. Make sure your answer has only one digit before the decimal – you may need to change the exponent of the answer. Example: 1.35 x 106 + 3.72 x 105 = ? Step 1: Make sure both exponents are the same. It’s usually easier to go with the larger exponent so you don’t have to change the exponent in your answer, so let’s make both exponents 6 for this problem. 3.72 x 105 .372 x 106 Step 2: Add the coefficients just as you would regular decimals. Remember to line up the decimals. 1.35 + .372 1.722 Step 3: Write your answer including the exponent, which is the same as what you started with. 1.722 x 106 Part III: Multiplying and Dividing Numbers in Scientific Notation To multiply exponents, multiply the coefficients just as you would regular decimals. Then add the exponents to each other. The exponents DO NOT have to be the same. Example: 1.35 x 106 X 3.72 x 105 = ? Step 1: Multiply the coefficients. 1.35 x 3.72 270 9450 40500 50220 5.022 Step 2: Add the exponents. 5 + 6 = 11 Step 3: Write your final answer. 5.022 x 1011 To divide exponents, divide the coefficients just as you would regular decimals, then subtract the exponents. In some cases, you may end up with a negative exponent. Example: 5.635 x 103 / 2.45 x 106 = ? Step 1: Divide the coefficients. 5.635 / 3.45 = 2.3 Step 2: Subtract the exponents. 3 – 6 = -3 Step 3: Write your final answer. 2.3 x 10-3 Practice: Remember to show all your work, include units if given, and NO CALCULATORS! All work and answers go on your answer sheet. Write the following numbers in scientific notation: 34. 145,000,000,000 35. 13 million 36. 435 billion 37. .000348 38. 135 trillion 39. 24 thousand Complete the following calculations: 40. 3 x 103 + 4 x 103 41. 4.67 x 104 + 323 x 103 42. 7.89 x 10-6 + 2.35 x 10-8 43. 9.85 x 104 – 6.35 x 104 44. 2.9 x 1011 – 3.7 x 1013 45. 1.278 x 10-13 – 1.021 x 10-10 46. three hundred thousand plus forty-seven thousand 47. 13 million minus 11 thousand 48. 1.32 x 108 X 2.34 x 104 49. 3.78 x 103 X 2.9 x 102 50. three million times eighteen thousand 51. one thousandth of seven thousand 52. eight ten-thousandths of thirty-five million 53. 3.45 x 109 / 2.6 x 103 54. 1.98 x 10-4 / 1.72 x 10-6 55. twelve thousand divided by four thousand Dimensional Analysis Introduction Dimensional analysis is a way to convert a quantity given in one unit to an equal quantity of another unit by lining up all the known values and multiplying. It is sometimes called factor-labeling. The best way to start a factor-labeling problem is by using what you already know. In some cases you may use more steps than a classmate to find the same answer, but it doesn’t matter. Use what you know, even if the problem goes all the way across the page! In a dimensional analysis problem, start with your given value and unit and then work toward your desired unit by writing equal values side by side. Remember you want to cancel each of the intermediate units. To cancel a unit on the top part of the problem, you have to get the unit on the bottom. Likewise, to cancel a unit that appears on the bottom part of the problem, you have to write it in on the top. Once you have the problem written out, multiply across the top and bottom and then divide the top by the bottom. Example: 3 years = ? seconds Step 1: Start with the value and unit you are given. There may or may not be a number on the bottom. 