Scoring the AP Physics-C Exams The AP Physics-C exam has two parts and each part is graded and reported separately. These are known as the The RAW score on each MC section is converted to a score by multiplying by the appropriate factor to scale it up to the 45 points allotted to each section. If no questions were eliminated the factor is 45/35 = 1.2857 Therefore, on that section only a) Mechanics (Mech), MC Score = RAW • 1.2857 and b) Electricity and Magnetism (E&M) exams. Each exam consists of two parts. These are known as the Multiple-Choice (MC) and Free-Response (FR) sections of the exam. Multiple-Choice Sections Sometimes a question is eliminated from the scoring. This might occur because of an ambiguity in a question or in one of its possible answers. Sometimes the reason is highly technical and comes out of the analysis of the response profiles of the questions. If, in a given year, one questions is eliminated from a MC section, then for that section only, the factor is Calculators may not be used during the MC sections of these exams. 45/34 = 1.3235 The multiple-choice sections are given first and consecutively. Each MC exam is timed separately. Students may not return to the earlier section. Calculators are not allowed during the MC sections of the two exams. In truth, calculators would not be much help even if they were allowed. Each MC section lasts forty-five minutes. MC Score = RAW • 1.3235 Each MC exam consists of 35 questions and is worth a maximum of 45 points. There is a penalty for wrong answers. The raw score is computed as the number of right answers minus onequarter of the number of wrong answers. RAW score = #right – ¼ • #wrong Therefore, on that section only Free-Response Sections Calculators may be used, but not shared, during the FR sections of these exams. The FR section of each exam consists of three questions and each question is worth 15 pts. The FR section of each exam is thus worth 45 points. All questions in the FR sections have multiple sub-parts. The point distribution among the sub-parts is not listed on the exam. Each sub-part of a question will be assigned a point value but the points are not necessarily distributed equally among the sub-parts. Composite Scores Example Calculations The composite score for each exam is the sum of the unrounded scores from the corresponding MC and FR sections. Mech MC exam results – 35 questions #right = 28 #wrong = 6 1 question unanswered Composite score = MC score + FR score The composite score is rounded to the nearest integer. Grades The Chief Faculty Consultant sets the cut points within the total of 90 points available on each exam. The cut points divide all the composite scores into Grades on a 1 to 5 scale. The cut points vary from year to year, so definitive values cannot be given. As examples, however, The College Board reports the following cut points for the 1998 AP Physics C exams. Grade 5 4 3 2 1 AP Physics C – E & M Composite Score Range 49 – 90 35 – 48 26 – 34 15 – 25 0 - 14 E&M MC exam results – 34 questions #right = 25 #wrong = 7 2 questions unanswered E&M MC Score = (25-7/4) •1.3235 = 30.771375 Mech FR exam results Q1 = 11 Q2 = 7 Q3 = 3 Mech FR Score = 11 + 7 + 3 = 21 AP Physics C – Mechanics Composite Score Range 55 – 90 43 – 54 32 – 42 21 – 31 0 - 20 Mech MC Score = (28–6/4)•1.2857 = 34.07105 E&M FR exam results Q1 = 10 Q2 = 5 Q3 = 4 E&M FR Score = 10 + 5 + 4 = 19 Then using the 1998 cut points for this example, we get Grade Mech Composite Score = 55.07105 = 55 5 4 3 2 1 E&M Composite Score= 49.771375 = 50 1998 Mech Grade = 5 1998 E&M Grade = 5