UCI International Center New Graduate Student Request—Student 2015-2016 Welcome, newly admitted international graduate student. This packet is the first step toward requesting your new visa document (I-20/DS-2019) from UC Irvine. To complete this step, you must follow the directions in each section very carefully and include any additional documents indicated. There are eight sections total. Once your packet is complete, you will turn it in to your admitting academic department. Your academic department will then include additional information and deliver the entire packet to the International Center (IC). Once the IC receives your packet, and verifies that it is complete, the processing time for your document will then be 3 weeks. Your UCInetID must be activated before mailing these documents to your department. Please visit this website: https://ucinetid2.nacs.uci.edu/activate/menu.html and follow the directions to activate your UCInetID. The start date of your academic program will determine when you are able to activate your UCI email address. Please note that the IC will utilize email as the primary form of communication. In compliance with student privacy protection, the IC will only provide information regarding your visa document request to you directly. Turning in an incomplete packet, requesting changes to a submitted packet, or failing to provide requested documentation, will further delay the processing of your request. Failing to pay for mailing, or making adjustments to your delivery method, will further delay the processing of your request. Please also take into consideration any public holidays (in the U.S. and in your home country) which may affect your processing time. Due to high volume of requests, the IC is unable to expedite individual requests. As you complete each section, please check the corresponding box in the checklist. If applicable, please ensure you include all requested additional documents with the packet. CHECK LIST PERSONAL COPY OF PASSPORT BIOGRAPHICAL PAGE ADDRESS DEPENDENT REQUEST [IF APPLICABLE] ADDITIONAL FUNDING DOCUMENTS COPY OF DEPENDENT(S) PASSPORT BIOGRAPHICAL PAGE FUNDING NECESSARY FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS VISA SEVIS RECORD RELEASE [IF APPLICABLE] OBTAIN SEVIS RECORD RELEASE SIGNATURE FROM CURRENT INSTITUTION MAILING PAY FOR ESHIPGLOBAL SIGNATURE UCI International Center Irvine, CA 92697-5255 P: 949.824.7249 F: 949.824.3090 newstudent@ic.uci.edu www.ic.uci.edu IC Office Use Only: Date Received: __________ Advisor’s Initials: ___________ | Revised On 2.19.2015 | Page 1 of 5 UCI International Center New Graduate Student Request—Student 2015-2016 SECTION 1: PERSONAL Information in this section must be reported exactly as it appears in your passport—this includes symbols, spacing, and name bifurcation. You must submit a copy of your passport biographical page with this packet. Please ensure your passport will be valid more than 6 months after your intended UCI start date. For more information about the F-1 and J-1 visas, please visit our website: http://www.ic.uci.edu/Students/New/F-1orJ-1.php . PERSONAL INFORMATION LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME [IF APPLICABLE]: DATE OF BIRTH [MM/DD/YYYY]: UCINetID: UCI STUDENT ID #: VISA TYPE: F-1 STUDENT J-1 STUDENT CITY OF BIRTH: COUNTRY OF BIRTH: COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP: COUNTRY OF PERMANENT RESIDENCE: GENDER: MALE FEMALE SECTION 2: ADDRESS All addresses must reflect a physical street address. The IC will not accept a P.O. Box address. PERMANENT ADDRESS ADDRESS LINE 1: ADDRESS LINE 2: CITY: PROVINCE: POSTAL CODE: COUNTRY: CELL WORK HOME PHONE 1: EMAIL: CELL WORK HOME PHONE 2: CURRENT ADDRESS: YES NO LOCAL ADDRESS [IN THE U.S.—IF APPLICABLE] ADDRESS LINE 1: ADDRESS LINE 2: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: COUNTRY: CELL WORK HOME PHONE 1: UCI EMAIL: UNITED STATES CELL WORK HOME PHONE 2: CURRENT ADDRESS: YES NO SECTION 3: DEPENDENT REQUEST [IF APPLICABLE] Complete this section if you will be requesting a visa document for either a spouse or child. All information must be reported exactly as it appears in their passport. Additionally, you must submit the following items per each dependent you are requesting: (a) a copy of their passport biographical page, and (b) financial support demonstrating a minimum of $4,500 per dependent. All dependent passports must be valid a minimum of 6 months beyond your intended start date at UCI. If you are requesting visa documents for multiple dependents, please complete the Dependent Request Form available on our website and include with your packet: http://www.ic.uci.edu/Forms/DependentRequestForm.pdf . DEPENDENT INFORMATION LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME [IF APPLICABLE]: GENDER: MALE DATE OF BIRTH [MM/DD/YYYY]: RELATIONSHIP: EMAIL: IMMIGRATION STATUS: CITY OF BIRTH: COUNTRY OF BIRTH: COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP: COUNTRY OF PERMANENT RESIDENCE: FEMALE SPOUSE CHILD F-2 J-2 UCI International Center Irvine, CA 92697-5255 P: 949.824.7249 F: 949.824.3090 newstudent@ic.uci.edu www.ic.uci.edu IC Office Use Only: Date Received: __________ Advisor’s Initials: ___________ | Revised On 2.19.2015 | Page 2 of 5 UCI International Center New Graduate Student Request—Student 2015-2016 SECTION 4: FUNDING UCI must verify that you have sufficient financial support to meet your educational and living expenses for at least one academic year. Providing insufficient funds will further delay your processing time. The IC will accept a scan/copy of your financial document; however, if the document provided is damaged, illegible, or difficult to decipher, the IC will request a replacement document which will delay processing time. Please note that the U.S. consulate will require an original financial document. If you will begin your program during Summer Session, you must enroll in a minimum of 6 units and provide the following amount of additional funding: $8,200. This amount accounts for the cost of enrolling in 6 Summer Session units and your summer living expenses—this amount is subject to change. The amounts listed below are a reflection of the 2014-2015 academic calendar year and are subject to change. For more information, please visit the website for the Office of the Registrar: http://www.reg.uci.edu/navigation/fees.html . All Financial documents must meet the following criteria: • Less than 3 Months old (from date IC receives packet) • Must be in English or have an official notarized English translation • Must be in U.S. Dollars (USD) or provide currency conversion for total amount shown • Total funding amount must be written in the designated field below • Name on bank document must match listed sponsor(s) • Financial documents must show liquid assets that can be easily converted to cash • DO NOT MAIL DEEDS, TRUSTS, TAX DOCUMENTS, SALARY STATEMENTS, ETC. 2015-2016 FUNDING INFORMATION ENG. GENETIC PROGRAM: GRADUATE LAW MBA MPAC MPH MPP MGMT COUNSEL. TUITION: $31,318 $40,461 $37,461 $54,285 $47,751 $42,180 $34,074 $34,413 LIVING: $17,000 REQUIRED FOR 9 MONTH ACADEMIC YEAR (APPROX. $5,666 PER QUARTER) TOTAL: $48,318 $57,461 $54,461 $71,285 $64,751 $59,180 $51,074 $51,413 ADDT’L PER DEPENDENT N/A $4,500 $4,500 In the fields below, please indicate all funding sources for the 2015-2016 academic year by selecting the appropriate categories. You may select multiple funding sources. For each source you select, please write in the Funding Amount in the column to the right. Please provide the additional requested items with your complete packet. FUNDING SOURCE(S) [SELECT ALL THAT APPLY] PERSONAL/FAMILY FUNDS • Attach bank statement/letter • Include an Affidavit of Financial Support from the sponsoring family member (if applicable) Sample Text: “To Whom It May Concern, I (fill in name), (relationship to student), am willing and able to provide the educational and living expenses in the amount of ($$$$$) for (name of student), during their studies at UCI.” (Signature) (Print Name) (Date) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE • No additional documents needed—department will provide verification GOVERNMENT FOUNDATION, AGENCY, HOME UNIVERSITY, OR CORPORATE FELLOWSHIP • Attach official award letter (must clearly state terms and conditions of your award including: duration of award, visa conditions, types of expenses covered, etc.) FUNDING AMOUNT: NAME OF AGENCY:_______________________________________________________________ PRIVATE SPONSOR • Include a signed and dated sponsorship letter outlining the amount and duration of your sponsorship. • Attach bank statement/letter $: ______________________ $: ______________________ $: ______________________ $: ______________________ UCI International Center Irvine, CA 92697-5255 P: 949.824.7249 F: 949.824.3090 newstudent@ic.uci.edu www.ic.uci.edu IC Office Use Only: Date Received: __________ Advisor’s Initials: ___________ | Revised On 2.19.2015 | Page 3 of 5 UCI International Center New Graduate Student Request—Student 2015-2016 SECTION 5: VISA This section will provide the IC with further information about your specific visa issuing needs. Please select whether you are currently outside or inside the U.S., then continue based on the information provided in the brackets [ ]. VISA INFORMATION I AM CURRENTLY OUTSIDE THE U.S. AND WILL APPLY FOR AN F-1/J-1 VISA IN MY HOME COUNTRY [continue to section 7] I AM CURRENTLY INSIDE THE U.S. [select one of the following options] I currently attend another institution in the U.S. and will release my F-1/J-1 SEVIS record to UCI [continue to section 6] I currently attend UCI as an F-1/J-1 student [continue to