3 years Step 2: Start writing in all the values you know, making sure you can cancel top and bottom. Since you have years on top right now, you need to put years on the bottom in the next segment. Keep going, canceling units as you go, until you end up with the unit you want (in this case seconds) on the top. 3 years 365 days 1 year 24 hours 1 day 60 minutes 1 hour 60 seconds 1 minute Step 3: Multiply all the values across the top. Write in scientific notation if it’s a large number. Write units on your answer. 3 x 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 = 9.46 x 107 seconds Step 4: Multiply all the values across the bottom. Write in scientific notation if it’s a large number. Write units on your answer if there are any. In this case everything was cancelled so there are no units. 1x1x1x1=1 Step 5: Divide the top number by the bottom number. Remember to include units. 9.46 x 107 seconds / 1 = 9.46 x 107 seconds Step 6: Review your answer to see if it makes sense. 9.46 x 107 is a really big number. Does it make sense for there to be a lot of seconds in three years? YES! If you had gotten a tiny number, then you would need to go back and check for mistakes. In lots of APES problems, you will need to convert both the top and bottom unit. Don’t panic! Just convert the top one first and then the bottom. Example: 50 miles per hour = ? feet per second Step 1: Start with the value and units you are given. In this case there is a unit on top and on bottom. 50 miles 1 hour Step 2: Convert miles to feet first. 50 miles 1 hour 5280 feet 1 mile Step 3: Continue the problem by converting hours to seconds. 50 miles 1 hour 5280 feet 1 mile 1 hour 60 minutes 1 minute 60 seconds Step 4: Multiply across the top and bottom. Divide the top by the bottom. Be sure to include units on each step. Use scientific notation for large numbers. 50 x 5280 feet x 1 x 1 = 264000 feet 1 x 1 x 60 x 60 seconds = 3600 seconds 264000 feet / 3600 seconds = 73.33 feet/second Practice: Remember to show all your work, include units if given, and NO CALCULATORS! All work and answers go on your answer sheet. Use scientific notation when appropriate. Conversions: 1 square mile = 640 acres 1 hectare (Ha) = 2.47 acres 1 kw-hr = 3,413 BTUs 1 barrel of oil = 159 liters 1 metric ton = 1000 kg 56. 57. 58. 59. 134 miles = ? inches 8.9 x 105 tons = ? ounces 1.35 kilometers per second = ? miles per hour A city that uses ten billion BTUs of energy each month is using how many kilowatt-hours of energy? 60. A 340 million square mile forest is how many hectares? 61. If one barrel of crude oil provides six million BTUs of energy, how many BTUs of energy will one liter of crude oil provide? 62. Fifty eight thousand kilograms of solid waste is equivalent to how many metric tons? AP Environmental Science Graph Prep Practice Interpreting Data: The following questions are to help you practice reading information shown on a graph. Answer each question on the separate answer sheet. 1. Identify the graph that matches each of the following stories: a. I had just left home when I realized I had forgotten my books so I went back to pick them up. b. Things went fine until I had a flat tire. c. I started out calmly, but sped up when I realized I was going to be late. 2. The graph at the right represents the typical day of a teenager. Answer these questions: a. What percent of the day is spent watching TV? b. How many hours are spent sleeping? c. What activity takes up the least amount of time? d. What activity takes up a quarter of the day? e. What two activities take up 50% of the day? f. What two activities take up 25% of the day? 3. Answer these questions about the graph at the right: a. How many sets of data are represented? b. On approximately what calendar date does the graph begin? c. In what month does the graph reach its highest point? 