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CAPS Career Resource Library

SECTION 1.56 BUSINESS & ECONOMICS (Higher Education)

• So You Want to Get an MBA (2000)


• Insider Guide: Landing the Job You Want (2000)

• Selling Your Stuff : How to Succeed at Career Fairs (2000) Mini-Insider Guide. Provides suggestions on how to prepare for a job fair, discusses how to make the most out of a trip to the fair itself, and offers follow-up tips that will help you build on leads you developed at the job fair, and successfully pursue them to land a job.

• Wetfeet Insider Guide: Selling Your Stuff: The Insider's Guide to Succeeding at Career Fairs (2 copies)

(2003) Mini-Insider Guide. Provides suggestions on how to prepare for a job fair, discusses how to make the most out of a trip to the fair itself, and offers follow-up tips that will help you build on leads you developed at the job fair, and successfully pursue them to land a job.


• WetFeet Insider Guide: Killer Consulting Resumes (2002)

Discusses: "How resumes are used in the consulting recruiting process; How cover letters are used in the consulting recruiting process; Insider tips on resume content, section by section; Insider tips on resume format; What consulting recruiters look for when reviewing a resume; Common types of resume reviewers: general scanner, spike seeker, and idealist; How to improve the quality and marketability of your resume; Buzzword bozos, or the quickest line between your resume and the trash can; Real life resume and cover letter review."

• WetFeet Insider Guide: Killer I-Banking Resumes (2002)

Discusses: "How resumes are used in the I-banking recruiting process; How cover letters are used in the recruiting process; Insider tips on resume content, section by section; Insider tips on resume format; What I-banking recruiters look for when reviewing a resume; Common types of resume reviewers: general scanner, spike seeker, and idealist; How to improve the quality and marketability of your resume; Mail merge morons, or the quickest line between your resume and the trash can; Reviews and rewrites of resume and cover letter samples."


• WetFeet Insider Guide: Ace Your Case!: Consulting Interviews (2002)

Includes "What to expect in your interview; How to impress your interviewer; Seven steps to surviving the case interview;

Five categories of cases; Buzzword bingo for the consulting case interview; Consulting frameworks; Consulting frameworks: The second stage; What to do when things don't go as planned; The judge's scorecard/How you'll be evaluated; Sample cases for consultants-to-be; WetFeet worksheet for case analysis; Suggested answers to common case questions."

Career and Placement Service

3600 McTavish, Suite 2200

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CAPS Career Resource Library

• WetFeet Insider Guide: Ace Your Case II: Fifteen Questions (2002)

Includes "Specific tips for market-sizing, brain-teaser, business-operations, and strategy case questions; 15 case questions (straight from WetFeet customers!); 15 good, detailed answers to the case questions; What NOT to say to your interviewer!; Tips from successful WetFeet customers about how to shine in your interviews; Special notes about cases for undergrads, MBAs and advanced degree candidates."

• WetFeet Insider Guide: Ace Your Case III: Practice Makes Perfect (2002)

Includes "Specific tips for market-sizing, business operations, business strategy, and resume case questions; 15 case questions with room to work out your answers; 15 detailed "good" answers to the case questions, including possible dialogues with your interviewer; "Bad" answers along with reasons for why they won't fly."

• WetFeet Insider Guide: Beat the Street: Investment Banking Interviews (2002)

"Offers tips to acing interviews in Corporate Finance, Research, Sales, and Trading; answer[s] all your questions about interviews--from information sessions to the final interview to the offer; provides the inside skinny on how to prepare (our three Rs: Research, Rehearse, Review). Plus you'll get a variety of Q&A worksheets, detailed advice about how to impress at your interview, and a huge number of useful--and often surprising--tips from Wall Street insiders."


• WetFeet Insider Guide: Careers in Non-Profits and Government Agencies (2002)

Discusses "Who's who, and where they rank, in the non-profit and government arenas; What types of jobs are available to MBAs and undergrads; What work life is like, including things like hours, culture, vacations, and compensation; How to get your foot in the door at a non-profit or government agency; Resources to aid you in your research and job search."

• WetFeet Insider Guide: Careers in Oil and Gas (2002)

Answers the following questions: "Who are the top players in the industry, and what do they do? What are the opportunities for undergrads and MBAs in both technical and non-technical areas? What are the latest trends in the oil and gas industry, and what does that mean for my interviews? What travel and liveabroad opportunities are available to those in oil and gas? What can I expect from the recruiting process?"


• Insider Guide: Careers in Internet Consulting (2000)

• Careers in the Internet (2000)


• WetFeet Insider Guide: Careers in Management Consulting (2002)

Explores "Profiles of 35 top strategy, Big Five, and specialty consulting firms. Consulting opportunities beyond McKinsey and BCG. Which firm is right for you? Take our exclusive Consulting Firm Appeal Test. What the latest industry trends are.; Industry rankings of the major firms. Comparisons of the career ladders at the different firms.; Consulting-speak.

What a case interview is and how to prepare for one. What measures your interviewer is evaluating you on. Grilling your recruiter: questions to ask your interviewer. What a week in the life of a consultant is like. What the key differences are between working for a consulting firm vs. an investment bank."

Career and Placement Service

3600 McTavish, Suite 2200

F:/Caps/Library/Library Handouts/wetfeet.doc December 9, 2003

CAPS Career Resource Library

• WetFeet Insider Guide: Consulting for PhDs, Lawyers, and Doctors (2002)

Answers the questions "What do consultants do, anyway?; Can you really make $80,000 plus a fat signing bonus as a consultant out of graduate school?; What are all the different types of consulting, and which is best for you?; How does consulting stack up against academia, law, and medicine as a career?; What firms might hire you?; How do you create a killer resume?; What's the hiring process?; What's the case interview and how can you crack it? ."

