Well-Being Mentors - Greater St. Cloud Development Corporation

Company Name
Capital One
CentraCare Health
Array Services Group
Granite Equity Partners
Contact Information
Kelly Walz
HR Director
(800) 627‐0287
Bernick’s offers Team Members and their families the option to participate in Bernick’s Energize Wellness (B.E. Well) program. Partner Humana Vitality helps administer, mentor and create an individualized program that fits the personal needs of Team Members and families. The program utilizes choices for incentives with points‐for‐
redemption rewards. Mentor discussions can include: Health risk assessment, biometrics, incentive programs.
Martin Hackenmueller
Principal HR Associate
(320) 534‐4514
Capital One’s “Be Well” Program provides comprehensive wellbeing services across 5 countries for its nearly 80,000 employees and dependents. The award‐winning program includes HR Department, Work‐Place Solutions (Facilities), and vendor‐partner administered services in Physical Health, Financial Health, and Work/Life Balance categories. Mentor discussions can focus around any of the following comprehensive program topics: on‐site services, plan administration, operations services, reporting & analytics.
Laura Burns
Benefits Director
(320) 255‐5645
The Centracare Wellness Program provides robust wellness activities and programs for 8,800 employees. Mentor discussions can include: Employee benefits and wellness portal which includes health assessment, challenges, nutrition and exercise logging, meal planning, rewards, on‐site services, nicotine dependence support and health fairs.
June Rausch
Human Resource Generalist
(320) 685‐4604
Coldspring has been a member of WELCOA for 3 years. It is a tobacco‐free, Wellness‐oriented company, celebrating the 10th Anniversary of our voluntary "A Better U" Wellness program. The program focuses primarily on Physical and Financial Wellbeing because Career, Social and Community Wellbeing options continue to be offered under different corporate programs. Mentor discussions can revolve around program development, vendor relations, health care premium incentives, on‐site snacks, and employee engagement strategies.
Greg Bockrath
(320) 534‐3618
Array Services Group’s program has been operating for 8 years in support of approximately 500 employees in a call center and office environment specializing in assets collection. An onsite health and wellness coach administers programs and wellness committee. Mentor discussions can revolve around any of the following programs: on‐site services, administration, activity/challenge ideas.
Tracy Schulte
Wellbeing Director
(320) 251‐1800
Granite Equity Partners has engaged in a variety of activities over the past 5 years to encourage well‐being of our team, as well as our portfolio companies. Examples of wellness initiatives include: sponsorship and promotion of GraniteMan Triathlons, wellness and nutrition coaches, periodic yoga and massage, regular Health Initiatives (pedometer contests, step tracking, master swim classes, and the like), health conscience office equipment (treadmill desk, ball chairs, standing desks, under‐desk cycles), monthly Healthy Lunches with well‐being presentations (Ashely Kibutha, Registered Dietician, Coborn’s and Angie Williamson, Registered Dietitian/owner of MypersonalRD), sharing of best practices in Granite’s HR Affinity Group, annual Employee Engagement surveys, and work‐sponsored volunteering opportunities. Page 1 of 2
Last Update: 4/14/15
Company Name
Mahowald Insurance
Contact Information
Dani Berg
Certified Wellness Coach & Health Promotion Specialist
(320) 203‐2099
HealthPartners wellness program provides wellbeing services in all 5 dimensions of wellness for 170 employees in nursing and office/professional roles, plus spouses, including: onsite Lunch & Learn presentations, Biometric screenings, wellness coaching, activity programs to engage employees in making healthier habits and lifestyle choices. Program goal is to target individual needs and see measureable differences in overall health of employees. Employees who engage in wellbeing programs are more productive, take less PTO, and are more engaged in taking responsibility for their health. Mentor conversations can include: Lunch‐n‐Learn presentations, wellness coaching, biometric screenings, health assessments, vending policies.
Allison Driggins
Benefits Account Specialist
The Mahowald Cares program is an employee wellbeing initiative built on the Wellbeing 5 framework. The Mahowald Cares Champion leads a committee of 5 other employees who each head a small subcommittee focused on one of the 5 Wellbeing areas: Community, Social, Financial, Career, Physical Wellbeing. Mentor discussions can revolve around programs and interventions in any of these 5 areas of wellbeing. Page 2 of 2
Last Update: 4/14/15