Out of State Chat - Florida State University / Dean of Students

Out of State Chat - 09/15/14 07:00 PM - 09/15/14 08:00 PM
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): Welcome all!
KittyC: Hello
FSUChatEngel: Good evening!
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): Hey everyone!
Hmoono: Hello everyone
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): We should have all of our moderators on in a few minutes, in the meantime, what
can David and i answer for you?
ddeudell: Hello
FSUChatEngel: I have a question about the required 9 hours of credit that students are supposed to take during
the summer. In a chat last year, we were told that for out-of-state students, it is sometimes waived. My child
looked into it, but really didn't get anywhere with it. Can anyone offer any information?
mel14: I don't know anything about 9 hours of summer credit. What is this?
Hmoono: I don't know anything about this either?
Vickiestutson: My daughter took 6 hours this summer..will she have to do another 3?
mel14: I would like to know how successful students are in finding a ride through zipride. Also, do you know if
the GTS bus service adds schedules around Thanksgiving? The last I looked, they only operate Thursdays Sundays.
KittyC: We were told the same thing and if I remember they said that it is the "dean?" that can help get that
waiver. The 9 hours is an FSU requirement that at least 9 of your graduating credits are taken during the
bethstone: What is Zipride?
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): Students are required to complete 9 credit hours at an accredited Florida University
prior to graduation. In order to get the requirement waived, the student must demonstrate academic hardship
and they would submit this information to their academic dean. There's a little more information
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): @Vickiestutson- to complete the summer residency requirement, yes she would
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): All students are required to take summer courses, at least 9 credit hours worth.
Most of the time students do that here at FSU,but each college can decide how that is done by their Academic
Dean. Sometimes they can get approval to do summer courses near home
Vickiestutson: ok thank you!
bethstone: The summer credit hours are not highlighted anywhere..
bethstone: and i was really good about checking all info, another parent at orientation told a group of us, they
mostly didn't know either
bethstone: Does anyone know what zipride is?
KittyC: Are the dorms open during Thanksgiving? If family come to visit the student can they eat in the dinning
hall? Would we be allowed to provide a meal in the dorm for those students staying during Thanksgiving?
mel14: Well, this is the first I've heard about the summer credits. So how does that effect scholarships and
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): Zipride is a ride share program hosted by FSU. It is basically a site where students
can enter either where they are driving or where they are looking for a ride and they can travel together,
making it less lonely and cheaper!
bethstone: anyone here from Charleston, SC?
Hmoono: I would like to ask the out of state parents how their child is adjusting at FSU.
jdnpinla: California
Vickiestutson: My daughter used Zipride over the summer and found it to be very easy to use.
bethstone: how do you find zipride, just look on FSU site, "no page available"
KittyC: Nevada - perhaps California would link with us : ) My son drove.
mel14: zimride.com
bethstone: My son, LOVES school, never wants to come home again...HA!!!
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): The Residence Halls are typically open during Thanksgiving!
Vickiestutson: We are from Ohio. She has met a good group of people in her dorm and seems to be adjusting
well. So far, she loves it at FSU.
bethstone: and this was his late addition
KittyC: My son is in an LLC and is adjusting very well with the group there.
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): Why don't we have everyone share what state they are from?
ddeudell: What part of Ohio ?
tslrdh: I am from MD
bethstone: Chas, SC..
Vickiestutson: West of Cleveland
mel14: St. Louis, Missouri
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): Here's the site @bethstone:http://www.zimride.com/fsu/user/rides
KittyC: Las Vegas, Nevada
tslrdh: Anyone from near Washington DC>
Hmoono: My son from NJ is a little homesick which surprised us
FSUChatEngel: St. Louis, MO
ddeudell: My son is from Columbus/Dublin
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): We have both Zimride which is the shared ride program
https://www.zimride.com/fsu/auth/register and Zip Car which is a rental car service, but for short periods of
time (hours vs days) and open to students under 25 http://www.zipcar.com/fsu/
Vickiestutson: Does he fly back and forth or drive?
tslrdh: My daughter seems to be adjusting. She has been having headaches though and even went tot the
********: Columbia, MD
ddeudell: He flies
bethstone: ok, so much for geographically desirability...for rides
bethstone: thanks for the site, i will send it to my child
ddeudell: How do you go about filing for residency for tuition purposes?
mel14: Engel - How do you travel back and forth to St. Louis?