• WetFeet Insider Guide: Careers in Accounting (2002)

Discusses "How Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Ernst & Young, KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers have survived the demise of Arthur Andersen; Who of the Big Four now ranks number one; What other smaller players line up behind the Big Four;

What the latest trends in the industry are, especially in the aftermath of the Enron scandal; What it's like to be a staff or senior audit accountant as well as a staff tax accountant; What the hours and the compensation are like; How to impress your interviewers."

• WetFeet Insider Guide: Careers in Asset Management and Retail Brokerage (2002)

Discusses: "Who the major players are and how they're doing; What the typical jobs entail and what you need to know to snag one; What the lifestyle is like, and what kind of money is involved; What the pros and cons of getting into this industry are; What questions to ask during your interview."

• WetFeet Insider Guide: Careers in Human Resources (2002)

Discusses: "Industry trends, including the growing need for people with business backgrounds; Which industries are the hot spots for HR folks; The different kinds of jobs available, along with salary ranges for each, from labor relations manager to recruiter to VP of HR; The pros and cons of working in HR; How you can get your foot in the door and what to do when you land that interview."

• WetFeet Insider Guide: Careers in Marketing (2002)

Discusses: "What the difference is between marketing and marcom; What other opportunities exist beyond marketing and brand building for the consumer packaged goods, or the consumer products, industry; What it takes to succeed as a market researcher, brand manager, creative specialist, and more; What kind of lifestyle to expect, what money you'll be bringing in, and what the most typical career paths are for marketers; What to do to get noticed and work your connections."

• Wetfeet Insider Guide to McKinsey & Company (2 copies) (2003)

"What you will learn: Day-to-day, what it's like to be a McKinsey consultant; McKinsey's "one firm" approach; McKinsey's hiring plans for the coming year; McKinsey's feelings toward non-traditional candidates; The types of factors McKinsey considers in hiring new consultants; Some of McKinsey's illustrious clients; Growth areas for McKinsey; What

McKinseyites do after leaving The Firm."

• Wetfeet Insider Guide to Acenture (2 copies) (2003)

"What you will learn: How Accenture is similar to/different from the McKinseys and Bains of the consulting world; How

Accenture plans to stay toward the front of the consulting pack; What kinds of responsibilities are given to MBAs and undergrads when they go to work for the firm; What types of projects are available to consultants in Accenture's different service lines; What "behavioral interviewing" is and what it means for your Accenture interview; What you should and shouldn't talk about in your interview."

Career and Placement Service

3600 McTavish, Suite 2200

F:/Caps/Library/Library Handouts/wetfeet.doc December 9, 2003

CAPS Career Resource Library

• Wetfeet Insider Guide to Morgan Stanley (2 copies) (2003)

"What you will learn: How Morgan Stanley is able to maintain its brass-ring status as one of the most sought-after places to work on Wall Street; How the culture of Morgan Stanley differs from other Wall Street firms; The types of questions that Morgan Stanley recruiters ask in interviews, and how you can prepare for them; The departments and groups that are the strongest at Morgan Stanley; How Morgan Stanley is related to the other Morgan on the Street; The kinds of international opportunities available at the firm; More!"

• Wetfeet Insider Guide to the Goldman Sachs Group (2 copies) (2003)

"What you will learn: Why Goldman Sachs is at or near the tip-top of the investment banking world; What differentiates

Goldman from some of its top competitors; What Goldman's culture is like; How the company is organized; Some of the company's most recent clients; Exciting new developments at Goldman; A day in the life of a Goldman investment banker or trader; What employees love most and like least about the firm; How Goldman's recruiting process works; What tips insiders offer to help you score big points with your interviewer ."


• WetFeet Insider Guide: Careers in Secondary Health Care (2002)

Discusses: "The secondary health care industry as it pertains to four broad categories: aide/assistant, technician, therapist, and alternative medicine practitioner; The multitude of aide and assistant, technician, therapist, and practitioner positions available; The compensation attached to the various levels of secondary health care work; The often-times flexible hours that attract people to this industry; Typical days in the lives of a physical therapist, emergency medical technician, and acupunturist; Ways to move into the job you want and what kinds of career paths are good options for you."


• WetFeet Insider Guide: 20 Top Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Firms (2002)

Includes "Bios of companies from Abbott and Amgen to Genentech and Wyeth; Recent milestones - ranging from mergers and acquisitions to lawsuits, discoveries, and patents; Insider scoops on what it'slike to work for these companies; Hiring information - how to make contact and with whom, as well as what's involved; Interviewing tips . . . and more!"


• WetFeet Insider Guide: Jumpstart Your Career: Find and Leverage Your Ideal Internship (2002)

Discusses: "What questions to ask yourself to gain the necessary focus for finding or creating an ideal internship;

Whether the on-campus or off-campus internship recruiting track is for you; How to go about structuring an internship at a company you'd like to work for, and that doesn't currently have a formal program; How to make "cold calls" to prospective summer employers, and what types of questions to ask; What you can do to maximize your chances at getting a job offer for permanent work, while working as an intern."

Career and Placement Service

3600 McTavish, Suite 2200

F:/Caps/Library/Library Handouts/wetfeet.doc December 9, 2003
