Lesson Plan Grade 6 Unit 1.docx

Grade VI – IIX | English Language
Winter in Bangladesh
In this unit students learn more about winters in Bangladesh. They further learn the use of
verbs and practice spelling.
Content Vocabulary:
Essential Questions:
What is winter?
When does winter come?
How do people in our country celebrate winter?
What are the special foods found in winter?
Task 1- Part 1:
Read the following paragraph below to the class and explain any unknown vocabulary.
Talk about winter festivals, such as: picnic, ‘Pitha Mela’.
Talk about the weather during winter.
‘Winter in Bangladesh’
Bangladesh is a shining example of verities of seasons. Each season appears itself with its
own characteristics and beauties. The winter is one of the six seasons of Bangladesh.
Generally, it begins in November and lasts until the middle of February. During winter, a cold
wind blows from the north. It is a season of mists. It begins to fall at night and disappear
when sun rises in the morning. Days gradually become shorter and nights become longer. The
sun rises late. During this season, the atmosphere remains dry and hazy. The morning often
remains foggy and sometimes nothing can be seen even at a little distance. In winter we get
juice from the date. Many kinds of ‘pitha’ are made in this season. Vegetables and fruits like
cabbages, cauliflowers, peas and oranges grow in plenty. It is the most convenient time for
holding picnics, festivals, social functions and various kinds of outdoor games and sports. We
love winter. This is because the people of our country live in a warm climate. It is brief and
comes after a long wait; we welcome it and feel sad when it leaves us.
Task 1- Part 2:
Explain students the definition of ‘verb’, with examples. Verbs are action words.
They are driving forces of any sentence.
For example: eating, playing.
For some classes you may need to simplify and bring in more examples.
Have students underline the verbs in the paragraphs. Allow them to work in
Then ask students to make a sentence with some of the verbs they found.
Ask random students to read out one sentence aloud.
Task 2:
Sentence race
Part 1: Prepare a list of vocabulary words from the
Vocabularies: verities, dry, hazy, foggy, plenty,
climate, beauty, various.
Part 2: Discuss the meaning of these words.
Part 3: Tell students that they will play a game now.
Part 4 : Game
Step 1: Write each word on two small pieces of
paper. That means writing the word twice, once on
each paper.
Step 2: Organise the pieces like bundles, bundles,
and sets of identical words.
Step 3: Divide the class into two teams. Get them to
make creative team names.
Step 4: Distribute each list of words to both teams.
Every student on each team should have a paper.
Both teams have the same words.
Step 5: when you call a word, 2 students should
stand up, one from each team. The students must
then run to blackboard and race to write a sentence
using their word.
Step 6: The student who can finish writing a
CORRECT sentence first will win one point for their
Step 7: The team with the highest point will win.
Task 3:
My Winter Scrapbook
Have students work in groups and ask them to discuss about their best winter
Ask them to list five things that they did on that vacation.
Then choose some students and ask them to read out the things they wrote.
Have each group make a scrap book on winter. Make sure they use colours and
pictures to describe winter and explain five things they like to do in winter.
The scrap book may have 3-4 pages and is a good group homework
Task 4:
Task 5:
Write down the sentences on board and ask the students to copy and complete them on their
copies (this can be assigned as homework as well):
How many words can you make out of Winter in Bangladesh?
In winter:
People wear _________________ on their heads.
A cold _________________ blows from the north.
Nature looks _________________ and gloomy.
The sun gives mild _________________.
_________________ collect honey from the Mustard
6. People collect juice from date palm tree which is