FSUChatEngel: My daughter is a Sophomore. She had a relatively hard time making the transition last year, but
seems to be finding her niche this year.
bethstone: How do your kids like the meal plan???, I was glad we did not as freshman have to have it
bethstone: My son had friends in FLA. ...my sister in law is an alumni, and my husband just called up fro
Vickiestutson: My daughter had the meal plan this summer and barely used it...we did not get it for the fall.
tslrdh: My daughter joined a sorority and some meals are included in her dues. Tried to reduce her meal plan
but they would not allow it. Disappointed.
ddeudell: My son like the VIP plan and flex dollars
KittyC: My son loves it. But finds that in the LLC they eat in the dorm and cook together often
jdnpinla: Kitty C that is amazing your son drove. We just leased him a car for three years. He is now a
Vickiestutson: Sounds like the flex dollars are liked by all students
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): Filing for residency for tuition purposes requires going through the admissions
department and is somewhat difficult to do unless the student moved here for purposes other than school.
You can find more here:http://admissions.fsu.edu/residency/policy/reclassification.cfm
FSUChatEngel: mel14 - We have taken her down, picked her up, and she has also flown home. Flights are
extremely expensive from Tallahassee to St. Louis. She brought a car down this year, but we aren't sure we
want her to drive the long trip by herself.
FSUChatEngel: mel14 - We have taken her down, picked her up, and she has also flown home. Flights are
extremely expensive from Tallahassee to St. Louis. She brought a car down this year, but we aren't sure we
want her to drive the long trip by herself.
ddeudell: Ok, thanks
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): Another option for going home is ride-sharing with a friend that lives in another major
city in Florida and catching a flight from there. I usually fly out of Jacksonville ;)
Vickiestutson: I know parents weekend is in early Oct. Is there a Mom's weekend or Dad's weekend or Sib's
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): Here is more information on the 9 hours: Required Summer Attendance Policy As of
August 1976, all students entering a state university with fewer than sixty semester credit hours must earn at
least nine semester hours prior to graduation by attending one or more Summer terms at one of the state
universities. The University President may waive application of this rule in cases of unusual hardship to the
student. Students initiate appeal through their academic dean to the Vice President for Faculty Development
and Advancement (Board of Governors Rule 6C-6.016). Prior to 2011, students who had earned nine semester
hours of credit through approved acceleration methods (AP, IB, CLEP, and approved dual enrollment courses)
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): It can be found at
Vickiestutson: David - how far is the ride to Jax airport?
********: As far as a shuttle to/from airport here is a site we
KittyC: We have found flying in and out of Panama or Jacksonville much cheaper. But have to add bus ride or
rent car from airport.
KittyC: Jax is 2 or 3 hrs
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): KittyC is right, the ride is about 3 hours
ddeudell: Valdosta regional airport is closer
KittyC: Panama is 2
KittyC: Atlanta is 4 if you are flying in and renting a car it's worth the savings in cost
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): @Vickiestutson, there is no University event as such, but some Greek organizations
hold special weekends, and we encourage you to visit any time you can!
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): As far as Parents' Weekend, we just have to two dates this year due to the holiday
it falls on and then a "Family Weekend" in the spring which is really three weekends in a row with events that
happen on campus. No Mom, Dad, or sibling weekends at this time!
KittyC: The College of Music does their parent weekend in Feb
KittyC: What about Thanksgiving? Dorms open? Can we prepare large meals in dorms?
Hmoono: Is it necessary to register for parents weekend? I have already received our football tickets.
