NEWSLETTER - Christian Golfers' Association

On The Green
3rd Quarter 2013
An Official Publication of the Christian Golfers’ Association International
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IN 24
I say unto you, go and teach all nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you; and, lo, I
am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” (Matt. 28:19-20)
“For God so loved the WORLD (that’s everybody), that He gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever (that’s you and me) believeth in Him should not perish,
but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
Okay. . .WE (that’s every CGA member, friend and associate,
wherever we may be located) have the ‘command’ (see above), now let’s go and do it!
On The Green
Page 2
It’s In Buckhannon, West Virginia - USA
It was a great afternoon to be on the golf course. The temperature was just right with a cool breeze and
beautiful sunshine. Thanks to God for his wonderful blessings and love. Today's outing was enjoyed by
24 players (6 teams).
Congrats to Mike Garrett for winning the golf ball case made by Harry Grose. Also, a special thanks to
Harry for the donation to the CGA.
We have a dozen outings remaining on the 2013 schedule (5 in August, 6 in September and 1 in October).
The next outing is Thursday August 8 at Riverbend at 5pm. You can also signup for Bridgeport CC on
Tuesday August 13 at noon and Buckhannon CC on Monday August 19 at 5pm by email, phone (472-4047) or at either outing this
I will have additional information about the Greenbrier outing in about a week. Thanks for being a part of the CGA.
God Bless and have a great week. Mike Hinkle
It’s In Zimbabwe, Africa
Our family fun in Ruwa was a success as we had 27 golfers, lots of spouses and children. Ruwa played
tough with unreceptive greens and lots of run. A ladies and kids putting competition with prizes was held
and helped some golfers take a prize home despite missing out on the golf course!
The kids prize was taken by Ruvimbo. Prizes for this month were sponsored by First Mutual Medical
Savings Fund- we wish to record our gratitude to them. As has become tradition our August game is in
Bindura on the 17th . Our tee off times will be from 9 am to allow players from Harare to travel. There
is a contigent of ZCGA members that sacrifice and come to our games in
Harare every month. We look forward to be hosted by these brothers in
The Zimbabwe Christian Golfers' Association is delighted to invite all members and guests to its
annual golf retreat at Troutbeck Inn, in Nyanga from 18 to 20 October 2013. This is a time for golfers
to come out and have fun with their families at a fabulous resort with a superb golf course. A special
A view of the golf course from rate of USD135 bed and breakfast per night for two people has been negotiated. Playing charges of
USD 15 per day will apply. This year the retreat has been arranged to coincide with the schools exit
the Troutbeck Lodges
weekend, so come out and enjoy two days of golf and sightseeing with friends and family in picturesque Nyanga. Blessings, Godfrey Jowah
It’s In Sumter, South Carolina - USA
Volunteer to teach the young golfers. If you enjoy working with young people, you’ll enjoy teaching
them the game you love, while serving your community and being a role model at the same time. The
junior golf program is an excellent way to give youth a sense of character. The chapter just completed
our monthly outing at Crystal Lakes Golf Course and the next BIG event is the 14th Annual Churches
Challenge Praise Rally & Golf Tournament on August 23 & 24. Because of the large number of players
in this event, it is on a “first come - first served” basis. We expect about 150 golfers participating and will
have two flights with morning and afternoon tee times. To newcomers, welcome to CGA, the Christian
Golfers’ Association. It’s great to belong to an organization that combines the love of the Lord with the love of a sport.
It’s In. . .
Twenty-four (24) countries around the globe. Members sharing the message of Jesus Christ!
If you’re not part of it, become a part today! Go online to: and complete the application.
Have you Paid Your “Dues” Lately?
I know, CGA doesn’t charge dues! But we still have operating expenses that we must cover: telephone, utilities, membership kits, outreach, etc. We depend solely on donations from you the member. Have you made a “dues” donation lately?
It’s tax deductible and greatly appreciated. We need YOUR help!
Support Your Chapter
Attend chapter outings, bible studies and meetings. If you’re not a member of a chapter, tell others about the Christian
Golfers’ Association - CGA. Invite someone to play golf with you and tell them about Jesus Christ. Stay in touch with CGA
National/International; form a chapter in your community. We’ll tell you how and provide necessary materials. Call us or send
us an e-mail: (
Where In The World Is CGA, continued
Wait a minute. Let’s go back to page one. Help
me understand this “Go and teach” idea. You mean
you want me. . . . . it’s MY responsibility to go and
tell and teach?
neighbor’s house; we are to honor our father and
mother; and, we are to love our neighbor! WOW!
That really is ‘common sense’ Lord. I can also tell
“For YOU so loved the world, that YOU gave YOUR
only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in YOU
should not perish, but have everlasting life.
(John 3:16)
Things like, “. . .Blessed are the poor in spirit, for
theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those
who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are
“That “All have sinned, and come short of YOUR
the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are
those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for
(Romans 3:23)
they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they
shall be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, “For the wages of sin is death; but YOUR gift is eterfor they will be called sons of God. Blessed are those nal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
who are persecuted because of their righteousness, for But as many as received YOU, You gave them power
to become YOUR sons, even to them that believe on
theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt.5:1-10)
YOUR name.
OK Lord. I think I’ve got it. I’ve got to start talking to others about You! Just one question, Lord, just
where and who can I tell? Yes, I am a member of the
CHRISTIAN Golfers’ Association. Oh! You want me
to tell golfers, those other people on the golf course?
Is that what they mean when they say, “Let others see
Christ on the golf course - in me?”
I can tell them that there is only one God, and we
don’t commit murder or steal, or lie, or covet our
And Lord, we know that
“YOU stand at the door, and knock: if any hear
YOUR voice, and open the door, YOU will come in
to them.
(Revelations 3:20a)
Now I remember, all this is on the back of my
CGA bagtag, so I don’t forget!
Has Your E-Mail, Telephone, or Address Changed?
Please keep us posted of address, telephone, and e-mail address changes. We have had a lot
of mail returned because of changes in address. This is a real waste! Just send us an e-mail Thanks.