4. Answer these questions about the graph on the right: a. How many total miles did the car travel? b. What was the average speed of the car for the trip? c. Describe the motion of the car between hours 5 and 12? d. What direction is represented by line CD? e. How many miles were traveled in the first two hours of the trip? f. Which line represents the fastest speed? 5. Answer these questions about the graph at the right: a. What is the dependent variable on this graph? b. Does the price per bushel always increase with demand? c. What is the demand when the price is 5$ per bushel? 6. The bar graph below represents the declared majors of freshman enrolling at a university. Answer the following questions: a. b. c. d. What is the total freshman enrollment of the college? What percent of the students are majoring in physics? How many students are majoring in economics? How many more students major in poly sci than in psych? 7. This graph represents the number of A's earned in a particular college algebra class. Answer the following questions: a. How many A's were earned during the fall and spring of 2009? b. How many more A's were earned in the fall of 2010 than in the spring of 2010? c. In which year were the most A's earned? d. In which semester were the most A's earned? e. In which semester and year were the fewest A's earned? 2009 2010 8. Answer these questions about the graph below: a. How much rain fell in Mar of 1989? b. How much more rain fell in Feb of 1990 than in Feb of 1989? c. Which year had the most rainfall? d. What is the wettest month on the graph? 9. Answer these questions about the data table: a. b. c. d. e. What is the independent variable on this table? What is the dependent variable on this table? How many elements are represented on the table? Which element has the highest ionization energy? Describe the shape of the line graph that this data would produce? Atomic Number Ionization Energy (volts) 2 24.46 4 9.28 6 11.22 8 13.55 10 21.47 10. Answer the following using the data table below: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. How many planets are represented? How many moons are represented? Which moon has the largest mass? Which planet has a radius closest to that of Earth? How many moons are larger than the planet Pluto? Which of Jupiter's moons orbits closest to the planet? Which planet is closest to Earth? Solar System Data Table Distance Name --------- Radius Mass Orbits (000 km) (km) (kg) ------- -------- ------- ------- Sun 697000 1.99 x 1030 Jupiter Sun 778000 71492 1.90 x 1027 Saturn Sun 1429000 60268 5.69 x 1026 Uranus Sun 2870990 25559 8.69 x 1025 Neptune Sun 4504300 24764 1.02 x 1026 Earth Sun 149600 6378 5.98 x 1024 Venus Sun 108200 6052 4.87 x 1024 Mars Sun 227940 3398 6.42 x 1023 Ganymede Jupiter 1070 2631 1.48 x 1023 Titan Saturn 1222 2575 1.35 x 1023 Mercury Sun 57910 2439 3.30 x 1023 Callisto Jupiter 1883 2400 1.08 x 1023 Io Jupiter 422 1815 8.93 x 1022 Moon Earth 384 1738 7.35 x 1022 Europa Jupiter 671 1569 4.80 x 1022 Triton Neptune 355 1353 2.14 x 1022 Pluto Sun 5913520 1160 1.32 x 1022 Practice Making Graphs: Use the following steps to create graphs and answer questions for each of the problems below. All your work will go on the separate answer sheet. 