FSUChatEngel: mel14 - How do you travel back and forth from St. Louis?
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): The halls will remain open, and there are kitchens in each hall on various floors. Each
kitchen has a standard sized stove
jdnpinla: That's our problem too. Our son loves FSU so much, we had to force him to come last summer
Hmoono: Anyone from NJ?
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): The halls do remain open during Thanksgiving Break. As long as it has a kitchen you
are welcome to cook!
jdnpinla: Last year we registered for the parents weekend and frankly I would not do it again unless you plan to
participate in the Run or attend the circus.
FSUChatEngel: Do you know if the majority of kids go home for Thanksgiving or stay on campus?
FSUChatEngel: Do you know if the majority of kids go home for Thanksgiving or stay on campus?
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): Parents' Weekend registration is per event. If you already have game tickets and do
not want to do the circus or meals, you do not need to register. Some events are open without registration!
Hmoono: Would the circus interfere with the football game?
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): The circus will not interfere with the football game.
mel14: My son is a freshman. We drove him down for move in. He is going to visit his grandparents in Florida
for Thanksgiving and then fly home at winter break - roundtrip Tallahassee to Charlotte to St. Louis. We haven't
planned anything beyond that.
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): Most students do leave during this time; however, not all go home. We do hear of
many who go to a friends house that is closer to FSU vs going all the way home!
jdnpinla: I don't know about Thanksgiving but they do close the dorms for spring break and that was a big
problem for us having to fly him home to CA last minute
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): The circus takes place on Friday and the game will be on Saturday, there should not
be any crossover!
KittyC: By the way, if visiting during games we have found hotels expensive on those weekends. By staying a
full week many places give fantastic rates. We are coming for 2 games during Thanksgiving weeks and by
staying the full week cut our cost of hotel 50%
Hmoono: Is anyones child having a hard time getting football tickets?
FSUChatEngel: mel14 - She flies Delta - Tallahassee to Atlanta to St. Louis.
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): You can put in a special request for Spring Break housing if you student is not going
home or elsewhere http://www.housing.fsu.edu/Future-Residents/Future-First-Year-Students/UndergraduateKittyC: Nice to know. Thanks
jdnpinla: We learned if you buy the "Student Booster" for $25 you get additional 500 points that makes it
easier to get tickets.
ddeudell: Also if you attend certain events you earn additional points. The more points the better your chance
of getting football tickets
mel14: He is flying US Airways this time just because of the timing of the flights. I actually flewDeltafor move in
while my son and husband drove. We all arrived at the same time!
KittyC: Since my son is out of state student he was assigned a mentor to ensure he is adjusting and has support.
I assume your students have been too. Do they find them useful or are they annoyed by it?
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): David, do you know more about the point system for tickets as a student?
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): For our larger games (UF, Clemson, Notre Dame), we have a points system in which
students get points for going to athletic events, being active on social media, etc. It is sometimes difficult to get
tickets for these games
tslrdh: My daughter likes her mentor
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): We actually have a Success Coach on! Do you have any questions for her?
KittyC: I think "guys" in general don't feel a need to see someone when they feel okay. How would you
encourage them to engage with their mentor so they get the most out of it or is it maybe a waste for him? I
know his schedule is full and it's hard to take time out for the appts.
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): I am going to ask our moderators to introduce themselves so you can get an idea of
their background! Shae, David?
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Shae): Hi, my name is Shae and I am the Program Manager for the Success Coaching program
mel14: Engel fsuchat(FSUOL_David): Hey everyone! I'm David. I'm a Sophomore Social Work Major from North Carolina
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): Thanks! Shae, what would you recommend for KittyC?
mel14: Engel - what part of St. Louis are you from? We live in Manchester. Notice, I did not ask, "Where did
you go to high school?"
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Shae): @KittyC- it's not uncommon for the males to not want to engage. However, we
encourage them to attend and make the most out of their meetings. There is so much to do at FSU and we
don't expect students to know everything. That's why we're here.