section 7] I need to change my current visa type to F-1 or J-1 student [complete section 5-A: Change of Visa Status] 5-A: CHANGE OF VISA STATUS [IF APPLICABLE] CURRENT VISA TYPE: HOW DO YOU PLAN TO CHANGE YOUR VISA TYPE: Stay in the US and apply through USCIS Apply for visa in home country SECTION 6: SEVIS RECORD RELEASE [IF APPLICABLE] This section is to be completed by students who are currently attending school in the U.S. in F-1/J-1 student status. This information will be used to release your current SEVIS record to UCI. Fill out the “Student Completes” information; then, have an international student advisor at your current institution complete the “DSO/ARO at Current School Completes” portion. You must arrange the appropriate release date with your current school. The IC cannot begin processing your new student request until your SEVIS record has been released to UCI. Processing time is approximately 3 weeks from your SEVIS record release date. * TRANSFER CODES: UC IRVINE F-1 PROGRAM: LOS214F01962000 UC IRVINE J-1 PROGRAM: P-1-04818 * SEVIS RECORD RELEASE: STUDENT COMPLETES I WILL BE TRANSFERRING MY SEVIS RECORD TO UCI: YES CURRENT STUDENT VISA STATUS: F-1 J-1 TRAVEL PLANS: No, I will not travel outside of the U.S. before the start of my program Yes, I plan to travel outside the U.S. before the start of my program: Departure date:__________ Return date: ___________ I AM CURRENTLY: A student, my program end date is/was: ______________ On OPT, my end date is/was: ______________ STUDENT SIGNATURE I VERIFY THAT MY INFORMATION PROVIDED IS ACCURATE. I AUTHORIZE THE DSO/ARO AT MY CURRENT SCHOOL TO RELEASE MY SEVIS RECORD TO UC IRVINE. STUDENT SIGNATURE: DATE [MM/DD/YYYY]: SEVIS RECORD RELEASE: DSO/ARO AT CURRENT SCHOOL COMPLETES SEVIS RELEASE DATE: IS STUDENT IN VALID F-1/J-1 STATUS: YES IS STUDENT ON OPT: YES NO STUDENT SEVIS ID: N NO IF NO, EXPLAIN WHY NOT: IF YES, DATES OF OPT: DSO/ARO SIGNATURE NAME: TITLE: SCHOOL NAME: SCHOOL TYPE: HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY TELEPHONE: EMAIL: SIGNATURE: DATE [MM/DD/YYYY]: UCI International Center Irvine, CA 92697-5255 P: 949.824.7249 F: 949.824.3090 newstudent@ic.uci.edu www.ic.uci.edu IC Office Use Only: Date Received: __________ Advisor’s Initials: ___________ | Revised On 2.19.2015 | Page 4 of 5 UCI International Center New Graduate Student Request—Student 2015-2016 SECTION 7: MAILING Students have two options for receiving their new student visa document: (a) pay for mailing through eShipGlobal, or (b) pick-up the document in-person from the UCI International Center. The IC strongly encourages all students to pay for mailing. Failing to select an option, or changing a selection, will further delay the release of the student’s documents. The IC is unable to modify document processing times to accommodate individual travel plans. How to pay for eShipGlobal: 1. Go to the eShipGlobal website: https://study.eshipglobal.com (use Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox) 2. Under the Student section, click “Sign up” 3. Create your account by completing the form. You will need: UCI Student ID number, mailing address, e-mail address, phone number, and credit card information 4. If you experience difficulty, click the “Help” link in eShipGlobal. The UCI International Center is unable to resolve technical problems associated with eShipGlobal 5. Please select sender: “University of California – Irvine, UCI Student Center, Suite G302, International Center” For more information, please visit our website: http://www.ic.uci.edu/Students/New/Mailing%20Information.php MAILING INFORMATION [SELECT ONE] SECURE EXPRESS MAIL I have paid for eShipGlobal—my order number is: IN-PERSON PICK-UP I understand that I must personally pick up my visa document from the IC. I am aware of the IC’s hours of operation and am aware of all public holidays that may influence my ability to pick-up my document. SECTION 8: SIGNATURE SIGNATURE I VERIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I VERIFY THAT I CAN MEET EXPENSES WHILE ATTENDING UC IRVINE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE INTERNATIONAL CENTER WILL ONLY PROCESS COMPLETE APPLICATIONS FOR AN I20/DS-2019. I AM AWARE THAT THE PROCESSING TIME FOR A NEW VISA DOCUMENT IS 3 WEEKS FROM THE DATE THE IC RECEIVES MY COMPLETED APPLICATION. IT IS MY RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY BOTH MY ADMITTING ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT AND THE IC OF ANY CHANGES TO MY ACADEMIC PLANS AT UCI. STUDENT SIGNATURE: _________________________________________________ TODAY’S DATE: ________________________ UCI International Center Irvine, CA 92697-5255 P: 949.824.7249 F: 949.824.3090 newstudent@ic.uci.edu www.ic.uci.edu IC Office Use Only: Date Received: __________ Advisor’s Initials: ___________ | Revised On 2.19.2015 | Page 5 of 5