1. Identify the variables. The independent variable is controlled by the experimenter. The dependent variable changes as the independent variable changes. The independent variable will go on the X axis and the dependent on the Y axis. 2. Determine the variable range. Subtract the lowest data value from the highest data value. 3. Determine the scale of the graph. The graph should use as much of the available space as possible. Each line of the scale must go up in equal increments. For example, you can go 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. but you cannot go 1, 3, 9, 34, 50, etc. Increments of 1, 2, 5, 10, or 100 are commonly used but you should use what works best for the given data. 4. Number and label each axis. 5. Plot the data. If there are multiple sets of data on one graph, use a different color for each. 6. Draw a smooth, best-fit line for each data set. 7. Title the graph. Titles should explain exactly what the graph is showing and are sometimes long. Don’t be afraid of a long title! 8. Create a key to the graph if there is more than one set of data. Problem 1 Age of the tree in years Average thickness of the annual rings in cm. Forest A Average thickness of the annual rings in cm. Forest B 10 2.0 2.2 20 2.2 2.5 30 3.5 3.6 35 3.0 3.8 50 4.5 4.0 60 4.3 4.5 The thickness of the annual rings indicate what type of environmental situation was occurring at the time of its development. A thin ring, usually indicates a rough period of development. Lack of water, forest fires, or a major insect infestation. On the other hand, a thick ring indicates just the opposite. A. B. C. D. E. Make a line graph of the data. What is the dependent variable? What is the independent variable? What was the average thickness of the annual rings of 40 year old trees in Forest A? Based on this data, what can you conclude about Forest A and Forest B? Problem 2 pH of water Number of tadpoles 8.0 45 7.5 69 7.0 78 6.5 88 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 6.0 43 5.5 23 Make a line graph of the data. What is the dependent variable? What is the independent variable? What is the average pH in this experiment? What is the average number of tadpoles per sample? What is the optimum water pH for tadpole development? Between what two pH readings is there the greatest change in tadpole number? How many tadpoles would you expect to find in water with a pH reading of 5.0? Problem 3 Amount of ethylene in ml/m2 Wine sap Golden Apples: Apples: Days to Days to Maturity Maturity Gala Apples: Days to Maturity 10 14 14 15 15 12 12 13 20 11 9 10 25 10 7 9 30 8 7 8 35 8 7 7 Ethylene is a plant hormone that causes fruit to mature. The data above concerns the amount of time it takes for fruit to mature from the time of the first application of ethylene by spraying a field of trees. A. Make a line graph of the data. B. What is the dependent variable? C. What is the independent variable? Ecology Worksheet# Name 1 the following each of the following statements ol answers choose the response whichbest completes pts' (3'a paper' your own @) with that response on questions. place the *t;;;;;;iaied l. In order to be self-sustaining warm, moist 2. of organisms (2') a an ecosystem must contain (1.) large numbers the same niche occupy (4.) organismswhich environileill?.t *,,,L or"n"try me (1.) a community (2') All the red-winged blackbirds living in a marsh a succession (3.) an ecosystem (4.) apopulation of certain chemical elements such as carbon' oxygen' 3. In an ecosystem, what happens to the atoms found in and out of tiving syst:ms. (2) They are never and nitrogen? (1) Til;t;;"e into into move (4) They retum' never and systeris living systems. (3) fiJy;";; "rri"i"g "J living sYstems and remain there' 4. that directly or indirectly atrect t!9 er]v{onment In a natural community, all the living things (z.is"conaary consumers (3.) climatic limitations are known as (lJ ilil;.gr"tsrni (4.) biotic factors 5.Whichgroupcanbestbedescribedasapopulation?(1.)allthehoneybeesinanorchard(2.)all (3.) the iif. itt Buttn's atnosphere ( ') the living and the plants *a *ituft io a forest nonliving factors in a meadow 6. in an ecosystem? (1.) cycling of Which factor promotes competition between organisms (4') decomposition of organic matter materials (2.) finiteO rero*"", (3.) presenceit saproptrytes 7.^lltheinteractingpopulationsinagrvenarearepresentanecologicalunitknownasa (i.)population at) biome (3') biosphere (4') commtmity g. ecolory? (1) The (2.) cell and its organelles The otA;i#-a rheir Environmenl Interactions e"t*"ro-r,/t""fiu"i"Chemical Properties of Water and Physicai (4.) The go"oita.y of Drosophila (3.) which title would general be most appropriate for a textbook on The b3l.."".--.----"-"-_ population changes shown in the 1g-tO. Stat" two reasons for the guph atthe right. ' 11. =('i \ \/. ---D= ,^\ --/ =6-- \ \o light, and minerals in order to A certain plant requires moisture, oxygen" carbon dioxide, on. (t') abiotic factors depends organism tiui"g survive. This statement shows that u tZl ii"ii" A"t"ts t2. a9: uz : a< i (3.) camivore-herbivore-relitionships (4.) symbiotic relationships ( 1 mushrooms in a cave in the by An biotic component of the biosphere is represented .the ') range of temperatures in a lake (3.) annual catskill Mountains (2.) lu"d in a cave in Kentucky inNewYorkState (4.)saltinthewaterofanocean' Ecology Worksheet # Name 1 set up a terrarium containing moist soil, several plants, and snails. The terrarium was placed in a sunny area. Which facior is not essential for the maintenance of the terrarium? (1.) cycling of materials befween organisms and their environment (2.) a constant source A student 13. i oi.*.gy (3--; a tiving system capable of incorporating energy into organic compounds (a.) the introduction ofanother heterotroph into the terrarium and atmosphere within which life exists is known as (1.) community (2.) ecosystem (3.) population (4-) biosphere t4. All of Earth's water, land, 15. Which ecological term includes everything in the iliustration at the right? 1) ecosystem (2) population 3) community (4) species .e. 1i- ecosysren tends to remain relatively constant due to 16. The size of'a mouse populatlon rn a naturalI ecosystem (2) the lack I of natural predators (3) cycling of energy environment the (i) the carrying capacity of decomposers (4) increased numbers of Correctly complete the following statements- (3.4 pts- @) is 11. the study of the interactions of living things with each other and thek environment. 18. A(n) includes all of the organisms of the szme species that inhabit a given location. i9. factors are those living factors in the environment, such as disease and predation- 20. The entire region of the worid where living things are found is called the 21. can synthesize organic compounds from inorganic compounds and suniight. 