FSUChatEngel: There is a ton of info out there on the FSU athletic ticket office websites about the point system.
It is quite helpful.
yausti01: Question on scholarship, has the S-STEM scholarship funds been distributed?
KittyC: Do they have to meet weekly with their mentors?
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Shae): @KittyC- also, the coaches are flexible. Theyll work with him to find a time that works,
If he goes to a couple meetings and finds that it is not helpful, he can let his coach know. The first few meetings
are usually awkward, but students warm up soon after.
KittyC: Thanks
Hmoono: Im going to encourage my son to talk to his coach. He was use to having a lot of close longtime
friends and misses them.
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Shae): @KittyC- the meetings are every oth/er week. If his schedule does not allow it, him
and his coach can come up with something that works.
mel14: Can a success coach help a student organize there information sources - e-mail, Blackboard, website?
My son's biggest complaint is that nothing is all in one place.
fsuchat(FSUstudent_Leesa): Hello everyone! My name is Leesa and I am a senior public relations major from
North Carolina.
FSUChatEngel: mel14 - South County.
ddeudell: My son meets with his coach every other week and finds it very informative.
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): Coaching is a great way for students to get connected and find support on campus!
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Shae): @Hmoono- Believe it or not, social engagement is one of the areas students voice
they would like support in the most. Coaches have access to a lot of events happening around campus and
usually send a weekly document outlining events. Students are encouraged to attend and usually find friends
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Shae): @mel14- absolutely!
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Shae): @ddeudell- glad to hear!
KittyC: My son seems "swept up" with hiss LLC. (Not a problem - I think it's great) Just wonderingif others find
their student really likes the dorm experience or did we just luck out?
Hmoono: Thanks Shae, I'll tell him He is very social but evidently a little lonely
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): David and Leesa, how else did you get connected to campus and make new friends
here at FSU?
kc8202: My son will start FSUwith the spring semester, so I am wondering how do the students get assigned to
jdnpinla: My son was in Broward Hall, had a great roommate last year and a great room, but overall didn't like
the experience. Once he joined a fraternity, he has felt a part of a smaller community.
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Shae): @Hmoono- great! And it may seem that way too because he's adjusting. However,
student usually find their niche once they find their rhythm.
yausti01: Isthere scheduled transportation between airport and campus during major holidays?
FSUChatEngel: My daughter knew no one last year and found it a bit difficult to find friends because she is
pretty quiet. Most kids are from Florida and seemed to know other kids already from their hometown, etc. It
was pretty lonely for her. But this year appears to be going quite well.
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Shae): @kc8202- That's a great question! Usually we select our students in the summer and
the fall. By the mid-fall, the coaches rosters are set and maxed out.
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): I did a program coming in called the Service Leadership Seminar, which introduced me
to other events through going to organizational events, watching movies at the Student Life Cinema, and just
talking to people on campus. Looking for an organization you like and going to some meetings is a great way to
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): yausti01-there is not any transportation between campus and the airport at this
time. Most students use a taxi or a friend!
fsuchat(FSUstudent_Leesa): To get connected on campus I made sure to live on campus so I could get to know
people in my residence hall and also I made sure to jump into getting involved with clubs as soon as possible. I
also joined a sorority which helped me personally, but that is just 1 way to help adjust
FSUChatEngel: I need to sign off because I have a commitment at 7:00pm CDT. I will stay logged on to see if I
can get the rest of the conversation later this evening. Thanks, everyone.
yausti01: thank you Andrea
Hmoono: My son is at Kellum hall which really is a bit run down. He's fine with it. His roommate is fr Florida
and does seem to have a set of friends he knew. Is there a group or event for out of state kids? Also, do they
rush for fraternities in the spring?
jdnpinla: I agree with engel, most FSU students know other students from their high school. There really arent
very many out of staters so it wasn't easy.
