OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST KING OF THE UNIVERSE Our L a dy of Hope November 22, 2015 ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH 2529 Raccoon Road - Manning, SC 29102 Parish Office 14 N. Canty St. Summerton, SC 29148 ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Maximino Tria, Jr. DEACON Rev. Mr. Charles Walsh PHONE Office 803-485-2925 Rectory 803-485-2677 Parish Staff Contact Rectory: Parish Center: Fax: Deacon: Secretary: PastoralCouncil: Sacristan: Finance Council: Bookkeeper: Bulletin: Rel Ed. (DRE): Collections: Euch. Ministers: Grounds & Maint: Lectors: Altar Servers: Organist: Youth Group Music Ministry: Planning/Develop: Ushers: Women's Club: Food Pantry Director: Communications: Parish E-mail: Evangelism: Greeters: Ministry to the Sick: Webmaster: Parish Archives: K of C Mass Intentions: Diocesan Offices: Fr. Maximino Tria, Jr. Summerton Parish Office Charles Walsh walsh1673@aol.com Mary Lou Carter marylouc60@yahoo.com 485-2677 485-2925 803-488-0117 473-5635 478-4333 R. Rossoni, J. Davis Ron Wilson Mary Stoia Bob Quelette bpqelette@ftc-i.net Pat Tobiassen patt1300@yahoo.com Sonya DelRio sydelrio@hotmail.com Ellen Rossoni Deacon Walsh walsh1673@aol.com Ralph Rossoni Gus Schoeck gschoeck@sc.rr.com 433-0066 478-3471 478-4765 478-5555 473-7500 225-2449 433-0066 505-8700 433-0066 478-3090 485-2677 857-9574 225-2449 478-6636 435-2314 478-6636 478-9925 452-9925 473-7500 505-8700 478-5224 478-3471 478-4333 472-0900 478-5555 854-4037 478-6846 Nora Biering Brandy DelRio Mary Aguzzi Marie Land Dick HIckson Nilda Wynkoop, Pres. Joe Mercantini jmerc111@gmail.com Pat Tobiassen patt1300@yahoo.com Deacon Walsh walsh1673@aol.com Chuck Tiller Patricia Wilson rdwilson@ftc-i.net Mary Lou Carter marylouc60@yahoo.com Buddy Cate jcate001@sc.rr.com Bob Quelette bpqelette@ftc-i.net Hart Klee hjklee105@gmail.com Sue Czerwinski suczebeck@ftc-i.net Child Protection Services: 1-843-853-2130 Ext 209 Diocese Victim Assist. Minister: 1-800-921-8122 ST. MARY MISSION 10 N. Cantey St. Summerton, SC 29148 MASS SCHEDULE Local Area Catholic Churches Weekend: Saturday 4 p.m. St. Ann, Santee 6 p.m. O.L.O.H. Manning Sunday 7 a.m. St. Mary, Summerton 9 a.m. O.L.O.H. Manning 11 a.m. St. Ann, Santee Weekday: Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8 a.m. St. Mary, Summerton 12 noon O.L.O.H., Manning 6 p.m. St. Ann, Santee 9 a.m. St. Ann, Santee WELCOME to Our Lady of Hope Parish. We are happy you decided to worship with us. If you are visiting just for today, we pray that God will be with you on your journey. If you are seeking a church home we would be happy to welcome you into our parish community. If you are interested in joining with us, please call the office at 803485-2925. VISIT WITH US AT www.myoloh.org MASSINTENTIONS Please keep in your prayers, our friends and parishioners THIS WEEK Sat 11/21 6PM Sun. Sun. Mon. Wed. 7AM 9AM 8AM Noon 11/22 11/22 11/23 11/25 NEXT WEEK Sat 11/28 Sun. 11/29 Sun. 11/29 Mon. 11/30 Wed. 12/02 PRAYER LIST 6PM 7AM 9AM 8AM Noon IHO LeRoy Carter & Caleb Elms birthdays by Mary Lou Carter No Mass †Laura Walsh by the Walsh family No Mass IHO Stefan Czerwinski's Birthday by Sue & Tom Czerwinski IHO Mama Mary by Robert & Jessa Bowman No Mass †Joanne Lundin by Sally Odorico No Mass †Julianna Gamble by James & Diane Wilson Requests for Mass Intensions & Sanctuary Lamp may be made by submitting Intention Envelopes found in vestibule or by calling Sue Czerwinski, 803-478-6846 For Altar Flower information call Marie Land, 803-435-2314 ALTAR FLOWERS SANCTUARY LAMP EUCHARIST Sat 6PM Sun 9AM 4 Weeks Remaining Jonda Evans, Kenneth Collins, Sylvia Herlong, Bill & Jean Coffos, Eric Ehricher, Hoyt Herlong, Jackie Raslowski. 