22. like animals and -/.J. 24. fingi are dependent on other organisms for their food are all the plant-eating animals. are all the meat eating animals 25. are animals that consume both plants and meat. 26. are animals which 27. are animals that the predators 28. 29. kill and consume their prey kill. are those animals that feed on other anipsls that they have not All the interacting organisms of different species in a location comprise a(n) killed' * i+di ve:=i :;.' a;r ii I io:t.r!. r trri Frr',re,nmer' Lr: c r-.u',rr,.-.!l i't al=ri a I C ;, * c-. E' *rk i :+h e*i i\digtLl *= i4' +:id L4ai*ri ai C;:.* i es g L! v 1;: i.i:v ir***':ss-i{ * i';tdi *- 1 I r' . Sreie ij=*:iiy ti:r*+ ne gat{as **i:;g .*icf, =r*+==S= i€-;5. efe*ts =#+r-i:-s-i?e=i +:r h*=:*::; !i bi*div*rsit,v **r:li.tues r* b* l*st *+=-*er+ii+c ir::*= =e::-it= =hi:+'i: i*:h* dieg:*;*. in iEr* *.-iea:'::i+ai c+;:'rp-*siii*:: +iih* sFase sieii*ir aim+sp3:*r* *s a resuif +itlt* a=ii+l!ai;{ e*:ei:tg +li b+aid ih* e*i:*e Eiaii.+:-l- Stc"r= ire'* *he:--g*s Z*-17. *-,elc *a.'er eiia::g*s i;r i*e *!:erxi;ai *.r-:r*F*siii*:: +f tiie :rpsfe si*ii+* aim*spii*re iiiat r+,c'uid res*li ir*n-r t**tkl{ +i} ;:t*r+ liehts, f h',t+se ihe tr'*=slftrrs 't'iiigil tl-- b*si *,ri-g'rirtes ge*h rlf lhc fqriic'.,i'il-rc sle-iititcrlis iii;irsr'.ffS ^,.^n+i^* rLlE Els*J.JL'ra1 Lisr ih; i"bedi:iq p1Tai.;tii +*i*"r arid i.+iji'L-+',i'ie-ir* lif bicl*t",'tc an!ri ts;- ri ,L-^..-L ili.lir'"1Lil i,,,L:.^; -\ !1 i.ii!:. g!- G:-iL*ji;r-rJ:t a^li^,, tLrllilr,r. ;.. e fir*d F_i.rac1id 15 rl:pr*s*r?l*i b;r, :*= diagrem. tr hie,il 3ie€::?r*t best d*s*rib*s *rle *i:li* ie'".'*is r;i:ftis r'-\."eri:;d? i l.i The *rseni{irilr !E is'"el 3 riiriein i+iid rjirsctii l-+m l*r'el -4. il.i Lcvri D ;.rntains ihe gr.earesi niln;.ber ,ri-*eier*Fi;pli:. u-'r the *_rra:nid. ii.; lelei {l c*.-iaii;s i** iar=es: Is+li* r:f-=::r:surir*rs ir: ii* e3.===,rd . i,4.; Lsvei A *.+r:iak:: *'.r! :arges: pr"-<i-,:c*rs 'r:a ri:+ =i: a:::-. li^,*..*".i :. =tE+.+ fnir *+== ih* *i*::-:*s:; i;: ie'"'*i A in rFvrl: =r::!=..--- e..-, H +L^ +-+r.r-i, il!:r! i j s.:=-i.-i ij ! i +Iit- i:ir 4. rir*:-gi i.:=i ii ;iri;.:u up -ii:i: s*t? iire ciaqr;in itei+ra fttJ :&'i:i*ir !*i +*;"::i-*ar* -t.'iii: ji,,ll l.r:,:'''*-ieire i: r'i*i,r:-, i-a, alls"i,gr qu-t:!.Jn5 + ii-,1;,;th 6. *f lhis p.-.'ran:i..i w*ui* s*n€:n Fr**i:+*i*.€anis*is? ij.] n i,?:.i B i3.;C t4.i D =i i. if b::"tis *-si itis**is t*at fbed ilii +iiin- +,hicir ;ri'ia€eid ievs! i.a'43;d hi:'gs i]*f*p::? {1.}+ i:.i$ {3.iC iJ.ii,- Fr+gi*ss*s fr+n'i i*vei * r* i*1'*1A iri tilis tri:f,ailii{t- th* ainiiijili *isi';c'ed eftf;r,f,-v 6- .Es *rr + Ft K i= t< iJ i\ tt # fr-;:!L l, ... , L.. -l:.",*-* iirr LiJ.iH{dr}!r ai t*g ilCnt ail$ \'{}iii E;1rr::a,E**,g* irf bi+Iirgi ilt aEiEr.E'r +:.:*si:*;:.1 1 ?rr:t1 A :. -.:ts fl +F€* . FJr:-trigi*nal r*iali*es!:!p= bstu'e*n *rga*i5r:Ts alfi g!'i*-r*':: i* th* d,iegf**. i{r'?ii*h nr#a :'F* R i c.m \ a*',::-fi !'nri n-,lu rr r :rln qt !il-i f !'t+ 7 i !.i ,{3.+':-3 JE ,j,4#,& ."i**=- :*#E --'F t.,'+ deer" ac1d eri*kea 1'2.i #*e:-. heil'L. and i:rouse i3.'; =::ak*" ii*"a,'i;, a*d **g ,!: I t -/A t -,-1 7 -3!"1!!l- 3lii,J Ljf-f i+. i i:ii;F,gi. 9.. iYki*h ,t: ia'-,# '<*{*rt' .! "fj1!* i'' .' . '=-_= : '. ; ie. F + E-: -r -5]=5 ' '; ' i , -/ 'i .i .l:.*ii*r= -1.! i **Gii*,='i$ 1'. . E t':. 5,i;F qft ++ji*J-F"*l+' L'*F: a" -: *.' : FF#,.L -f..