Name:______________ Class:_______________ My Hero Writing Assignment Deadline: ______________________ The Merriam-Webster On-line Dictionary defines a hero in a number of ways, including: 1) a man [or woman] admired for his[/her] achievements and noble qualities 2) one that shows great courage 3) the central figure in an event, period, or movement. In this assignment, you are to further develop the definition of a hero to include those qualities that qualify a person to be a hero. In contrast to simply a “celebrity,” these people are ones whom set standards of greatness. Perhaps one day people will look back at your life and see that you were also a hero. . . Task: • To define the qualities and attributes of a hero (at least two) • To write a biography of a well-known hero, past or present • To demonstrate how the person you have chosen matches your definition of a hero • To complete research using at least two types of sources and write a proper bibliography Steps: □ Write a paragraph answering the question: “what is a hero?” □ Choose a well-known person to research. This person cannot be someone you know personally. Person: __________________ □ Take notes on your chosen person. □ Draft your biography. □ Get feedback from peers and adults. □ Finalize your biography! □ Remember to include a bibliography (with at least two types of sources) Criteria: • Definition of a hero includes at least two attributes that define a hero • Information about person: accurate, told in a descriptive style (not just a list), and includes relevant information. • Demonstrates how this person matches your definition of a hero • Writing style (choice of words, variety of sentence structures, flow) and writing mechanics • Bibliography-includes a variety of types of sources and credible sources chosen, as well citations follow the proper format. Possible People Billy Graham Mother Theresa Princess Dianna Martin Luther King Jr. William Wilberforce Florence Nightingale Tommy Douglas C.S. Lewis Dr. Katherine Hamlin Amy Carmichael David Livingstone Rachel Carson Rosa Parks Winston Churchill Francis Schaeffer Martin Luther Anne Frank Helen Keller Edmund Hillary Terry Fox Rick Hansen Resources Canadian heroes (some are fictional) m_app5.html Provides links to additional sites Outline for Hero Biography Paragraph #1: Introduction of person chosen with a catchy lead and interesting facts about them, relevant to the essay Paragraph #2: Personal definition of a hero. Provide your definition (at least two qualities) and then contrast it to a dictionary definition or explain why you have chosen a particular set of qualities. Paragraph #3: First quality of chosen person that fits your definition. Provide examples from their life that shows they have this quality and conclude with a sentence that ties back into the definition. Paragraph #4: Second quality of chosen person that fits your definition. Provide examples from their life that shows they have this quality and conclude with a sentence that ties back into the definition. Note: More paragraphs may be needed to do the work of explaining your person and why they fit the definition. That is okay, but don’t get stuck with an endless list of information about your hero. Remember that the goal of this assignment is to show how they fit your definition of a hero, not to tell their life story. Paragraph #5: Conclusion. Summarize how your chosen person fits the title of hero. Try to end with some inspiration—whether it is a question about the reader’s own life, about what the hero will do next, or a similar statement that inspires the reader to greatness!