3 Weeks Remaining LeRoy & Mary Lou Carter, Curt Hoglan, Joe Brennan, Doris Semento, William Morris, Maria Daves, Bob & Michaelo Connolly, Dotty Deal, Margaret Markle, Helen Shumate, Sheila Schmidt, Cathy Gilbert. 2 Weeks Remaining 1 Week Remaining Vivian Lewis, Connie Bledsoe, Brenda Spencer, Cheryl Haley, Gail Browder, Stanford Bishop, Helen Klee, Pepergias family, Ronnie Berry, Sherri Pierce, Zona Lee Phillips. 0 Weeks Remaining Ed Strack, Mary Catherine Buyck, Joyce Moye, Norma Jeffcoat, MINISTRY SCHEDULE THIS WEEK 11/21-11/22 Our Lord Jesus Christ the King 5 Weeks Remaining Kevin Michael, Donnie Morgan, Constance Hill, Martin Brozik, Frank Stefanelli, Mary Mayer, Eleanor Goodman. NEXT WEEK 11/28-11/29 First Sunday of Advent Cafiero, Carter, Rossoni P. Quelette, J. Lenz S. DelRio, J. Pepergias Cafiero, Carter, Rossoni J. McBride, J. Cate R. Wilson, P. Wilson SERVERS Sat 6PM Sun 9AM M. Brozik L. Salinas, K. Solano M. Brozik B. Cate, Austin, Aubrey & Ryan GREETERS Sun 9AM Tim & Linda Rectenwald Gus & Mary Lou Schoeck LECTORS Sat. 6PM Sun. 9AM M. Brozik Bitsy Land M. L. Carter Joyce Lenz CANTOR Sat. 6PM Sun. 9AM Ron Madrid Bob Quelette Bob Quelette Joe Medeiros CCD AND YOUTH GROUP CCD Classes are held on Sunday morning starting at 10:30 AM (after Mass). For details call Sonya DelRio 803-255-0268 OLOH YOUTH GROUP All youth 8th grade through 12th grade are invited for fun, games, and to celebrate the Word through Christ. We meet on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM until further notice. Contact Brandy DelRio for further details 803-225-2449 Number indicates weeks remaining on prayer list. Call or e-mail Bulletin publishers for extended time or additions. OUR SERVICE PEOPLE Please remember to keep in your prayers, our own, who are serving their country. Maj. Clyde Fleming, SP Liezel Hilton, S/Sgt Michael Bradshaw, L/Cpl Craig Peterson, Col. Alan Shumate, S/Sgt William Argenbright, SCPO Michael Howard, Tech. Sgt. Christopher Paul Harry, Capt. Kathleen Samsey, MSgt Ryan J. Schnepf, L/Cpl Steven Rockwell, L/Cpl. Peter Del Rio, Spec Toni Mercantini, 1/Lt. Carter Elms, Cpl Bradley Brouwer, Sgt John R. Guthridge IV, 1/Lt. Corbin Aldridge, Pvt Michael Blackmon, Pvt Robbie Roseboom, PFC Deja Pringle, Sgt. Chris Kennedy, 2/Lt. Savannah Emmrich, Cadet Caleb Elms, Col. Herbert Koehler. PARISH FINANCES Offering: Budget: Difference: 11/14 & 11/15 Y-T-D $2,774.00 2,600.00 + 174.00 $46,890.00 52,000.00 - 5,100.00 THIS WEEKEND’S 2ND COLLECTION IS FOR THE BUILDING EXPANSION FUND. PA RIS H NEWS K NOW Y OUR FAIT H Bake Sale Don't forget to stop after Mass and purchase some of the Womens Club's fresh baked goods. They appreciate your support. For a different idea of St. Mary's Pantry, there will be a pack day Thanksgiving morning starting at 9:00 am at the Parish Center in Summerton. Parishioners have been asking how they could participate in a holiday “Food Kitchen” atmosphere. With the absence of facilities a Thanksgiving morning pack day is what has been planned. The food packed will be distributed on Thursday, Dec. 10th. If you have holiday company, bring them along. Everyone is welcome. If you have any questions, call Joe Mercantini at 803-452-9925. CHRISTMAS PARTY !!!! Our annual parish Christmas Party will be on Sunday, Dec. 6, starting at 3:30 p.m., at the Bassard Pond House. Santa and Mrs. Claus will return this year with gifts for the children. Please remember to sign up on the sign up sheets in the back of church so we will know how many to plan for. Come and enjoy the festivities and a delicious meal with your parish family! Attention Lectors The new lector workbooks are in the office and all lectors are asked to please pick one up. Their names are on them. HAPPY THANKSGIVING Become a Creighton Model FertilityCare Practitioner The Diocese will host its fifth Creighton Model FertilityCare Practitioner