--:i-'{-*}i i:ee*s$ar:.J *+Eiifnr:?f,l1i erf :ni= ii+'iina nrrt*!ri;-;n=i :=:=i,:tir".=ch!n :^ --:. -,., -.,i.' i-* iiil-15iii# -r,t-.-+..-.-.F. ai-- .JU;-iii:-illr. Eiiaf t*-=at3 -{1*a ri{ir iil:;i :e iiil;:,i"ii;-:. Lil kc i'...= e:a, -. --- i;if,l,'i ij+;i. i-:,+ : ul ql "-"-"-J i i 1,. A_I'.il *--!^) -.*.--,,,.: -..!-'i'-,r i i illl viilir !i;:l,fil if{uf *^ .rj Rj{!ii'9.:, , {i irign: i {1 fi'o.r' i:r <; l+',;*ii*rc IJ rhrrr: i:r th'o L!x,-'+Att r *ri', :i T tli :it! 3.i rL^ -:.*L" ^' rlrv ru r{. ::;'ri. r-..*'="- ;* t;: 7* =}* n* .t- i+. 14"F:*.i is repra:=*i:t*'J b;,.ii:e arr+res in :L' i,rrtrJ .ji--*--'--') Lrra=J€ii!. i--i-.-i l-:-r.# i;"1- ?-:dlfig 'r-h+,iior:*'*rrr 1l ,' . : lrL uriiii 13! ?-.+nr+cili'!yc i LJJjLJuliaJ a r,-'-iri;hali':. llru\ i*he ari,l.,=,s i:r" i,,-g u .i*gr*iE ir:*i:e:E tire i:.i r*r=rr: +i=h*n:i,:e: 1* =$l:=e=-,;es irrl,:, ;r.fl;irr!-ri f l" i +riier= .ii in.t*'-,i.,riiilllf r:j'ii:* , aiii,u: ""j" --'r' ,;rtinrsl*s i_;.i diie*ii'.in iriercrgi 'il_,ti*, ii::.ri:t!:: Ssl:C: i;i' r,rlarrisi:-:s i+"i e;.*.:i*;r i:: whi';lir:rga*is*-:: J;i=,rr !* rhe ^*-,;-^.^-*.,*+ {ril ii;-!i:i!i=!{i I t, i1:1, : \^' j;ll--!- : ij, .* -, a j -i i'L;f,- i! !1 c, =-= - -=+ I:. !Ji_!t L;; {€:ii5i!l ^*.^-.; :- .t-^ ti r, ': =.-. , *.-- * ; i:' T i::it=ti3iii i"F --.:-^ ^-1-ii,-rri !+riirq'u=;a : i i-.3 !-rGi1191.i--:'+ ;:b. L-; E -':e : € -1,_, --,-. ,i -,- r=--*-*-.\.-.'! 'J..f+4-.-+_E +i.:*+:5 bt e_\,: =:3= =€ A4P+i;+;1-lr € 1 f,,--."ir 1 lL iF'-:o.u-o 3 -iil-I} r !.,-'-:i{: = 41r=a Jl .; ar.i-.-'i-;+t .j.-^-.*^.-.-^.--- i+ ii, -.i^".: .'\rr\?,r*--: j}j" :*1r- q:€t.!-:p ftrlui . r-,1_, _f .'-hl;n'' ! a: * r.r i'iil--ri.!irn-iri{ i'i = : ii**s, i* :!-,+ -i+.-ra!:1 Fqr.-::i!:::e;:? '-rc + + r-.,o** r-.,a*p iry iry rl.*trij:ii rl.*lii;ii Ii i+r,: itu!: J i':*::. sr:el*, ai:S l:e.=t.i.= qn,-l r-.,-r,; r,riri ! ^: | ::,*:;ii+( e: i:r.'',, i:,i L: i+f.Li. lt:;L;. .jiiU i;-ll_tl-;_\f,):: *]\;>, ili . i *:-; ss* :. r'i-r oi.i sc. si-lai; e. a r, c ite \4' Ei i-i.i li;*s" ra?')hit" ir*r. and ;[r";i..-c4 'rl Y1 t-- i,'.i: jjt!tt .^iriyrir,,. -..^.r,: r ln ji_ajjtjnr.- ,u,,*,, qlLJUtUr id LUI:dijr L,!;s.l ?:,' :i$.4l'. 'rtal Fit ' it+i. !':f, , il; liiL aiE?itruni :,li:i{,'iLi i .l i*^,,.!., i1 c ,.r r;' i +. ,i iiiic :;. l,je*iiiv three Frildrrc'jrs irr .h!s i*rii ' : i t ".' : . r,. 1' tr' .,-, -\J) ' * i 'i-. i .,, ,"1 .i "--.Egi' \,.. liiY -i' *\i,' i I : r. i"Sfd' i .ft ,", I r : iT'li , - i "i;i .f: F** :. .:. ' " :r. '"-: r:*,+'1"'li ';fdr: r ^.r ?; ';f+r.i^r,l; '''i1 .,F-c._ 'Ll :: .:--* i* j,{=-_ i r_ -:r*.-i *'. I.--=--;p: "li':". , ; ii'j *-*... t F, illth rJrt\j, r. \ .1 i-!S,J$* i ',i ,?+ts}'tii'l li'i : ,:#iJi ii' j, ,. i-_:. i )T_ ,:*f ,, I i &- rb,i-- " .. :"i-sl-/ f. gii-4+i ,l A. . i ', , 1 i i ; "i;l :i:r'rbi ti3:;# " **;+ige-g+jl-;*.:;*+i;;;;' i.g,er;'=-*r€€' 1+#e- '' r€J' +i[l #i*l q-r...sa -r--*', ';€;1 'l ! '-rH*€i, f ;il,L jJ ,.^--r ,.n"L 'rq r -; 14 ; i ''1 I',i -,".1." !' ,i ! '"?* P ',-',.,-., '. '.; i:. f ;,', ! .' '.,ri-.iil ! ! i*;;i$S' -.i,'i r+,*l;- r*.r =F +$.- _rRj:rY ;l'*: ,".'l,r1:rPi*-,i Ef * i ':: ''iri -ts '*-:*t{ *a€1 '. "-, i.!.'s:.l* "+ q 's:.i'* t E"", - iji *f,evaiiab:* t:**rsri? t I.; falrhii.S Jlld C;*r f J. i lfcfr. !,iirsr.rq ul;d shfu'bs gif,alfil -.,: tf 1{'# laii; .! i.'"11i* '*' tt.-!.. i ,,'* -3__--l-'jtit .' -};'t5ftryl". l'-<*--**t€ .;.. ! ' ; 1 ',', i"' .'ti{-'-* 1.r E .i I =ii :F1 Fl .t {,tt "-- ,, '::., , - .: !-4 it .T i j ;