FSUChatEngel: mel14 - here is my email address in case you need anything: **********
mel14: Thank you. I'll send you mine offline.
jdnpinla: Fraternities do have spring rush. I think Fall rush is going on now
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): Hmoono- there used to be an Out of State Student group-Shae do you know if this
is still active? Other than that, it's important to go to Market Wednesday and other events to learn how to get
involved! In regards to Greek Life, most organizations do take members in the Spring!
fsuchat(FSUstudent_Leesa): hmoono- there is fraternity rush in the spring
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Shae): @Hmoono- I believe all of the students who started the group have graduated. We
use to partner with them for different events.
********: For transportation to/from FSU from JAX (also a few others) we calledTHE HBCU SHUTTLE and they
seem to have a good system (bad website). Does anyone know if they are reliable?
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): Just as a reminder, we will post this chat transcript on our website so if you need to
sign off or miss something, it will be up later this week!
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): If your student is interested, this may be something they want to get started again
as a resource for them and their peers?
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): I havent' heard of that shuttle service, sorry!
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): I am not familiar with this shuttle. I know there are many companies out there and
students find what seems to work for them!
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Shae): I agree with you, Andrea! I'm sure there are a number of students who would be
interested in being a part of the group. I would also encourage parents and their student to check Facebook.
They may have a group page for out of state students.
ddeudell: Red coach is a luxury bus service that pick up students on major campuses and airports throughout
Florida. My son took it to Orlando and the price was reasonable. They may go to Jacksonville airport.
********: Thanks
mel14: Are you familiar with the GTS bus service? Do you know if they add schedules around Thanksgiving?
The last I looked, they only operate Thursdays - Sundays.
Vickiestutson: Thanks for all of the airport transportation help!
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): mel14-I am not too familiar with them and am not sure if they adjust their schedule
around holiday's. Anyone else know?
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): I'm not familiar with it either.
mel14: They are listed on FSU's transportation Web site.
fsuchat(FSUstudent_Leesa): I would suggest calling their office for exact information on holiday dates!
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Andrea): I am have not used a shuttle here nor heard students I work with talk about them!
That does not mean anything, other than I am not familiar. They are listed on our website so they are a partner
and will be reliable because of that.
mel14: Sorry, they are called GMG Transport.
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): @mel14, I just looked on their website, I don't see anything saying they add routes, but
it is best to call their office :)
Hmoono: Thanks for all the helpful info.
mel14: Do you know what percentage of students ARE from out of state?
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): I think it's about 10%
fsuchat(FSUstudent_Leesa): our chat will end in 5 minutes. does anyone have any last minute questions?
********: One more quick question on the summer requirement. If the student does a summer Study Aboard
Program, would that count towards the requirement?
fsuchat(FSUstudent_Leesa): @swarts.james, yes! thats what I did
Vickiestutson: thank you very much for all of the helpful info!
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Shae): Our pleasure :)
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): I'm glad we've been able to help! Thanks to all of you for logging on.
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): We do have a couple minutes left if anyone has any questions left
mel14: Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. Have a good evening.
********: Thanks Leesa!!!
jdnpinla: Thank you!
kc8202: what is the summer requirement?
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): Required Summer Attendance PolicyAs of August 1976, all students entering a state
university with fewer than sixty semester credit hours must earn at least nine semester hours prior to
graduation by attending one or more Summer terms at one of the state universities. The University President
may waive application of this rule in cases of unusual hardship to the student. Students initiate appeal through
their academic dean to the Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement (Board of Governors
KittyC: These chats are great for us to feel we are connected. Thanks for the help.
********: Thanks, this was very helpful.
mel14: Why do you think there is a summer requirement in the first place?
kc8202: Thanks for all the info-esp the summer requirement-didn't realize that!
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): I'm not too sure, sorry!
KittyC: I have been told that for out of state students waivers are common because of the economic hardship
so I would not worry about it. Just realize you have to deal with it before graduation
fsuchat(FSUOL_David): Thanks again everyone for logging on! Have a good night!
********: Goodbye
fsuchat(FSU Staff_Shae): Good night!