Education Program in Greenville, SC for those interested in teaching others how to use the natural family planning method. Applications are currently being accepted for the 13-month practitioner program. Making it easier for students to leave jobs and families for the training, Education Phase I will be conducted over two, 4-day weekends: Friday, February 26 - Monday, February 29, 2016, and Friday, March 18 - Monday, March 21, 2016. Education Phase II will be held from Thursday, September 22 - Tuesday, September 27, 2016. For more information and to request an application, please contact Kelli Ball, Diocesan NFP Coordinator, at kellihball@gmail.com or (803) 807-0158, or Nancy McGrath, Program Director and Educator, at napronurse@aol.com or (864) 292-0475. BULLETIN DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY AT NOON! If you have an item to be included in the bulletin, please email to both Bob Quelette at bpqelette@ftc-i.net AND Pat Tobiassen at patt1300@yahoo.com. God Comes to Meet Man 50. By natural reason man can know God with certainty, on the basis of his works. But there is another order of knowledge, which man cannot possibly arrive at by his own powers: the order of divine Revelation. Through an utterly free decision, God has revealed himself and given himself to man. This he does by revealing the mystery, his plan of loving goodness, formed from all eternity in Christ, for the benefit of all men. God has fully revealed this plan by sending us his beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Article 1 THE REVELATION OF GOD I. God Reveals His “Plan of Loving Goodness” 51. “It pleased God, in his goodness and wisdom, to reveal himself and to make known the mystery of his will. His will was that men should have access to the Father, through Christ, the Word made flesh, in the Holy Spirit, and thus become sharers in the divine nature” 52. God, who “dwells in unapproachable light” wants to communicate his own divine life to the men he freely created, in order to adopt them as his sons in his only-begotten Son. By revealing himself God wishes to make them capable of responding to him, and of knowing him, far beyond their own natural capacity. 53 The divine plan of Revelation is realized simultaneously “by deeds and words which are intrinsically bound up with each other” and shed light on each other. It involves a specific divine pedagogy. God communicates himself to man gradually. He prepares him to welcome by stages the supernatural Revelation that is to culminate in the person and mission of the incarnate Word, Jesus Christ. St. Irenaeus of Lyons repeatedly speaks of this divine pedagogy using the image of God and man becoming accustomed to one another: The Word of God dwelt in man and became the Son of man in order to accustom man to perceive God and to accustom God to dwell in man, according to the Father's pleasure. II. The Stages of Revelation In the beginning God makes himself known 54. “God, who creates and conserves all things by his Word, provides men with constant evidence of himself in created realities. And furthermore, wishing to open up the way to heavenly salvation, he manifested himself to our first parents from the very beginning.” He invited them to intimate communion with himself and clothed them with resplendent grace and justice. 55. This revelation was not broken off by our first parents' sin. “After the fall, {God} buoyed them up with the hope of salvation, by promising redemption; and he has never ceased to show his solicitude for the human race. For he wishes to give eternal life to all those who seek salvation by patience in well-doing.” Even when he disobeyed you lost your friendship you did not abandon him to the power of death..... Again and again you offered a covenant to man.